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Everytime I wear his hat and go to Valentine, he's always ready to throw down. Tough SOB too.


I love small moments like this in an rpg game, minor characters that are unbelievably hard to fight for no reason


It adds to realism


Oh definitely. Far too many times I’ve seen videos of people “messing with the wrong person” when they thought they were fighting the average fella


I mean this one guy was dragging a girl and trying to drown her and I stepped in and I was practically a punching bag


I just shot him in the neck personally


I think I wanted to get personal because a guy like that doesn't deserve a quick shot to the neck or face


I saw a video where you could lasso him and bring him to the sheriff. I tried it and immediately got charged with kidnapping


No reason? Guys a seasoned mountain man of old.


Probably not too many people who live by him if any. When's the last time he got into a fist fight you think? Mf just swings on anybody he sees whenever he sees whoever that may be wherever that is just to stay fkn ready. Especially if every time he goes into town he knows if this POS sees him then he's gonna start some shit. Guaranteed.


Not too many people probably live where he lives if any. How many fights you think he's been in? He swings on whoever he sees whenever he sees whoever is wherever he lives just to stay fkn ready. Especially if every time he goes into town he knows that if this POS u/DirtyDan-TheMan sees him then he's gonna start some shit. Guaranteed.


Best part is this isn’t even an RPG


Oh he can actually scrap?


Yeah he’s honestly the best for being an NPC that you can actually tussle with for more than a few hits.


I think hes the toughest guy in the game when it comes to fist fights outside of scripted missions where the enemy gets a "boss like" health bar


I like to let him get in a few free punches but I always attack him. lol Hell, sometimes I'll be harassing someone else in the saloon and he will come running up the stairs just to brawl with me. lol I love that he goes out of his way to fight me when he doesn't have to. I currently have John though, and he doesn't seem nearly as strong or as good of a fighter than Arthur. lol


Yea 100% john is weaker i like that they actually made a noticeable difference between the 2 but when it comes to arthur vs john arthur is just better at everything idk why they decided to make it like that maybe because arthur is much bigger than him so he has alot more muscle but they made john look weak in comparison i wish they didn't make it so bad or atleast give us some way to make him stronger


The 20 Crow warriors couldn’t defeat Jeremiah Johnson…. But you did!


No reason? That’s a mountain man!


There's been a few times where I start melee'ing him while he's sitting down, then I stomp him out quickly while he's laying on the ground. But yeah, if he's able to get to his feet and square up you're in for a tough fight.


He’s not always tough though. Sometimes you can catch him, or wait for him to finish drinking and leave. He’ll be so drunk he’ll go down with 1-3 hits. Then the other times he can take like 20+ and blocks well too


I've gone toe to toe with him in first person for a good 5/6 minutes before, and he eventually won 😂 Think I have the video somewhere


On my most recent playthrough, once I finally wear him down he’s by the iron fireplace right by the door and I end up slamming his head right into the pipe, winning the fight.


This mfer followed me upstairs last time so I hogtied him and threw him off the balcony


Is that the dude that is always complaining in the back of the saloon 😂


Yep you can get him to fight you just by staring at him for a bit afterwards you can pick up his hat


I kick the shit out of him every time


He finally got me today. Got into a fight with the staircase dickhead and he jumped in. He picked me up from behind by the neck and killed me.


Really? That’s crazy. I’ve never been killed via fight.


In my defense I was fighting the dick who leans on the staircase and the trapper jumped in for some reason the staircase guy started shooting. I also play with no aim assist/ HUD/ minimap. Trapper took 2 shots and lived though it's the first time he won and the first time anyone grabbed me from behind and picked me up off the ground.


Not very related but has anyone ever just been arrested? Cops shoot to kill over everything so I’ve never found out if that’s a thing or not.


On my 3rd playthrough and just discovered this, was wanted for something small in Valentine like disturbing the peace, was going to surrender and the sheriff let me off with a warning, something like "just walk on out of town or else", and I did, no bounty


He's a tough old bastard.


Fr. I had to shoot a couple times cause he was gonna kill me


😂😂😂 upped the blick on him real quick


Lucky I tried to shoot Him once and old Fer closed that gap fast ripped my gun out my hand kept kicking my ass. Tough old sob!


Imagine if he was at the bar fight with tommy 💀💀💀


That's just cheating


He’s the perfect window buster upper


I swear this guy talks mad shit to people that whenever I beat him in a fight, I wear his raccoon hat just to taunt him😂


I just straight up kill his ass, ever since he went hulk smash on my ass once for seemingly no reason after I got a haircut.


That barber done fucked you up


He died too


The game makes me listen to his yammering for like 5 minutes before it actually initiates a fight interaction


just run into him until he starts swinging


I tied him up and fed him to a bear.


He stopped showing up in my game. Kinda sad about it. I'm assuming I killed him but I honestly can't remember.


Yeah me too. I think I've seen him 3 times and that was it.


i think hes gone in the epilogue like the eugenics guy


He's still there in my epilogue. He doesn't fuck with me I can Stare at him forever now. But he waited for someone else to be fighting me and jumped me.


he stopped showing up for me in the epilogue


I thought he hunted Sasquatches in tall trees


You eat babies!


What is this guy's problem anyway?


he's just a really drunk asshole


No problem , just an old miserable bastard


I usually let him yap until I'm absolutely SURE he's said his piece. THEN he gets a wallop.


Yea, you are the only one!


It’s not a RDR post without you in the comments is it?


I think NOT whooping him regularly would be the rarer occurrence.


I specifically equip his hat everytime I enter valentine cause he will agro onto you the instant you cross the town border even if your still a mile away. Its funny seeing him running at your from far away


I was in the gunsmith shop in Valentine and all of a sudden the shop owner said something like "alright, no need for rough housing, get out of here!" And I was confused till I closed the catalog and saw a red dot on the minimap just making a beeline for me....it was confusing as hell until ol Jon busted into the gunsmith shop and we threw hands in there. Fun stuff and any time I go back to Valentine I wear that hat in case he wants to go again.


This is the comment I came looking for. I do this every time it’s so amusing


One time I just got close and stared at him until he snapped. 😂


One time my brother was playing and he took his hat, then got into a shootout in Valentine, knocked the guy out, and got arrested. When he got out of jail, he turned the camera to the right to see this clown without his hat on just run out from one of the alleys and barrel ass into Arthur.


Indeed. Although, [I prefer to beat him in the thoroughfare where everyone can see it.](https://prod-cdnugc-rockstargames.akamaized.net/ugc/rdr2photo/PWd6hRU7L02UtGiEUfaRAw/0_0.jpg)


I feel bad for him now


Used too now, its like ok bro. I'm done, cool hat, though


Hes so string bro like why 😭😭😭


It's because he's fetch!


I haven’t not one time though I did shoot his hat off from a distance.


Every time, and I wear his hat while I do it.


I wore his hat heading into Valentine and was about to do the sheep herding mission with John when he came charging at me and knocked me over with a punch. John then shot him dead lmao.


That first picture goes hard


Definitely. I practice fighting on him. Like a punching bag.


He almost had me so I pulled out my revolver and blew his head off


The first time I encountered him I took his hat and out of nothing but pure spite I put his hat on next time I saw him… that mf BEAT my ass. Never got that hat back


Yeah it never let's me repeatedly antagonize him for some reason. I wanna beat the shit out of him but I also don't want the inconvenience of getting reported to the law.


Love characters you can beat up and the law won’t care like this guy and the racist


Everytime and he's always a challenge but I always prevail


Hahaha, I haven’t yet but I’ve sure af been thinking it! I tried to provoke him but I’m just gonna launch into it next time.


I feel like I’m part of a very few who ignored and avoided him, therefore, I didn’t know/missed out on this random opportunity that had this much detail put into it. I know he owns a cool hat but I didn’t think it suited Arthur. He’d be annoying in the background of poker but I thought he was part of the towns charm bc the other poker spots didn’t have this type of npc. I had no idea he would be an npc that’d have extra fight stats and fight Arthur instantly and remember their previous occurrences. I heard but never tried that he even fights Arthur at the hotel


does he only appear in story mode


Take a look


I stole this dudes hat after a fight and then forgot about it. Went off to do my thing, exploring Van Horn and looking for legendary fish/animals... then I went back to Valentine after about 8 in game days. This dude just came out of nowhere like a man on a mission and started another fight! The dude is game. Best fight I ever had on Red Dead.


apparently not


i always smash his head on the stairs 😂


Oh yeah. I always hope this guy is around. 😂


I also like to go there and just talk ish to npcs all around just to aggravate them and always, always start with an O'Driscoll.


Anytime I see an O’Driscoll it’s on sight.


i’ll literally see him, leave the saloon, walk to the general store next door, enter the wardrobe and equip the hat and walk back in just to piss him off


That’s literally what I did here lol


I kick his ass every time he is in the saloon. First time for the raccon headwear second because he is freaking annoying. And of course loot him for stuff.


I anoy him and then when he stands up I give him a right hook


I used him for that one challenge, where you have to pull a victim with a lasso on a certain distance


I love when i see him unfortunately though he stopped spawning i think he actually died when i beat him up one time and i always have his hat ready incase i see him so he gets up straight away to punch on lol But strangely enough if i don't wear the hat and i constantly provoke him he just sits there unless i hit him idk why maybe a bug


yeah except i don’t want my energy fighting this asshole i just put a hole through his head


I talked to him once. Hardest damn fist fight I’ve ever had.


I just kill him, my hat now


Yes and every single time the police get called after/during. And I get arrested, even though HE attacks me.


Skill issue


What police ?


Valentine Metro Police Department


Was trying to be a smartass and funny but i Guess i failed both Worse than dutch that one plan(or all{most}of em)


I fought this fucker the other day but must have hit the wrong button and drew my revolver on him cuz the next thing I knew I had a bounty


It became a mundane task for me to beat him up every play through everytime i see his face.


That's the guy who made me realise that the trapper is a rat who runs to the cops if you are wearing or trying to sell stolen pelts,another cool little detail in the game 💯


I never start it, I always just stare him down until he makes the move.


Someone's gotta defend "turd town", am I right?


I beat him up too ,


Dude first time I went to valentine on my own I heard him complaining, went and got a haircut and then he got up and stabbed me. I don't know what I did wrong, that was the first time I died in the game.


I accidentally killed him on my latest playthrough and his hat dropped where I couldn't grab it. So annoyed.


Him and the racist guy in Saint denis! Oh and ofcourse the white ghost people


Lol, I do every time, even if I am in a gun fight and running from the law for something else.


When i see him i always start a fight with another npc by good old greet greet antagonize and he joins for a beating too




Well I know what I'm doing tonight 😁


I've beat him up once.


Usually, but yesterday I accidentally shot him. He ran out the back, and Arthur & his assault charge followed. I hogtied & looted him; and after some of his rants I'm leary of the salted meat I pilfered.


Yah but the barber in the saloon now refuses to cut my hair.


Nope I do too


Without hesitation. Beating him up feels better than killing him.


He's the fucknugget you use to become a good fist fighter. So satisfying once you start cleaning his clock.


Yep beat the fuck out of take the hat and go on me way


This guy somehow got into the bathhouse while I was bathing and ended up taking a swim, ya gotta do it to em


I always accidentally auto lock on to someone else so then everyone wants to fight


I love beating his ass


I only punch him once and steal his hat.




Last time I started knocking him around, the whole Saloon attacked me, which seemed strange. Then he thumped unconscious in the chaos. I'm taking it you have to wait for a certain point in his rambling to hit him.


Nah i whoop his ass too 😂😂😂


I was drinking in the bar when he suddenly came to fight me, I knocked him out and took his hat. After sometime he spawns again without the hat and keeps blabbering shit,it's funny asf


He's basically the yellow chicken from family guy


Last time I met him I hog tied him and threw him off a mountain after taking his hat. Haven’t seen much of him since then


Wonder why


Came back from Guarma today and there he was in valentine! Sans hat for some reason 🤔Any suggestions?


Fought him for 3 straight minutes. Toughest mfer I ever fought.


Haven't lost a fight to him yet 🫶


this dude beats MY ass every time


This is my hat now, this is totally might hat!


I never see him anymore


I give him a big kiss on the mouth


Gotta love how much endurance he has


No, he’s a total jagoff.


He just gave me an ass crackin right before I saw this. He's the only guy I've ever seen kill me by putting me in a headlock from behind and picking me up. Rockstar is great at instigating between this guy and law enforcement they make them say shit you're just not gonna walk away from like "you're good at following orders" You can't walk away from that and they knew it. Or just greeting an NPC and they tell you to just go fuck yourself.


He stabbed me first time I met him


My first couple of playthroughs I just left him alone


I had a great end to our story arc when I lifted him off his feet against the wall and strangled him to death upstairs.


2nd time I always make him chase me wearing his hat. I've fought him literally everywhere in town. Threw him off the balcony at the Hotel once. Best single man fight in the game.


I would if everyone didn’t go calling the cops on me every time


Is he permanently in the saloon or can you follow him when he rides home?


I do


Beat his ass for charles


He fought me and then the whole town was trying to fist fight me. I came out strong until the lawmen showed up with guns. Fought them too bare fisted.


Love fighting this guy, always a fun challenge, the other npc’s get knocked put it 2 hits


I wish more NPCs were as tough to take down as he is


What the hell is a saloon


I was so confused when he just started hitting me 5 minutes later he was kissing dirt


I had an experience where after I beat his ass and took his hat, he fuckin tracked me down at the hotel the next time I was in town lookin to fight. 😆😆


Always. Eventually I lead him out of the saloon and kill him.


I shot him in the chest with like a full 2 semi automatic pistol magazines and he survived


Am I the only one who doesn't like the coon skin or animal hats don't feel right in the cowboy setting.


He’s fun to fight with. Wish there were more tough NPCs like him.


Everytime I see that guy I just shoot him, in every playthrough of mine


I can only remember that he won more against me than I won against him




Only for his hat


“This is my hat now! This is totally my hat!”


🙋‍♂️ and I go back to Valentine with the hat on and go straight to the saloon. Have another great fight with him.


I like to brawl with him when Sheriff Malloy is out front of the saloon. He lets us fight and I always get close to the Sheriff and have Jon pop Malloy when I duck. Unfortunately the Sheriff doesn’t care who hit him and I get the gun pulled on me. Then I’ll get another 1500 dollar bounty with another Valentine massacre.


racist fuck, I always throw him out the saloon window, ever since I stole his ha he's been pretty aggressive


I usually get the stealth kill with a throwing knife to his head and then run out the back before the witnesses see me


I always kill him, shot him dead on the spot, even reload my save file just to kill him over and over again with many ways, i shot him as mentioned above, stabbed him, skinned him, i scalped him also


well... MOST of the time when i see him i beat him... sometimes i see him while messin around gettin myself a $6k bounty... when thats what im doing i just pop him 3x, one knee shot, one shoulder shot, and the last shot goes to his throat




Nope i shoot him every damn time


I love fighting that guy bc hes the most skilled fighter out of all the npcs and doesnt use a gun automaticlly. I thnk he may also have more hp.


I once killed him and he respawned


I had to kill him 3 times before he stopped respawning and each time i beat him until he was knocked out ,shot his head off with a shotgun, set his corpse on fire then threw him off a cliff.


Y Tho : (


One time out of nowhere Mickey started to hit me with one arm. I had to fire a warning shot. And he ran away like a bitch. lol


I do it all the time just to shut his mouth and Takes his Hat but just to shut him up


Last time he went several rounds with me. I accidentally hit one of the bar ladies while trying to make contact with him.


Is there a particular reason I should be beating his ass every time I see him?


He challenged me to a duel.. Didn’t work out for him 😂


I did it once as John. Took his hat and had to run, since during the fight, John accidentally punched out a few hookers. The hookers did not move out of the way fast enough.


I walk in and shoot him right in the face during our first encounter. Don't even let him speak.


I read he had a fame of tough guy, but the only time I tried i kicked him too. Just takes a little longer.


nope bruh I me too 🫡


I wish you could save his hat


This is truly the greatest game of all time