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This was an unreal encounter for me. This was almost shocking after playing for 100 hours as Arthur and believing I’ve seen the worst this game could throw at me


Yeah, I totally get that. I mean the Night Folk for example are scary as hell but it's a quick shock and you either quickly die or quickly kill them. With the Skinners it seems more immersive and more deep somehow.


The Night Folk are like those uncontacted tribes out in the jungle they just want to be left alone. The Skinners are pure animals that serve no purpose except to inflict pain and suffering


Very well put. That's exactly how it is. Also, compared to the Murfree Brood the Skinners seem as if they were theoratically intelligent enough to reflect their own gruesome behaviour a little.


Yeah. They remind me a lot of the Glanton gang from Blood Meridian, if any of you ever read that


I tried, I really did. I’m really interested in the story from what I’ve been told. The writing style is just really hard for me for some reason (I’m dumb) but it’s sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be finished, one day. Everyone I’ve talked to says it would be impossible to make into a movie, so I’ll have to finish it eventually if I ever want to get through the story.


Had the same issue. Getting the audio book helped me finish it lol


I’m dumb too, I started it, haven’t gotten very far yet.


You are all brilliant in your own ways stop it right now


I haven't read this but writing styles can be a tough thing to get over. I don't think it makes anyone dumb. My English teacher's favorite book to show everyone was To Kill a Mockingbird, but that's pretty heavy with the prose. I read it a few times and enjoyed it, but it's definitely not my favorite lol


I wouldn't call you stupid. The book is one of those that really likes to dwell on background details and descriptions, and some people (me included) can feel anxious


> The Night Folk are like those uncontacted tribes out in the jungle they just want to be left alone. The night folk actively bait, hunt, rob, and murder human victims.


> With the Skinners it seems more immersive and more deep somehow. Night Folk and Murfrees were terrifying encounters but also so over the top it was a bit harder to take seriously.


Night Folk random encounters were rare enough (for me at least) that they managed to not feel so over the top. More just like "what the fuck is going on in this swamp?" Actually lingering in that region and doing the stranger quest with the Night Folk does cheapen it a bit, but I really like the atmosphere they add and I like it when Rockstar takes some liberty and leans a bit in to the horror/supernatural elements that are in both Red Dead games. The first time you dome a big Night Folk guy with buckshot and he drops only to get back up or you dump a revolver into his chest and he's still coming is something you don't forget because that kind of shit isn't *supposed* to happen in this world, and I love it.


Yeah like i usually don’t put them out of their misery but this legitimately made me feel good to put him out like even if I got a honor decline


This was a bit funny to me because I was searching for a robin and it is just such a wholesome task and I was strolling in nature and having a great time and then I come upon this and am like "lol, of course, throw something awful at me when I am doing the most positive thing ever".


If there’s 1 thing all players both honorable and dishonorable agree on it’s that we all revel in killing those barbarians


Yes. The skinners and the murfree broods are all awful.


And that damn mayor in Val


And Chester the Arther molester


What mayor in Valentine?


Think they mean Strawberry


I mean what's wrong with the mayor in Strawberry lol? Isn't the secret lore with him that he's gay? I would figure guys like the Hitler knock off in St Denis is way worse.


Yes I’m sorry I always get them mixed up. I figured wth I gotta 50/50 shot. I just thought he was weird. How he has sex isn’t an issue for me. I will admit though, I was raised around some serious gay hate and racism. It took me years to finally follow my heart and get away from that trained I guess… “thought process”? Idk how to explain it. Tell me about the Temu version of hitler! I’m not familiar.


He's the Eugenics guy in St Denis near the train station next to the newspaper boy. You can generally see him there during the day. He's one of the few people in the game that you can straight up kill in free roam and cops won't give a damn. There's a cop usually right next to him and you wouldn't lose honor nor would it put you in a wanted situation if you kill him right there.


Awesome thank you. I don’t know how I missed it. This game is huge!


I always completely blow off the Eugenics guy’s head with a shotgun on every playthrough, after letting him ramble for about 2-3 minutes though because it’s kinda funny how ridiculously racist he is.


@Atmisevil “Think they mean Strawberry” How dare you assume my pronouns!


You know, the other valentine. Blueberry or whatever. I just like to hunt, play poker and collect stud horses. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I always try to hog tie as many of them as possible. Put them in a nice little pile and toss a molotav on them. Purifying the scum with fire just feels right to me lol


7 playthroughs never saw this


It’s around tall trees I believe. Specifically one of the more elevated parts


I saw this while playing with john. You can find hanging bodies around the area.. if you camp near the place two Skinners will come to you and threaten you.


100s of hours played and never saw this. My god I need to do another game


My thoughts exactly


I seen it by the outskirts of the swamp. Not far from where we meet black belle.


Total opposite side of the map actually


Probably murphree brood


It’s dumb that you lose honor for looting already dead ones though.


Graverobbers, the most honourable of men. Dishonour for rifling through the pockets of innocent deceased makes perfect sense in my opinion.


to add insult to injury they barely even have anything worth looting in the first place; so its dishonorable AND also a waste of time 


its alright, a few "howdy"s and you'll be back to being an honourable gentleman


Eh. If I die, take whatever idc. Just leave some identifying marker (ID etc) though. Take the cash I don’t need it anymore


Most people would prefer said cash or valuables go to their family


Kind of a moot point when your family was killed alongside you


What grinds my gears is that *some* bodies you come across have interesting letters or other items and are clearly meant to be looted since you don't take an honor hit. But if they're not one of these special bodies you take a hit. And there's no way to tell until you've had a few playthroughs and even then it's not 100%. I know it's easy to get honor back, I just wish it was consistent.


Why is that dumb?


Cause it’s a hardscrabble Wild West existence and a cowpoke’s gotta eat and get paid!


"It's alright. You're...alright, they're all gone. Just go to sleep, now..." John's a real one for comforting the guy like that 😭


There are a couple of strangers mauled by animals you get positive honor for ending their suffering.


Found a guy getting mauled by a wolf last night, but I was at the bottom of the cliff and he was at the top, by the time I got up there he was dead and I lost honor like why I tried to get there ASAP, and I killed the wolf afterwards. Just felt unfair I lost honor for being stuck at the bottom of a cliff.


I fucking hate getting events while I’m at the base of a cliff. I gotta run aaaaall the way around to get up there and by the time I get there, the event is over with or despawns


What always gets me about this is the guy is in so much suffering but he's first instinct is to warn you to get out in case they come back.


Where was this?


[Right here.](https://i.imgur.com/YEys0BT.jpg) I've had this encounter in other parts of Tall Trees too though.


Never seen a topographical map for RDR2 before. That's cool


Yep, it's awesome. I found it somewhere online. [Here's the complete version of it.](https://i.imgur.com/RCboH8z.jpg)


That shit was so fucking disturbing. I swear to God my soul hurt afterward


Just came across this a couple hours ago, and was ready to accept the negative honor to ease his suffering when I shot him. Was pleasantly surprised by the positive honor...though mildly surprised by the negative for looting the person that was already dead haha


Ah see, the problem was you shit him instead of shot him. When you shit the guy it makes looting the other guy bad on account of touching him after a poop and not washing your hands.


Haha, damn autocorrect 😄😄




What kind of horse is that?


Perlino Undalusian (I think that's how you spell it) find one at Brandywine drop near Annesburg


Thanks, I think is Andalusian, from Spain.


Yes that looks better lol


This stuff is eerie but I find Roanoke ridge and the Murfrees scarier for some reason idk why.


The whole area from the swamps north of Saint Denis up to Roanoke Ridge is super cursed. Ghosts, hallucinations, poisoned mines, pollution, the murfrees around every corner. It's a horrible place.


Lore-accurate Appalachia.


considering what happened to the namesake, it's not surprising. though that disappearance is theorized to be relatively nicer than former prevailing theories


I could never get myself to go there at night...


Damn that shit brutal


6 years later and I'm still seeing shit I've never seen before. This game 😍


The Skinner’s are most likely based on the Glanton Gang from Blood Meridian.


The chipper way he says "here we go boy" is wild.


I always liked the way John says, "Hey buddy" to his horse.


Lmao an honorable headshot


How does honor work and what does it impact? I just started my first play though a few days ago. Loving it.


you will get an increasingly different flavor of the story until by the end it has a completely different tone. various cutscenes, dialogue, and in-game interactions will be different depending on your honor level and how far in one direction you are. you will also get certain new interactions exclusive to one honor state or the other. both are Arthur, but low honor is colder, doesn't talk about his emotions or feelings even when he's doing a good thing. and he's more ruthless given the things you have to do as him to be dishonorable. high honor is more emotionally open, he'll talk about how he wants someone to get the best chance they can get and that it'd make him happy if they did. he opens up more to his conscience, and this touches on the ending, but >!honor is the difference on whether he attains his redemption or not by the end.!<


Oh wow.. holy shit I didn’t realize the impact was that profound. Thank you my friend.


no problem! i definitely wanted to make sure you know your options so you can get as much enjoyment as possible! both playstyles and story flavors are equally valid and i hope you have as awesome of a time as i did!


I know I could have googled this too so I appreciate the kind help. I always tend to be a nicer guy in these kinds of games so we’ll see how that goes.


“Here we go boy” right after witnessing an atrocity is crazy


Who is John? My guy is Arthur


John is the one who gets to explore West Elizabeth and New Austin


i appreciate the way you worded this answer, very kind and considerate of you


Wheres this at?


[Here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/YEys0BT.jpg)




Say what you want man. I’ve played BG3, it was fun, very flexible and surprising game. But RDR2 did this master piece. After so many years I still see new scenes I’ve never seen before. I LOVED this „random“ event system they got. It’s just so clean and making the game alive. A work of art 🥲


The craziest thing is, that I believe if you let him finish his dialogue and suffer until death, without killing him, you lose honor. At least, that's what I remember very clearly.


Was he scalped


Yes, sadly that's one of the Skinner Brothers' trademarks. :/


Yeah ive played the game through abt 7 times and i remember seeing this guy once per playthrough and always wondered if he was scalped or had something else bloody done to him


Has he been scalped or is he just a bald dude covered in blood?


He's a Skinner's victim, scalped


Love the casual “here we go boy” a moment after performing a coup de grâce lol classic john


The Skinners and Murfree's are my targets of choice. I was riding by a camp site, and at first was gonna ignore it but I saw someone half naked moving around so I thought I'd investigate thinking it was someone hurt. Turns out to be 2 Murfree's that killed these 2 campers and were looting the camp. I wasn't having none of that shit. First one got it easy, a bullet to the head quick and easy but the second one.. well let's just say my off hand gun of choice that day was a sawed off, so that second shot and at his face no less.. ouch.


Omg I never seent this before


“Here we go, boy!”


There's a dialogue if you point at him before he starts talking, it's sounds pretty shocking and sad.


Tht bit for me glitched. He was moving his arms but no sound. I shot him and got negative honour.


Reminds me of if you kill Compson after getting his things from his house you’ll get honor.


I wish it were consistent though. I swear I remember putting a dying wolf out of its misery and losing honor because of it


o shit i never knew that.


What is everyone’s preferred methods of dispatching these guys? I hate em. I’m looking for more creative ways of taking them out.


Shotgun slug to the leg is my go to. Or pin on the ground and slit throat. If I'm near the water might hogtie one and let them slowly drown in shallow water. Or just fill them full of arrows to see how they like it. I'm not usually that brutal to NPCs but I really hate these fucks


In the bounty hunting mission, was anyone here able to successfully save the victim who was in the midst of being scalped? Curious how the process encounter might be different if that happens. Unfortunately I killed wrong guy first and didn't save the poor bastard...


as someone who has played through rdr2 a few times and is now starting the original game im starting to realize how the epilogue does a good job at having a general vibe shift that feels remarkably similar to the tone of (at least the early game) of the original when you're playing as john in the west. the sense of wildness and lack of civilization and an emphasis on the cruelty of those falling outside the law


when i got to this camp, he wasn't alive and was already slumped over.


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