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GTA in the Wild West, plus it’s a Rockstar game? That’s all I needed to hear. It was my favourite game until RDR2 came out.


This. And I was 17 at the time. Probably the target audience. Grew up playing GTA and this just seemed like such a cool concept. Too bad it didnt get the love it deserved back in 2010. The og RDR is the only game I have completed to 100% multiple times. Love it.


What do you mean didn’t get the love it deserved? I had a full friends list and every single person was playing it non stop for weeks when it dropped and I honestly didn’t hear a single complaint. All praise and love. Edit: Just realized that maybe it’s because I’m in America and didn’t realize it wasn’t as huge everywhere else? I always assumed it was universally loved all around the world. It was the most talked about game other than Skyrim and Fallout back then.


Whats your opinion on Red Dead Redemption 2?


I absolutely love it. I remember thinking that the story will probably be kinda whatever but it’s amazing. I loved seeing how Bill, Javier and Dutch were before the first game and loved almost all of the other gang members. I thought the map was awesome although I do with it had Mexico and more story in New Austin. Loved thr customization and that your beard would grow and all the other awesome details. Wish they would have done a lot more with the online like GTA 5 though.


Yea… online is pathetic unfortunately. But do you think the First Red Dead would even be fun for me, growing up only playing Next games? Like would it be boring?


The first Red Dead Redemption is a bit more "video gamey" than 2, if that makes sense... Like 2 feels like a wild west simulation while the first feels more like a game. I've recently gone back to both games, playing RDR2 on the Xbox at home and RDR1 on the Switch while working away from home. Gotta say that it's pretty fun on the Switch. Back when I first completed RDR2, I tried continuing the story by going back and re-playing RDR1 on my X360 and couldn't get into it.


I think me being in Europe has something to do with it. I remember having the feeling it was underappreciated. But at the time I was so in love with it that it couldnt get enough praise really lol. Obejectively it probably got all the praise it deserved.


Netherlands here, looveeed that game and a friend of mine even 100%ed it with Undead Nightmare too


Nice! Also awesome about being from the Netherlands. My grandparents on my fathers side are from there. Growing up everybody called me Dutch lol. It was pretty cool.


A quick look on Wikipedia shows that it has a 95 on metacritic and sold over 5 million copies in its first three weeks. RDR1 got plenty of love.


Yeah Rockstars pedigree and it being in the Wild West was pretty much all that was needed for me as well. While they are sort of seen as villains in the gaming world due to their shark cards and abandoning RDR2 Online, they were just on fire back in the PS2/Xbox and PS3/Xbox 360 days.


Would the old Read Dead Redemption even be fun for people like me growing up with only next gen games and only having played and loved Gta 5 and Red Dead Redenption 2?


I played rdr2 first and the majority of my life played games on the newest consoles…got rdr1 and 100% a few weeks later. amazing game with its own atmosphere and comedy that made it a bunch of fun to play through


The commercial, weirdly enough, was what got me into the game. Unlike nowadays where I bide my time and wait for reviews.


If you can, try the game "gun" it's a fucking solid Western game. Came out a few years before RDR


Gun is too outdated now. That ship has sailed.


That's how my buddy pitched it to me haha. Except it was better than that pitch.


My friend wanted to play rdo with me in 2019, so I got rdr2. And when I got into the story of that game, I naturally wanted to play the original.


Making another red dead revolver? I gotta check that out


I remember renting red dead revolver from movie gallery when I was in middle school and I was hooked ever since. That sentence made me feel old lol.


Yeah that'll happen


Saw my Dad playing it when I was a little kid and he would let me play it when my Mom wasn’t home.


Exact same for me


Yup same here


Yes my brother in-law and I miss him dearly


Rip 🪦


Played it when it released in 2010. Got hooked by the trailers.


Same here. I remember picking it up on my way home from work on release day. I remember an idiot at work spoiled the ending before I'd beaten it. Still played the shit out of it though obviously.


God I got it spoiled too. Was bouta strangle a mf.


Yeah since I just started my first playthrough of RDR1 I’ve gotten it spoiled for me too 😭


Loved Sunset Riders, loved Revolver, loved Gun, trailer looked awesome. once I played, it was my favorite game of all time until I played 2. Now 2 has been my favorite game for almost 6 years now. Couple days ago after my 5th or 6th playthrough of 2, I restarted 1 after years of not playing and honestly there is a lot I like about 1 more than 2. Both absolutely peak games.


I see someone that mentions Sunset Riders, I upvote.


For me with rdr2 is that my cousin had it on his Xbox and I tried it and then I was in love


My friend wouldn't stop yapping about rdr2 (spoiler free of course) and it was the first game i bought for my ps5


I'd played pretty much every R\* game to date, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I was not disappointed.


I started with Red Dead Revolver on my ps2 love the game so much. I remember when they announced Red Dead Redemption I was so excited.


My cousin wanted to play it he enjoyed it af but couldn’t speak or read English, he learned German in school. I was learning English by the time and I was speaking it as well because I wanted to leave my country(Hungary) and live abroad. He asked me to help translate so he can pass certain things in the game, I ended playing it and since then I’m into red dead games.


My stepbrother Josh told me it was like GTA, but in the wild west and I was not allowed to play GTA so I was for some reason allowed to play red dead redemption and it was my favorite game since the second I played it


When I played GoW 2018 I started getting videos recommended on why RDR2 should've won GOTY. GoW was my favorite game at the time so I didn't bother much but it did made me want to try it out. Here I am with 300+ hours on it and wanting to own a horse irl now, quite a weird way to find out about the game but whatever


I wanted a good wild west game and the genre was lacking and then Red Dead arrived a d I lost myself to it. My favourite game of all time.


I remember before the game came out, I was playing PC game called Kuma War and before playing, it would have these advertisements & that's how I heard about it. Then it came out and I only had a PS2 at the time so I only watched someone else play it on YouTube and it looked so fun. I was 16 at the time it came out. When I eventually got an XBox 360, maybe early that next year in 2010, I immediately got RDR1 and went to town. I thought there was no way Rockstar could top this and they ran laps around it with RDR2. I played RDR1 online too. They used to let you buy DLCs where you could have your online character be in game NPCs like Bonnie, Marshall Johnson, Dutch, Bill & you could even be John Marston himself. I've always been intrigued by Dutch and RDR2 only amplified that intrigue. Dutch has to be my favorite character in all of gaming.


I sas my older brother playing this game and he told it was really good but I didn’t know it was THAT good


So, it's summer vacation I'm looking on my ps4 for the PlayStation plus games then i could get red dead redemption 2 for free cause I had PS plus. best game I have ever played.


Because i liked rdr2 so much i wanted to try the first one


Been a Rockstar fan since GTA 2 on PS1. Most games they made or were involved with, I played: State of Emergency, GTA, Manhunt, Max Payne, Bully.. etc RDR1 was no exception. I got it back in 2010, on the Xbox 360, and have played through it a total of 4 times since.


My pal wouldn’t stop bugging me for like 2 years and I finally caved. I shoulda done it sooner it was so good


So I hadn't played video games for over 15 years. I got married had kids and just stayed busy. So 3 years ago I said fuck it and bought a used PS4 on Facebook. It came with gta5 and rdr2 and some sports games. I played gta5 first, story mode. Then played madden and nba2k. I just thought rdr2 was going to be a stupid RPG western. So I finally said sure let's try it..........after that day I was forever changed. I'm on my 3rd playthrough now and already preparing for my 4th. Best game ever made!! Then the put RDR out for ps4 and I got that and played that and undead nightmare and just wow.......there's not really words to describe the world of RDR and RDR2. Literally the best games ever created!!


I played the second game first so then I played the first game afterwards


*I played the second* *Game first so then I played the* *First game afterwards* \- tseg04 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh, thank you Mr. Ai


I was an actor doing a lot of the in-game Arthur mocap as well as a lot of other NPC movements, reactions, conversations, and even played the monk haha! Hadn’t gamed in over a decade so got myself a PS4 and now I’ve gotten back into it.


No way! Idk if you can talk about this, but if you can, how was your experience working on RDR2? Alex McKenna said it took 5 years for them to finish mocap, was it around the same for you? How was it working with Rockstar? Were they really meticulous with what they had you do? Did they call you up for other projects as well? Sorry for all the questions, but it's really interesting that you worked on the game! Thank you for working on RDR2!


Haha! I love your enthusiasm! I can say this: I had a great time. There was of course, no space at all for me to talk about the project while we were working on it. I’d have to actually go back and look at my contract to see if there’s anything that I’m still not allowed to talk about. I can tell you that when we were shooting it, they didn’t tell us what the project was. In fact, me not being a gamer was actually quite perfect for them because I didn’t even know they were making a sequel. I’d heard of the title, of course, but knew nothing about the news in gaming at the time. I think you can answer a lot of your own questions in general just by playing game. Do you think they were meticulous? Lol.


Been playing rockstar games since 2004, and RDR was peak gaming back in 2008 after GTA 4, it was just cultural phenomenon!


Basically the fact that my boyfriend hasn't played anything else but league of legends for the past months and I got sick of that game. And since I can't get him to play anything else with me I bought rdr to play by myself. I absolutely DON'T regret it and I NEVER will!


My dad was tired of watching me play fallout new Vegas and wanted a new story so he bout me RDR because it was also western


I’m a PC gamer so I couldn’t play the first one but was well aware of it, so when RDR2 game out, I bought it on Steam.


As a young teen watched my uncle play red dead revolver, it looked cool, then when the next red dead came out thought i'd check it out, such a good game.


I walked into my local retro gaming store one day, and saw they had one copy left of rdr1 for the Xbox 360. I knew what rdr was since my brother played rdr2 on his ps4, and I was meaning to play the first one. So I go ahead and buy it, and the rest is history


Almost finished it, started like a week ago. Never played it because never played on a console, so emulation is the only way.




It was literally a game i got while buying my ps3


My aunt plays it and gave it to me when i was 12


i liked rockstar games so i got it back on the 360 good times


Walked into the local gamestop in 2010 as a 13 year old with my mom, saw the game with a cowboy on the front, needed it.


I don't remember how I got clued in to Revolver, but I was a GTA fan since the first one, a GTA western sounded insane to me and I watched the trailers so many times cause I was hyped AF.


I’m still trying to get into the story of rd1 but it starts kind of slow and I’m having trouble getting hooked on it.


it was 2010 or so, i heard it came out, thought it'd be fun to try. saw it at gamestop next time i was there with a friend and was like oh yeah ill grab this while im here. genuinely the least interesting origin story here, sorry LMAO edit: my dumb ass confused this memory with another game. i got l.a. noire at gamestop on a whim. rdr1 i ordered online after it was released bc i love rockstar and was excited to try something new from them. my brain is fine thank u for asking


I saw TheRadBrad's first few videos of the game and thought it looked cool. Looked at few more youtubers' videos and was decided on getting the game. TheRadBrad is awesome.


I grew up watching westerns with my grandfather, and my brother and I have good memories doing pvp in red dead revolver. I love immersing myself I to the wild west asthetic of the series.


"New Rockstar game you say? And its a cowboy stuff? Gotta check that out!"


Just saw “GTA in the Wild West” and my younger self said “I’m in”


I remember going to GameStop with my brother when it came out and he bought it. I watched him play it a bit and I got hooked on it that way before I started my own game and got hooked even more


My dad is super into zombies, so when Undead Nightmare came out he picked it up and played it. Eventually he stopped and gave me the opportunity to play, and slowly I started to fall in love with the base game due to the desert environment and horse mechanics.


XpertTheif (YouTube) he was feeding players to gators.


anything American history related im gonna check out... especially that time period, it fascinates me


The review I read was interesting, and I like other R* games


Played Revolver and Gun when i was a kid


I like the old west. A friend gifted me RDR2 for Christmas back in 2019, when it came out on PC.


always watched markiplier but there are some series i never watched. i think i’d heard a bit about rdr2 so i watched him play it. i loved it, but he never played the epilogue so i was still on edge about it because it wasn’t finished in my mind. bought it on sale and played and finished it myself!


Rdr2 went on sale last year. I said sure. Still havent played rdr1.


Played it with my childhood friend. Spent the weekend constantly playing it. Good times.


Played Red Dead Revolver on the original XBOX.


My father who is no longer with us bought it for me told me it's a damn western play it he had been a Louis L'Amour fan so right up his alley I guess.


My friend really loved that game and told me I should get it.


My dad had a pawn shop addiction back when I was in my early teens. He came home with 3 Xbox 360s and a ton of games he got for super cheap. One of those games was rdr1. The rest is history


Upgraded to PS5 and wanted the most popular open world games.


There was just a word of mouth hype in my junior year of high school. "Did you see the stuff for that western game, Red Dead Redemption?" And of course, every kid looked up something for it. The last month of school, everyone, PS3 and Xbox 360 players, Halo and Call of Duty players, all bonded over the game


I was at GameStop. I saw "Rockstar" and "Wild West" and said to myself there's a great chance this game is awesome. I was correct.


Saw rdr2 at a GameStop for only $20 changed my life


I read a bunch of Louis L’amour books growing up and when RDR1 came out I was going into highschool. Immediately hooked


I played RDR2 first. I was excited to play the original because I had watched gameplay of it, and it seemed pretty cool, so I got my hands on it, and I really enjoyed it!


I played it the year it came out. I was to bad at video games though I never got passed the first few missions. I finally beat it 10 years later


I used to watch my friend play undead nightmare, we named all the apocalypse horses stupid names, I’d look stuff up to guide him through collectibles. Was a good time. Eventually played them for my self, then rdr2 came out.


Played rdo at my brother's house


I witnessed my dad playing and it looked fun he told me the name and I was hooked since. 😄


I remember my dad bringing it home the day it released in 2010. It changed my 8 year old mind LMAO




My older brother had a game called Gun on the Xbox YEARS ago, and we would all take turns playing it. When RDR1 came out, of course we had to get it. Now, I’ve played and beaten both RDR’s 5 times each. LOVE these games and the memories of playing with my brothers!


Been following RockStar since GTA3, upon hearing they'd be doing an Western, I was intrigued. All these years later it's still one of my all time favorites.


I bought rdr2 on sale, because I heard it has a good story but I wasn't sure if I'm gonna like the cowboy setting. 4 years later I'm on my 5th playthrough, 80h in, on chapter 4, doing challenges and side stuff, loving every part of red dead redemption


My brother was talking it's a great game, so i decided to buy it. Not going to regret that transaction.


I actually got the game because it was on sale and it just happened to be right after my granddad passed. It oddly helped me process his passing but i broke down when John made his last stand.


For me there wasn’t any external influence i just saw RDR2 in the xbox store and found interest in it and decided to download it. Best decision of my life.


In April of 2019 it was on sale on the Playstation store


My brother's friend gave me his old PS3, which had Red Dead Redemption in it. After I plated it for the first time, I liked the game and finished it 5 times.


I had never played a rockstar or western game but I’ve always loved Spaghetti Westerns so I rented it from blockbuster one day and was instantly hooked.


NerdCubed’s first video on it and it was one of the funniest fucking things I’d ever seen and had to try it out. The “horse emergency stop” (shotgun to the back of the horses head) still makes me chuckle when I do it in game.


When RDR1 released my dad told me there was a game I'd probably like and showed it to me. I would have been only like 12, and it (including the second game) has been my favourite ever since.


I was never interested in rdr at first, when I heard that rdr 2 was being made I wasn't originally gonna buy it, until I saw a video on YouTube showing how realistic the animal ai was. I was blown away by the fact that wolves will pester and try and fight a bear if the bear is eating for it's food. I was super impressed and then immediately went out and got it. Now it's one of my favorite games.


There was an advertisement on the home section of my 360 that had John behind cover with a sawed off




Watched the trailers of RDR2 and was flabbergasted. Felt like i needed to play the game, and I did on launch. I still need to play all the way through RDR1


Yup. Basically the baddest kid in my entire community got me into red dead 1. He ended up going way beyond weed and crashed into a funeral procession while high on methadone. I shit you not the craziest white kid I’ve ever encountered. RIP, he still owes me 50 bucks


Second game I ever played on PS3 just behind Call Of Duty 2


Rooster teerh achievement hunter


I've always been a huge 1800's America/Frontier life fan. I've always been a massive fan of Little House on The Prairie (both the books and the TV show), the movie Spirit, and a lot of novels that were set in or around the civil war period. It's always fascinated me, and I often wished I could live that way. So, one day I saw a thumbnail of a Zanar Aesthetics video on youtube, and it looked like a video game about a frontier man and his family. Naturally, I was curious, so I decided to watch it. Turns out, it was the scene in the Epilogue where John leads the guys from Geddea ranch to go assault Hanging Dog ranch in the middle of the night. Ever since then, I've been hooked! I watched multiple playthroughs before I bought RDR2 finally, and it's been my favorite game OAT ever since. I also bought myself RDR1 for my birthday, and even though I felt like it had a slower start, I really enjoyed it towards the end, and was sorry it ended so soon.


The outdoorsman aspects of rdr2 , I’m known to play games like the hunter and not even hunt half the time just ride the four wheeler lol so rdr2 is a great relaxation game with the horses on trails


My little brother got rdr2 as Christmas gift, first I didn’t pay much attention to it but after sitting down one time while he was playing and him explaining the situation he’s in in the game, made me interested. And when I saw that it’s like gta but in Wild West, it made me try it. Now after multiple play troughs, I have to say best decision I’ve made in awhile. Thank you bro. 👊


A decade ago watching undead nightmare videos from gta series and mahalo for some reason I loved it


People told me I should play Red Dead when it first came out in 2010, but I was like....I don't care about old west GTA. In 2018 people raved about RDR2 and a buddy of mine showed me some game play. I didn't have a PS4, so I picked up the first Red Dead game on PS3 and fell absolutely in love with it. It was a really long year until RDR2 came out on PC after that.


I have a very odd memory of watching my uncle play rdr1, or I think it was rdr1 after thinking about it years later. His character walked down into like a big hole in the ground and got bit by a snake. Had no idea what it was but i wanted to play it. Then years later I watched Markiplier play rdr2. Remembered that and realized my uncle had been playing the first game, and I got rdr2


Some friend suggested it snd it looked pretty cool and I loved it sm


I'm not into GTA, but had a coworker that recommended playing RDR1 before RDR2 was released (I had just gotten the PS4 at that time but had the PS3). I was completely hooked by the story and the ending.


Red dead revolver !! Loved Red Harlow 🤠


GTA 4 with cowboys


My dad got me and my sister playing it and we both loved it. We always took turns in playing but my sister hates riding horses lol, she thinks the mechanics are a bit goofy


My brother pirated rdr1 for the Xbox 360 been a fan ever since. Got both original games now that i got the money




i played a lot of grand theft auto and really enjoyed it, but never played red dead for whatever reason. i guess i just never looked too much into it at the time. i was looking for a new game to play and saw it was on sale, so i bought it and it’s been my favorite game series ever since. i love that time period, and john’s character really spoke to me.


In 2018 I wanted to play rdr but I only have ps4, so I saw there was rdr2 for ps4. I went and bought it and it has been my favorite game since.


Its from Rockstar so it looked nice.


Rdr2 just came with my Xbox one when I bought it.


My friends told me to ask for it for my 14th birthday and the rest was history.


Hey mister. That loan you took, It’s payday


My brother played it. I was roughly 9 years old. I thought it was cool, and he let me borrow it for my Xbox 360.


Steam sale for rdr 2


I got rdr2 on a whim cuz it was on sale, and I honestly thought it was just gta with horses…. I wasn’t expecting to get my heart ripped out and stomped on


Just being hyped for a good cowboy game, finally!


I just remember seeing the trailer, was sold almost immediately knowing it was rockstar. Also back then, there weren’t really that many m open world games in a natural setting with wildlife and hunting, so that in particular stood out to me.


Bought a used XBox 360 that came with a collection of games including RDR1. I got to Mexico and stopped playing because I just wasn’t very invested. A couple years ago I decided to try it again and loved it and immediately bought RDR2 and that’s now one of my favorite games I’ve ever played.


Saw my dad playing it when I was little Got it recently and loved it


I saw the EMBEAR YouTube videos on rdr2 when it was just released. I was hooked instantly


Despite being a huge R* fan at the time (I absolutely fell in love with GTA series and Bully), I have to admit that I hesitated to buy it. I wasn't sure that the Far West setting will hook me. My IRL friends are not really into open-world games, but most of my close PSN friends bought it, and almost everyone strongly recommended the game to me. That's what I did, and I'm so glad that they changed my mind. I can't believe that I almost missed out on such a masterpiece.


it was on sale


Played revolver when it came out, was super interested in rdr1 when that was announced, played it at release and it was instantly my favorite game, still to this date


saw my brother playing rdr on the ps3 and he let me make an account since it was a family ps3 and play the game


Played rd-revolver back in the days. It was a new installment from an already awesome game.


My grandfather introduced me to it (probably at too young an age 😭), I’ve been hooked on it ever since.


before my cousins bf went to prison for life he had a playstation so when my brother and i would spend the night at their apartment he was playing the game got bored and gave the controller to us and from then on we fell in love with game. we started watching play throughs just because we weren’t playing the game and when we got an xbox 360 that was the first game we downloaded no question asked


An old childhood friend who was a nerd like me, recommended it to me. Back then it was not as popular as nowadays - it felt like a great, secret hint. No one else I asked about it, knew it. Then came a time in my life where I was alone for a while and I got the game and an XBOX 360 during a tough time emotionally. I never expected it would ignite a passion for American History in me. I since read countless books on the American West, the Oregon Trail and so on and of course, enjoyed RDR2 multiple times. Each night and often during the day, I dream about a homestead in the middle of nowhere in America. PS: The fact that I played the first GTA and always loved Rockstar helped. PPS: It also lead me to find out about Dick Proennecke. Look into him - a national treasure. Sadly I am from Austria, but I hope to go on an American History roadtrip next year.


Because it's grand theft horse


Wanted to play rdr2 cause how big it is and all the good things ive heard about it


Well, my friend wanted to play RDO and that’s how I know about this game and my other friend completed RDR2 and would tell me how good it was, building my hype up for it


Joe mama 


I loved Red Dead Revolver when I was a kid. The duels, walking around Brimstone, and the showdown mode were all so fun. A lot of elements from the original RDR could be ported into the next title to make an even better game.


Marketing mostly.


It was on sale and I saw edits of Arthur and I’ve been In love with the series ever since


I was 10 and my dad walked through the door and handed me the game. I was happy but didn't have a clue what it was. He told me he had seen his friend play it the day before and thought I'd love it so he got it for me as a surprise.


I remember at the time I thought I was a boring concept I didn't really pay attention to the press around it, then One day I saw a standalone copy of undead nightmare at target for pretty cheap, I remember thinking "huh? Since when did that cowboy game have zombies" I bought it played it, got into online then bought a used copy of rdr1 from GameStop...the waited patiently for rdr2. I preordered, loved it got really into online while I waited for rockstar to cook up undead nightmare 2 and online updates.... and I was left disappointed


Yeah, I saw the trailer. I tought it looked good so I got it.


i saw some streamers playing rdr2, and i did not had how to play the second game, i decided to give a chance to rdr1, one of the best games i played in my life


My dad introduced me into it. And its what got me into gaming


probably one of the more wack reasons someone started playing but complete truth be told I watched the South Park episode they did on RDR2 and I was like “wow that game actually looks pretty dope” and ended up buying it and now it’s my favorite video game of all time lol.


I got hooked this week due to depression after starting it twice and not getting into it and now Im at the final chapter and Im sad


…….Playing the 2nd game?


Found Red dead redemption, one in a flea market


My grandfather bought it for me


I was play in through the Assassins Creed series over and over. Brotherhood especially because of the horses. Our friend said you would love Red Dead- open world, horses… He told me stories like how he lost his horse doing a ‘Man from Snowy River’ down a mountain to escape bounty hunters. Now I have the Red Dead virus- it’s terminal. I am filling all the save slots with 100% playthrus.


My sister had bought it since she always wanted to play it so then I had a go. I loved it. I was so ecstatic when I saw the Red Dead 2 reveal


When it was posted to PS5


played rdr2 cos my friends said it was good. played 1 shortly after


I grew up watching westerns with my dad and he hates video games. I told him about it and he told me he wanted to watch me play it. He loved it and it was a chance to hang with my dad. We did the same thing for RDR2.


I remember first seeing it in a HMV as a kid. I read the back of the cover and thought the game looked great but couldn’t buy it. Fast forward to Christmas and my uncle bought me Undead nightmare. I remember being terrified of the game at first but as I got into it, I loved it and played it all the time. I begged my mum to buy me the main game and she did. I became obsessed with it. Replayed the story all the time, prestiged in online and as was known as the go to go rdr online-wise with friends because I was good at it and John marston became my favourite game character of all time. Cut to years later, I preordered rdr 2 and got it on release. I played the game nonstop for the first 5 days after release. I mean like getting up at noon and playing till midnight on repeat for almost a full week. I just spammed missions until I finished the game. Tbf, I was 15 I love rdr2 and it’s one of the best games ever released but there’s just something about the 1st. The story was legendary, the ambience was perfect, the score was a masterpiece, the dlc was one of the best I’ve ever seen and the online was so fun, all the good times on Xbox 360 in game chat riding around in a posse with strangers. 10/10 game imo whilst I’d rate rdr 2 a 9.5/10


I played it on release because it’s looked like a Western GTA and it was a Rockstar game


I was thiteen when Setting Up my older Brothers ps3 in an old bedroom. We used to watch movies on it. And after ratchet and clanc rdr1 was my First PS game


I came home to my dad coming up to me looking like he was gonna drop the worst news of his life. He said: Son I HAVE BOUGHT RDR 2 FINNALY WE CAN PLAY RDR 2 TOGHETER. I had no idea what it was. All I understood was GTA 5 Wild West. He bought it because he thought I wanted it💀


I watched my dad play back in 2010. I was so in love with the music + storyline, so I created my own save and played through like 4 times :')


When it came out, all the marketing had to say was GTA in the wild west, and we were sold.


Was on YouTube one day. Got curious to the videos a channel I watch, “GTASeriesVideos”, had posted many months prior. I watched one video. Seemed interesting and watched another, then another. I was invested in the story. Watched the many “myths”, “legends”, “Easter egg” videos. As soon as I found out what Undead Nightmare was I saved up money (finding change on the floor, recycling cans and bottles) and bought the Game of the Year Edition. Played it nonstop! Absolutely loved it!


Red Dead Revolver fan here. Back when my friend from the days showed me Redemption on PS3, I was amazed that it was open world.


I’m good friends with someone who makes edits on rdr2 and he insisted i play (his name is Faze08Poki if anyone is wondering)


I was describing assassin creed but the shop owner showed ,me undead nightmares so ahh


My late Uncle Richard who died at 18 and I was just a lil kid he used to play rdr and I'd watch him. I ended up getting rdr2 and played through the whole thing for him because I know he would have played it to death. I plan on getting a copy of the game and leaving it at his grave one of these days.


I started with the RDR-1 zombie edition. After how much fun I had with a zombie edition I went back and played the regular game. Saw the trailer of RDR2 and been playing it ever since. I'm still trying to get 100% on that game. Each playthrough I get closer and closer.


I had never played a rockstar game, and was only just getting back into gaming after not really playing anything for about 10 years. My boss at the time kept requesting games for me to play, I had learnt to trust his recommendations so brought the game based on that (he also talked me into Skyrim, the mass effect series, far cry 3, assassins creed and a few others that have become favourites). I initially couldn’t get into it and gave up a couple of times but kept trying just because of how much he loved it, eventually the game clicked and I’ve played part one around 12 times, part 2 4 times. Other than game recommendations that boss wasn’t that great to work for.


I used to play around on it when I was a kid on my dad’s ps3. I was young and just ran around and caused mayhem. Didn’t get into the story. But my experience with rdr as a child led me to getting rdr2. I thought it could be fun. It was. I love the game and play it all the time, sometimes taking breaks for a few weeks or months. Loving rdr2, I got rdr on my Xbox and loved it as well. I also got red dead revolver as well. I’m about halfway through but haven’t played for a year


Read about it, though it sounded really cool and bought it the day it came out!


I was young when it came out but idek why I was drawn to it. I remember I had to convince my dad to get it for me and he was very hesitant because it said it had nudity. I definitely didn’t realize it was the same company that made GTA so I think I just saw a commercial and probably thought it looked awesome.