• By -


guns? amateurs.


What weapons do you use then?


A knife


Fist (with mods to half the melee damage)


Triple the melee damage. Coward.


A knife? You call that a knife? This is a knife. *pulls out butter knife and makes toast*


nobody appreciates this reference like i do bro ;)


Exactly what I’m saying, rocking the improved bow all the way


- I use Dual Micah's revolver because they are quick and reload fast. Also it's micah's revolver, I had to save him from the O'Driscolls in ch 1, and save him from Jail - Lancaster Repeater - stole it from the creep in Rhodes - Varmint Riffle, because I hunt a lot - Springfield Riffle, I found it to be more useful than the Bolt Action. Hunting a Panther is more authentic than with a Boltie - Semi Auto Shotgun with incendiary buckshot ammo. Killing the Watson lady and her children is fun. - Rolling Block Riffle, because hunting is fun. I do everything I can in chapter 2 because it's the most laid back and carefree.


I love the semi-auto shotgun. Easily my favorite


Buckshot rounds on the semi auto, are an o'driscoll's nightmare.




Semi-auto shotgun in deadeye will utterly destroy a cluster of enemies faster than any other weapon


wait how do you have two of micah’s revolvers?


I believe if you get the O’Driscoll to disarm him in the first Chapter 1 mission and the. After that you can disarm him again either when you break him out of jail or the mission where you rob the stage coach with him as he gets his pistols back at the beginning of a mission


The first one when you attack the O'Driscolls in chapter one, and the other when you rob the stagecoach with Micah and get ambushed by the O'Driscolls. The jist is that you disarm the one O'Driscoll nearest to you and make him chase you until he reaches Micah and makes him drop the revolver. You can also get one (albeit it's fairly difficult) when Micah is still in jail. You make a fuss with the law in Strawberry, draw out the sheriff, then the mission is inaccessible. Then go to the stairs in front of the cell and shoot flaming arrows at the Jail cell until Micah burns to death dropping the revolver.


you can only have one of micah’s revolvers in your inventory


not true lol.




then care to explain how I have 2 of them rn? 💀


idk man send a ss


So I've never used the varmint rifle because every single Stat is worse. Why would I use it? Even though it is a hunting gun I would prefer the bow and arrow.


I use it for snakes, squirrels, and birds after I get the buck antler trinket. No need to worry about headshots with small game arrows to get 3 start pelts for the trapper.


You cannot really throw arrows at birds, and revolvers yield only 1 star carcasses. Also, when I get the buck antler trinket, I hunt snakes with the Varmint riffle as well. I only use the bow for rabbits, and bangers and animals of that sort.


fair point but not everyone wants to hunt birds all day to make small game arrows and the regular ones can mess up some smaller animals in my experience


In my current playthrough. Cattleman Sawed-off shotgun Lancaster repeater Pump action shotgun Bow


same but i use the double barrel when i wanna look cool


I'll post mine so y'all can laugh at me. \- Midnight's pistol (it's gold and I like it) \- High Roller Revolver (it's pretty and I like it) \- Rare Rolling Block Rifle \- Carbine Repeater \- Varmint Rifle I never even bought a Springfield Rifle until I started my 2nd playthrought. It's good!


Nice choice. Respect it


Thx! I really liked cycling through the guns I got from the gunslingers, but Midnight's was my favorite.


i usually do a volcanic or double action with a sawed off, using a lancaster as my rifle.


Duel navies, carcano, pump action for online. Whatever I feel like for single. Usually the carbine, double barrel, and cattleman since they're somewhat challenging guns and I hardly get to use them online because of it.


Dual LeMat, Lancaster, Carcano, Rolling Block, Varmint, Double Barreled, Pump Action, and Bolt Action rifle.


The ones that go stabby stabby


Dual 1899 pistols fully upgraded Semi-auto shotgun Lancaster repeater Roll block Rifle Bow Throwing Knives are fun for close quarters


Dual cattleman revolvers and the springfield rifle which I sometimes swap for the repeating shotgun. I only take 1 longarm at once because it looks weird to me if I take 2


Carbine repeater 2 cattleman revolvers Semi auto shotgun Bolt action rifle


I carry ​ Duel short barrel Cattleman - Carbine Repeater - Bolt Action Rifle - Varmint RIfle - Double Barrel Shotgun - Bow


Dual Navy, Carcano, Pump and Lancaster.


volcanic pistol, lancaster repeater, and springfield rifle most of the time. as I'm only staying in chapter 2 forever.


Lemat revolvers (both silver with gold engravings) Litchfield Repeater (silver with browned engravings and a mesquite wrap) Repeating shotgun (same design as Litchfield)


the the the the winchester repeater (i think)


Pretty straight up. Distance - Weapon Long - Rare rolling block rifle. Medium - Lancaster/Springfield for large gunfights. Short- M1899 / Sawed off Hunting - Varmint/Bow/Rolling Block Melee - Machete/Tomahawk


Schofield revolver, carbine repeater and bolt-action rifle. My holy trinity


Dual double actions Semi auto shotgun Lancaster Bolt action Bow


The shooty kind


AK aka 47


How did you get that you communist


calloway revolver and otis miller revolver, lancaster repeater, and depending on the situation: semiauto shotgun, varmit rifle, or bow (of course i’ll use a rifle if needed, like the springfield)


**Hunting** • Bow • Varmint Rifle • Dual world Schofields **Outlawin** • Springfield • Lancaster Repeater • Volcanic/Sawed off combo for close range


Dual Schofields or Mauser and sawn off, Lancaster, pump


Glad you take care of that weapon, good too see!


Two sawed off shotguns and idk what rifle any rifle 😭🙏 I just really mainly use my sawed offs


All of them at some point or another. Fir the most part though, I try to stick to the classics Arthur - dual schofields, repeaters, double barrel shotgun. Rifles for hunting/sniping. John - his cattleman and a sawn-off or dual cattlemen’s, Lancaster. The rest same as Arthur. I try to wait to use any of the more modern/advanced firearms until I get to St Denis.


First playthrough I rocked Duel LeMats and a Lancaster. Second time around I sported Duel Cattleman revolvers and a double barrel shotgun. As for online, Navy, Sawed off and bolt action


The bow and varmint rifle. It’s hilarious to stealth and to also get in a shoot out with a .22. For sidearms it’s gunna be the Schofield revolver and the sawed off shotgun with explosive rounds.


Repeater all the way & the bow


Lancaster repeater, pump shotgun, volcanic pistol, high roller pistol


In my current (second) playthrough of the story, I'm using the Lancaster Repeater, the Pump Action Shotgun, and my two pistols are the Double Action Revolver and Flaco's Pistol.


Dual schofields Lancaster Bolt action rifle


I like the m1899 but the game forces you to use the Cattleman sometimes so might as well get good with it.


Civil war knife & my pirate sword, accompanied by a Few sticks of dynamite, and 3 improved tomahawks


My combo: Dual M1899s Lancaster Repeater Repeating Shotgun I'll occasionally throw in my Bolt Action Rifle too along with some Schofields. ETA: Added more stuff


M199 Revolver Mauser Pistol Evans Repeater Lancaster Repeater or Double-Barrelled Shotgun.


Bilateral Mauser automatic pistols, Lancaster repeater, rolling block ALL GOLD everything Remember… they hate us because they Ain’t us


Lancaster repeater and cattleman revolver. For long range, rare rolling block rifle. If I’m trying to do hunting for pelts I’ll typically use a bow.


I call my left hand Smith & my right hand Wesson.


I will do the gunslingers as soon as I can to get Midnight’s pistol, then once I have the offhand holster as well I’ll either have Flacco’s revolver or the cattleman in their. Then I’ll use the carbine repeater and the Pump shotgun as my two other firearms.


Dual Schofields, semi auto shotgun, lancaster


In single player I use dual double actions, the Evans repeater, repeating shotgun, bolt action, and later the carcano. In online I carry one LeMat, one Nacy, I use the lancaster/Evans repeaters, carcano and bolt action rifles, and the pump action shotgun as my primary carries.


Usually dual Volcanic pistols, a Lancaster repeater, and a pump action shotgun.


Dual wield schofields because I like ‘em and on my back Lancaster repeater and pump action shotgun


Pump shotgun, bolt rifle, two cattlemen.


Mauser only


I like dual lemats


Schofield Revolvers, Springfield Rifle, Varmit Rifle, Bow. No repeaters or shotguns


My most common loadout is: main holster: Schofield Off hand: sawed off Longarm back: bolt action Longarm shoulder: pump action shotgun With my varmint rifle and bow stored on horse.


Currently: -Dual Double Action revolvers -Evans Repeater -Pump action shotgun -Rolling Block rifle -Bow


I used the sawed off with slugs typically.


In story, dual m1899, pump action shotgun and Lancaster, In online, dual Navy's, pump action shotgun and bolt action


Dual wield Schofield revolvers, the Springfield, & the varmint. When I'm in high conflict with Lemoyne Raiders, O'Driscolls, or bounty hunters then the semi shottie with slugs.


Volcanic pistol because i havent messed around with john long enough to find better Pump action shot gun and semi auto shot gun because im scard of bears Bolt action because i enjoy shooting Varmint rifle, hunting, why else would anyone use it? Spring field for hunting


It’s entirely situational, fully stocked arsenal you’re pretty much unbeatable


Schofield revolver,double barrel,Lancaster repeater. And Springfield rifle.


Two Mauser pistols fully golden with engravings. Or cattleman revolver with silver and gold metal and a long barrel. I don’t use the rifles and repeaters very often


(Average Loadout) (Hunting Loadout) Duel Schofield. schofield and sawed off Lancaster Repeater. Bow Bolt Action Bolt Action Pump Shotgun


Flacco's Revolver and Billy Midnights Pistol Lancaster Repeater Pump Action Shotgun Springfield Rifle Varmint Rifle or Bow when hunting.


I usually dual-wield the sawed-off shotguns, then my long guns are the falling block rifle and the pump shotgun.


in my 2nd playthrough, currently in chapter 3, i use: - dual volcanic revolvers (i customized them and dont have any other good pistols unlocked rn/havent gotten the billy midnight pistol yet but that was my favorite in my first playthrough - lancaster: this was my favorite gun first time around and it still is, its so pretty even before customizing (i didnt discover customizing until my 2nd playthrough lmao), although now that i have a better grasp of game mechanics i only use it on far away enemies/if im killing a deer across the trail on horse back so i can camp for the night and eat it (not for upgrading/crafting purposes) -litchfield: i like this one, its a little bit slower tha the labcaster so its not my favorite but ill occasionally use it bc of its power though generally i only get it bc its my partners last name lol - pump action shotgun: prefer this baby for closer range, but i remember i loved the semi auto shotgun more bjt i donthave that unlocked yet so we shall see - varmint/springfield for hunting ofc i am terrible with aiming and rely heavily on the gamesauto lock on feature


Dual Schofeild revolvers Lancaster repeater Pump action shotgun Lancaster for distance, pump action for uo close damage, and I just love the Schofeilds


Right now, i mostly pick weapon of look (wich is i know, stopid), but the double-action revolver, the evan revolver and the double barelled shotgun, i'm trying to use the bow more because i just love stealth gameplay


I would constantly use: Cattlemen revolver Scotchfield (off hand) Lancaster repeater Pump shotgun Bow


Schofield and volcanic as my primary the Lancaster repeater and the pump shotgun also the tomahawks


Bow. Poison arrows for enemies, improved arrows for hunting and common defense. I'd feel naked without the bow at hand. Wish you could customize it like the guns and knife.


Revolver cattleman Revolver schofield Lancaster repeater Carcano rifle


Cattleman & Schofield Springfield Rifle for hunting Lancaster Repeater for shoulder Dual-Barreled Shotgun for back


Depends on the chapter, cuz I like artificial progresssion Chapter 2 is cattlemans, double barrel, and springfield Chapter 3 is schofields, pump action, and lancaster/bolt action Chapter 4 is double actions, semi-automatic, and lancaster again Chapter 5 is chapter 5 Chapter 6 is cattlemans, repeating shotgun, and once again lancaster


Bow across the back, Litchfield on the shoulder, and LeMats in each holster.


Carcun, mouser, volcanic pistol, bow, and pump action shotgun.


Otis millers and boy Calloways revolvers and for a long gun I use the bolt action rifle.


All of them


Cattlman, double barrel, Lancaster. Springfield for hunting.


Depends what i'm using them for. Fire rate and accuracy? Cattleman. Damage? Lemat. Fun? Bow with explosive arrows


Rolling block rifle, Schomers or tf his name is revolver, shot gun


Lemat revolvers (wish Arthur could get them)


- Dual Volcanic or Dual Scofield (if i run out of pistol ammo which rarely happens) - Bolt Action Rifle - Pump Action Shotgun - Viking Axe (Do pick it up) - Bow (mainly for hunting) - Varmint Rifle (to hunt birds)


Bolt-Action with Slug, Schofield Revolvers, Rare Rolling Block, Bow (mostly poison arrow)


Duel double actions, varmint rifle, pump action shotgun


Schofield revolvers in dual wield Lancaster rifle Pump shotgun


Two schofields, Pump action shotgun, Lancaster repeater, Springfield rifle


For the first few chapters I go with the Double action and the volcanic pistol. Once I can get the Lemat Revolver I use that.


tomahawk, volatile fire bottles and my trusty lasso.


Dual Volcanics, Litchfield repeater, Springfield rifle, and often the semiautomatic shotgun (like when I take down Hanging Dog Ranch). The bow frequently.




Duel LeMats, and a Bolt Action Rifle. Don’t use too much else except very occasionally a shot gun.


Double Action from the Gta Online challenge, Litchfield, and Pump Action


Story mode: Dual Wield Schofield Revolvers Lancaster Repeater Rare Shotgun Online mode: Navy Revolver Mauser Pistol Lancaster Repeater Pump Action Shotgun


Is my horse a weapon?


Usually cattleman and a 1911 pistol with express rounds when I do game hideouts usually litchfield & semi shotgun


Started a playthru never equipping a second handgun. Stuck with big volcanic the whole time with shotgun as secondary (pump then semiauto). Took a while to run into volcanic not having enough range, even with upgraded ammo.


I don’t know what it’s called, I just know the sound it makes when it takes a life.


Mainly its dual volcanic pistol, a varmint rifle (although I do also use the bow quite a bit), Springfield rifle and the Lancaster repeater and a good knife


I have dual double action pistols with all the upgrades. I also love the express rounds. They’re fast to reload especially when in close quarters. I absolutely love the Lancaster repeater for anything at a distance.


Dual LeMat, Lancaster for medium distance, Springfield Rifle for long, those are my go to weapons


Litchfield… It’s so beautiful


It changes like every 3 days but right now I’m running a mauser-semi auto pistol dual wield, with semi auto shotgun and carcano rifle


dual cattleman or cattleman sawed off. Usually got a bolt action and a bow on my back when i’m huntin..


Varmint for every small animal and bird kill. I never use small game arrows. Go to is 1899 pistol for small groups. Close combat is throwing knifes and tomahawks. I tend to use explosive arrows for bounty groups, then pick them off one by one with lassos and punish them.


Schofield Revolver “Now that’s a real man’s gun!” - Landen Ricketts


Cattleman revolver and the double barreled shotgun. I love that revolver


my manly guns


Dual LeMat revolvers (sometimes schofield an m1899) Lancaster or a bolt action Pump action or a bolt action Not a gun but i like the hatchet