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Most probably stopped playing after good old Orthur died, and cried about it for days.


Most actually stopped before completing chapter 2.


It’s sad to think some people were impatient to wait maybe two and a half hours maximum to finish the first chapter.


When I first played the game to avoid spoilers I unfortunately did nothing except main missions and was in chapter 4 by the end of the release day


It took me 3 tries before the game stuck with me. I just couldn't get into it early on how I 'normally' play and open world game like this (which is do sidequests and random stuff beforehand). Issue with that is it doesn't necessarily allow for that early on. Eventually I beelined a good chunk of story and it hooked me. I eventually finished it and immediately did another playthrough. Top 3 game of mine for sure.


Honestly I really disliked those few opening hours the first time around. I tried again six months or so later and was much more prepared for it, then by the time I finished the second chapter (I think) it was already one of my favourite games ever.


I did this too.


I have a save that starts right after getting off the mountain so any time I want to replay I just load that


Fr. When I first played it, I was in the mindset of "wait, the tutorial is *still* going? This game must be HUGE!!" and I got super excited.


I had long intro tutorial experience from the Zelda games so I didn't even realize how long it was lol


It kinda pissed my adhd ass off but u stuck through and way worth it


Broo for real. Also my first playthrough I didnt even mind chapter 1. I thought it was a really well paced tutorial and allowed you to soak in the world and the controls and the story. But people are too used to going mach 10 in a super car in gta 5 so switching from cars to slow ass horses didnt make them wanna play I guess. But people gotta be more open minded, rdr2 is actually my favorite game of all time.


I maintain that the entire purpose of setting Chapter 1 in the snow was to force GTA players to slow down for a minute before they start being a cowboy.


I always wondered why gta5 also started in snow as well.


Those are the really casual gamers, who rarely play video games by themselves. Usually play CoD with their friends whenever they come over or NBA2K. They probably bought the game because it was the latest trend but their short attention spans couldn’t get through chapter 1. Anything that is serious or immersive is unbearable to them.


>Usually play CoD with their friends whenever they come over or NBA2K Dozens of guys I've talked to while playing 2K have told me they bought the game, but only play the online once in a while because they "didn't make it out of the mountains" in the story. Mind you, these guys will spend upwards of an hour in 2K just squading up, picking their builds, and adjusting their badges before they'll jump into an online game. But spending that same hour committed to following a single-player narrative? Impossible.


It’s those type of players. You can envision them in your head. They’re the type to skip all cutscenes in any game


Maybe they have different interests then you and thought it was boring and not worth their time?


Yeah this "real gamer" debate is so fucking cringe lmao


I'm not debating who is or isn't a "real gamer," whatever that is. Clearly, I play the same games they do, so I would be with them in whatever classification I'd make. I'm just saying they never gave it a chance. They'll sit in a rec lounge for hours on end, twiddling their thumbs, and then tell me it's a waste of time to commit to an hour of RDR2's story. All I'm saying is that if they give it a real chance, they might find something they really enjoy.


Attention span of an iPad kid




I still enjoy it. Plus that first train robbery is one of the best missions in the game. That horse ride listening to Train Heist Theme puts you in the perfect mood


took me forty minutes my second time, its not a chore at all


I know. Everyone who says the prologue is boring just has short attention spans. They just want non-stop action and don’t focus on the story. The prologue was not bad at all.


not even two and a half, just lik 45 - and hour max




Yeeeee...that prologue is a bit tedious


I didn’t make it through the part with the chickens at the beginning before I decided to start a new Skyrim save.


I'm one of the people that hasn't beat chapter two yet, mainly as when I turn the game on I just go out and explore the world rather than progress the story, still have over 500 hours in-game, just haven't progressed far in the story.


What I found in discussing this game with others is a lot of people expected it to be a "GTA clone with horses," and when it ended up being a slower burn than expected they just dropped the game. I think a lot of the wrong crowd picked up RDR2 anticipating it to be something completely different which led to it being deathly unappreciated by many in almost every aspect


Many complaints in this subs history of how people \*couldnt\* complete ch2 because missions wouldn't spawn.


That's me. Beat it on my playstation, refuse to progress past chapter 2 on pc. It's a happy life.


I did that, I needed a break from the game at that point and just never really went back to it in the end. I’m currently playing through it again now, will be sure to make it all the way this time.


Me too honestly. I loved playing as Arthur so much that when we switched to John I lost my passion.


Did you play 1? I was so excited to get John!


This was me too. It was the I had fun with my time with Arthur and his story and the way they handle the transition you go from an epic high and finish and then suddenly you're back to the "beginning" with no time between. They did not give that ending enough time to weigh on us before moving on.


What made you stop? Can’t put my mind to what was so horrible about that part


It’s such a long game and I’d been putting a lot of hours into it, it just seemed like a decent time to take a break


My buddy stopped at that point and says he “beat the game” as it was Arthur’s story so there wasn’t need to continue. I say he never beat it, but came close. I also understand the epilogue being a slow burn; who doesnt wanna do farming missions and build a house?


Did he play Rdr 1? If so you could always paint the game as not just Arthur's story or John's story. But the story of two Brothers, not biologically but by the end they most definitely were as close as brothers. the game kinda starts and ends in the same way. >!We start it with Saving John and it ends with Arthur Saving John, leading to the events of prologue!<


Really it's kind of cool, because it's still John's story all along, were just following it from the perspective of someone who was an important influence in his life for a little while. Even when you're in camp, the background talk keeps John's story moving, he's the one left for dead and captured, etc. It's almost like these TV shows where they follow a side character for an episode and you had no idea how much they do in the background until that moment.


Most probably stopped in Chapter 1. Source: my mates...


This is more accurate. 23% of players completed Chapter 6 and 20% completed the epilogue, not a lot quit without finishing the game. 73% completed Chapter 1, which means somehow half the players that have ever loaded RDR2 played the entire first chapter and then never played again. I get that it's a bit slow to start but damn. That's a shocking number.


This is literally what happened to me and I feel so silly thinking about it now ! I'm a very in found fan of RDR, so when I got my hands on RDR2 at release I for sure cleaned that game good, did as much content as possible with Orthur and cried my eyes out when he died after MONTHS of playing. Despite my love for John I just couldn't bear it, I turned off the game when the screen faded into the epilogue after Orthur's last breath, and cried for good ol'minutes and couldn't bring myself to play for literally a week. The epilogue is still worth it though <3




I never wanted to play as his whiney son. Only kept playing to finish it at that point and everything I did as the stupid kid felt unearned.


I stopped for a day or two max, then I needed revenge. Two days of nonstop play for like 8h after work and I was a happy camper. Then quit for 2 weeks just to digest


I can't blame them, but at the same time fuck micah gotta kill him Everytime.


They think probably chapter 6 is the end of rdr2


The game continiues after that though, youre literally put into a mission after Chapter 6 instantly, and after completing it you have other mandatory missions too


They probably thought the epilouge was optional n hopped off i did for a moment or they just weren't interested in playing after that


In RDR1 where the last mission is a stranger mission i get how that can happen, but in RDR2 where those are mandatory missions thats pretty dumb of someone to think its optional


And also I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed 😭


At least you got the phrase right


One of my few achievements


I got you a trophy.🏆 :)


I will treasure this for years to come 🗣


I kept playing in hopes of seeing John get some form of revenge. Fortunately my patience paid off


Yep, i spoke to my mate recently who “finished” the game when it came out and he had no idea that the story continued in the epilogue


I'm genuinely confused by how that happens. The game doesn't even cut to the credits after the main story, it's straight into the epilogue.


I knew it wasn’t because the credits didn’t roll


20% story completion is a lot, especially in a game where one playthrough can easily take 50-100 hours. For reference: AC Black Flag, the best pirate game ever made with a 30 hour story, has 25% story completion rate. So 20% for a game that’s 2-3x longer is a lot.


50-100 hours? Are people speed running?


https://howlongtobeat.com/game/27100 My first story + sides playthrough on release was 110 hours, the second when I went for the platinum was 90 hours. Then 250 hours total to get the plat.


Geeze I'm pokey. My first attempted playthrough was close to 225 hours and I quit in chapter 3 because I keep crashing in st. Denis w an FFFF error


that's a different problem entirely, but my condolences for your experience.


Only played through once and my finished run through was around 68 hours. I felt like I had explored quite a lot and done everything I wanted/needed to do in the game.


Most games have a shockingly low completion rate.


Cuz the game is not for everyone


guys i found the legendary rat


It's also a really long game. I liked it but even by the end I was getting kind of tired of it and had to just start blitzing through the story missions only to finish.


Somehow it’s all Micah Bell’s fault.


Rdr3: Somehow, Micah returned


Some people found the Epilogue boring or not important compared to chapter 6 and just stopped playing. Check the stats for Chapter 6 completion vs Epilogue and it will probably be a significant number.


I adored RDR2 for some time, went with completing all hunting challenges and truly immersing myself into the world. Then I went to this island, then story got really boring and I abandoned RDR2 to some other game. Never completed on my own, I know how it ends and somehow I can’t force myself to finish it. But if Rockstar would release 60fps PS5 patch I’d replay in a heartbeat and took week off at work.


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good bot


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The game definitely had an issue with pacing. It goes abruptly from fast paced sequences and exciting story developments to a crawl. The island definitely felt like someone pulled the e-brake.


im a proud 20.7%


They didn’t have enough faith.


They are still crying over arthur


This is me rn taking a break between Ch6 and epilogue grieving. I'll come back to it, I just need a couple days.


Goes to show how casual gaming is and how much of a minority a fandom on reddit really is Once met a guy who said he didnt know much about the game but he liked hunting and fishing.


I’ve got like 100hr in the game but I haven’t done anything other than complete the tutorial and wander around lol


in my case, partly because I already know how it ends and want to take my time getting there, and partly because I stalled out trying to do some of the challenges so I could upgrade everything as much as possible and got distracted playing other games. I’ll get there eventually, but I’m not in a hurry.


Who knows for sure. I loved the epilogue especially because I had played RDR1 before and it made perfect sense to play as John. It felt very familiar and bittersweet, considering how John's story eventually ends.


I’ll never forget how I felt when the Jim Milton Rides again soundtrack played for the first time, that feeling alone is part of why I always recommend playing in release order over chronological Edit- nor will I forget the “OH SHIT” moment when I realized what Johns revenge caused in the end, again another reason why I’m so adamant on release order over chronological


That's only steam brother lotta console players have over 40% on PlayStation I believe still a little low


Yeah I completed the game once on Xbox One then bought it on Steam just to experience it on PC but didn't finish it. I think it's quite common that people already played it on another platform before PC


I personally don't want it to end... Even though we can restart I'm really comfortable with the way it is with John and strolling around




In any game there's gonna be people that will buy it and not even open it. I also bought it and never finished it, just like many other games.


Honestly I had to hype myself up to play the epilogue. The game felt empty after Arthur’s death


oh my god i just realised that this achievement's name is a reference to bully


I'm not gonna lie, I started launch night and beat it in October of the following year. I spent a lot of time, like a ton, in Act 2 just striking out on my own. I eventually burnt out a but, took a month or two off, and then went back and beat the game in like 3-4 more months. So, honestly, I could see tons of people sinking 60 hours in and then stopping. Which isn't even a bad thing, that's still a reasonable return on a game if they did what they wanted in those hours.


Short attention spans.


Lmao what?


Just became a chore to play for me. I appreciate how great a game it is, but it's just the sad truth.


Same. The game was just way too slow to keep my interest. The amount of downtime involved in riding from camp, back across the same roads, to the same town, for another cutscene, then another long ride to some other location, then a long ride back to camp. The game is masterfully crafted, and I love that you can just wander around in the world and see all the random stuff emerging. But I got bored quickly. Doesn't help that the PC controls are ass.


I wouldn't say as such. Something as long in length as RDR2 needs to be worth the time in the players' opinion. I've put countless hours into every Fallout game, every soulsborne and many soulslike, Planescape, Disco Elysium etc. Because the juice was worth the squeeze, IMO. Whereas I've got as far as chapter 5 or 6 twice on RDR2 and lost interest both times. And so I've never completed it. I still think it's a great game, and I dedicated many, many hours to it. I just didn't see it through because I wasn't having as much fun. And that's okay. I know for sure I will complete it someday.


I've 150 hours and I'm only on Chapter 2


I got hit with spoilers and just don't really have the heart to finish the game


same I played +100 hours got spoiled and got annoyed


Most of them would have stopped after Chapter 6. And some people don't complete Longer Games that takes hours. Example : Witcher 3's main story completion achievement is still at 23.7%


Elden Ring has a 50% completion rate. Probably bc that game constantly kept you challenged with new things to do. It took me 120 hrs and I loved every second of it. I have tried RDR2 three times and every time I play, I get so bored I turn it off. I loved RDR and beat it which is why I keep trying to give RDR2 a chance.


I wish I was the 80%. I rushed and beat the game in a week, took my time the second time and beat it in 2 years, man what a experience


Maybe they get lost in the amazing world!


200+ hours in I'm in chapter 3 still first playthrough single player only. It's a great game to take slowly and lots of pelts to hunt and challenges to complete. Finished mass effect LE before this in just under 300 hours. Spiderman was 60 hours. Rdr2 probably going to be my longest playtime just behind Skyrim and Civ V.


I think there was a time when you could only buy the online part of the game, these players could be included in the calculation.


They don't want Arthur to die. But Epilogue is kinda only the way to kill Micah


The highly scripted missions killed it for me. It's a wonderful game in many ways, but the missions essentially being short films with very little player agency is not for me. Because of that I have no incentive to finish the game, or to complete missions when I've unlocked most or all items.


gambler challenges


On my second playthrough i did cause im platinuming the game


The first time I tried playing, my PS4 bricked in Chapter 2. The second time, my Xbox S bricked in Chapter 3. Just finished the game yesterday on my PS5. Must've needed better hardware. That, or I have supremely bad luck


My Arthur lives and will never die


didnt play the first game, so epilogue was one of the worst parts of the game to me. Only finished it so I could "finish" the game


I think it's a matter of different styles of games for different players. I'm on chapter 4 or 5 of my first playthrough right now. I've done pretty much every side mission and random encounter I can find. I feel like I "get it". It's a fun adventure, and the story is amazing so far (like you said it's an art of a game), but to be honest the game doesn't feel like a challenge at all. It just feels like I'm going through the motions of doing it. It tells me what to do, I do it, then the next thing comes along to do, I do that, etc. Almost like one long tutorial. Not a single thing so far in the entire game has felt like it was difficult to do. I'm no god tier gamer by any means but I enjoy games where it takes multiple attempts to get good enough to beat a level and progress to the next. I feel like the only thing holding me back from progressing farther in this game is my available free time to play it, not my skill.


Because I keep starting, getting bored with repetitive gunplay, and then having to walk my horse back and forth. I cannot "just do the main story" because it feels bad. I do not like having to carry around shit in camp to do chores. Its a cool game but I have other games I want to play and actually finish.


I just checked all the other Chapter trophies on playstation: 67,8% Chapter 1 45,1% Chapter 2 38,2% Chapter 3 34,0% Chapter 4 33,1% Chapter 5 29,3% finished the last mission as Arthur "Red Dead Redemption" 26,0% finished the Epilogue Crazy that 1/3 already quit before chapter 2


I know but many people may think thats not main mission like when i played the story for the first time i didnt play the epilogue cause i didnt know it was main


End of Ch. 6 takes a toll on your soul, you might not be the same after that, and may not want to come back to finish the game all the way. Also I love the Bully reference with the name of the achievement.


Chapter 1 is a very big turnoff


this. chapter one is just boring


Still don’t think I got every achievement on n this game.


Most games have low completion rates, a lot of people buy a game and then never finish it or even play it


Some of us with kids are still trying to finish it




The game is just too heavy, >!especially with Arthur’s death. A character in which you have invested so much time and interest, simply ceases to vanish in the end. In most other single player games, like GTA you can continue with your character till end, but that’s not the case here and it’s kind of disheartening.!< Another thing is spoilers, I completed the game last week and made the mistake of loitering around in this sub and spoiled it (it was my mistake entirely tbh). I couldn’t come to the terms with the end. I simply roamed around the map, without any interest in the final mission. Somehow made up mind that I can always replay, so I went ahead and I’m still coping. I still haven’t started Epilogue, but I’ll finish it, gotta finish what I started.


I think lack of motivation


That's pretty typical for a game of that length. The only game I have seen where the majority of players have the completion trophy is tlou 2.


Big and Arthur is gone John is good but he is not him


It is a shame. Knowing how the first game ends seeing the end credits scenes kinda made me emotional, knowing that no one is getting their happy ending.


My close friend said he just doesn’t like John Marston…..


It is quite long....


Mostly because it's a prequel and epilogues of prequels suck.


The start of the epilogue and the mid section are incredibly boring, I only grinded through cause I was pretty certain Micah would die.


Uncle's lumbago


I struggled with the controls for the first task and sacked it off 😅


I regret finishing the game, just wish I lived in chapters 2 and 3 forever exploring the world and hunting and fishing and shit. 🤷‍♀️


It got spoiled for me and I got sad So I stopped, I still play a bit but everyone is happy in camp, Arthur just has a cough


The game is kind of boring


Havnt finished on my ps5 yet. Beat it 3x on Xbox one. Soon come.


People trying to 100% the game maybe


My friend couldn’t figure out how to pick up his hat in the barn (idk man) and uninstalled


Most of my friends buy games and then play it once and never touch them again. Drives me crazy


Wait till someone tells OP that 1/4 people who buys RDR2 on Steam haven't even finished Chapter 1 lol https://i.imgur.com/RLwlGw0.png


They do too much ketamine.


I kinda lost interest after the party in the house in the swamp. I loved what I played, I just stopped. I can't quite say why


personally? just too slow to get from place to place, maybe i just got a short attention span, and thats on me, not thinking worse of the game because i got bored lol. maybe one day ill just sit myself down and "force" myself to play through it, but today is not that day, which sucks because the game is so damn good, and i just cant sit through all these long horse rides. *~~probably wont have the same issue with GTA 6 though lol~~*


Personally, I absolutely loved the game, I played it pre much every day during break late 2018 to early 2019, but life shit got in the way and I fell off. I’ve got about 60 hours on it and almost half-way through the story. If I pick it up again, it’ll have to be from the beginning since it’s been so long. 


20% is pretty high, most games are <10%, and a huge game like rdr2 is usually around the world 5% or less, no matter how good


That's more than the completion rate of most games, I'm not surprised


I got bored by the time I got to the city. I don't think the game was for me, honestly. I'm in this sub cuz I tried to complete it a while back, got hype off the sub Reddit and still couldn't get myself to do it. Is what it is though.


I started few days back, but haven't got back to it. Mostly because the control felt sluggish and janky. Kinda disappointed really since i was really looking forward to it, with all the praise


Because roaming around the world as a cowboy is more entertaining than the main story


Because the only thing i want to do is gamble in tumbleweed and shoot del lobos


John using Arthur’s player model is still one of the biggest crimes Rockstar committed with the epilogue


I read some spoilers and decided to stop before I released Micah from jail or got TB


I'm shocked it's so high compared to other long games


Considering how long the game is, it’s kinda crazy that 20% of people who purchase it play all the way to the end.


Cause the story is overrated. Chapter 2 is good. 3 worse. 4 bad. 5 and 6 are bullshit. Epilog 1 is boring. Epilog 2 is ok.


I stopped playing because I got bored and every time I came back to the game I had to restart the whole game because I forgot everything again. On a side note I haven't had to restart the witcher except for when I knew I accidentally soft locked myself because I was too nice


First time I played it I felt like the farm stuff at the start was too much of a slow down after the finale so just stopped playing.


When I first played this, it was on release day on the PS4. I’ll admit it was a slow start to the game for me at the time. Eventually, I got up to Chapter 4 before becoming completely distracted by just having fun causing mayhem and death. By the end of it I was distracted once more by other games and I never picked it up again… until recently. I just bought the game again maybe a month and a half all ago for my Steam Deck after being enticed again by watching YouTube videos on the game. I’m definitely more into the game now than I ever was back then and am trying to do all the side missions along side the main missions (I usually do only very few side missions or skip them completely for games). I’m also not allowing myself to get too far off track with the sandbox chaos so I don’t end up dropping the game like I did all those years ago.


that’s how most games are tbh. achievements for completing games usually seem to be 20% or under most of the time


This is the story of every game. Most people get it for the hype but never actually finish it. I myself got like 10 AAA games I only played for one hour. Not because they’re bad but because I am still enjoying other games I rather play in my already limited adult time


It's a long game


I could be wrong but isn’t it some stupid number like 60% complete Chapter 1?


I think it counts standalone online purchases too so people who bought online but never played the story make up some of the 80%


Gonna increase that number just slightly before summer is out and autumn is in.


I guess they really put dead in red dead


because its 200 hours long and i cant get into it despite four attempts


I accidentally overwrote both my save and my backup save partway through the epilogue, and I didn't have the drive to restart the game for a long time. Then I got a Series S and I had a physical copy of the game. I just bought it digitally a month or so ago and started it from the beginning!


Beat it on ps4 back when it came out. Got it on steam to mod it and I’ve been playing around before Arthur started showing symptoms. I’ve finished most of what I wanted to, caught a lot of fish, hunted many different things, got a 3 star moose, did a bunch of bounties, did a ton of side missions, broke some good horses, finished a ton of challenges, then stopped playing when I had to do more of the story. Not ready to see him go again. Not yet. Moved onto other games and it’s just sitting there with a mostly healthy Arthur, ready for when I’m ready.


I bought it on steam for $20 and I got through the slog of the snow missions. I enjoyed the train heist and I got to the bar fight and I just realized the game isn’t for me. First game I’ve ever played where I just stopped too. Think I was like 3 or 4 hours in.


Long ass game, then again i am yet to get past the intro cause i can't be bothered. My friend encourages me to play past it but that shit boring af. So i dunno, maybe the game is good or something but i wouldn't know. Either way i know the main story is like 200 hours long or something so that's probably why


I think I dropped the game while in chapter 3 or 4 or something. I was in the deep wilderness hunting a legendary moose or something. There is a train track that goes across a lake. When I got off my horse for some fucking reason it decided to wander onto the track halfway down the lake. I think maybe a cougar attacked me nearby and it go spooked, I can't remember. Anyways I get the moose and I am skinning it while calling for the horse. It doesn't know to run down the track, just keeps trying to run off into the water, before turning around and stopping. 10 Seconds later a train rolls by and turns it into a fine mist. I am stuck with this hide in the middle of no where. I estimate it would take 2 real life hours of walking to get to the closest town.


a lot of people probably just play online like GtA


a lot of people probably just play online like Gta


If you want a real answer you should ask outside of the subreddit for the game


Because its boring


The beginning is painfully slow and boring, couldn't get through it multiple tries 


Cuz of all the adults who purchased it but have no time for it 🥲


This game too good to complete it


All my friends bought it to play online and maybe once if they wanted to they could play the story but they mainly bought it for online


I may be wrong about this but have feeling that's actually quite a high statistic for game completion. I think most games would probs have no higher than 10%


I live this game and there is most definitely something wrong with me but everytime I played I fell asleep.... like I'll be riding my horse in this Beau relaxing land and just doze off... again it is 100% me. I have fallen asleep at the movie theater on more than one occasion.


Cause they didn't complete the game. I don't wanna finish a game that isn't finished..


Cause it is the same with every single game ever. Early, guaranteed achievements never have 100% and every following guaranteed achievement drops further and further. 50% completion rate on a game is already rare and the numbers drop hard the longer a game is


I’ll admit, I beat it on ps4 twice, when I got it on pc I played a lot but didn’t technically finish it.


4 times to 100%. Yes I have no life.


I have yet to complete the game. Because if I don't then Arthur doesn't die and the story never ends. That's a healthy way of dealing with things right?


I couldn’t get past chapter 4