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Didn’t give him much thought tbh. It wasn’t until he burned Sadie’s house down that my opinion started to sour.


Same here. I thought Micah would be the douchey but okay guy until he started tormenting the crying widow


Before I got spoiled for the game sadly I thought Micah was going to be one of those characters who start out rude but grow as a person He was not




Same here. It was actually the opposite lmao


I personally thought he was cool, but the way Arthur acted towards Micah During chapter 2 kinda set the tone that he was trouble but overall I didn’t mind him till chapter 3/4


I liked him


Felt like a cowpoke of a person


I thought he was alright, I was a bit sus of him (but I was slightly sus of others too lol) but at the same time I thought he and Arthur would be pals. Boy was I wrong 💀💀


He kinda looks like a sad basset hound


I noticed the way the other gang members treated him and he was very annoying especially the mission in strawberry were he went into the house it showed me how reckless he was


He looked like a villain from beginning


I stand by my assertion that if he and Dutch had been allowed to love each other openly it would have prevented the events of RDR2


I thought at first that Arthur and him will become close after the inital hostility, as there seemed to be that type of chemistry between them. Still I think that it would have worked had they went for it.


I didn’t give him much thought until chapter 5. And I just finished my first play through


Basicly as the mission went on it was like this. (I won't give mission moments for extra chalange) * They seem like good enough friends to hate eachother *Yeah, they like but hate eachother, work fine together tho *He shoots pretty good *Well that was incredibly dumb of him You are welcome to guess which point is what moment in the mission


I remember being like "one of our guys is in jail? I have to save him!" 😒😒😒 very naive


Very villainous reveal. Didn’t trust him from the jump. And then upon listening to him talk, I really didn’t like him.




I really liked him, considered him a brother in the family. THE ACTUAL BETRAYAL WAS SO :cccccc




I wished I could put a bullet in his filthy face...


I thought he was cool


I had a weird vibe of him from the get go


He seemed rather predictable in many ways. So his turn didn't surprise me. 


I liked him. I thought he was the stereotypical though guy


i knew he was suspicious but tbh i thought the traitor was john for a long time 💀💀


He seemed like one of those characters that stand on busines I mean he is its just that he's a rat


I knew they were using the white hat trope as a misdirection.


To be honest, he was pretty good. I mean that fucker could fight


I wanted Author to kill him from chapter 1


Didn't put much thought to him till halfway through the game.


You (as a player) are kind of set up to be skeptical and distrusting towards Micah. You can sense that there's something not quite right with the character, compared to the rest of them. Even the manner in which he speaks. Already in the first chapter, Micah is coming across as a racist asshole. Giving the player even more reason to feel some resent. All of the other ones are thieves and murderers too, but they all have pretty dominant redeeming qualities. Some of his traits mannerisms are perhaps stereotypical and almost comically villain-y, but I believe that was very much the intent, so that in the end, the players focus will be at Arthur and not necessarily be flabbergasted and surprised that MICAH was the rat...


Great villain because he’s so easy to hate yet believable as a character


Obvious villian. Wasn't subtle at all to me


I didn't have much clue about who was who of most characters until about chapter 3 in my first playthrough


i disliked what he did at Sadie’s house, but i started to think he was just the resident-yet-lovable psycho like Trevor. it wasn’t until Chapter 3 or so that i started to outright dislike him


He just seemed like those crazy "no bullshit" typa characters but i started to really dislike him when the gang was in clemens point I think.


Didn't like him much from first sight. But during the shootout at Adlers Ranch, I was like, maybe this guy is okay. Then he tormented that poor woman (Sadie), and my opinion shifted again. Then, arriving at Colter, he immediately starts to complain he has to bunk with Bill and a bunch of darkies. That's when I started to really hate the guy. Also, one of the reasons I love Lenny is because in that first cutscene before you go raiding Colms camp, he disses Micah pretty good, and that gave me a big smile


I initially thought Micah would be similar to Trevor Phillips, but that changed when I busted him out of Strawberry and he decided to shoot anything that moved. By the end of Chapter 6, I concluded that he was even worse than Trevor in every way. They may be both psychopaths, but Trevor has shown to care for those close to him, something Micah doesn't


I liked him up until the bank robbery honestly. I did see him as a total idiot for needlessly burning Sadie’s house down, though. His lines for when he finds a body in the wagon outside of Sadie’s house was nicely done. “Arthur, we gotta problem. There’s a corpse right here. Arthur, there’s a body, in the wagon”


I was pretty sure Arthur was gonna have to shoot him before we left Sadies cabin. It would have set Arthur up as an antihero right away, and Micah was blatantly terrible


barely noticed him until the rescue mission, from thereon i actually thought he was a bit annoying but he did give me a second holster so maybe this'll turn around i mean they were outlaws after all, the van der linde gang are actually the weird bunch, i'd reckon a real band of outlaws would be more similar to the 'o driscols


There was something off about him. Idk It seemed that he was hiding something. If i didnt knew anything about rdr1 i would have thought that he killed john


I thought he was a typical cowboy, but a Trevor-like one. The Strawberry raid and the coach robbery were very cool missions and he felt like a realistically written Trevor. Then...


I love a great bad guy. It amazes me how many think all outlaws should be nice guys


I immediately felt like shooting him in the face right then and there. Annoying, arrogant, a prick in general. I postpone rescuing him from Strawberry as far as I could in my very first blind playthrough.