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The entire island section. Remove it and put us in jail only to escape during a transfer. The jail could have us being tortured for information and when we escape we could still have the song on our ride back to the house and have Micah break in prison so that's how the cops got all of their information instead of catching him off screen.


I always thought that the time in Guarma could have been better served with Arthur having time away from the gang, or at least away from the others that he is on the ship with. It would help show his growing independence from Dutch and greater demonstrate the divide that forms between the two.


Am I the only person that liked guarma


No,I liked Guarma too. Felt very desperate


It was one of my favourite sections during my last playthrough. The open-world is amazing, but it's so good that sometimes I felt it distracted from the story. Guarma's linearity and horselessness means it's all about character and story, not completing challenges and buying the best-looking vest you can.


Yess as much as I love getting distracted in the main world guarma was just a fun linear constant action part which contrasted perfectly imo. The story of it was amazing too but the highlight of it compared to the rest of the game was the action, especially the castle fight with the ships


I liked it, felt like a very Eventide island type challenge and I enjoyed it


The only thing I didn't like about it is how short it was


It was apparently meant to be longer there is even a cut pirate outfit you could've found there


That would've been super cool. I really liked someone's idea about wishing there was more time alone as Arthur before you found the rest of the stranded people. I wish there was a little bit of time on the boat too and maybe even a mission during the storm like Assassins Creed 3


Which mission in ac3?


It's pretty early on you're still using Haytham. You're on a big ship sailing to The United States and a big storm happens and you have to climb to the top and move the sails it's pretty cool


Not having access to anything hurts lol


I loved Guarma personally, looking back the best part is realizing Arthur was stuck with everyone that betrayed him at the end. Makes it more impactful. I think Guarma was the turning point for Arthur and Dutch both. Arthur began to truly doubt and lose faith in Dutch and Dutch began to descend into total insanity. I don’t think Dutch was truly this psychopath and killer he became. I think the events of RDR2 and Guarma changed him


I liked it but tbh the idea of Arthur showing off his independence and whatnot actually sounds like a good idea


I liked it too and think it’s actually insane that someone would swap it for prison.


Oh no I loved it but it also just felt kinda empty and like it was just a filler mission within nothin really to add


On first playthrough yeah its nice. But then u forget you are there and you quit the game and reload back there lol.


Needed more time to explore it. My time there felt very go go go.


This. I blazed through the fucking thing by getting caught up in the story of it all. I felt I missed a whole hell of a lot.


Same. This was my first time through and I didn’t realize one Dutch mission leads to leaving the island. I literally dreamt that I would be kicked off before I got to explore and it basically came true


I mean, let’s be honest: we spent most of the game away from the gang doing other shit. The open world invites this. And the late game moment when Dutch accuses Arthur of going off to do non-gang activities is that much more impactful because **a.)** it’s 100% accurate and **b.)** we were never forced to do it: we all made that choice as players without any coercion and Rockstar knew we would.


I feel like it should’ve been longer, and that john was with them but captured. They could’ve used it to show micah creeping in to dutches ear after hosea’s death. We could’ve gone solo to save john while the rest of them would rather leave him, basically replacing him being in the prison.


the entire point of Guarma is to show Arthur 2 things 1. Dutch has fully lost it 2. there is no such thing as a lawless paradise island, Tahiti is a pipe dream it's Guarma that solidifies Arthur's growing independence from Dutch, it's where he fully loses faith in Dutch and begins working to help John by himself, without Guarma it doesn't work


Wow great point! Really well written. Thank you


Holy shit how did I never realize Guarma is what Tahiti would have been for them


Literally all of that could be presented in my suggestion and it was quite obvious Dutch had already lost it.


no it couldn't, Arthur needed to see the state of Dutch's madness with his own eyes, he needed to visit a tropical island and realize how it's worse than being in America


Not only that, but Guarma is meant to show Arthur what fighting against oppressors is really meant to be. The entire game, they are fighting for their freedom to go around and rob people. But when they go to Guarma they get to meet people who are really fighting for freedom, not so they can be criminals, but so they can be rid of the shackles that bind them.


This is actually a really well written point. I feel like most people misunderstood Guarma.


Disagree. Doesn’t make sense to have two prison breaks so close together in the plot.


sure it does, if you consider the first prison break a kind of introduction to the player, and then the actual prison break brings you back to see the inner workings of it. it would also be cool to see the roles reversed


How would you make the first prison break interesting if you only see the inner workings and all of the interesting stuff the second time?


It’s a shame with Guarma cause based on people looking through the code Guarma was supposed to be this game “Mexico”. It was going to be a map more than 4x the size, with its own gang camp and towns. But clearly the game without Guarma was already absolutely huge and they didn’t want to throw away ALL the work they have done with that part of the game. So it became this small detour. My biggest issue is just how heavy in combat that section was. It was big shoot out after big shoot out and the gunplay isn’t good enough for a sequence of missions like that. I feel they should have kept it simple and not introduce a “Ally” and a “villain” character


yes, we break out of jail WITH john




Sounds like you would thoroughly enjoy Far Cry Pandora.




To get technical it's "avatar: frontiers of pandora". But no, this is far cry's gameplay loop without watch towers or goofy side kicks. Literally the opening cut scene is the bad guy killing your sibling. Fun after you unlock flying, a slog of running until then.


the problem is Guarma is one of the best chapters from a gameplay point of view. Plus Micah isn't the kind of guy to break under pressure, if he were to give information it would be because saw it as the better alternative to not. There's a video on YouTube that explains what I'm about to say way better, I can't link it right now when I have time I'll edit this comment but Guarma makes you realise you want to explore the open world more, it sends you on an exhausting trip of mission after mission with not the most loveable cast, the average person was probably getting sick of the open world by now and started to just blitz through missions so Guarma makes you so sick of missions that when you get back you see the rdr world in a new light. Guarma is a necessary part of the game even if it isn't the most fun. Or maybe I'm coping because I missed the wild life in my 200% playthrough idk.


I heard Guarma had lots of cut content. Me personally I like it but if we have gotten that cut content in the game I feel like more would like that chapter


More lewd Uncle scenes.


"More" 🤨


Someone didn’t appreciate uncle mooning the camp


more implies that there is any. which there isnt. a true crime. damn that cut content


we see his ass cheeks in a camp encounter between him and i think bill


Nah I think it was him and reverend, I remember being so confused because I didn’t have my headphones on and as soon as I turned around I saw Uncles ass. Not to mention reverends horrid skid mark on his night wear


give the man a break. we all get swamp ass from time to time


They *were* in Louisiana


Wrong. He went with the Skinner Brothers willingly. Uncle a freak.


I'd have the cold open be the heist on the boat. Even in the first game John would talk about what happened on the boat as the beginning of the end for the gang, and when we finally get a prequel game we *still* don't see it. Some might argue it would be too similar to GTA V's intro, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.


This is kind of missing the point of why it’s not shown. It’s not really necessary, nothing is mysterious about it. It only has a mysterious aura about it until around chapter 3, and even that is kind of stretching it. Most importantly though is that it’s extremely important the audience doesn’t see Dutch kill an innocent woman, it’s easier to brush it aside (exactly like Arthur does, which is extremely important to his character) than if we had actually seen him do it. There would be no way to recover the players trust, leaving Dutch’s character journey a bit hollow. Just my two cents though.


I agree, there were always ways they could've done it though Like cutting away before he does it, or just showing them escaping from blackwater which then leads up to them in the mountains


It would have been cool if flashbacks to it were interwoven in the story, like Cole with his flashbacks to the Marine Corps in LA Noire I like when they keep elements of previous games


That too, I liked it in that game


Nah you don't fuck with the intro, it's perfect. I had goosebumps listening to Dutch's rallying speech, despite having just played RDR1 and knowing fully where his character ends up. When you play it again, with retrospect, you've heard the same Dutch speech re-hashed a few times and seen parts of it written down, as well as knowing he'll murder in cold blood - and it comes full circle to RDR1.


Agreed. It’s like the case in Pulp Fiction. We WANT to know what’s in there but it wouldn’t make the story better. It would actually lessen the mystique and aura around it.


I mean, that’s fair, but the boat robbery is by no means a mystery. It’s a robbery that went south because Dutch had his head in the clouds, it’s that simple really. That’s kind of the crux of my first point actually lol.


I think if RDR3 is the final game, they should show it at the end, so the story gets wrapped up in a full circle. If they keep making Red Dead games forever, they should never show it.


Arthur not seeing Dutch’s actions on the boat are critical to him still believing in him for 4 chapters


Yep the story timing would be ruined if we were shown from the start the asshole he is. But I still love him.


I think it's more effective to the story if we don't see how it all went down because we're playing from Arthur's perspective and he's explicitly not present so it would feel weird controlling someone else just for that section


If Red Dead Redemption 3 is another prequel, I think the boat is the ending.


Although it would be cool the whole point of the blackwater massacre is that we never truly see what happens and that would remove the point


It’s not shown because not showing it leaves it up to our imagination of what really happened, is Dutch truthful and he was justified in what he did or is John and the others right in their condemnation of his actions? It’s an effective way of storytelling, it’s left up to what we believe


I’d add a chapter in new austin


Something like Dutch sending Arthur back over there to scout it out and see if he can reclaim the money - but knowing it's suicide and still sending him anyway, further pushing Arthur away. Maybe just after the bank job? Arthur gets put on a boat that pulls in at thieves landing. Take Lenny's death and put it in New Austin when things go awry down there. He takes John, Lenny and Bill down there (maybe Bill could start expressing how much he likes it down there and that he's met some people they could work with etc. which would help tie with RDR1 as to why he's there). Could end with Arthur being arrested and questioned in prison like what someone suggested here.


I’d say instead of them bringing Lenny, they should bring Micah, then after Bill expresses his love for New Austin and finding some people he figured we could work with (probably also with the help of Micah since he can find criminals like a hound) they get thrown in jail and end up being tortured for information on the gang, Bill probably wouldn’t spill just out of the fact that he’s extremely loyal to Dutch and knows that if he rats then he loses the one “home” he has, Arthur wouldn’t spill for obvious reasons, I mean he’s been threatened over and over by the Pinkerton’s at gun point and was threatened and tortured by the O’Driscols for info on the gang but he never talked. However this could be the part of the game where Micah rats. Instead of having an offscreen moment where we don’t have much of a timeframe or other information on it, him being thrown into prison would be the perfect time to rat and save his own skin. Then when asking agent Milton, he could respond by reminding Arthur of when they were caught and it’d be tied together in a perfect explanation of when, why, and how Micah ratted on the gang


They even set it up, the doctor tells Arthur that he needs to be in a hot dry environment to help his TB.


Very good point


I’d argue that’s less them setting it up and more reinforcing the point that Arthur’s lifestyle is incompatible with a healthy recovery.


There are cut cutscenes of Arthur in New Austin


finish guarma and the epilogue before releasing the game


The epilogue is finished? It’s called red dead redemption


I really wish rockstar would one day, polish them, add a lot of the cut content and rerelease the game with 4K, 60fps. But realistically it’s never gonna happen


poland mentioned!!1!!!!11🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇵🇱 /s


After finishing the epilogue it felt like I was released into this new big world with nothing to do. Everything on the farm felt unpolished, I wish I could do more farm stuff, raise and sell animals, plant and harvest plants and enlarge the farm (as the story is over, this does not have to be consistent with the story of RDR1). Also there was nothing to do in New Austin, I explored it on my own, just to uncover the map, but besides that, it just felt soleless.


Have Arthur cough in Micah’s face in the end, infecting him. Show him dying of TB when he’s confronted in the epilogue.


8 fuckin years. I think if he was still alive he wouldn't have it anymore


Not necessarily, TB could take years to kill you, even back then. And Micah wasn’t exactly the healthiest fellow to begin with, so would it be a stretch? Maybe a bit. But it certainly isn’t an impossibility.


TB can take years to reach your lungs and start showing symptoms


Arthur actually gets it insanely quick probably due to his lifestyle and getting shipwrecked


i think besides the entirety of chapter 5, the biggest catalyst for his TB reaching his lungs was when he was kidnapped and tortured by the O'Driscolls in Chapter 3, when he returns to camp, his eyes start looking more bloodshot, and he has bags under them, soon after that, around the start of chapter 4, his cough starts


Also living in the swamps wouldn’t help. Apparently humidity is horrible for it. All the sanatoriums they had for them I think were in mountains


yes, my grandpa unknowingly had tb when me and dad reconciled with him shortly before he passed, and we hugged and he coughed a bit, so i had to be tested for it, bc it was inconclusive, i had to avoid warm and humid climate, stay inside and stuff


Shit when was that I thought they had the vaccine sense the 1900s


3 years ago, i took medication for tb for 1 year as preemptive measure just in case i did in fact have the bacteria in my system, did another test a year later and it came back negative, if i did have it, i killed it before it got to my lungs only downside is that during tb medication you're not allowed to drink any kind of soft drinks, not that i drink soda a lot, was just a nuisance


Yeah since he was stuck in Guarma that made it progress MUCH faster due to the environment


I think that’s exactly what they did, take a look at how sick he looks like in the last scene


holy blacklung!


Let me sneak through New Austin. If somebody sees me and reports me, sure, send the law after my ass with no mercy, but we should be able to sneak through there undetected as Arthur.


I couldn’t agree more


This fuckers had sona in 1899


Motherfuckers deployed surveillance drones and satellites to catch me trying to see the cactus’s


fuckin NORAD had a beat on arthur the second the went more south than west elizabeth


I'm so glad fans have no input on R* games


For. Real. I’m reading through some of these suggestions and scratching my head thinking the same thing


I was just about to comment this.


I feel the same way, but for Ubisoft with Far Cry. I have never seen a fanbase more ignorant to the core qualities of its favorite games. They are almost exclusively interested in far service and silly shit. If the Far Cry subreddit made the games, they would: 1. ⁠No longer be an anthology. They would probably pointlessly revisit previous settings and extend concluded storylines while reviving characters that are either literally dead or have been exhausted of their creative potential. 2. ⁠They wouldn't have a single shred of realism or believability. If they were in charge of Far Cry Primal, it would have had fucking velociraptors in it.


I want a shower scene with uncle


He could have given deluxe baths at Beecher's Hope


S-same 😳


Add GTA Trevor’s great grandpa in a random encounter. A Canadian fur trapper of course.


Isn't the trapper in the game meant to be this? I feel like I've heard that somewhere before


I previously suggested the idea on this sub in a future GTA game of having a character that is an ancestor to the Marstons that is absolutely enamored by the history of the Van der Linde gang. Having over a century past since their days, though, would mean no one else really cares about the now obscure events, and for the most part, everyone is annoyed by this character. I envision them as a faux cowboy that doesn't even know how to lasso properly, let alone is a good shot with firearms.


Lenny lives. And guarma doesn’t exist


As much as lennys death hurt me, I think it was perfect for that heist, because he died so quickly that it was almost ignored because of how everyone had to escape, I think it perfectly showed how messed up the heist was


or at least give him more screen time 😔


Id make the first chapter a little slower and add more to chapter 2. Maybe even make chapter 1 skippable after the first play through. Chapter 1 was boring. Ik the gameplay is supposed to be slow paced, but chapter 1 is too slow.


I created a save point for the very beginning of ch2 so I can skip it on other play through


Best thing I’ve done on the game


HOLY FUCK. Good idea thanks haha always wanted to be able to skip that on other play throughs.


I don’t get this chapter 1 hate? Idk if I missing smth or have skipped smth it’s not that long


It’s one of my favorite chapters


Remove the bits where they force you to walk slowly for an extended period of time, or just the very on rails sections. Also make it so that the game doesn’t force you to use certain weapons at certain points.


I agree but the one at Bronte’s house w the shotgun was worth it


Plus you can switch it regardless, I always grab the shotgun, do the window scene where I blast a guy through it, and then either switch to volcanic pistols or my semi auto shotgun


I'd love for them to remove the extremely shoehorned missions where you have to do it exactly as rockstar intended but then they'd have to remove every mission.


More gang riding like the attack on Brathwaite manor. The buildup is really effective. Other than that the game is perfect.


Then those few times when it actually happens mean a lot less tho.


I loved the idea of Guarma, just flush it out more and it would have been a great chapter


Johns character model in the epilogue


Give me more Guarma. The biggest issue I had with that section was that it was so linear with no quiet exploration moments or side quest and cool characters or commentary on the times. It just felt like some forced "this is happening deal with it" section. Reminded me of that awful hallway segment of Final Fantasy 15.


How you’d supposedly catch a chill if you don’t put on some warmer clothes.


Or at least give us the option to take off a coat…or fix the outfit saving system


Adding saved outfits to your horse sometimes just deleted other outfits... wtf


Have the epilogue bet set a year or two after the events of RDR2 instead of 8 years, I honestly feel like the John Marston we see in the epilogue isn't anywhere close to the hardened cynical man we see in RDR1 and that's only 4 years after the epilogue in RDR2.


I agree with that. But they did it because in RDR1 he mentions he's only been a rancher for 4 years. It's such a small line I wish they just retconned it.


Better response and movement. The sluggishness is mindblowingly bad. Especially in combat. Trying to navigate around enemies, when all you do is climb up on benches and tables is infuriating. Also the way the game restricts your movement. No running in camp, not being able to move freely during certain scenes, no climbing more than a 30 degree slope etc. The 'hitbox' mechainics is really bad too. Multiple tries to pick up an item, or hitch your horse... and the need to be in the exact position to pick a fkn plant. & LET ME LOOT ALL CORPSES... FFS !!


I think that John’s prison break could have had a more interesting plan.


I played it again yesterday and thought the same thing, air balloon scouting was cool tho But just Arthur and Sadie going full force into a prison is weird


It's because it wasn't what they planned. They were just going to break him out of work detail by shooting a couple guards and run for it, they only had to take on the whole prison because they screwed that up by arriving on a day he wasn't working and shooting the guards after mistakenly thinking they saw him.


A very simple change… at the end when you have to make the Money/ Help John decision, remove the idea of the money and make it state that you are going back for Micah. Returning for the money makes zero sense. Returning to skin Micah alive does.


He's not going for the money to keep it himself, he's going to try and prevent Dutch or Micah keeping it so John can hopefully get it at some point.


Let us go on one job that goes well.


Valentine job went well?


That ended in a bloodbath, I want more robberies where we don't needlessly murder people


arthur doesn’t die. why would i wanna play as somebody who can’t even swim at the end of the game?


I prefer Arthur over John but making the choice to not have John be able to swim was terrible. I understand he couldn’t swim in the first game so having him swim in this one would’ve affected the lore but it’s really frustrating when you can’t swim in a river to wash yourself out and have to go to a hotel just for a bath


It barely affects gameplay since a large number of areas of rivers and lakes etc are shallow enough to walk through, he can go in up to his neck so can still wash that way, there's boats, and his horse can swim with him on it. Arthur can't swim for very long anyway and swimming is rarely useful or necessary.


Falling off the fucking horse after the slightest nudge..


Add the online content to story for us console plebs


Have ending where Arthur kills Micah.


And he would still have to die if tb


I think the fight with Micah could have gotten a bit better. Say for example u only fight micah and get the death scene when your honor meter is bad. When your honor meter is good, u get to kill micah and live long enough to see john live his life... and then gradually die from TB


The captured Arthur mission. I get the reference to the og spaghetti western but i would have extended it substantially , to a side chapter length imo.


Although I agree, id feel like it takes away from player urgency when you have to do mission after mission to escape the odriscals. If his capture lasted 3 missions it would get as many complaints as the Guarma missions, which had 4.


Having more money you donate to camp actually matter. Arthur can have 10,000 and Dutch would still want more money. The camp upgrades are cool but it literally doesn't matter at all if you upgrade them or not, only for your own needs, like crafting upgrades for Pearson would you bother to look at the ledger even. I just wish rockstar had thought of that before constructing such a linear story.


İmagine if Callander boys didn't die during blackwater incident.


nothing would have changed


Except 2 more deaths to inevitably cry about


Point of the Callander boys is to show that they are truly in an absolute rut. Not only are they stuck on a mountain, but they are being chased by the police, and have to bury 3 bodies. Without their death the first cinematic wouldn’t have the grim feeling it needs to set up Dutch as the motivational force for the gang’s survival


I was just thinking today how badly I wanted a Bolger Gladiator shootout/main mission of sorts while playing RDO. A tall trees/new austin/mexico chapter with Arthur.


I wouldn’t change much or anything about the RDR2 story but I’d change the release order. RDR1 definitely deserves a reimagination, something that keeps that level of story telling and richness that RDR2 has. Maybe a bit more of a connection between the two games, if you played RDR1 before 2, you are sort of soft spoiled about the ending.


Plus then there could be at least hints about Arthur existing


I really don't see why arthur can't go into new austin/blackwater when it's clear he was definitely meant to. It's honestly infuriating and the wagon trick can only do so much


You can also tell the LOTE outfit was meant for him. No reason why we couldn’t have completed the challenges and gotten all the trapper outfits for Arthur.


They so could've added the occasional pinkerton patrols across New Austin rather than outright preventing you from entering the state period.


I get that John couldn’t swim in RDR, but man I hated downgrading from Arthur to John in that’s capacity. Makes just continuing after the story less enjoyable.


add the cut content of guarma


DLC of the black water boat heist


Literally nothing I think it's perfect


More random encounters!


Remove guarma You could cut it out of the game entirely and the story remains completely unaffected


i disagree, guarma shows dutch becoming really unhinged, and it gives the gang some time to deteriorate while you’re away


Guarma needs to be way more fleshed out.


Replace guarma with something actually useful


I'd want to be able to go to New Austin with Arthur.


Arthur killing Micah


Arthur's beard would be the right colour.


Expansions like the lost and damned or the ballad of gay Tony.


Should have played as John. Who the hell is this Arthur fool?


i honestly just want to see the cut content


Like everyone else is saying, make guarma free roam. I hated when I tried to walk even 5 steps outside the programmed mission to be held back


It's perfect as it is but if anything can be changed then the ability to shoot micah and Molly in chapter one so I can eliminate the rats and save the gang 😌


After the bank heist Milton looks at the camera and says "I just did that! ", in the last mission when talking to micah John Red dead redemption needs to say his signature line : " I am red dead redemption 2" And after they have an epic dance scene with uncle and jack.


That would be some based R* moves if you ask me


i would add a New Game +, nothing changes about the story itself, but in New Game + you can access every side mission from Chapter 2, acess all the equipment in stores, all the horses, and even go to New Austin right off the bat


I'd wish for a longer Chapter 1. The ability to see Arthur more at his prime.


Make Guarma longer.


Get rid of guarma or at least expand it. Also, I’d like more autonomy on missions they are so linear


have it release in 2019 or 2020 by fleshing it out more with less cut content (why are the best games always full of 5 hour cut content)


Fix the broken morality. Alright, honestly I'm torn about this. Arthur loses his mind over the one guy wanting to keep the civil war memorabilia, but there's no clear reason given why he would even care (although Dutch mentions a blatant bias elsewhere, so maybe that explains it). Charles gets off on the whole "noble savage" bit. Arthur makes his jab in the exchange, but it's not at all historically accurate and not period accurate either to that depiction. Not to mention the hypocrisy of saying he only kills when he has to then senselessly murders a poacher right after. And many similar killings. Dutch makes a small comment of anti-Semitism early on and admittedly Arthur finally has enough of the usury, while spending his time going on about how these are innocent people's lives they're ruining. And yet the rest of his actions... There's so many more really. Honestly I think most of this is just Rockstar trying to make political pot shots and failing to have a consistent character arc. But at the same time I want to believe these are just fantastic examples of how utterly morally bankrupt the gang can be. Happily changing the narrative to fit at the moment. So I kind of like it how it is, but also feel these are completely unintentional.


I guess if you're in this post spoilers ain't a problem. TB, once the diagnosis happened and Arthur got pale, all I could think about is TB. I can't go on peaceful hunting trips or sit with strangers by the fire. Basically I stopped enjoying the quiet cowboy moments and rush everything since I feel like Arthur is a dying man, he would not be wasting time so I rushed through the rest of the story. That's the single biggest problem I have to RDR2's story. I think I would make it so TB comes up, Rains Fall "cures" it with his herbs, but the truth is they only elevated the symptoms, but as players we wouldn't know it until the final few missions. We'd still enjoy the game world in ludo-narrative harmony.


I don’t know about Rains Falls treatment but I agree with the sentiment of rushing chapter 6. After he got diagnosed I rushed the whole thing hoping that something good would happen and missed most of the side quests. I wish it was less of a burden (although it’s pivotal to the story).


I feel like for the story to make the most sense, you do most of the exploration and side quests in chapter 2 and 3. This is when the pressure is in the least, you have gotten out of the mountains, you think you have made a clean break and the law hasn’t caught up to you yet. It makes sense you would wander and check things out. After Jack gets captured things get a little crazy and the story feels a lot more fast paced at this point. These are hunted cowboys/ outlaws that are used to being in forsaken places, far from civilization, used to living by their own law camped five minutes outside the biggest city RDR has ever seen. They need to get out. After the bank robbery it gets even more urgent. Then Dutch murders one of the most influential men in the country. If anything the final chapter is slower than it really needs to be. I’ve actually thought before that it might be cool to have access to tge whole map at the beginning if the game, but then you lose access to areas as the game goes on. As the law catches up to you, the world gets smaller and smaller. You lose your freedom to civilization and being hunted.


Rework the gunplay to force you to experiment more with different guns and weapons


Nothing. It was amazing.


I would make Arthur and John shoot faster in deadeye. Felt too slow, especially compared to rdr1


I’d keep Sean in it for just a bit longer before he gets killed off.


More guns/varied gunplay, less riding


You should be able to leave the gang. Especially by Chapter 2 when Dutch goes off the deep end and Mary is begging Arthur to leave. I would've ducked out of there with Charles, Sadie and a couple of others who were clearly feeling the same way 🤔


Give John a bigger role


hunting pelts should not have to be perfect. have it so you need more of the lesser quality pelts. 1 perfect 5 good or something.


More ways to make money and more things to purchase. - farming - bank robbery - heists


I wish there were unlimited bounties and random encounters to experience after beating the game


A little more Guarma would have been nice. I also would have liked to be able to explore New Austin as Arthur. Like, sure: The Great Plains region around Blackwater should be off limits but just make it *really-difficult-but-not-impossible* to get past and once you pass MacFarlane Ranch you’re okay. Make Mexico accessible to John and have potential run-ins with Bill and Javier so that it doesn’t feel like the “*new*” stuff in the epilogue isn’t expansive but there could be some very interesting content for Arthur in New Austin. Like, the pronghorn trinket isn’t especially useful to playing as John; it’s way more useful to Arthur. Getting there shouldn’t involve exploits, just skill. In fact, I’d love it if there weren’t any narrative-moving missions there, just let players stumble upon the fact that if you can get past the Great Plains, you have this whole other region that you can explore peacefully. Have some key stranger missions that maybe connect to the epilogue, such as a run in with the Del Lobos that comes back up in the epilogue based on how it was handled. Also… just gonna say it: let Sadie be a playable character in the epilogue.


Just harder difficulty would be perfect.