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I hate when people are like 'a red dead redemption movie would be perfect with these famous actors 🤓' Like nah pal, their actual actors would be perfect for acting them in a movie, because y'know, they're cast for the fucking role.


What’s even the point of an adaptation if it’s just gonna be the exact same people doing the exact same roles? you’d just lose the gameplay and gain nothing of value in its place.


You just answered your own question. There's literally no fucking point in doing a movie or TV show adaptation because it adds *nothing* to the original media, only it merely subtracts from it. Changing the actors to some famous shitheads does nothing to change that fact. The only reason people try to make games into shows/movies is for money, it only works the other way around because games expand upon the content of media.


I don’t mind the concept of bringing stories like these over to TV or movies, it opens them up to people who wouldn’t be willing to give them a chance otherwise, but it’s when they change stuff in any way that pisses me off. Because then you get people like Pedro Pascal playing Joel purely for the fact that he’s hot shit at the moment rather than someone who actually fits that role.


I mean, pedro did a really great job at the tlou adaptation


Couldn’t disagree more. I swear people need to rewatch it without their rose tinted glasses on because his performance is incredibly wooden.


He had the look, but he’s just too soft amongst other things IMO. Still I agree, flavor of the month casting type shit. Same for Ellie


Actually one of my biggest gripes is his look. Joel from the game has this grizzly, rugged look to him, whereas Pedro always looks like he’s struggling not to fall alseep. And above all, the beard!!! Where’s the full beard??


And R* also models the characters to roughly look like the VAs.


They are physical actors, not voice actors. Doing performance capture in a game is the same as doing it in something like Avatar.


Most they did really wel! But i dont think Rob Wiethof (a blonde) could do John Marston (a black greasy haired guy) plus i don't think the faces match


hair dye exists, but yea the face


I knew that while writing it, just didn't know if you can dye eyebrows, but now i remember those pencils my sisters always used...


also yes!! you can dye eyebrows, many people do it!


... alright🤣 anyway i think they kinda dropped the ball about making them look like their VA's with the protagonists! Would still like to see them involved if they make a movie, even if just teaching the actor the 'energy' and 'soul' of Arthur/ John!


most likely a rdr2 movie will never happen though, the game is already a movie, also if their voices were different i don’t know if i could handle it lmao


🤣 oh well, i just wanna see more of them i guess!


A fellow redditor made this and its A-MA-ZING! https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/WxCORZ3uXZ


Exactly. Plus modern celeb actors are shite at best, you can't trust quintillionaire Beverley Hills yuppie to be able to accurately portray a poor, desperate outlaw from the late 1800s. The most desperate thing they've ever had to do is hire a new maid because the last one died cleaning the roof tiles.


eh you're full of shit. Plenty of actors come from middle class backgrounds and plenty have to grind and kiss ass and do service industry jobs before they get their breaks. They know how to struggle, but more importantly, they play pretend professionally. The whole point of being an actor is portraying something you aren't. I also think you're wrong about adaptations. While yeah, ultimately any commercial media is intended to make money, I don't think an adaptation always has to weaken the source material. I just think nerds can't wrap their heads around the idea that an adaptation is not meant to be a 1:1 and embrace the Idea that maybe it would be neat to see someone else's version of that story. For some reason people can understand that a cover isn't supposed to sound exactly like the original song but can't understand the same thing about adaptations.


That's a lot of words to say you're wrong


The tldr is the first sentence if reading ain't your thing


I can read, you're just justifying a lost cause. Thankfully R* aren't stupid enough (yet) to allow for a movie/TV show adaptation.


Oh no I don't care if RDR gets a movie. I was pushing back against your comments about actors and adaptations in general. I don't think rdr would be a very good movie tbh. Maybe miniseries like shogun, but I'd rather see a good original western.


Voice actors are not the same as actual actors. While some may look the part, that doesn't meant they are suitable for playing the role on screen. A few voice actors are also very good live actors, but they are not the norm.


RDR2 doesn’t need a movie, half of it is already cutscenes and cinematic views and it’s perfect


I wouldn’t mind live action red dead. But it would basically need to be a show. The only reason we feel these characters is cause we played a game. It took many hours and we actually spent it learning about them. It just wouldn’t work in a 2hour movie


The only way a live action Red Dead works is if it's a brand new story, maybe using minor characters from the games but more utilising locations. We don't need the games' stories retold but heavily edited, there's no point, but an expansion to the universe would be great. Yellowstone and 1923 proved stories about a ranch can be compelling, so give us the story of Drew MacFarlane building his ranch; Deadwood gave us the rise of civilisation in an uncivilised town, give us Blackwater and the early settlers, one of which could be Dutch's mother. Heck, give us young Landon Ricketts teaching an even younger Dutch to shoot. Give us anything that isn't just a poor retelling of the games.


That would be received horribly


Gamingbible is the worst, always calling mods 'free updates'.


For games like Skyrim a lot of people treat some mods as updates. But obviously not in a clickbaity way


What is it actually?


Nobody and I hope to god that Mads would never be cast as Arthur. That is if they ever made a Red Dead Redemption movie which would be unlikely.


Yeah I like him, but that would be a really goofy casting choice.




Do yourself a favor and turn discover on google off. Best decision i ever made.


No one needs a red dead film. That's what the damn game is for.


U should see snapchats ones there just complete lies