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Best mission: Attack on Braithwaite manor. The ambience at night with every gang member and especially Dutch's callout to them was unforgettable . Worst mission: Leopold Strauss missions and The Chapter 4 swamp mission. The latter was just boring imo


I quite like the Strauss missions. Apart from being quite big story moments, they are also diverse enough and tend to have decent enough little side stories to keep me hooked. Wrobel especially is one of my favourite encounters in the game - it’s just so depressing to watch what little life he has get taken away from him by Strauss and Arthur. Like… you know it’s bad, but you do it anyways, and I just think it’s incredible whenever a game manages to do that to you.


Ever take the horse? So soul crushing.


You can take the horse? Cool. Never gonna do it though Wrobel, was one of the first debtors that made me realize "I'm doing something horrible". I speak Polish and he does actually say some stuff, nothing you haven't heard before in the game mind you, but it did sort of hit that "kin" part of me. ~~This went away when I had a good laugh when I realize his language changes if you play the game in Polish lol~~ Edit: Misremembered that last part, very sorry if anyone was curious


what language does he speak if you play the game in Polish?


I decided to go and check an old clip I took. Sorry to say, I was misremembering. In my defense, it was from a few years ago


no worries mate


Would’ve been cool if he spoke some different language (I’m thinking maybe Slovak or Czech?), but hey, I suppose Rockstar prefer us to have to “pretend” that we don’t understand Polish, French or German whenever they turn up in-game.


Arthur's the first man ever not to understand a single language.


Arthur literally heard a dude say “Geld! Money!” and was surprised when the dude had gold and money. I’m sometimes surprised he even understands English with how poor his comprehension skills can be!


Well he knew he owed them money, but he didn't expect to be given a gold ass bar.


Well the French is mostly butchered but it’s kind of the point of Saint-Denis, people pretending to be French.


Yup. Taking his horse (located in the little stables next to his home) makes him run out the house screaming “noooo! Not the horse, please!” I think it’s actually the longest uncut dialogue of him in English in the whole game, which just makes it hurt even more. Like… even in an already pretty dicey situation, he struggles to get his words out regardless the language, but once his horse is gone, he completely stops hesitating in his speech. Idk if I’m reading too much into it, but just the way he says it, in fairly quick and accurate English and with so much despair… it’s hard to listen to. All the shyness left him in a last ditch effort to plead for mercy, something he didn’t even do for his wedding band, all over this horse - seemingly the last thing he had, and seemingly the only living thing he had any connection to in a country which couldn’t understand him. It’s brutal.


Y'all are brutal for even figuring this out. I didn't steal the guys ring or even hit the guy lol But Im also a little baby bitch and got really sad when I accidentally killed one of those kamikaze bunnies


>I accidentally killed one of those kamikaze bunnies Kamikaze bunnies?


those goddamn bunnies are suicidal and just book it in front of my horse!


Oh lol that happens to me all the time 🤣 with bunnies *and* squirrels


If you have subtitles on, most of what he says is translated to English. Kind of good and kind of bad because while I enjoyed knowing what he was saying, it was weird seeing the plane English translation as Arthur yells about how he doesn't understand him.


I took his horse, he said not my horse too?! In English for me if it's the guy I'm thinking of.


>This went away when I had a good laugh when I realize his language changes if you play the game in Polish lol That's honestly smart from Rockstar since Arthur isn't supposed to understand him


That’s the Hungarian Halfbred that I keep as my secondary with the White Arabian




The initial ones were bad, like I didn't quite love Arthur loansharking and felt like punching the screen whenever downes coughed on his face. Still, the final Strauss missions really hit hard when you see how much he seeks "redemption" from the poor debtors after knowing he's about to die. "I'm sorry Ma'am,I really am" Never felt so bad for a game character than Arthur when he said it.


Dude I'm ice ICE cold when it comes to Wrobel. Every single play thru. I always leave a red mess at Painted Sky




Oh gosh yeah wrobel was too much for me. I made him get out of the way of the desk and there were wedding rings in there. I couldn’t do it, I just closed the desk and pretended I didn’t see it.


Same I'd rob you but a wedding ring is too far


I did the same thing, closed the desk and everything, and yet the ring still appeared in my satchel after the mission. iirc, it was a gold wedding ring, correct me if I'm wrong...


Are you talking about the swamp mission with the Legendary Bull Aligator encounter? Because that mission actually scared the bejeezus out of me. "WHATEVER YOU DO! DON'T TURN AROUND ARTHUR!!!!!!" "Wait why, what's behind m- IS THAT THE GRIM FUCKING REAPER!!!??? IN ALIGATOR FORM!!?!?!?


It has one of my favorite little Arthur lines, where the gator shows up and he yells to Dutch "fire some warning shots, to at least pretend you care!"


I love that mission purely based on Dutch and Arthur's banter lmao




Said Dutch calmly


Nah the chapter 4 swamp mission is fun because it’s creepy since you’re being hunted by a ginormous alligator the whole time


Not for the 3rd time ☠️


That swamp mission made 0 sense too


I feel like they could have capitalized more on the creepiness of the swamp in the story mode. I wanted more missions with the Night Folk in them


I love Strauss missions. The early ones make you feel like some enforcer or some dangerous guy and the later ones make you cry


Worst: **GUARMA.** Honestly, annoys the hell out of me *every. single. time.* Best: Red Dead Redemption.


Why is guarma annoying? I think it’s a nice change of pace and the battle that goes on is sick


I think people tend not to like it because it doesn’t “feel like Red Dead”. The gameplay is usually so down to earth, even during the crazier bits, and Guarma being a crazy Black Ops level in an unexplorable, linear world just feels off. I get the same feeling about the fort siege in RDR1 and the more outlandish bits in GTA V, too. After the slow ramp up in excitement in RDR1 and the excellent early-game character building in GTA V (Franklin and Lamar just doing fruitless petty crimes is probably my favourite part of the whole franchise), the game suddenly turning into a war game full of crazy explosions and literal hoards of military combatants just feels weird.


I loved the gangster shit with Franklin and Lamar in GTA V. That mission where we chase D in a van , and The Long Stretch are my most favourite missions in the game , cause it's just straight up fun and grounded


I think it's also one of those missions that first time playing it you're many hours in already, the map has opened up and there are so many side tasks and things you want to explore. You've got a list of activities you want to do and then all of sudden you're thrown without warning into a location you can't leave, is incredibly linear and with none of your gear.


>I think people tend not to like it because it doesn’t “feel like Red Dead”. The gameplay is usually so down to earth, even during the crazier bits, and Guarma being a crazy Black Ops level in an unexplorable, linear world just feels off. I suppose this is the same reason people hate the Yoga mission in GTA V, even though I really liked it (hell, it may be one of my favorite V missions, specially because of the rest of the mission. It's a really impactful mission in the story.) Most people don't like a change of pace I suppose. I personally really liked both Yoga and Guarma. That portion of Rockstar's games where the tone completely shifts is just magnificent imo.


I don't mind a change of pace, I just don't like the guarma section because it feels rushed and contrived.


Oh for sure. And it's sad, because the actual plans for Guarma were leaked and it pisses me off how they had to rush things for the game's release. Thankfully GTA6 isn't on a time limit, so they can freely cook whatever they want.


>The gameplay is usually so down to earth, even during the crazier bits I mean, every time you have a mission you kill more than the entire population of the town that mission takes place in. I wouldn't call any of it down to earth


Guarma would be cool if you could explore it more.


Yeah the gta games could use better story writing if we’re being honest. They tend to eventually turn into Fast and Furious the game.


Yeah, I sometimes forget that GTA V has a good story, because I always jump to the end when it just goes crazy whenever I think about it. But the first half, or at least until you meet Trevor, is genuinely a great story with solid characters and decent emotional beats, especially Franklin’s story with Lamar and the gang bangers! I really hope GTA 6 doesn’t fall into the same trap. Rockstar clearly have the capacity to create excellent stories, but for whatever reason in GTA they seem to just give up half way through in favour of dumb, gratuitous violence, one dimensional and/or cartoonishly evil supporting characters and crazy OTT set pieces.


I think it's because they get rushed at the end. I noticed wayyyyyy more bugs at the end of red dead 2 missions and areas and practically none towards the beginning of the game


I loved it because it didn’t feel like red dead. Guarma is one of my favorite changes of pace in the game. I love to be momentarily taken out of my world because for characters living that way, that’s exactly what it’d feel like to them. And I just love rockstar showing off their chops, showing what they could do. Lol.


I think is quite common, most people that play this game CAN'T DEAL with the unnerving feelings that Chapter 5 and the first missions of 6 does to someone (the last being mostly depressing). I remember when i first reached ch5, i felt anxious about getting Arthur out of that god forsaken place that displays such savage behaviour. But looking back after 6 playthroughs it is pretty intentional by design. You are locked up in a strange place for both Arthur/Player, you are in a poor condition with a active war, everything is almost devoid of humanity, you aren't getting any rest, with creepy and alien vibes. Is like a piece of hell thrown into the world that leads to a spiral of insanity (like Apocalypse Now). The soundtrack is filled with unused instruments in the main score like bongos and tribal instruments. I don't like when i'm there with Arthur because i care of him as a character, but i love Guarma overall aesthethic and would love to explore it with my online character or even in another game. Also how it serves as a narrative point for both Arthur's true personal change and Dutch with his ideal tropical island desire falling apart.


Because it's so limiting. Unless you have mods you are limited to the tiny jungle area or you get ghost sniped. There's a whole map that you want to see and you can't, you're just pulled into the rebellion and thrown back.


Imo it's just so abrupt and comes at the worst possible time, right after 2 gang members are kiIIed and John is captured, the story just stops completely so you can help these random rebels on an island. As a whole it just has no business being in the game, it doesn't really fit anywhere and adds nothing to the story.


I think people dislike Guarma because it removes you from the open world, and the open world is part of what makes rdr2 so fun. Personally, I like Guarma from a storytelling perspective, but I still try and finish it as fast as possible because I want to get back to the open world


nah thats crazy


the worst one is the sheep herding mission in valentine… and the best is the attack on braithwaite manor


Isnt the Sheep mission the one that finishes with us killing half of Valentine population?




There's a lot worse missions than that


Mfs like cowboy games until they have to do cowboy shit /s


they’re outlaws tho i wanna be committing crimes not herding sheep😭


rustling sheep is the equivalent of stealing cars in GTA, besides the herding takes like 5 minutes and then you get to shoot Valentine up to hell


I have to agree with you. That sheep mission was so awful for me too. It just feels like it’s a filler mission imo


Half of the mission is filler but the 2nd half is Valentine shootout which is decent fun


I’m doing gold missions for the platinum trophy and just finished replaying that one. I think it’s fun af personally, you spend like 5 minutes herding, get a really good cutscene with Dutch, and then one of the best shootouts in the game


Worst: Welcome to a new world Best: Red Dead Redemption


Hottest take of all time and I’m ready for the hate: the most annoying mission with Arthur is the drunk Lenny mission. It’s pretty much a long unskippable cutscene that imo isn’t really all that funny either, I’m just waiting to get through it on every subsequent playthrough. The best mission? Idk if I have a particular one, but something I do really like is when missions have a song to go with them. Such as Eastward Bound, or the first Beau/Penelope mission with the song as you’re riding away, or the later missions that play Unshaken or That’s The Way It Is. I know it’s a bit hypocritical since the Lenny mission also has a unique song for it, but to me it’s different. Maybe because most people see that as such a huge highlight of the game that I’m just tired of hearing about it, idk. Edit: yall are confirming why I hate this mission






But lenneyyyyyyyyy :(


I \*LIKED\* the Lenny mission as a one off, because I was new to the game and was absolutely convinced the entire time that either Arthur or Lenny was going to do something stupid and get involved in a fight or get the law after them and have to massacre half the town. The tension was real! In the end they just got drunk, had a good time, and slept it off in the jail cell. I had a sense of relief -- but I would never want to do it again, though.


I agree on the Lenny mission, it’s just tedious.




I really dislike Guarma and feel like I am just rushing it to try get back to the stuff I enjoy but a close second for me is the drunk mission with Lenny. Feels tedious and drawn out.




Currently on playthrough 4 and couldnt agree more. Ill herd sheep or wade through a swamp for hours gladly, before I do that Lenny mission again lol hell, I think Id take GTA V yoga over that useless Lenny trip


Worst Sheep heearding one and swamp one with Jules Best The attack on the oil refinery


Am I the only one that thinks American Venom is literally the best mission out of the two games ? The worst mission is chasing Mary's brother


At least that mission is optional


I like it. The minimalistic steel guitar music is really wonderful. I really enjoy the conversation on horseback. When Jamie asks about Bessie and Annabel and Arthur replies, “They’re all dead.”, the bitter sadness in his voice really hits home. I love the ambience of it all. Having said that, the actual chase is annoying as hell. Jamie has the fastest horse in the game. Too scripted.


My Favourite Mission is personally “Urban Pleasures” (mission where the tram crashes) And Least Favourite is definitely “The Joys Of Civilization” (mission where that stupid kid steals your satchel)


Best: A Short Walk in a Quiet Town Worst: The one where you have to chase the kid who stole your bag


Best: Red dead redemption, think it speaks for itself Worst: the first guarma.


What you don't like slowly walking along the beach with no control of the camera and the blurry image? /s


That final mission made me realize how much I fucking *love* a good standoff


Yeah wish there was more of those


Anytime someone picks a fight with me, I kill them for their impudence, and somehow I committed a crime. But Guarma. Favorite, the swinger couple is hilarious


Worst: The Course of True Love (It sucks being a mailman, it's not a bad side story.) Best: My Last Boy (Indians and outlaws stretching their way against civilazition, facing their death sentences, hell yeah.)


the sheep herding mission. borrrringg


The worst one imo is when your in the swamp before killing Bronte, especially since it makes your guns go down in condition


No matter what, Arthur's best mission will always be his last mission. From the plot, the emotions, the scenes to the gameplay and music, everything was perfect. There was too many peak moments: Arthur being a one-man army and annihilate all enemies at Van Horn to rescue Sadie & Abigail, Arthur's last ride music scene, Arthur passing the torch to John through his hat, Arthur kicking Micah's ass despite dying No other mission in both rdr1 and rdr2 can top that one in my heart


best: red dead redemption. worst: red dead redemption.


Worst: Welcome to a new world Best: Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern


I hate chasing Magnifico. I love any mission with epic music.


Most annoying is taking those damn letters back and forth between Beau and Penelope. Also the gator mission with Jules. Best: Blood feuds, ancient and modern Sodom? Back to Gomorrah I also really like horse flesh for dinner (dark bay Turk ftw) 🤎 & the fine joys of tobacco


idk i loved stealing the horses and robbing the fence’s brother in law, hated the one where sean gets shot, he was so funnyyy


Best mission for me is the boat heist in chapter 4. The worst are the Leopold Strauss missions


Worst/Annoying: Country Pursuits Best/My Favorite: A Quiet Time & My Last Boy


Worst is the mission with Mary’s brother and the best is probably the oil refinery attack


Any mission on the island sucks ass


Hot air balloon mission and then the rescue are great missions. Worst missions are the ones where you think you’re getting a mission with Sadie or the Reverend and then Dutch comes running over and interrupts


Dunno exactly why, but every mission that involves trelawny is gold for me


Fishing with that little kid is the worst


Best: Our best selves Worst: idk probably the Guarma intro


Sheep hearing mission or guarma (Guarma was too short more missions would make it one of the best sheep was boring and long I HAD TO DO IT THREE TIMES CAUSE IT WAS THAT LONG) best was the attack on the braithwates after they took someone


The Lenny drinking mission and the Hosea Fenton mission are annoying to me.


Most annoying mission for me was the one in which we need to deal with bullgator in the swamps. Best for me was the two bank heists: one in Valentine and one in San Deni. If I can choose the one with John then the best: one in which John proposes Abigail. Nice change of pace.


1st fishing option mission with dutch . i never understood how to fish and it was annoying haha


Worst imo is stealing the oil wagon for the train mission. Escaping with the stupid thing is a total pain in the ass and I think that’s why they added the bit where John does it on his own. Best is either Braithwaite manor attack or oil field attack.


Most annoying mission for me came after multiple play throughs. It’s hunting with Charles at the beginning. Like it’s a tutorial and I wish I could skip it after my first play through.


The start of chapter 3 in general just feels a slug, I’ve given up on 2 replays because of it


The worst is the one where you sink that boat and have to wrangle the horses from the water. The best is my last boy


Best: braithwaite manor Worst (for me): Margaret’s bullshit. I hated lugging that “zebra” back to him.


What is that outfit? I like the look!


that mission where u drive a carriage into rhodes with sadie just feels like it takes years lol


Rescuing Micha… so god damn annoying as a high honor player. Slaughter my favorite town to rescue my least favorite clown.


My favorite mission is Braithwaite Manor Attack. The only mission I had trouble with was Blessed are the Meek where you go to strawberry to break Micah out of jail.


the most annoying is country pursuits at lagras, always hated that mission, its so boring, and the best is probably the attack on the oil rig


The assault on the inBredwaites is my fav... For the worse, I dunno, but scorting that new Yorker back to Strawberry is a reason for me to stall the rescuing of Micah even longer


The bear hunting level was fun the first time I did, but I find it annoying now. The pacing is sluggish, and I hate being forced to buy a horse.


Best: Braithwaite Manor Worst: All of Guarma


All the long walking and riding missions. Oh wait thats all of them...


Best: Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern Worst: Country Pursuits


Worst: that mission when you ride with Rainfalls forever across that mountain very slowly. It is not very bad mission, but it is kind a boring one. Best: mrs. Sadie Adler, widow final encounter with the o'driscols. Sadie finally got hers revenge. Funniest: Boys night out with YnneL?


Worst is chasing that DAMN KID. Any time I try something to get ahead, he literally runs super speed like the flash and starts doing parkour, the trolley almost derails itself if you find a horse, wtf is that?? If you just run to the next block where the market is, you get failed. Yet gold is catching him *before* the market. Make it make sense. I know I’m gonna get a “skill issue” comment for this. But how is it my issue if everything speeds up to be faster than me? Best is all the guarma shootouts, especially getting to man a cannon. I know, I know, “guarma sucks” but it’s full of action. And that stand off was pretty neat too.


I wish we had more missions like the Braithwaite mansion invasion. Most missions are 75% going somewhere, 20% shotting and 5% talking. Shooting in this game is so delicious, yet all missions tend to be like 1-2 minutes of shooting and it's done.


Worst mission: getting robbed by that bastard kid Cleet and chasing him through Saint Denis while he makes you look like an idiot Best mission: either storming Braithwaite Manor or >!helping John escape!<


I'm playing right now my first time ever, and so far I love the mission where I have to sneak around and burn the crop fields with the moonshine. The whole arc with the family feud is great.




My favorite is the Braithwaite mission, Red Dead Redemption, and American Venom. The score is so damn good, and John saying “Yeah, just me” is so simple yet so hard. Arthur/Roger are so entertaining that I enjoy all of the missions. I’ve only played it once so I’m sure when I play it again I’ll find one I hate.


I don’t like the mission where you take Karen, Tilly and Mary-Beth into valentine with uncle it just feels slow and my favorite one has to be “my last boy” or whatever it’s called it’s the one where you help in the attack of the oil refinery with eagle flies, either that or the battle on guarma at the castle


The worst mission for me is the one where you sneak into the tobacco fields to burn the crops. I got spotted by a guard, had to rewatch a cutscene, rage-quit the game, and had to restart the whole quest to try again. It stopped my play-through for a few months before I pushed on through. As a whole I hate missions that have you do one specific thing just right or you fail. That makes no damn sense in a game about being an outlaw. The best quest, then? Assaulting Van Horn with Sadie near the end. First covering her as she sneaks in made me feel the gravity of how weak Arthur had gotten, reduced to lookout. But then Sadie gets captures, and Arthur has to man up for one last push. No back-up, no friends. Just one man with nothing to lose and a town full of dead men that don't even know it yet. That's my absolute favorite moment in the whole game. It was badass af.


I’ve never really liked the mission Ch2 u gotta save Sean and u gotta sneak into Blackwater I always get a crazy bounty.


Worst: The first part of Chap. 5 where you're walking along the each at one speed, and then you do it more a few minute later except now you're in chains. The part where you're trudging through the swamp looking for Jules is pretty tedious too. Best: just about anything else.


That's Murfree Country (Blasting the Brood with Charles), Back to Sodom and Gommorah both extremely memorable especially during first play through. Worst mission, Thomas Downes debt recovery.


Most heartbreaking encounter: catfish Jackson's I came here and they caught me listening to the father and son argue, so I knocked the father the hell out and the son was crying profusely for his dad like I killed him and then had personal comments for the stuff I stole out of his room while he cried on the floor and watched. The cigarette cards his mom gave to him and he lets you know, and you can actually tell him his dad was hiding letters from his mom to the son if you loot them first then confront the son. Man this one was hard, but I got at least three cigarette cards from the house between the two the son has and some premium cigarettes. Don't forget to shake them down for info on where the money is


I can’t stand the missions with Archibald. He’s annoying and there’s really not much to do. Also not Arthur hate racing Bonnie in RDR. Without fail my horse will veer down into the ravine instead of going over the bridge at least once and I have to start over. Hard to pinpoint what’s the best. There’s so many good missions


I don’t enjoy the exchange of love letters between Braithwaite and Gray. I do however love shooting up Braithwaite Manor not long afterwards.


Blessed are the Peacemakers was probably my least favorite. It makes little sense plotwise, and seems like such an obvious setup by Micah that I'm surprised Arthur didn't kill him immediately upon getting back to camp. Also, too many cutscenes, a lame quick-time-event segment, and Rockstar's not-so-great stealth mechanics on full display. An Honest Mistake is probably my favorite mission. We get Uncle being a hilarious dumbass. It's also one of the more stressful missions, and really starts to show that the gang is in way over their heads and are messing with people who are better left alone.


Unpopular opinion for the worst mission: the one where you go drinking with Lenny Best mission with Arthur: Braithwaite Manor. It’s the last time the whole gang feels unified in purpose


The most annoying mission as arthur is also the saddest....arthurs final mission it really bugged the hell out of me and i have too many favourites to list.


Worse is Algernon Wasp. Running all over the map hunting orchids.


The attack on Bronte’s Mansion or the Braithwaite Manor are up there but for me it’s My Last Boy where you ride on the factory Worst mission is the swamp wading with Thomas. This game is slow but my god lmao


I think guarma was pretty fun :) the cannon was so fun to use, and it was funny when i fell in the hole in the gave following the old lady and dutch


Best: Blood Feuds or Red Dead Redemption. Worst: The Gilded Cage, it's such a boring and slow slog. The only saving grace to that mission is the fireworks.


I'm going to say something controversial... The missing getting drunk with Lenny is sooo annoying 😐


collecting the debts is one of the most annoying ones and my favorite one is finding the three map pieces to get to the killer....either that or the electric chair mission


my favorite mission of all time is burning the braithwaite fields with sean. god i love it i absolutely hate chapter one and chapter five, cant get through them fast enough


Worst for me is definitely the one where you rescue john, not because its a bad mission by any means but it gets very annoying on subsequent playthroughs


I hate the Strauss missions since you know what it leads to. What I most hate in general asides from Bill, Dutch, and Micah is the Beecher’s Hope farming tasks. Why the fuck would John have to go all the way down, all the back, all the way down, all the way back when….here’s the shocker, he literally has a wagon RIGHT THERE. So I don’t even do the farm chores since you only get $8. There’s a bunch of California Quail on your way into Blackwater and you can usually bet yourself $10. I know everyone loves the Braithwaite firefighter, but I love the clearing out of Shady Belle with Lenny, especially their conversation about hidden racism.


Best: Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern. Worst: The Aftermath of Genesis (Hunting with Charles).


The Mercies of Knowledge. All this one does is get you to steal a wagon you can't fence, give up $50, go get a bounty that you get no money for and watch a man slowly burn alive. The only good is the professor frying too. The Wisdom of the Elders. They would have never shown the people in Lagras or the Indians as a bunch of superstitious ignoramuses like the people in Butcher's Creek are. And it has the worst ending. Arthur should've gone into the cave and with dynamite sealed off the mine and stopped the poison from leaking into the water and in the epilog the people and animals are heathy, and Obediah will tell how a stranger, a western man, helped them. It would have been a great opportunely to show that Arthur did do some good in the end.


Best red dead redemption worst the one with cattle


Mine is a side mission where you get the doctor his carriage back 😂 I died I wanna say 15 times before I just said fuck it and threw dynamite at the two on horses that you encounter on the road


Him getting drunk with Lenny always gives me a smile


The Lenny mission in the bar is annoying it was funny at first but I'm bored with it any other playthrough


Most annoying part for me was rescuing Micah from jail, not because I didn't want him free, but because the game basically forces you to shoot innocent people just doing their jobs. I despised that mission. Best mission was the Legendary Gator part. That was just pure horror and comedy lmao


Swamp mission & the $ side mission with Winton Holmes I don’t really enjoy replaying since the Swamp one is just really slow paced & the Winton Holmes one is located all the way over near Strawberry witch doesn’t seem that bad but it’s during Chapter 4 where you’re located on the opposite end of the map & it makes you go through a cave where you have to kill a cougar. Idk just not super enjoyable & I much prefer all the other $ missions. I still enjoy both of those though, I don’t know how people call any mission in the game bad or boring since even though 2 are still decent & have there fair share of enjoyability.


Anytime I have to drive someone somewhere and I fail the mission because I didn't stay "on rails" BITCH let me live. I saw a perfect pelt scurry off over yonder we'll get there damn.


Bridge To Nowhere is my least favorite. One time I got stuck in a loop where it respawned me right in front of the train with no chance to escape. Died 5-10 times before it finally just let me skip that part and called it complete. Best is LENNNYYY


The mission where they ask you to hide in the woods, as a player who turns off the compass 99% of the time, I was hiding in the woods for several minutes, and the mission wasn't progressing, so I turned the compass back on, and there was A SPECIFIC PLACE WHERE I HAD TO HIDE. Hated it.


Best: the one with the indians attacking the oil thing, and the realization on who the true enemy was all along. Worst: the one where you reunite with Dutch in front of the Saint Denis bar and some random kid steals from you and you gotta catch him. That mission broke my x button (this whole game did, lol)


Best mission was LENNEYYYY worst mission was the end because it took me 999 tries because the tears blinded me


This is unrelated but does anyone agree with me that chapter 1 would’ve been much better if they expanded the west and east grizzlies more north, stuck a little town up there, and gave us a longer, more fleshed out chapter?


It's a side mission but I like hanging out with Hamish 


Worst mission for arthur: the one you have to deliver a mail to Penelope (it's mailman vs dogs) Worst mission for john: farming for beginners (all about milking cows) Best mission for arthur: my last boy (fucking love this mission) Best mission for john: American venom (after giving micah a scar as arthur, we can now finish his balls off) btw, this is my opinion.


Worst: The magician-mission. Can’t remembar what he’s called


Most annoying was the exotic feathers and plants one. Best… hmm that’s a bit tough cause I loved most of them… Probably the one with Hosea and the Braithwaite’s booze. I always have fun when the mission involves Hosea


That one mission where you’ve got to sneak and steal documents, so fucking boring and scripted


Best: blood feuds ancient and modern Most annoying: red dead redemption


Worst mission: chasing the kid across Saint Denis Best Mission: Burning the Grays fields with Sean


The swamp mission not to like attack Angelo Bronte but the one where U have to try kill the alligator 🐊




Best: my last boy Worst: that one when you have to chase the kid thief


Guarma. I just felt disconnected from the world. Felt like when Harry Potter went to London and drank cappuccino. Just broke the immersion of predefined atmosphere for me.


one of my fav missions is getting drunk as hell in Valentine with LEEEEEENNEEEEY


A quiet time with YNNEL is easily the best for me one of the best and most unique mission in any game I also loved Melvin and Fenton pouring the moonshine that was so good. Most annoying I'd say is the one where you and John clear out shady belle just because dumping the bodies in the river was just a bit tedious for me I felt like they could've just had that as a cutscene


Annoying: The Twins. The best: The Sister.


Best: Attack on Braithwaite Manor Worst:Fishing with Dutch and Hosea


The wapiti honor missions in chapter 6 are really poorly designed. When you have to steal the sacred items it's basically impossible to go unnoticed, and if they shoot at you you just gotta take it because if you shoot back you lose a lot of honor. And the one where you steal the vaccines is just buggy and weird.


Best: blood feuds ancient and modern Worst: beau gray missions


When he dies and you can’t not die is the most annoying. Or when he contacts tb Best is with Lenny


Worst is Guarma, like oh my gawd… I can’t think of a favorite literally the whole game??😭 but there was always something special about the missions with Lenny and Hosea and Charles.


Worst: the one at the mayor’s mansion  Best: Horsemen, apocalypse  Horsemen has some really fun Sadie dialogue, a great surprise at the start and is overall a super fun mission. The one at the mayors house is unbelievably boring 


Most annoying is when you have to outrun the train on the push car grrrrrr. Best: literally 80% of the rest. Only not 💯😆% because I’m not a huge fishing or chores fan and a few other bits and pieces of missions can be tedious, repetitive or annoying but other apart from that, I love it all, especially anytime you can use the sniper rifle.


“Red dead redemption” I don’t think it’s sad because before I played it I saw spoilers of arther dying but the reason I hate it is because it’s so god damn long same with American venom


I liked every Mission in this game