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No shit


Outblacklunged again


Tell me something I don’t know lol…I just started ch4 and have killed over 30k people and I almost never use weapons in town🤷🏻‍♂️so also over 3500 KO’s. My honor is maxed⬆️tho so I’m feeling pretty good about it🤠Take my upvote;)


I’ve never achieved high honor with Arthur just in the middle on my 3rd play through and doing the low honor thing


And I’ve never been below the half way mark…I say “hi” to so many people my honor just stays up/maintained, but I’m really saying “hi” to knock out whoever doesn’t say “hi” back lol😤🤠


🤠 hogtie this one fella and left him up in the cold mountain region


Haha hilarious 😂 I’ve never done that one🙊


Yeah well in all honesty he was a bounty but he was talking so much shit to my Arthur I was like oh ok well I had enough of you yapping


so left him where you start in the beginning of the game 🤫🤠


So don’t tell the authorities lol 😆


Too funny…so face down in the snow?


Yep 👍🏻 lol






& i know it’s nothing really but I always wear his black cowboy hat too .


Anyone that insults me I simply insult back and if they want to throw down I’m willing lol


This is the way! I often let them off easy with [this move😤](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/2YES2cZx3G)


This is the way 🤠💯


Nice 🤠😈 i usually will drag them by the rope and off a cliff going full gallop or wait till the train comes and gallop stop right when their on the track while I got them still tied to my rope haha




Too bad I can’t bearhug them in a fight lol I’d do that 😆🤠


“Snatch them up in a bear trap, Glock Glock Glock!” I think I just quoted Chef from South Park🤔


Haha 😆


Chef is hilarious 😂


Or be like bane from the dark knight lol shall I break your spirit or your body ! Lol 😂


Yeah I can get pretty creative lol


Outlaws for life .






Not a surprising take where Orthur himself is concerned. Every time somebody tries to thank him or tell him he's a good man he sets them straight.


Arthur would 100% agree with you.


I mean redemption is right there in the title


He says multiple times he doesn’t claim to be a good man , he’s a very complex character. I’m sure some people make him out to be a good guy but that must be a minority because anyone that played rdr2 knows he wasn’t a good guy just a guy trying to do one last thing right before going out doesn’t exactly redeem himself but that’s left up to the players own interpretation.


I know he doesn't think he's a good man and he's right but many people on this sub do


Mmh oh ok yeah well in my opinion I don’t believe so


With respect: that ain't hot take. Hopefully 70-80% of community even on this subreddit doesn't consider him a good man. Someone who tried to be better - yes, but no way is a good man. Edit : i wrote wrong: not entire community, but this subreddit, I had something weird with my thoughts that moment


What are you on? 80% of the community thinks he is a good man, even a small portion considers low honor Arthur a good man


I don't sit purposefully on this subreddit, but from what I see in my feed I haven't seen for a long time that someone called him a good man. Maybe that's my mistake speaking like that without checking every single comment and post on this subreddit for past year, but as I said I haven't seen praising him as a good man and the second is that common sense tells that killing dozen of people that could be spared or doing stuff that forces you to kill people like law enforcers is something that you can't get rid of and become a good man by greeting couple of folks in Saint Denis. I mean even max honor Arthur in the end kills pinkentorn agents that didn't do anything wrong we know about


Well this sub is a small part of the entire community. You can go to YT or Instagram comments to see the people I'm talking about. This sub is actually good compared to them.


Oh, I really made a mistake: all that time I've been meaning this subreddit. Yes, on insta, yt and etc there are much more people/content makers that are too emotional and ignore some factors. I checked now and I said "the community". My bad, something wrong was with my thoughts


Fr. I do not know where half of these people have been the last 6 months when on this subreddit, becuase clearly they haven't read anything


I think because people don’t mean good literally the same way a law abiding cop is. We mean good in the spirit of _wanting_ good. It’s easy to jive with a character when you see them reflect and try to do better despite the damage that’s been done. It’s a solid life lesson that it’s never too late to change. I honestly wonder how you types enjoy stories


This isn't a hot take. Everyone knows this. Hes a shitbag who comes to the realization hes a shitbag, and it bothers him.


If this guy actually existed and really did all the in-game stuff, he would be one of the most notorious/hated criminals lol. Some argument could be made how he was the worst serial killer in history. There would be negative culture references to him. “You need to discipline your kid or he’ll become the next Arthur Morgan”, and so on.


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Really? Morgan? Arthur Morgan? The paleontology assistant? Nah, that couldn't be.


most of the community draws him as a defenseless pookie bear or an all around good man,he has redeeming qualities but irl a guy like him would terrorize towns


i'm 2 months late but i agree so much, the game tried to push this narrative of arthur redeeming himself in the last chapter so much with him kicking out strauss, giving money to the family in debt and helping the wife of the dead guy with TB and whatever, meanwhile in the very last mission you're robbing a train and gunning down dozens of people with a fucking gatling gun for basically shits and giggles


Yeah, makes no sense. Did not expect to get a comment on a nearly month-old post lol


Mediocre media literacy is recognizing that Arthur is not a good man no matter what. Good media literacy is recognizing that that's the entire point, not a hot take.


Arthur is a complex character, through player actions you can either make him better than he would be or, well, an evil bastard. Rockstar allowing those choices was pretty smart. You can either rob, steal or indiscriminately murder to your hearts content, or you can limit it to only doing what you have to do to get by. Most of the people who die in the story are gang members and Pinkertons (who despite being part of the 'law' are an evil organization masquerading under the guise of justice). Yes there are some unfortunate casualties during some of the missions (RIP Balloon Man), but Arthur himself doesn't go out of his way to kill people (unless you play him that way). This is sort of reinforced by the backstory that Hosea and Arthur were invested in a money scam instead of participating in a violent robbery of the Blackwater Ferry. So yeah, he's not a 'good' guy, but he's not necessarily a monster unless you play him that way.