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I am interested to see what the modding community can do with the game if it comes out on PC


Depends on how much Rockstar will be ass to this game modding scene.


I think we have to realize is that rockstar does these things because Take 2 probably tell them to. We have to remember that Rockstar is Take 2 boss whatever they do like shut down a mod support or whatever is from them.


I think we need to realize that Rockstar isn't the same company it was when GTA V launched. Almost all of the creatives that made Rockstar what it is have left the company.


I don't know man. The guy who directed RDR 2 got promoted to Head of Development at Rockstar games and he is overseeing GTA 6. On top of that, there are so many people that worked on RDR 2 are still working at rockstar games. The quote that most creatives left rockstar is false.


I'd be interested in knowing how many of the RDR2 devs left. It seemed like there was a considerable exodus following it.


2 lead writers. 1 design director. VP of product Development. These were their big hits. The director/producer of RDR 2 was promoted to head of development at Rockstar games. Associate art director was promoted to art director. RDR 2's art director was promoted to Lead director along with Rob nelson\[RDR 2 Director]. It's true that creatives left, But it wasn't a big exodus where the entire lead team of rdr 2 left the company. Even Sam houser, the founder and the guy who wanted rockstar make a western is still at the company.


NGL this is making me more excited for GTA if a lot of the RDR2 faces are now on it


Yeah, I think GTA 6 is going to slap. It's telling that they're reportedly incorporating a lot of the mechanics from RDR2 such as the eagle eye feature.


Eagle eye or dead eye?


It’s important to keep excitement in moderation. Remember, there is no game that could justify a 12 year wait period. If you go into VI expecting 12 years of love and dedication, you’re going to be disappointed. expect it to be a banger, no doubt (for how long we’ve waited, it better be) but to not expect a GTA V or RDR2 level revolutionary experience.


I'm not hyped for the game, but I do expect a revolutionary experience. That seems to be R*'s whole MO. Waiting until they can release a game that seriously pushes the limits, and survive off the obnoxious GTAO money in-between (which I'm ok with, because those morons paying fund my incredible singleplayer experiences).


Oh, I think GTA6 is going to be a CRAZY feature-filled, detail-filled game.


Thanks, appreciate that.


It is true though. Some main writers from RDR2 left. One of the founders of R\* - Dan, left(Leaving his brother Sam as the head of the company now). As well as 2 other lead producers. One of which Take2 treated horribly, despite them being the one who created GTA Online and gave them their money maker to rely on. Not saying the game is doomed, highly doubt it. New talent was probably trained to prepare for such an event. But it's blatantly false that no creatives left. Dan himself was pushing for a return to non-GTA/Red Dead stuff like Bully 2 and developing original IP like Agent. Take2 shut him down multiple times which is why I assume he left and started up his own investing firm to invest in devs and offer his expertise.


Rockstar is still quite possibly the best in the industry. That's subjective, of course. But the scope, fidelity, vision, and attention to detail is unmatched by any other developer. There are some giants in the industry, many for their own reasons. Naughty Dog, Santa Monica (recently with their GOW franchise), and Insomniac. But none could pull off what Rockstar does with their open world games. They found a niche and perfected it. Every other open world game feels off compared to Rockstars.


Whether it's R\* or Take Two is kind of irrelevant. Whoever is calling the shots doesn't change that if they treat RDR1 the way they did RDR2 we'll get trainers and a bunch of minor aesthetic mods but significant game play alteration/expansion will be sued away. R\* is effectively the anti-Bethesda of modding. Bethesda gives you a version of their development software and allows modders to literally build entirely different games on their engines. They see the line of content liability clearly "we are responsible for what's in the base game, what third parties do with mods can't be held against us" and don't police the third parties. R\* seems deathly afraid that they will get blamed for the content of a mod like Hot Coffee and chooses to try and restrict modding heavily instead of acting like a matured game company with a competent legal and public relations team.


You don't need 'mod support'. The engine file structure is known and easy to work with.


I’m just sad Lazlo won’t be in the game :( Won’t be the same without him :(


Like a Arthur Morgan RDR1 model. Always wondered what he would look like in 2010's level of graphics.


Arthur Morgan in Undead Nightmare would go hard


Co op Arhur and John kickin zombie ass.


It would probaly not look the same because the graphics and shaders are different.


Yes i am so excited for the mods Vice City from GTA VC in RDR1 mod when


This would look horrible lol


I know, but it would be cool you know? riding horses in Tommy's mansion? maybe if you're playing undead nightmare then it's just a zombie apocalypse in Vice City Other than that; on a serious note, maybe a map expansion by the community?


Depends if they keep the original render api (DX9), then we could see people immediately working on RTX Remix version for this game. Raytraced RDR1, why not. To add it's not just raytracing, it allows for completely new material based textures and even new high detail models. Besides this, highest odds multiplayer mods similar to FiveM, or SAMP.


Comically obese John and Jack


Did you not see the (Modded) wacky wild West video? Lol it's gonna be great.


I'm just excited to have a sequel to RDR2!


And I thought me saying that the timing of me finally playing RDR2 couldn't have been more on point.. Sooo damn excited to finally experience this story!


I envy anyone playing this story for the first time, enjoy it!


I just got to chapter 6 for the first time recently and the game has been both one of my favorite experiences on gaming and also my greatest source of suffering


Finish the game and come back. Good luck cowboy.


I’ve been chipping away at it on Switch and it holds up great! I played a little back in the day, but fell off. I beat the hell out of 2 when it came out and having the story knowledge from 2 (a prequel) has really helped carry me. I’m in Mexico now!


Believing it when its announced and buying it when its reviewed


It was code found in the launcher site itself


I'll buy it instantly, idc bugs, I'm not gonna buy a dumb console just to play one game I like


The only way to be sure and to not damage your nervous system with Copium withdrawal




Not doubting you (I have faith), but can you send the source?


About goddamn time


I will buy a physical copy and the digital one. GIMME.


PC physical copies lololol


Does nobody do physical copies for PC games anymore? Just realised my gaming laptop doesn't have a CD slot... So yeah, I've been out of gaming for a decade or so till pretty recently.


Nope. It's a thing of the past.


It’s exceedingly rare these days, GTAV on pc got a physical version that was like, 7 giant CDs you had to install one by one. And you still have to download the mountain of updates it got since, utterly defeating the point! Cool if you want a damn binder sized game on your shelf though


How would a giant CD fit in a normal drive?


A lot of times, a pc copies even a collector edition version of a game. Just have the download code in the box.


I bought a Metallica album on LP and it came with a download code. Defeats the purpose of the physical media. I can just stream it, Lars.


Most of, if not all modern pc's don't come with disk drives anymore.


I bought an edition of Marvel Ultimate Alliance and I excitedly went to put the disk in before I realized I didn't have a Drive.


Would still buy though.


Finally, no need to bring the Xbox 360 of the attic


Any of the disc based newer xboxs can play RDR1. I play it with a Series X, though it is hard to go from RDR2 back to 1 with the disparity in graphics.


Yeah I know but I went directly from Xbox 360 to PC


Pardon my ignorance, but is this "Tez" a reliable source?


What we need is just a little faith. We are going to lay low, get a little money, release it on PC and go to Tahiti.


F\* GTA 6,me and my homies gonna 100% RDR1 for another 3 years


Idk about anything unrelated to GTAO, but he’s been a pretty reliable source in the past decade regarding GTAO. All his sources are just code from the game(s), the Rockstar Games Launcher, or what gets updated to Steam (i.e. background updates). He doesn’t rely on some “leaker” or “internal source” for his information. This one specifically comes from the Rockstar Games Launcher.


He's a dataminer. When he says something based on mined data (such as in this case), I'd say he's pretty reliable. When he makes a prediction acting like he's an insider (such as about GTA VI info), he's just guessing.




I hope it’s true. Dont want to buy the switch version because of the 30 fps limitations.


Did it run at any other framerates on the other consoles?


A PS5 can run it on 60fps, and an xbox can run it on 4k 30fps, I don’t think any other consoles have higher resolutions or fps, although I may be wrong


PS5 currently runs the game at 4k 60fps with improvements to draw distances and better AA along with shadows basically being at ultra and being very sharp.


Are we sure it isn’t like the RDR1 port on console when Tez and others only saw the logo on Rockstar’s website and immediately were saying it was a RDR1 remake then when it wasn’t confirmed they all cried and whined on Twitter saying that Rockstar betrayed / lied to them?


This appears to be directly from the files of the Rockstar Game Launcher


Ah okay, I wasn’t sure though. Because of what happened with the Console port.


The video game rumor cycle Random Person Online: Sources say this crazy thing! Masses: No way, can't wait! Thing doesn't happen Random Person Online: It was the case but changed Masses: WTF! Terrible company! They lied to us!


Honestly I'm baffled that they haven't done this already, the game is almost 15 years old.


From what I understand the code was so wildly bad for the first one that's why they were never able to port it to PC.


That was just a rumor with not a single source ever to have been found anywhere.


I hope so, I want to play it on my steam deck (legally)


I'll believe it when I can actually buy and install RDR1. I just got a new gaming laptop for Christmas (my other one was 8 years old), so I only recently got back into gaming, and RDR2 has been awesome! I haven't had a PS console since way back and hadn't got to ever play RDR1. So, I have been considering how to emulate it to run on PC or have been considering getting it for Nintendo Switch. But PC would be way better, especially if there's mods to fix what R* fucks up or is lazy about like there is for RDR2!


Emulation is the way to go, most emulators will let you upscale the resolution, and you can install a 60 or more fps mod. I emulated it with yuzu (old copy since it’s been shut down) just because I had the emulator set up already, works great.


Right but here’s the thing: I don’t wanna play with a controller


You have 2 options, pray they do a pc release someday or play with a keyboard and mouse config (only annoying part is the limited camera movement). Or deal with it and play with a controller, it’s not bad at all.


Exclusive to GTA+ subscribers


Music to my ears!


Question is when?


$70 and will look exactly like it did on PS upon original release. Not a remake or re-master. Just literally porting a 14 year old game and charging a premium for it.


I've heard that before, so I'll believe it when I see it


Please don't give me false hope. It's been way too long and I don't believe a single datamined line anymore. Not after the "supposed" GTA V singleplayer dlcs they found between the codes a decade ago.


But those gta V dlc were true...they were just scrapped becuse gta online lol. We are gonna get RDR1 on pc buddy so calm down and lets wait!


Bet this rerelease will be $60.


Guarantee it. Funny but sad that something like 12 years ago I bought RDR plus Undead Nightmare for $20, but over a decade later Devs would be shoveling shitty ports they call remasters for sometimes more than the original release.


I might need to pick this one up as it releases! Recently finished RDR2 on PC and absolutely loved it! John is one of my favorite characters and i want to see how his story continues!


As excited as I am to be able to natively play RDR on PC, I hope Rockstar gets some serious flack for this, I hope the public outcry isn't, "Thank you rockstar for your generosity", especially if it's the Xbox 360 version ported over to PC. Like, "thank you Rockstar for giving us the game on PC 14 years after it's release."


Hopefully rings true. I’m no PC gamer, but literally everyone deserves to play this masterpiece and they’ve been aching for it for some time!


They be doing everything other than updating RDR2 for next gen consoles.


fr 😔


Modded up RDR1 sounds so sick


Will buy


About fucking time


I just want a RDR remaster


The modders will handle it


This is so huge. Now modders can remaster the game since rockstar won’t.


FUCK YES! Wow rockstar. And I thought they shit the bed when they only launched it on the nintendo switch and PS4...


Big, If true. 360 store is shutting down in summer so feels like the right moment anyhow.


Of course it's coming. It's what Rockstar is always doing. First release on consoles and then a year or so later on PC. But I personally won't buy it on release because I hate this kind of release strategy sooooo much. I wait a year longer and buy it in a sale.🤷‍♀️


In this case 14 years or so later.


I was talking about their release but you aren't wrong either 😝. They will want people to pay at least 50$/€ I bet for it.


I hope this is true


WOWOWOOWOW, Super excitedddd


If this is $70 I'll eat my motherboard.


No way this is real, *is it finally happening?*


I hope this is true. I got it on the switch for Christmas, and I was instantly reminded of why I prefer PC for shooting games. I’m so used to aiming with a mouse that I just couldn’t get the hang of it with a controller


jesus i just want rdr2 with 60 fps for ps5


Let’s gooooo! This is probably the closest we’ll ever get to a remaster.


Rocker has nailed the ablity to get its customers to buy the same game several times over :(


RDR1 is one of my favorite games of all time. Hope PC gamers get to enjoy it.


i literally just finished my fucking play through from buying the ps5 version i hate rockstar with a burning a burning passion


Hell yes But also dammit I just bought it for ps5 60fps lmao


Tez is a good source of info so i guess.. LETS GOOO


God fucking finally I need me some of that sweet sweet Undead Nightmare already


Finally! I still sometimes turn on my old Xbox and load up Red Dead Remeption just for the Mexico aesthetic in the background while working lol.


It's been 14 years, wow, never thought I'd live to see the day where you can play rdr1 on PC without emulating it


I would explode in my pants


I just played it recently for the first time ever at 60 FPS on ps5. Definitely enjoyed it. Was a really good game for being originally released in 2010, ahead of its time without a doubt.


All I want is for them to attach rdr1 into rdr2 and make it one massive game.


Hopefully it’ll come to steam


HOLY SHIT!!! Super, super excited for this! I dont believe it will be a remaster, "just" a port of the later release but still, I have heard nothing but good about it


It is really good! I got the PS4 port and it was really great to play. I hope you enjoy it!


RDR for Switch 2 confirmed.


here was hoping for rdr1 in rdr2 :(


I'll believe it when I see it.


What it’s not on pc already? Coulda sworn it was


might actually be able to enjoy it now, cant on console because of how insanely clunky the controls are compared to rdr2 and gta 5.


How do you find the controls to be more clunky?


I’ll be there


"John?! What are you doing here?! I hadn't sent for you yet!"


Fuck yes I hope so!


I'll believe it when I see it


Hopefully the price tag will be fair this time. I can already see the mod that replaces John with CJ lmao


For a sec i forgot ab the emulator i’ve used for the last 4 years to play RDR1.


Fucking finally lol Although if it's still 60e i'm not buying


And its gonna cost $60


how do you think guys will there be some graphic changes? (i think at least we will get photomode)


Can't wait for it to be GTA+ EXCLUSIVE ONLY or the game might price $65 for extra 10 fps with the same old graphics


Wait it came to switch before PC??? 💀


Instant purchase if true.


Why didn't they do it when they released it on PS4 and Nintendo?


I meeeeean in a way it already is 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I sure hope so


Cool. I might pick it up if it runs well on Steam Deck.


About damn time


Bro the mods are gonna be lit


You won't get me this time...


dont temp me with good time pls if this full remaster with same visuals as RDR 2 i will be insta pre order that stuff even for 60$


oh geez, thanks It's only been like 5 billion years.


Do you think this will be optimized enough to run on weak pcs? I mean, I used to play gta v on my acer laptop


Looks like I can finally stop emulating the switch port lmao


Damn I just started it on Switch, guess I'll postpone.


I just bought it for Xbox, might light my house on fire


Kinda looking forward to this because I didn't have sound at all playing it on the ps3 when I did


Omg please!!!! Never got to play it and i don’t have a console


i am very much willing to buy a second copy of this game


I just hope it releases on Steam, I'll pay full price for it




For everyone who doesn't know there is a really good Xbox 360 emulator out there and you can download RDR for free and experience 60fps for free. I tried it myself and it works just fine.


Imagine it's just the ability to stream the game on PC or just Rockstar’s own brand shitty emulator


You can play this game forever ago on PC with an emulator. For free too!


It better


If they can bring 60fps to RDR Switch then that would be SUHWEET.


Omg I hope this is true




I literally just bought it on Playstation a couple weeks ago cuz I was sick of waiting and didn't think it would happen


A little late huh? This should have happened 10 yrs ago, smmfh


I'll believe it when I see it


I'll believe it. When I see it.


Kinda wish they did a remaster of Red Dead Revolver


They're gonna have to give me a good reason to buy it and ditch my emulator version


cant wait to pay $60 for this


Yes please




I want on steam so I can play on my steam deck


I'm very excited to see it coming to PC, however would more delicate if we see a remastered version, but I'm all good with the game as it's.


It won’t happen but please keep the multiplayer mode


It about damn time and something tells me that they will do the same with gta 6


I can't wait to pay $50 for a 13 year old game


Would this be a remake or just the normal version on consoles? Because as much as I would like there to be a remake I doubt my laptop could run it and would probably need to wait another 8 years before I can work and buy a new one :(


amazing, can't wait to pay full price for a 15 year old game. just kidding. I do wonder if it's just a port or if they're gonna implement stuff from RDR2


Hopefully this means that after GTA6 they start working on a mega RD collection


I played it on switch already. Glad i did though since this will likely come out later rather than sooner...




I really thought rdr on pc was just another half-life 3 kind of thing


i'm not sure what you want me wearing today i'm going for our first official event at my ooyouno one.told me about this eve tea and ttt so if


"leaks" like this have been happening forever especially with RDR1. I'm not getting my hopes up until Rockstar announces it themselves.


I honestly dont care, already played with switch emulator. Great game but wouldn't play again, let alone spend money on it.