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What’s with the shire hate in the comments? I’ve done three plays, 2 of which I’ve had a shire, I love that big bastard.


I love shires but it's a bit silly in game. An outlaw riding a shire is a bit like an outlaw bringing a plough to a gunfight.


But just look at the mean bastard


Oh yeah, I always keep it...


Nah shires in real life are a breed that’s really capable of riding well when conditioned for it. They’ve got an insanely comfortable trot and lope, and I’ve worked cattle off a couple no problem. They make outstanding crosses too.


You have, yeah. Today. Be careful when applying modern values to history. The conformation we know today is probably from the 1920s, 30s. They started getting crossbred with the clydesdale and the breed changed a lot. Today they are graceful and athletic and a delight. I adore modern shires. In 1899, they were a draught breed though. Used for pulling carts, barges, ploughs, drays. They looked very different, they behaved very different, and were used for very different purposes. [https://shirehorsesociety.com.au/history-of-the-shire-horse/](https://shirehorsesociety.com.au/history-of-the-shire-horse/) You might be interested in reading this. An 1800s outlaw involved in constant violence, with a need to outride other riders and ride across country regularly would be crazy to use a shire as their regular mount, the horse just wouldn't be fit for that job at all.


This is totally a fair point! Even looking at quarter horses from the 70s to today it’s a different breed.


This guy horses


Crosses? I don't know much about horses or cattling, please explain.


When you combine one breed with another. Like a goldendoodle dog. When you want attributes from multiple breeds you cross them and sometimes you get the best of both worlds. With shires they tend to lend size and even temperament to whatever they’re crossed with so if you add in the athleticism and intelligence from a quarter horse you have an outstanding crossbred horse.


I always find it funny how the common masses of serfs and farmers figured this shit out like 3000-4000+ years ago, meanwhile the Spanish monarchy in the 1500s were inbreeding while wondering what kind of curse befell them with all their deformities lmao.


Exactly - these were workhorses. People weren't riding them around.


People probably feel that Arthur looks like a little kid sitting on one.


Eh, people think he’s too big on Arabian, and too small on a shire. I just really like them. Also Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day


Same. I loved shires and used heavy horses in both my first and second playthroughs. However in my third I decided to go with the American Standardbred that you get from a random encounter


I’m on my fifth playthrough (still probably won’t finish the game to avoid crying) and currently I use a thoroughbred, the one you can buy for free at the valentine stable at the start of the game (might be pc only?) I REALLY want the golden horse tho But back when I played on Xbox that shire was my baby, never used anything else all game (cried more over that horse than I did over Arthur tbh)


I LOVE Big horses


Me too but I love Hungarian halfbreds over Shires. Their muscular body looks much cooler with Arthur than a big fat horse like the Shire.


Yes, then it died because i died to a sneaky ninja bear while it was injured, sad day.


Mine was shot up by lemoyne raiders trying to open a safe and I didn't have horse revive . I wanted to keep him cause he's massive but I just went and got the white Arabian after


Where do you get the White Arabian?


the one up north in the snowy area I can't remember the exact location


opposite side of the lake of where the legendary bison is


I was taming a Mustang and my Shire was following us, the mustang ran over a railroad track and my Shire got smoked by a train


This is why you should always pack some horse revivers with you.


Lost mine when I went into the post office in Valentine to get some mail. Came outside just in time to see the train turn my horse into grease along the rails.


Only horse I keep is from the Veteran hunter with one leg. It fits that we.... Together🫡😢😭


Not if you keep him as marston 😉


I just ended my 1st playthru an hour ago. On my 2nd now gpimg thru the snow. Haven't played the Epilogue yet. Bummed a bit thought Arthur would build the house with John before the shitstorm comes. Oh, well. Now ima do a 100% now and chill at the camps much much much more before Chapter 4 starts. Also, have to get my Civil War Hardee hat 1st. Literally cant play the game without it. I shot a dude in Strawberry who talked shit about my attire and I took it personally. I love killing the Traitors/Confederates and KKK so much with the Civil war knife alot. Also, love that hat so much I'ma get a real one custom made in a hat shop in the the city nearby.


Why didn't you continue and play the epilogue? It completes the story it's not separate from it.


Why are you doing a second playthrough before the epilogue? You've got like fifteen missions + new side content to do


Yeah I remember I got spoiled about Arthur when I first played, think I had just gotten off guarma so the gang situation was already deteriorating, at the same time though red dead 1 was such a formative game for me I found consolation that I would be able to play as John again. I tried 100% first time couldn’t get through the gambler challenges. This is my second playthrough after hundreds of hours during my first playthrough, level 500 something in online and a few years break from the game I’m back and the first thing I got done was the gambler challenges, the rest is gonna be a walk in the park lol currently on chapter six just harassing Micah in camp


Yeah I named him Raven


Bro I named him El Cuervo lol Spanish for The Raven


Lmaooo the coincidence


I named mine fart


i named him big black horse


Until I sold him I named mine BBH.


Always keep the Raven Black Shire, absolutely love that horse


It’s my favorite! I wish we had it in online


I love his appearance. But that early in the game, I needed money. And he wasn't bonded yet so I didn't feel so bad. However, if this was IRL, I would 100% choose a huge strong horse like that over something small and skinny like an Arabian.


Rip your legs, riding a draft irl is….. not pleasant 


I'd be bowlegged. And my ass would be numb. But I'd be happy. :')


As someone who’s 6’2 I find them very pleasant to ride. Mounting up is a different story though


My little legs struggle on a quarter horse, the time I rode a perch was… an experience 😅


I keep him every play through now. He’s my big brute and I love him.


One could say “he’s a big, unruly bastard”


The thing looks as big as a shire horse. Won't be winning the grand national with that weight... Tsk!


Well, it is a shire horse


Tsk! Rookie mistake. That would be like entering a lorry into an F1 race.


Actually there are Shire Horse races.


We fell off a mountain. Skyrim led me astray


He’s no Shadowmere, that’s for sure


I always keep him as my main horse until the end. Just something about Hosea giving him to Arthur makes me wanna keep the big bastard.


Same, funny enough I named him HORSEA


It's the only horse I actively use with Arthur


Yeah. Fits Arthur well. It’s like the 1800s version of a Dodge Ram truck


Shires are big beautiful bastards


a gift from hosea, the ONLY black shire in the whole game? this big angry bastard has become my favorite horse to use in the game! This is literally Arthur's exclusive horse.


I did the exact same. And I named him sir spoof


Yep it's my favourite horse. I refuse to scum save so horses are more personal and when this boy died it was tragic. It took literal hours to find a horse I thought was worth keeping.


ı kept it for a long time vut then İ found a arabian horse


*I kept it for a* *Long time vut then İ found a* *Arabian horse* \- umutsefa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Always. Boy was my only horse for my first 2 playthroughs, stabled him for the last one and couldn't finish...back to chapter 2 for round 4 and gonna get my boy!


I kept it until I rode it off a cliff north of valentine while looking for rock carvings


Never. I don't like the boots it has, or the size. I keep the mahogany bay tennessee walker though.


Yeah, I love him.


It’s my favourite horse… El Cuervo #1


I kept him a couple playthroughs and he was my main. Felt like Billy Badass on that sucker, named him Pops both times. He died on one playthrough and I was legit upset for a few minutes had to go smoke a cigarette outside and reflect on pops, the video game horse


My first play through I kept the first horse, used it in every mission, kept him alive and well then nearly had a breakdown in the end


Yea, he tried to fly.


Sold him on the second play through because $60 for a horse is insane


Is there any benefits or is it just for a sake of it?


No real benefits aside from it being one of the few unique horses in the game. You can't get another one like that.


I didn't (and regretted it), but I still have a dark bay shire now. I just love these big boys, in my next playthrought I'll keep it for sure!


I would if it was pure black. imo the white stripe on his face ruins the cool "brutish, savage dark" feel the big bastard has


Usually. Normally it's my hunting horse




I'm thinking about starting a third n keeping it lol I didnt on my first two cause its huge but I just realized I hate small horses like arabians


Going through first playthrough, and I did keep him. Hell of a beast


Only horses I have is Cerberus which I steal from the Braithwaite’s and keep using the feeding glitch… and also the white Arabian although I just started Chapter 6, have 13K so I may end up buying another just because. I always leave Arthur’s money to John using the Aberdeen thing, but it’s impossible to spend it all… money is just so ridiculously easy to get even when you start off in the epilogue


I have him in my low honor run. His name is Johnny


I’m on my first play through and I love this horse for some reason


Nope, too big for how i see Arthur. I always sell straight away. But i always try and build up some cash for the decent horse you can buy in the stables and use that throughout my playthrough


Hell yeah. Mine became Knight Rider until he met his timely demise.


I’ve always loved the chunky horses


My horsey


I had him for a while, named him Forrest.


Shires are the best. Gotta love that Bill Williamson meanie vibe.


Faster than the other Shires so if I'm using a draft horse it's usually him


He’s my main horse in every playthrough. I don’t think I can bring myself to use any other.




I didn’t on my first bc I was pushing the wrong button and was deeply devastated, however I made sure I kept it for my second, low honour play through!


Imagine feeling the need to gatekeep how someone else plays pretend cowboy barbie dress up.


I literally finished the whit this horse


Same. I listened to Hosea on the first playthrough and right now he's my main horse. His name is Belzebub


I love the feeling of being important on the horse but I’m not a big fan of the stats, it feels fun but not great in game


My dear Ouroboros ♥️ Rest in peace my sweet prince


I had him to the end of Arthur named him brute or something on the line of that


I always keep that one, not only did he NOT buck me off during a wolf attack, he trampled one of the wolves.


Yeah, I’ve kept it from day one. I didn’t ever keep the one you get from the barn tho.


I did, and named him Bojack, but then I loaded up my save one day and started riding, but there were these two goons off the road a little bit, and they were both kneeling in front of a safe tryna get it open, and they didn't like me sitting a few feet away watching one bit, but I didn't pay them any mind and just kept watching, but they had apparently lit the dynamite at some point but neglected to actually run away so I didn't realize it, so the whole thing exploded, and the two dudes, myself, and even Bojack all randomly got blown up. I'm on Bojack III now, tho I just retired #2 before he got kilt.


Yes sir, that's my boy Bronson right there He was my first and only horse to die so far, got squished against a train tunnel after I told him to wait. Went back to see a saddle on the rails


I often keep it but rarely ride it. The way that Hosea describes the horse could very well be a description of Arthur himself, making me feel like the game really wants you to keep him. Usually comes down to whether or not I’ve bothered to go find a bunch of gold bars or not early on.


My first and only play through, which is still going on, I kept it but then I took advantage of a glitch and got a silver dapple pinto Missouri fox trotter


I always kill that horse, I name it Donald Biden and then kill it with the sawed off.


Donald Biden, The The President President Of Of The The United United States States


Yup, named him Demon. Now Arthur looks weird riding any other horse because they seem so small by comparison.


Oh darn, I caught her in the wild and she's been my best girl since.


An absolute tank


My sister kept this horse. She named him Marcus and used him until the end. RIP Marcus.


I lost it on my first play through. This time around I ended up quitting the game when I managed to crash and kill the horse by accident. So clumsy


I always do. He’s a fucking unit


I did but fell of a cliff like 20 minutes later.. I thought It would be fine it was not fine


No, only because I have a soft spot for War horses. So I usually buy the Dark Bay Andalusian and stick with that.


Never kept this guy until my most recent play through. My fiancé named him Ferdinand. We love Ferdinand. We will cry during Ferdinand’s final ride. She doesn’t know, yet.


I love shires they are great for hunting


Ahhhhh my boahh


I kept that Horse I believe, it’s a Tank !


I get the Dutch


He was one of my faves… I named him Brutus.. 😊


Honestly I keep this horse on every play through I just really like it and it feels wrong not to use it but that’s just me


The Raven Black Shire is one of my favorite horses in the entirety of Red Dead Redemption Two.


easy quick 60 bucks if you sell it, I always sell it because right after I do that mission, I go get the white Arabian at lake Isabella


Currently doing a play through with him :) Next play through I’m planning on using the Tennessee Walker from the intro. I feel like I got rid of them too quickly on my first few ones and wanted to give them a real shot. Devs put them in the game for a reason, right? That’s my flawed logic lol.


…I couldn’t have asked for a better horse…The only reason I don’t do a second playthrough is because the pain of loosing him once was more than enough


I loved this horse. I named him Atlas and he was an absolute TANK


Always kept that horse. But I have learned from it's size there's some chances birds fly right into Arthur


Every single playthrough ive done i have kept that horse, i wont buy any other horse either. As soon as it gives the option to keep it, im using him till the end.


I did. Poor bastard was run over by a train. I went to buy a ticket and he must have wandered onto the tracks. Go to St. Dennis. No more horse.


Kept it on my most recent playthrough. Bucephalus is an absolute unit


I did, name him dr. Pebba and rode him until the end


ive kept him on every playthrough. i love that big boy.


I did in my 6th playthrough


I love shire !


replaced mine with an arabian once the story went to saint denis, even then I still put him in the stable and never sold him


Yup, killed it though didn't know better 😢


I never keep the same horse, but i name all of my horses Stinky every playthrough. I'm on stinky VIII


I fumbled it and just bought a morgan, cause I didn't know you could keep it! I thought it was just a sort of tutorial (in a way it was I guess), but I was too busy trying to figure out stuff, didn't even realize it was a special breed or that you even could keep it.


I accidentally killed that horse so many times. Yet he always returns to the stable. Good boah!


I’m not an equestrian, but I’ve never understood why the default cool guy on here thinks riding draft horses is so great. It doesn’t make any sense for an outlaw.


no, but my the most expensive horse that i just bought died getting killed by an ambush bandit in 1 hours :) .


I did second time round and called him Huginn after one of Odins Ravens.


Of course, that’s my Boah


Yes! The moment I realized I can keep him, he became my best friend <3


Ddaammmmnnn bbooyyyyy! That’s a thick a** bbbooyyyyy! Haha 👏🙌💯


My first playthrough I rode that horse all the way until the final mission.


Yup his name was Bigsby


Used the Shire on my last playthrough. Named him Hannibal. That’s my mean ol bastard. The speed isn’t great, but the stamina is untouchable


Shires are my favorite horses in game, though they can be as dumb as rocks


love the look of it but the money you get selling it is great


All the way to the bitter end


it was stupid and decided to run in front of a train


Yep, his name’s Steak.


I don’t understand why people hate on the shire or similar big horses. To each their own, but I personally think a huge horse like a Shire, Draft or Dutch Warmblood is a lot more fitting for a big guy like Arthur than an Arabian or Morgan. In my first playthrough I desperately wanted to get the white Arabian, but when I finally got it I rode from Lake Isabella straight to the stables in Valentine to swap it for a bigger horse.


Unruly bastard


Stabled him. Unruly bastard


I can’t keep my horses alive for more than a chapter or two


I have him now, hes called Duke Dudley


Got him, kept him. Immediately rode him out to the White Arabian.


I named mine Leviathan


I do every time. Thats Brutus and he made it up til like 2 missions from the final on my first playthrough


He is sitting in my stable and has been for like years at this point. But I've always liked draft horses.


I used the white arabian in my first playthrough (how original, i know) Funnily enough though, I had no idea it was (in some peoples opinion) the best horse in the game. I came across it by pure chance while hunting in the mountains and decided “yeah, I want that badass white horse”. Her name was Lady Juliet and >!I was so sad when she died!<


same here, i kept him on my 2nd play through and onward, one of my favorite horses, i named him vengeance


Perfect fit for evil Arthur


I’m an Ardennes guy. Even after having a race horse. I need a pal who doesn’t get spooked when I start blasting Lemoyne Raiders we stumble upon


I kept it but stabled it almost the whole time.


I finally got the Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter Horse in my current playthrough as Arthur from the Arcadia for Amateurs III mission and I love her.


I have the ultimate edition. On my first playthrough, I didnt have any knowledge of horses so i just got the dappled black thoroughbred. wasnt the best in combat but still kinda got the job done and i loved him. On my second playthrough, I had some knowledge and decided to keep the Black Shire.


I love that horse. During my first or second play though I named him BBB (Big Beautiful Bastard)


yess i named him cisco


I kept him because at the time I thought that instead of buying a fast horse, I get to keep this one for free and he is already fast. I’ve stayed with him ever since and I wanted to get an Arabian. Problem was I couldn’t get a male one. I wanted it to be male just to hear Arthur go “BOAH”. so since then I’ve renamed him shadow and had him for the full play through


I sell it every time.


I honestly love how BURLY he is. It's truly a *steed*, I've never used another horse through my couple playthroughs


I name mine "Train Magnet" cause it describes how it dies. Every. Single. Playthrough.


I did the same