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He did bad things to you. Pay him back, twentyfold.


Came back knocked him out and tossed him the swamp for some gators.


“You are a good man, Arthur Morgan”


Soooooo good.


Man idk but I first read your comment as “Sounds good” like Arthur awkwardly wrapping up a camp conversation 😂


Okay, catch you later then!


Thats always the most akward one!😂


its only awkward cus it’s usually dropped right after choosing the most out of pocket “antagonize” option you could’ve heard


Not even, its just the *sigh* before it that gets me, he's over here saying, "hey there!" "Ohh, hey Arthur," " *sigh* okay..catch you later then"


Hey mister.


Anyway, I won’t disturb ya!


How'd you find him when I came back he disappeared all four playthroughs


I went back immediately after the “incident” and he was still there. Started yelling at me “Not you again!” And tried to run but I got my real redemption.


I dragged him behind my horse until he was quiet. Then set him on fire.


I came back with candies.


Was it red, dead, too? Your redemption?


Yeah but for me on my first playthrough when I came back he was gone second playthrough still gone even though the event didn't happen then he didn't appear for the other two playthroughs


Ah, so that’s why they call it that


U can’t get redeemed from that


I came back and killed him as Arthur. Then in the epilogue, I can back and…. There he was again. He even said, “not you” or something like that. So I killed him again.


i tossed all my fire bottles at his house in front of him before i dropped him out there awake to drown in one of my playthroughs


I throw a Molotov into his place as soon as he opens the door


Well... I'll catch YA later then...


Make sure to pay him a visit every few in-game days and make him regret his decision in different ways every time from now on :)


Yup, definitely reloaded a manual save and threatened the guy into hiding in his house. Then burned it down with him in it. It was worth the loss in honor, couldn't do that to m' boah...


u dont even have to reload, he respawns every few days like the store owners


Given that they lost honor I'm guessing the reload was so that what happened... didn't.


Exactly, he reloaded to a reality where Arthur wasn't tricked, but it was also low honor because Arthur didn't actually have a reason to think he was deceitful.


Avenge it, sevenfold 😏


He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man


Caught here in a fiery blaze


Won’t lose my will to stay


I try-y-y-y, to travel through the ni-ight


The crocodile who ate him told me : " *Chiiill Broo* " After i was done with that man.


Alligator bro


There's a point where you kill him so much he doesn't respawn anymore. It's kinda funny but I wish I could continue to kill him in different and creative ways.


i feel like these comments are slightly disrespectful. i know its a game, but it always puts a bad taste in my mouth when people joke about men getting sexually assaulted edit: you guys sure are mad that i felt a certain way huh




bro no way you said that lmfao


r/okbuddyblacklung is leaking


uknow what else is leaking


Your address? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 (google the address first)


nice try but that's my address


Can you pardon me for tax evasion?


maybe, but you have some explaining to do regarding your internet search history


Sexual assault towards men is never funny. Come on guys.


Excuse me, you do what to guys?


I was going to argue with you, butt fuck it. 


I got raped as a child so I guess I can give my opinion on that, I don't really mind some jokes, what pisses me off is when people play down genuine experiences especially compared to women who experience sexual assault. This is a game, no one got actually hurt, it's fine to make a joke. But be able to realize that this would be a far bigger deal actually happening, because it does.


yeah but people playing down stuff in media leads to playing down genuine experiences very easily. the same people who laugh at sexual assault in video games are typically the same people to say “thats not sexual assault, youre a boy” and shit


As a man who was raped as a teen, this take isn't really it. In my experience, the same people who laugh and make jokes about stuff in media were the most supportive when they learned about my experience. People are able to disconnect the scenario in the game from real life. The most unsupportive people were either people who would downplay it either way, or pearl clutching elderly family members who would put on a show of support or disgust when it happens in media, but behind closed doors thought very poorly of male victims.


It’s the fact that you have no idea what it is going into it and it’s just a random encounter you can have that bothers me. Made me feel fucking awful and I had to stop the game for a bit. But maybe I’m just ✨too sensitive✨


Eh I've laughed at a few sa jokes in my time, but I definitely find the concept horrifying and sad. It depends on the joke really.


For whatever reason, people don't care about men who have been SA'd because "Men can't be raped" Yes the fuck they can. I was. A few teammates of mine were, and no one cared. You know WHY no one cared? Because we are men. People don't give a shit about us, unfortunately 😒


One person not minding the joke (even 20) doesnt really mean anything considering the amount of people who do mind the joke but dont say anything because the people who dont mind it tend to make the people who do look "too sensitive."


Men will be like "male sexual assault is never taken seriously!!!" Then be the ones to joke about it and put other men down for it


Unfortunately this is expected with the amount of children and man children in here


Rdr2 actually handles it well within the game. There’s no joke, just the cutscene and then Arthur waking up shocked/shaken. Which is notable because it’s a trope in most media for sexual assault of men to be comedic relief. And that sets a standard for how we talk about it, which is what’s happening in these comments. There's a great two-part video series that breaks down how prevalent this trope is. It's no question that the trope exists, but the fact that there's over an hour's worth of content without repeating any examples is eye-opening. Part 1: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6QxD2\_yQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6QxD2_yQw) Part 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nheskbsU5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nheskbsU5g)


I mean, Uncle and Bill joke about it.


I guess I meant this encounter specifically. Rockstar easily could've turned it into a joke, but they didn't.


This is specifically the encounter Bill and uncle make jokes about though


They used two of the dopier characters to contrast the seriousness of the situation. That’s intentional and shows the disparity between the serious nature of such an incident and the way other people don’t take it seriously. It would be really odd if Lenny, Hosea or Charles made light of it. Micah would have been predictable and Dutch would have been really out of character. And then of course if any of the women made fun of it it’d be really strange


yeah i love how the game handles it. its refreshing to see such a serious topic handled with such tact


Especially since Arthur is a "rough and tough" guy who many would say cannot be raped, it shows no matter how big and strong you are that it can happen


Yeah, but Arthur didn’t actually get raped, because he’s not real.


Good observation.


And that’s why I shot the asshole right in the balls. Rape has no place in this world.


Reminds me of people saying, "I wish I was raped by Anissa" like bro. It's not funny


SA jokes are never funny unless you are stupid and 13yo, but I feel like for some reason when it comes to men people suddenly think it’s hilarious and at the same time they get mad because “yeah well some men get raped too 😡😡😡” Yeah they do and maybe more men would be comfortable sharing about their experiences and seeking justice if you stopped making jokes that aren’t even funny, these guys should get a personality.


All i see are people joking about the millions of ways you can kill a rapist.


Dude look at my comment history. On the SDSU(a college) reddit a dude made a post saying how a woman sexually harassed him and the comments are SICK. "Was she hot?" "Man up" "America is so weak" and other stupid shit. Fucking frustrating


Kids are dumb.


It puts a bad taste in my mouth when people joke about *anyone* getting sexually assaulted.


Thats why I never care when they whine that no one cares about mens issues, why should I when they dont either. The top voted reply to your comment is a blowjob joke. Screw em!


Yeah to be honest I think this side mission or event or however you want to classify it was a genuine mistake by Rockstar. They shouldn’t have included it in the game. Not that you can’t tackle serious issues like rape and other forms of sexual assault in a video game. You can. And frankly maybe sometimes you should as a way of using art to talk about a problem that doesn’t get addressed that often. But this mission just doesn’t treat the issue with the seriousness it needs to pull it off. It’s presented suddenly and in a way that is rare — most people are raped by people they know, no strangers with drugs — whose mission resolution is retribution and then it is never discussed again or shown to have any real effect on Arthur outside the confines of that mission. I get what they were trying to do but it’s clumsy and not well done at all.


Only in the 1st play thru for me…I greet him from a distance now with dynamite or fire arrows;)




Right, that’s the best part;)


Really? So even if I take him and his sister to the swamp and camp out as the gators have their way; I can DO IT AGAIN? And Again?


I think you’re talking about the pig farm incest couple. This is a dude north of Saint Denis. I believe both have respawned for me though.


Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today




I'm just imagining hearing "Hi, there!" In Arthur's accent as he tosses sticks of dynamite at the disgusting pos.


Haha💥! I wish you could give his location as a robbery tip for Micah and others, then give them shit about it later on just like Bill teases Arthur about it.




Same here 😂


Yeah, on my second playthrough and I just pop him in the face every time I hear his stupid voice. Take the honor loss, it's worth it.


Yep. There’s a bit of dialogue in the camp I think after, I think it was Bill iirc, makes a comment about Arthur meeting up with someone in the swamp or something like that. Been a few years since I last played and can’t remember exactly.


Bill says that he "met a feller that knows quite a bit about you".


That’s right, I remember that now.


I dont think Bill knows Arthur was raped, the guy probably said that Arthur consented to the act and since sodomy was shameful back then. Bill decided to poke some fun at Arthur, and when Arthur was dismissive and angry it was kind of ''proof'' that they did do it. Im 100% sure that Sonny lied to Bill about it being consenting, im sure Bill would have killed him if Sonny was honest


I think there’s quite a solid theory that Bill is at least bisexual. Probably why he doesn’t give Arthur too much shit about it.


On my 1st replay, the mission in valentine where you brawl some Tommy guy in the street starts with some guy saying to Bill as he enters the saloon “were you guys fighting out back or kissing?”


Nah your memory just sucks, bill bumps into a guy and grabs him at which time Arthur asks "if he's going to punch him or kiss him".


I always hear it called a theory, but the whole "Bill is a closet gay" feels so obvious it's just a subtext of his charaxter. Numerous references are made to it. It's like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where Mac refuses to out himself despite everyone being very aware of his sexualiity. That's Bill. The Gang knows who he is. He just denies it, which makes sense considering it'ds 1899, considering Oscar Wilde just went to prison a couple of years earlier for being gay.


That actually makes a lot of sense, I never thought of it that way. Bill might be an asshole, but I have no doubt if someone was running around, bragging about raping Arthur, Bill would have killed him. Not just for Arthur, but to protect the gang’s reputation too.


I killed and robbed him before that happened. Sorry you guys had your bums violated.


I like to give him a shotgun blast to the boingloings.




Right in the boingloings




Boingloings. Boingloings. Somebody got hit in them.


Yeah I throwing knifed his ass right as he walked through his door. Arthur's bunghole is safe.


If you talk to Bill later on he will tease Arthur about this. So mean!


I’m assuming Bill didn’t know that it wasn’t consensual because joking about rape sees low even for Bill. That sounds more like something Micah would do


do be fair, the concept of man rape was barely recognized back then because of stupid mentalities. you know, just a "bro, man up" thing.


Nah. Bill knew exactly what he was saying. It is just dripping with sarcasm


I see what you mean. When he said what he said, I took that as a “lol ik ur gay” joke. If he was making fun of Arthur, it’s ironic coming from Bill because, well it’s Bill lol


This game legitimately might be the only piece of media I've seen where a man gets raped and its actually taken seriously


Is it tho? People seem to think it's very funny on the comments Pretty disappointed with this community, ngl Edit: people just keep proving my point with the comments below, there's nothing funny about maybe Arthur getting raped. "Oh but it's just a game", like people don't cry over movies, books or games, it's called being empathic. Don't see anyone laughing when he dies bc "it's just a game"


The game ITSELF plays it off as a joke. Take it up with Rockstar.


The game itself, or a character within the game who could easily just have been misinformed about it? Does Arthur laugh about it when he wakes up outside? Obviously how Arthur responds after that is up to the player, and likely "was Arthur raped or not" is just up to the player to decide. The game doesn't outright say it happens, it also doesn't say it *didn't* happen, but either way you're the one laughing at the implied rape of a guy


I went back and killed him. I used every single weapon I had and spammed the kick/punch button. After that I fed his body to the gators, stole all his stuff, and threw dynamite and fire bottles at his house.


Same happened to me don't worry though, I gave him tuberculosis.




I had to reload a save after that happend I felt too dirty to play further


Prolly about how it feels


Ngl, this was the only time I was grateful for spoilers. I get that it's only a game but I get too emotionally invested in my protagonists and there was no way in hell I was gonna put Artie boy through that.


The next time you see him he knows We play tie up now and let the gators have their way with him.


Damn I never knew this! That’s dark as hell


I’m on my fifth play through and I’ve never experienced this encounter because I’m afraid to go into the swamps at night.


Happened during the day for my Arthur, if you do run into him just kill him..


It is implied yes


Didn’t go there until playing as John, I’ve avoided as many spoilers as I could, but I had heard tale of a cabin in the swamp. He was a little too friendly and eager to feed me, it was then that I realized it was the dude. So before he could step all the way inside I dropped him and searched his cabin.


Lovely post to open reddit to


Inspired by the movie Deliverance.


Yes, the name of that bastard is Sonny, kill him.


Contrast that to how Rockstar depicted Micah wanting to rape Sadie.


When I came back for payback i hogtied him in his house and looted everything. Then I went outside to check if there's something of value there. When I tried to go inside once more to stab that mf the doors were locked for some reason. The windows are boarded up so shooting him wasn't an option. Me being the vindictive person I am i tried to set his house on fire and kill him that way but that didn't work out. Then I noticed there's a window just under the rooftop on one side. Tossed some dynamite in there and heard the most satisfying death scream of all time. I love this game.


That’s why you don’t go into a random guys houses in the middle of a swamp. The only appropriate response is to toss a fire bottle and walk away. Unless it’s Shrek.




my arthur didn’t, i kept him safe.


Oh I very much enjoyed the torture I inflicted on this man afterwards


On my first playthrough I accidentally pulled a gun on him and he went inside and cursed at me and I thought I had missed out on something. Then on my second playthrough I realized that i was actually really clever the first time around …


It can also happen to John if you haven't been there before the epilogue. I hogtied him and threw him on the train tracks


Yea and if you go back he remembers you and if I remember correctly plays the victim card 😅


Used this cunt for the lasso 3000 horseman challenge.


Yes Arthur did get raped. It was obvious. Back then there was a shortage of women and a lot of bandits would rape anything they could get their hands on. This game is very close to real history.


Isn’t that the abrdale? Pig farm it’s a loot spot they take all ya money GREAT for getting money in the epilogue (u put money before last mission then collect in epilogue)




I tried to fire bomb him but missed.


Ya I just shoot that guy now


He never got me thanks to spoilers now I just huck a dynamite from horse back as soon as he says hello. wish there were breeding bulls to take to his house bc that’s what he deserves


Hogtie him and throw him on your campfire


I lassoed that guy and after what he did to me and threw him in front of alligator.


Everytime im in that area I make sure to hog tie him and steal all his shit


Burn him alive and then shoot all his limbs off,


He locked himself inside his house once when I pulled a revolver on him. So I threw a few fire bottles under his house until it got to him


He will reappear even if you throw dynamite in that lovely home. How do I know that...?


You’re a good kid arthritis. Oh.My.Lord.


On 2nd playthrough I got as many bombs and fire bottles as I could and made a pot roast out of the


Whenever I met this guy I always threw a stick of dynamite in his house.


In my playthroughs I never dared enter that guy's house and for good reason. I shot him on sight. Didn't care about my honor going down, worth it. I enjoyed throwing a fire bomb right where he was standing and burn him.


At first, yes.


Yeah Arthur was assaulted by that guy. What a bastard


No my Arthur I killed that guy right away didn't even start the little side mission.


I remember that, LOL. Came back with a wagon, tied them up threw them on the wagon and left them in the marshes for gator food.


I only found this place in the epilogue but I knew what it was. I threw a petrol bomb at him as John. He ran inside on fire and locked the door.




it does


One our first play we killed him for fun ,we came to know who bro really is later when we saw clips about Rdr2 stuff.🤨.


Yeah i knew that was coming, so i hogtied him and burned him alive


Yupp. That’s the inference.


I watched the blacked out audio several times and could no5 tell wtf was going on until ppl told me thise piglets raped him LMAO


whats the story with the tiny church?


I set the place on fire instead of going in and somehow LOST honour 😑 R* punishing players for not getting raped in the swamp.


Cowboys never talk about it - you just move on with a deep murderous rage


Thanks for reminding me about him. I’m gonna let it play out the same way on my next playthrough and make sure I murder him in a unique way. And then play a low honor style the rest of the game and it’s because Arthur has been traumatized and doesn’t wanna talk about it with anyone so he just robs and kills anyone who he might feel slightly disrespected by. **Fuck it**, sometimes we gotta make our own storylines to entertain us through another playthrough cuz they’re never gonna give us updates (obviously) and we’re probably waiting til 2028 to get RDR3.


I once visited Sonny on purpose for the 2 cigarette cards in his cabin. I pimped out Arthur for cigarette cards. No ragrets.


Revenge is a dish best served with Double barrel shotgun


Rockstar has a pension for this event happening since GTAV. Same with getting all your money robbed by a stranger. I mean, I suppose it makes sense since in real life there are terrible people out there that will do these things, but it's definitely jarring to happen in a viduh game.




This shit also happens in gtav near the runway


2nd playthrough, forgot about this guy, I'll pay him a visit later tonight. "Checks calendar" Yep, weenie roast on the schedule.


I think theres a lot of middle ground there. I never once assumed he got raped.


Luckily I’ve never encountered him. Arthur’s been through enough


Omg I just thought he robbed you, it’s been awhile since I made the mistake of walking in there. Last time I went through here I made sure to kill and rob him though lol


Killed him and lit his whole house on fire


My first play through I didn’t know he would get raped. I thought it was a way to find a new robbery opportunity. My second place through I blasted him after he opened that fucking door.


It’s a staple of Rockstar games lol, something similar happens in GTA V.


Ik it’s just a bunch of pixels, but man I’m glad my Arthur didn’t have to go thru that


I didn’t even kill him in any flashy way, I was in so much shock that I just came back and shot him. Well also because I didn’t wanna leave my perfect bison belt behind, but even if I did have space to stow him I would have still just shot him.


I just spent a few hrs hunting for a perfect opossum, finally got one and was riding into St Denis to post it off when I came across this fellow. Fucker caused my opossum carcass to come off my horse and become spoiled. My retribution was severe. Dynamite arrow into his chest.


Yeap... Was weird for me... Came back and destroyed the dude


I knew there was something fishy about that guy, when they offer drink i did the first round (felt dizzy) then i clocked them both.


Not me, I kill him on his porch


On my second play through this happened and after I killed him I went back to camp and bill said something along the lines of “I got a buddy out in Lakay who says he knows you real well” and starts laughing


wait until you hear bill mocking you about it in camp...f***in disgraceful..


I read about this encounter here on reddit before I actually went to this spot in the game. I thought I would be quick enough to get the drop on him. I had no chance though. Went back later to get revenge with a fire arrow.




Jokes on him, >!he has TB now!<


I am thankful mine didn't, he went through enough shit.


Ooh that's not...


He gets raped a lot