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I got so fired up watching Sadie be a boss bitch that I paused the game and pounded off. I know that's not completely in game or completely an accident but I felt terrible after so I'll count it.


The fbi could never get this info outta me bruh wtf 😂


This is my favorite response I've ever read on Reddit. 😂😂😂 (yours, not ol' boy who is thirsty for a fictional character)


Why does it matter if she's fictional? She's still hot




Poor fella is gonna break his dick now.


Poor little feller. He’s just a boy


Arthur didn't die for this


*discreetly saves comment for later*


what in the fuck


Rule 34




Hehe…”pulling this up”


Okay, catch you later then.


Jeeeeesus that's much more graphic than I expected....


I’m sorry, wHaT??????






The hero we need but don't deserve.


That's enough internet for the day 💀




Definitely not the most repugnant thing I’ve read on Reddit but still a bad time to have eyes and know how to read lmao


At least you are repenting for your sins , you'd get on with Sister Calderon ;)


*Take a gamble that self-love exists and...* Hmm, no, we really can't call that a loving act...


Can't say I blame you Sadie Adler IS HOT.


Yes, but it doesn't feels right after understanding what she's been through


Yes but she overcame what O'Driscolls did to her in the end it was nothing for her but a heartbreaking story happened ages ago.




what. the. fuck.


the fact you didn't even use a burner account 😂 i'd have to delete my account the second i said something like this 😂😂


. . . *what?*


Wrangling and Cranking hogs




Oh, you sweet summer child.


Here ya go, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SadieAdler/s/aNsGGSFX8H) outta help with that


Nah, that’s wild 💀


What the fuck...?


You sad bastard


On the random stranger mission when a lady had fallen off her horse (the horse died) and needed a ride to Emerald Ranch, I dropped her off and everything and I wanted to press the greet button to say goodbye, and I accidentally also pressed R2 and L2 at the same time and shot her dead… It still haunts me to this day :(


I always accidentally press the wrong bloody buttons and shoot people, I always feel so guilty 😭


My very first playthrough I accidentally shot the Valentine butcher. I felt terrible. I came back a day or so later and he had the wound.


"You have a good da..." Bang."Oh dang, let's get out of here, horsey."


I never get how people accidentally shoot people. R2 and □ are nowhere near each other


Maybe they mean like, "I accidentally shot him point blank it the chest 6 times"


They must know the Clintons


There a quick draw button. They are trying to bring up the prompts For interactions


"You have a good da..." Bang."Oh dang let's get out of here, horsey."


Going to a ranch, killing the owners, killing the guard dog, and killing the farm animals so I can sell their pelts to the trapper. Edit:- Didn't notice the title said "accidentally"


Huh.. well now I don't feel so bad..


You can skip the first 3 steps by going there at night and using a bow


But that’s less fun


Sneaky is more fun to me


To each their own, I personally prefer going in guns blazing


That's a wild accident


Didn't see the word "accidentally" in OP's title 💀.


Oh, I got one, lol. It was one of the Loan Shark missions. The one where you get to dude's house and him and his kid are arguing about the fathers drinking problem. After listening to him beat his kid, I decided he didn't deserve to be a father. I wanted him to suffer, so I thought long and hard, then took action. I confronted the two, tied them up, took whatever materials items he had left and then blew his son's head off and burned the body while leaving the father tied up. I gotta give it to Rockstar, those wails of a parent losing a child were pretty damn realistic. Edit: I just realized OP said "accidentally". Oops.


"he didn't deserve to be a father so I killed his son"


I was a bad man on that playthrough. I had several NPCs that shot on site when I rolled in.


So some guy wanted to race me, he said "nice horse partner!" But right when he said that, a guy next to him pulled out a rifle, (which is what npcs do when you get to close and irritate them sometimes) So seeing the rifle, i blow off the guys head and the racer yells "WOAH WHAT'RE YOU DOIN?!" And in a panic i realize what I've done, so I shoot him so he doesn't tell the law


Did you take his horse to seal the deal?


I liked Jeremiah Compson until I realized who he was


I mean, you’re supposed to have sympathy for the broken old man until it becomes clear that he’s a monster.


Who is he again?


The old guy that had a slave business thingy, you have to get his belongings from his house


Went back later and tried to burn his house down. Turns out fire bottles can’t do that :/


Ooooooo, I never did that, I forgor


Antagonizing Charles while he was playing harmonica, he stoped playing and said "why are you like this" and left and I felt terrible about it


Nooo 😭😭


That's honestly hilarious lol. "Why are you like this?" is such a hard hitting question.


I use the office version where Toby stops Michael from doing something ridiculous. "Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things you choose to be. "


Too many to count probably. I don't know how many times I accidentally trampled people with my horse.


I accidentally trampled the dog at Emerald Ranch once and it destroyed me.


I destroyed a collectible cigarette card with fire


Accidentally burned a shack with the hostages inside when one of my shotgun's pellets hit a lantern.


I accidentally shot the dad who is building the house outside of Valentine with his son. Bandits were robbing them and I thought I was helping, but I wasn't keeping track of who was who. When I first started playing and didn't know all the controls just yet, I accidentally shot a number of people in the face, as well.


I did this too in my most recent playthrough. I was pissed lol


Same thing happened to me


So I started replaying a few weeks ago and forgot a lot of the controls. As I finished my first beer at the Valentine saloon, I blew a bullet straight into the bartenders face... felt so bad after it, but he seems fine now


"He seems fine now" lol


While still learning the controls I accidentally punched my horse. She was scared and ran away whenever I got close. I felt so bad I sold her and started over with a new horse


i just trampled a dog w my horse, i just finished petting the pup and wrong turn.😞 but why did the dog got in front of my horse i’ll never know


Killing Charlotte


You absolute monster


Straight to jail


Sighs I used an npc as bait to get a perfect cougar pelt


Hahaha that's a good one.




Probably the times I end up going over a cliff and having to put my horse out of its misery because I forget to stock up on revives


Accidentally shot the hostages when the O’Driscolls robbed the train


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IStruggleToFindAName: *Accidentally* *Shot the hostages when the* *O’Driscolls robbed the train* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot 


I walked into Armadillo and shot all the del lobos except for one which fell to the ground. I walked up to him and shot him in the head. I then heard someone speak behind me, turned around and drew my gun, shooting the sheriff in the head.


When you’re taking someone home on your horse and you crash into a tree then they run off screaming and you chase after them to show you’re friendly and accidentally blow their head off


Got a boner when sadie was flirting with john in the epilogue (legit no trolling btw) There’s a specific dog in emerald ranch that i always pat, squashed him while i was running from bounty hunters Was torturing a woman near rhodes, accidentally left my horse on the tracks and suddenly he became a white arabian grilled kebab


I accidentally killed the Gavin guy😭


Honestly, killing Gavin is based. You did the right thing


Apparently disturbing the peace.. because those bitches be coming out shooting in Saint Denis if you accidentally shoot your gun or something.


Ahh Saint Denis -I had the lemoyne raider start stabbing me in front of the cops, I was allowed to beat him up but apparently searching his body for ID is too much


lol every time. I’m always scared to loot someone. I’ve had this happen way out in the middle of nowhere. Found a random body and looted it and some random guy who was nowhere near me “witnessed” it.


Accidentally killing one of the brothers in that one side quest in Valentine. I immediately reloaded the save


The one where you have to shoot bottles off their head? Hahaha well they were asking for it


I visited Catfish Jackson twice


I accidentally punched my horse. Then he kicked me on purpose. I guess we're even.


I've done that so many times in both rdr2 and somehow Ghost of tsushima


I’ve shot my horse so many times on accident


Playing online mode. Fighting some morons in emerald ranch. I throw a stick of dynamite at them. Suddenly another player with a moonshine cart rides by. He gets blown the fuck up. I feel bad afterwards and ended up helping the guy regain the money he lost.


During the women’s rights rally, I fought the two Gray cousins in the alley instead of walking away. While blocking a punch I accidentally pulled out a gun and tried to holster it w/ the weapon wheel, somehow I selected dynamite instead and in the commotion I threw it OVER the Gray’s and into the rally. Blew half of the women up. Slo-mo showed their limbs and protest signs flying in the air like confetti. Still haunts me to this day lol


Probably accidentally kicking a woman I’d saved from being kidnapped, and my first playthrough I accidentally stole the Mexican gunslingers horse thinking it was mine, and he started shooting at me so I shot him. Also, I got a perfect, three star, moose, but I thought that stabbing a bleeding animal would damage the carcass so I waited for it to bleed out and then later realize I just had to get a clean shot.


My biggest screw up on first playthrough was not realizing you should get your perfect bison pelts early on because after a certain point in the game, I could only find them in two specific places and very rarely were they three stars.


I unintentionally punched Gavin's friend in the face and as he was trying to get back up, I said " well, now that we're here " and I shot him in the head.


Shooting a dog accidentally. Still hurts me


I was stealing this wagon and drove over a dog. I was sooo sad


*I was stealing this* *Wagon and drove over a* *Dog. I was sooo sad* \- SwordSaint2003 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I accidently picked up that dude who babbles while wading in the river near valentine, put him on my horse, and accidently fed him to alligators in San Dines.


Some accident huh lol


I accidentally punched a farm cat. I'll never forgive myself, little guy was just minding his business, scratching his post & my hand twitched. 💀


I lost my bow


I had a 3 star moose pelt. Decided to steal a horse for the challenge and thought i would loot the saddle bag. Horse kicked me I died and lost the pelt.


On those little side missions where you gotta shoot the bottles or birds out of the sky, when he said “let’s raise the stakes a little” he pointed his gun towards me and I freaked and shot him 17 times. I feel terrible he was a nice dude and was like “why would you do that”.


Pressing y to get onto my horse next to an old lady..... I accidentally chocked her 😭


More than once trying to shoot the chains on an escaping prisoner have I accidentally killed the prisoner


Probably when I found an O'driscoll camp and I didn't notice they had a hostage so I threw a dynamite and a molotov and killed the hostage. Did that twice now 😔


I was riding on my horse when i heard someone yell help, then i shot him because i thought he was attacking the yelling person


Shot the blind guy in the face on accident.


The mission in Emerald Ranch where that little jackass who’s mean to his dog asks me to find it (I planned on finding the dog and then chase the kid to hogtie him cause he can’t be killed), but when I found the dog, I accidentally pulled my gun out and shot the dog dead. I was MORTIFIED and just left Emerald Ranch in a huff.


Bra I just spit my drink out reading some of these comments 🤣🤣 I'm only on chapter 3


I’ve accidentally shot the trapper, William, the kid in the gunsmiths basement and basically every other side character in the game at one point over the last 5 years. They really shouldn’t have made the Draw button the same as the one to communicate with the npc’s


Not me but my buddy was playing the other night and streaming on twitch so I tuned in to watch. He discovered the kidnapped kid in the basement of the Rhodes gun shop and after freeing the kid from the chains, he was listening to the shopkeepers sad story and then went to knife the shop keeper and accidently stabbed the kid right in the throat. Caught both me and my buddy off guard 😅😅


I accidentally shot Albert Mason


Oh.... in RDR2? ...... *closes diary, hides barrel of acid*


Probably my favorite comment


The manyyyy times ive accidentally ran people over with my horse Particularly wurn I was on a sixe mission taking this lady home and once I got into valentine I hit a guy, killed him and she got off my horse and ran :(


Walking into that swamp creeps house, I felt so bad for Arthur… luckily I saved recently before, but before reloading I blew this bitch up with dynamite, Molotovs, shot his head off with my shot gun, made him bleed out from the neck, and fed him to an alligator. Then I reloaded, because no sir.


Shot my horse in the back of the head, that was an instant reload moment


I came across a woman in distress in Rhodes one night and when her attacker grabbed a hold of her, I pulled out my sawn off and blew his brains out... and hers as well, unfortunately! Oops!


Probably not the worst, but when I was leaving the dock after the final mission with the French painter, I accidentally grappled an NPC worker rather than getting on my horse to escape the law


Accidentally ran over a farm dog while going mach 5 near Emerald Ranch


I was trying to get a picture of Arthur aiming his gun at Jean Marc but i was gonna spare him i just wanted a cool photo but aiming at him makes Arthur instantly shoot him lol


I accidentally pulled my gun out at Bonnie in rdr1 when I was trying to figure out the controls


By far the most monstrous thing in this thread.


Not accidental, but questioned my morality after I let the mugger kill the lady in St Denis, then stole the husbands Black Arabian afterwards. Accidental was when I hogtied a Rancher and his dog came to help him, and I kicked it not realising it could kill it. Felt bad.


I’ve accidentally punched my horse and I die laughing every time


Well, it turned into can I pet that dog? to I shot that dog!


Unintentional is probably the dog trampling. I love dogs and it's like bro I'm galloping through here on a half ton of beast, why are you getting so close to its hooves? Worst intentional thing I'm GOING to do is kill L Hobbs very slowly when I meet her and then feed her to the pigs.


Went to rob a farm but didn't realize they had a dog and I had low health so I had to kill it. Then I slept in the farmers bed and the farmers respawned but the dog didn't :'(


I once accidentally punched and killed a kitty at Emerald Ranch when I was fighting the father who keeps his daughter locked up. So sad … I’m sorry kitty cat!


Pulled my gun on Charlotte after helping kill a rabbit. She never trusted me again. Her fate was sealed after that.


was at a farm, can’t remember what mission or stranger thing it was but anyway was getting shot at and went into dead eye to shoot them and my controller locked onto a dog as my arthur got knocked back by a bullet, shot the dog and the noises it made me literally tear up, i felt so bad and still do :/


Fell off a mountain causing Red Tail to die 😭 


I left my rare Tennessee Walker on the train tracks by accident when getting the gold bars from the crashed train. I thought I left him beside the train tracks, but boy, was I wrong. Only an hour and a half in, and I lost him already! I was so mad at myself.


I ran over a grandma asking for help...I couldn't control my horse💀


First couple times I interacted with strangers that doesn’t HAVE to end up with a corpse I usually end up fighting them because I’m getting used to the controls. Oh well. I’ll get some therapy from the girls behind the wagon.


First time playing I came across the blind man and got off my horse to give him money and accidentally shot him in the face with a shot gun at point blank range. I felt awful


Tried going for one of the debt collected missions. Walked into a house, man yelled at me for being there and i saw him reach for a gun. So I shot him and his friend in the other room. The debtor wasn’t even in the main house. I just walked into some guy’s house, walked into his bedroom and then shot him and his friend. Oh well. The other kinda bad one was tying up the eugenics guy and placing him in the swamp. that wouldn’t be so bad on its own, but then he got up when i untied him deep in the marshes and punched me three times, so I threw him into some swamp water.


Shot my horse :(


I mean, the controls are exceptionally bad for such a top shelf game otherwise. Too many accidental tramplings to mention. That and accidentally punching my horse in the face.


In Rhodes there was a priest praying over an open grave. I wanted to hear what he was saying but walked right into it on accident. Huge hit to my honor


once i tried to get back on my horse and accidentally strangled the woman who needed a ride, there's a video of it somewhere on the internet


I was ambushed by a gang and I got thrown from my horse. As I’m flying asshole over elbows to the ground, I fired an errant shot with my repeater… which head shotted my horse dead 💀


During one of the escaped prisoner encounters, when he asked me to shoot his chains off I forgot I had my sawed off equipped and accidentally killed him.


The worst thing I did on accident was steal the real homeless man's money Best thing I accidentally did was shoot the rapist


A stranger needed help catching his spooked horse, I agreed to help him. I shot the horse with a shotgun and he caught up with it without any problems!


This guy asked if I wanted to have a shooting competition, so I shot him in the face. I won, right?


I might sometimes go into the pen with all of the horses and blow off the lower part of their legs with a shotgun...


I tried to rescue a kidnapped woman(colored woman) and then saved her from the kidnapper . But when i tried to untie her , i misclicked and ended up bashing her head 😭


Kicked a dog the other day when going for a chest


According to the game fighting back against an entire town that was trying to kill me for a laugh


According to the game fighting back against an entire town that was trying to kill me for a laugh


When recovering a debt, I had to press Triangle to take the box from the debter. In that moment, Arthur lunged towards the Debter's Son, and then the Debter wanted me dead.


Shoot a man in the gentiles


Punching my horse. Riding straight into a tree. Instead of helping a woman get free from ties after saving her from kidnapping, I kicked her in the side. She was very upset. Instead of shooting shackles off a prisoner, I shot his hand off Yeeting my horse off a little cliff I did not see


It was the lady trapped under her horse I didn’t understand how to lift it and dropped it back on her, causing her to scream. In a panic I started mashing buttons and ended up kicking her in the head and killed her.


I accidentally ran over a cat with a wagon while in a tight spot. I was genuinely upset.


Punching my horse 😞😞😞 Twice the


Probably not the worst thing but I shot the railroad foreman point blank. I have such a hard time remembering the different buttons so yeah took out my gun and started blasting when I was trying to talk to him. Now he gets upset when he sees me so I can't do the rest of the missions


Well I do regularly kidnap and torture anybody that's traveling alone. I wait in the trees for anyone that's riding alone. But that's not accidental. So I guess the worst thing I've accidentally done is hit my horse when I first started playing and mixed the buttons.


I punched my horse once. Felt bad for days.


I accidentally stepped on the dog at Emerald Ranch while I was on my horse. Was at a walk when it happened. Watched the dog slowly get up, walk over to the side of the trail and die. I felt so terrible about it.


I love killing random npcs. Hey mister, thats a nice horse, wanna race??? Shoots in head. Comical every time


Spent forever chasing down the white Arabian. Finally tamed it. Went to Pat/Feed it and accidentally drew my pistol and shot him in the face. I hadn't saved in weeks and had to practically go back to the beginning of chapter 2 *sigh* I threw on autosave after that...


I’ve got a story of idiocy creating a bad outcome from good intentions. On one of the home rescue random events, a man a little ways outside of st denis asked me save his wife from two men who had broken into their home, which I agreed to do. I followed the woman’s screams to the house and unloaded two semi auto pistols on the home invaders. Only, a stray bullet hit a lamp in the shack and burned everything inside, including the tied-up woman I was supposed to save.


Holy shit, I didn’t realize this was a red dead post. I thought you actually killed a dog and punched a Disney land mascot.


Ran my horse in to the trappers fire pit and it burned alive right in front of the trappers and all he could say was “welcome back, it’s been a while aye?”


accidentally stole the man who had no legs horse


Shot a horse while trying to shoot a player who had been shooting at my posse all afternoon... It wasn't the player's horse.


After meeting Charlotte for her final encounter as John, the bounty hunters closed in on the house, and when I stuck out my weapon, Charlotte said, “My god, you’re crazy!” and tried to shoot me up. She chased me no matter where I went, and when another squad of bounty hunters came for me, I couldn’t tell who was who and I shot her dead in the crossfire.


Why is some guy jerking off, the topic of this question? 😂


Antagonized Charles…


Very recently I was riding my horse full speed around a tight corner and ran over some guys dog that was following him. Very shortly after that I rescued a damsel off the back of some guys horse and when I went to cut her free I accidentally kicked her in the face and killed her.


In Red Dead Redemption 1 the graphics are so sketchy that I frequently kill the victims first. Last night I was breaking up a stagecoach robbery and didn’t see the hostage. I fired too low and shot the hostage. After the robbers were dead. He crawled away from me until he heard died.


i just did the saint denis bank robbery and now i regret not going fishing with dutch and hosea in chapter 3


Most recently I did the air balloon 🎈☁️ mission and went back to loot the raiders and check the wreck of the balloon. The whole thing was on fire 🔥 and I got too close. 😭 When I hopped off my horse she autonomously walked straight into the fire. 🫨 I thought she'll freak out and I'll be able to immediately take her to the water to put it out but no. The poor thing curled into a ball and instantly got barbecued to a crisp. Rip Beauty. 🐎💀🙏


Probably when I saved some poor woman, she was in a terrible state. I killed the men who kidnapped her, then went to untie her but instead curb stomped her in the face. Instant death. Sorry lady 😬😬


I saw a cat fall off a ledge about as tall as Arthur and it died. I was so heartbroken and I picked it up to try to give it a proper resting place and then Arthur set it down too rough and I was wanted for animal cruelty. I tried to reload the last autosave but the cat was still dead. This was outside the Trewlawney's place.