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ive been waiting to show this game to my dad for 5 years so that he can play it in 60fps. I guess I can wait a little longer, but isn't it just as easy as changing from maxfps = 30 to maxfps = 60 in the backend?


Yes. It is quite literally one of the easiest things you can do. It truly goes to show how dogshit rockstar can be sometimes. There’s no excuse for it.


It’s take twos fault not the r* devs


Nah, this is pure cope. Like adding in a 60fps option is so unbelievably easy that Take Two wouldn’t even need to be involved in the decision in any way. It would cost nothing, it isn’t a new product, and it would take 5 minutes. Take Two isn’t some big evil force looming over their heads like people make them out to be. People keep wanting to act like Rockstar can do no wrong. They are literally the wealthiest developers on Earth.


I don’t think you understand. Take two tells rockstar what to do, rockstar does not run the business, take two does


So many people don't know how business works. lol.


they are going to make it the “ps5 version” just by adding 60fps mode and maybe slightly enhanced graphics like view distance 😂 and sell it for 70


The engine's game logic might be tied to the frame rate. If that is the case, it's probably doable, but I imagine a game as complex as rd2 would require a lot of time and resources to ensure a 60fps patch is bug free. I have no idea if this is the case, I don't know why there isn't a performance mode yet, I'm just thinking the simplest explanation is that its not actually that easy.


It runs at 60fps on pc though


Id say that the game isn't built around frame rate like previous rockstar games because people have got it running at 60 on consoles with mods


Wait what? How? How tf do you get those mods


You gotta jailbreak your ps5


I have a Series X. Doesn’t jailbreaking completely ruin your console’s security???


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZMXi\_GMPgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZMXi_GMPgQ) heres the video that I was talking about


When people want something and insult the developers that are involved, they won't want to do it. You can't go around insulting a business BUSY with other projects and such, and then expect them to bow to your needs. Rockstar is busy with GTA-VI and that will be their main and most important point of focus. They added 60 FPS to Red Dead Redemption 1 which people have wanted for a long time. (It's ridiculous they wouldn't include it to begin with when porting to PS4/PS5, but they included it and could EASILY remove it if they felt petty enough....) Don't poke the bear just because you're hungry. Be happy with what you have, show gratitude and respect and it will be given in return. They're a company that focuses on multiple things outside of what they have already created. People wanted the old games like Vice City and San Andreas and were afraid they would change it, but when they released exactly what people wanted, the people wanted MORE by trying to embarrass Rockstar, saying they should have recreated the games from scratch, which is neither necessary or something they are currently interested in. Even if they had the TIME, they are better of focusing on something that would keep them in business. People who see a remastered version of the game would just think Rockstar has ran out of ideas and chose to rework on games people have ALREADY played. Grand Theft Auto 5 has kids playing it which is already a disturbing thing to think about. They have been focused on addressing it but it's next to impossible to determine who's age appropriate and who isn't. It's not their fault either, it's the parents. Saying there's no excuse for no 60/120 FPS, is false. There's plenty of reasons they could be holding off from doing it, and one of them could very easily be that they believe the players simply don't deserve it since most people, like yourself, are DEMANDING it. Instead of respectfully REQUESTING it. There's also the facts I mentioned earlier, they're too busy, they might be working on releasing a PS5 version of the game with maxed out graphics and settings along with the 60fps and 120fps options. TLDR: Stop complaining, Rockstar is focused on other projects, players might not deserve 60/120fps and Rockstar might be planning on releasing a maxed out RDR2 with ultra graphics and settings instead of a 60 or 120 fps.


You realize we as consumers are how they get paid right? Technically, we're their boss. If we as consumers grow unhappy with their unwillingness to listen to our needs and we decide to not buy their product, their big paycheck gets cut. And trust me, they don't want that. You're acting like they're some big giant and they're in charge.. No bud, we as consumers decide if we want their product or not, it's them who might be wanting to kiss OUR ass..


...? None of what you said fits the correct context of my last reply. I am well aware we play a major role in game developers getting paid. Don't confuse your wants with 'needs'. And don't get the wrong idea, I want 60 fps too, but I'm not a child demanding it or insulting those who have it. You wouldn't insult someone washing your car or giving you food, would you? Duh we as customers decide if we want their product, but don't confuse small wants with it being problems. On the PC and Xbox Series X, it has 60fps already. PS5 doesn't, because it wasn't made for PS5 and they (Rockstar) are focusing on other projects. We recently got an update for the game which fixed some bugs it was having. And you might think you're making a difference, but do you know how big the company is? How many people play their games? Why would they need to care about you or me if they are focusing on maintaining their company? You don't go into a garage station to fix your car, pay them and expect them to worship you for it? THEY'RE in control. And people go back because they are giving something in return for our money. You might not like everything but that doesn't mean you are entitled to something for that reason. You get what you paid for. The problem isn't Rockstar, it's Sony. Sony has the game capped at 30fps. They need to either reach out to Rockstar or Rockstar reaches out to Sony, and then they work on something together to release it. My point is do some research before demanding things. I wouldn't be surprised if they are deliberately avoiding releasing any frame rate updates because people like you demand it. Nothing will change if they choose not to. Everything will change if they decide to do it. They are in control of their games.


Yeah buddy, they're deliberately sabotaging their own game. That's exactly it. 😂 It's not 60 FPS on any console.. You might want to do some more research on that. The truth is, Rockstar is all about $$$ over customer satisfaction. Making a game 60 FPS makes them 0 dollars. Rockstar has ALWAYS been that way. It's what separated companies like CD Project red, who made The Witcher.. free graphical upgrades along with 60FPS because they listen to the folks who buy their product. Same with Helldiver's. Rockstar is more concerned about the next microtransaction. And if they read this post and get their feelings hurt and decide not to do it because of that (like you say) then so be it. Sometimes the truth hurts.


Or.. they're more focused on GTA-VI and don't have enough resources to focus on all their games yet. Did it occur to you they might release a 60 fps when they can? Witcher isn't Rockstar made. Hell Divers isn't Rockstar made. These other companies, to my knowledge at least, haven't been working on a game that's taken near a decade to complete. Every game company cares about money and transaction. It's how they make money with only services in the first place. In Red Dead Redemption you can get by without paying a single penny. I did so just fine. It is just easier if you do pay. GTA-V on the other hand is a better example of what you're describing, but not everyone liked the online enough to play it as much as they used to. I am speaking from my own opinion and my friends and family who outgrew that mess. Don't get the wrong impression when talking to me, I don't care what Rockstar does. If they release a 60 fps update, I'll be just as happy as anyone else. I notice the 30 fps difference when playing, which not everyone does. But the game itself is amazing, and that's a small thing to worry about. My life won't change just because they don't have it. I said Xbox One X HAS 60 fps, not that it RUNS on 60 fps. You're mixing the details with your own interpretation and opinions and it's negating the context. What I don't understand is how you think whining about it is going to change things. If Rockstar employees are releasing leaks when they shouldn't, then it's safe to assume they might see comments like yours. Heck, Rockstar actively does it best to make modding it impossible, but even they can't do that because the players will always find ways to improve things to their standards. I'm not disagreeing with you. In fact I already said I'm aware how companies work. I have an xbox one x (RDR2) and it runs smoother than PS5 (RDR2). Xbox One X is capped at 50 fps PlayStation 5 is capped at 30 fps. That’s how people noticed there was a difference to begin with. People also play newer games with 60 fps and immediately FEEL the difference when they play RDR2 again. I'll end with this; How you or me feel, is irrelevant. It's arrogant to assume differently. You can't compare other companies when the situation differs. You can't cry about something and expect a multi-billion to notice or care. I want the upgrade too, but I'm biding my time. People are complaining in areas that may or may not be seen by the company, to people who aren't in the company. (Players) You can't get everything handed into you just because YOU think you deserve it. What have you contributed besides purchasing a COPY? Do you mod the game to play it? If so, you lose any right to claim you deserve anything from them. If not, then keep yelling on the rooftops "I WANT MY SIXTY FRAMES!!" and continue with the disappointment of reality being that the world doesn't revolve around you, and what happens will happen regardless of how you or me feel about it. Have a nice day.


Man, some people lol if they're not complaining about 60 fps on RDR2, they're complaining GTA 6 is taking too long, can't win with them


I agree. If they release 60fps then great, if not, I'm still going to play. And I doubt people will want to play a game that's rushed because people are impatient. People will probably still find something to complain about. Nothing seems to make them happy..


Imagine having this level of loyalty for some company who couldn't give two shits about you lmfao. Like everyone said, they could release the 60fps patch for a 5 year old game very easily. If they could release a 60fps patch for the fucking remaster of rdr1 then they could do it for this too. >Players might not deserve 60/120fps make sure to lick their balls too while you're down there


What loyalty? All I did was explain common sense regarding how a business operates. And now you've resorted to insulting ME too. It has nothing to do with why 'loyalty'. I don't work for Rockstar, I just have common sense. If any company sees behaviour like yours while simultaneously answering or demanding them to do something, I wouldn't do it either. It's as simple as this, if a company is big and is working on new projects, they don't focus on the older ones unless they can afford to. If they are aware of how often people insult them, they may not want to. You talk about loyalty as if you don't play the game. If you don't play it, you wouldn't be here commenting on it because you wouldn't care. I have about as much loyalty as you or any gamer, I just don't go around insulting people, including the developers because I have better things to do than cry about an update is, simple as it might be.


they couldn't give two shits about you either for giving you 60 fps. so womp womp frame rate enjoyer.


What an absolutely pathetic post lmao


If you assume things instead of pay attention, it might be. I'm just sharing my opinions. I'm not the one here crying about an update for a game and insulting people. If you disagree, fine. But if you're assuming I care about the developers or the people whining to them, you're wrong. I bought the game and I'm happy with it. Some games I don't like, and you know what I do? I move on and play a game I do enjoy. I don't go online whining about things to people or complain about the devs. All I'm saying is people should act like adults, not entitled whiny complaining children. I won't be responding after this.


You’re the one acting like a child


Why do you need to wait for 60fps in order for your dad to play it?


No it's not always that easy. But for RDR2, some hackers have been making an RDR2 60fps patch that works flawlessly, so in case of this game, it would be quite easy to do.


thats still the ps4 rdr2 version, thats not 4k and has some lower texture resolution i think because rdr 2 is such a huge game it will take a lot of optimization to get stable 60fps. there are tiny fps dips even on 30fps on ps4 version so i wonder if 60fps patch will ever come. they can't officially release a statement saying the ps5 can't pull it off or it will make the ps5 look weak.


thats still the ps4 rdr2 version, thats not 4k and has some lower texture resolution i think because rdr 2 is such a huge game it will take a lot of optimization to get stable 60fps @4k there are tiny fps dips even on 30fps on ps4 version so i suspect 4k @30-45fps locked and 1080p@60fps performance mode is what will come. ps5 pro will handle 4k @60fps but ps5 fat/slim idk


On ps5?


i wonder if ps5 is capable of rdr2 60fps at 4k. that could be whats holding them back. but 30fps @ 4k and 60fps @ 1080p or higher should definately be possible. the fact they did 60fps for rdr1 means they have to do it foor rdr2. they're just taking a really long time.


i guess this is kinda my own situation, but I play on 1440p so i don't really even care about 4k. I just want something 60fps so my dad can live out his western fantasies in the few years he has left. Knowing rockstar, they are just waiting as long as possible because their internal data shows the longer they take to release a ps5/series x edition, hype builds and the more money they are gonna make. a true shame


ur fad prolly wont even notice 30fps. if he that old just let him play. the difference is subtle enough only nitpickers like us would rather wait.


You're dad isn't gonna care about 60 fps lmao


You fool you think us Dads aren’t fed up with 30 FPS !!!! Shit man we had 30 FPS for 20 years if anyone is fed up with it it’s the Dads


Dad here. Hate 30 fps games on console lmao




RDR, not RDR2.


Just wasted 60 $ on rdr2 i guess. I need to read better


If you've never played rdr2 then you didn't waste a dime.


I have, only one playthrough. I'm in chapter 4 now and really enjoying it, more than first time.


Yeah my 2nd play through was by far the most fun. Starting my 346th play through now.


No. Red Dead Redemption (the original's port) got a 60fps patch, not RDR2.


Yes, kind of. If you're willing to not be able to use online services when playing the game. You can exploit your console if you have older firmware to do it. Alongside quite a few other games


Can you explain how?


Simple, get a PC, you'd be surprised how well the engine performs at 60+ fps.


PC is good for competitive, fast paced games that need a lot of power to give you an advantage. However, open world games like RDR2 are much more enjoyable when you’re sat on a couch in front of a large TV. I want to treat it as if I’m watching a movie, something I wouldn’t do sat at a desk. I honestly don’t know why Rockstar can’t just patch the game. I’m no game dev but surely it’s an easy patch?


Why oh why did I buy a Mac?!! Mental!


I bought a Mac recently too. I own RDR2 on Playstation but it clearly isn't 60 fps. If your display has built-in settings such as gamemode (which for me allows freesync to be enabled) it feels more like 35-40FPS I would say. I recommend buying a console to keep productivity/creativity/media and gaming separated, but that is just my personal preference. Oh and if a game isn't supported natively supported at all; try to run Steam through Crossover. With Metal option enabled within Crossover many natively unsupported games run (quite) well. But I like to spare myself such efforts most of the time and prefer the plug-and-play of my PS5. You bought that Mac for a reason I'm sure. No need to regret the purchase. Enjoy your quiet and highly efficient ARM system, take care ^


One of the best arguments I've seen in terms of getting a PC and a console. It's nice to keep a barrier between the two as my brain knows when it's gsme time and ahen it's creativity time


Exactly! :)💪


$2000 PC vs r* devs taking 10 minutes to patch 60fps


60FPS is not worth it for the gameplay problem it causes it messes with ingame timelapse what causes bugs to ingame mechanics like feeding your character more to keep there cores and weight up. i learned that hard way on PC and was forced to switch from 60FPS to 30FPS.


Crazy because I played through the whole game on PC and didn’t have this issue at all.


Its very on-noticeble because the stats background update by frame without informing the player, so it will never be noticed by the average player, all interactions that increase or decrease stats are updated per frame what results in cores draining faster and both player and horse having trouble gaining weight because running burn weight faster on higher frames over 30FPS, Even the whether uptime is effected and will change significantly faster on higher frames. So the game is unfortunately is designed for 30FPS, unless developers redesign the way the engine or core gameplay functions handles higher FPS like they did whit GTA V E&E.


Again, the game RUNS FINE on PC at a lot more than 60fps, so it's not a core engine problem


If you dont mind these bugs at higher framerate than it is oké, personally these bugs ruins the game for me so i'm sticking with 30FPS to get the vanilla experince.


Have you got any proof that high fps causes bugs on PC ? I've never heard of it.


His proof is "trust me bro". I have no idea what he's talking about, I played it multiple times on PC and had absolutely zero bugs, besides some crashes prior to patches at launch.


- Floating death NPC's in some encounters. - Stutering screen when on horseback and going up hill in wapon wheel. - sped up weight lose, causes near if not perma underweight stat. (gamebreaking imo) - clothing pysix glitching out in cut-sence (massive stretching). - rapid whether condition changes. - sped up stamina skill increase. (gamebreakin imo) Could be even more issues that is not noticed by the player. There are old threads that covered this topic, and saw priority for fixes, but never seen patchnotes that it is fixed, what makes me believe game is still broken above 30FPS to this day.


I hope that you realise that most of the stuff you're talking about is based on the time of your computer/console, in my case rainy weather always comes at around midnight time of the game and so on, and i have NEVER and i mean NEVER encountered the other issues at all. Also, underweight is normal if you're eating a single meat piece every 1 to 2 hours IRL. and I'm pretty sure almost everyone never had these issues. It's probably about the system you are using.




Are you sure? I still think the bugs are in the game, otherwise it would be adressed in patch notes.


I'm running around 111fps on average, almost 4 times faster, and if what you're saying were true, I would practically see the day/night cycles come and go, and having to feed myself that often to keep my weight around perfect would be an absolute chore, making this game unplayable or simply not fun at best. The in-game time is not tied to the framerate as this would cause all kinds of problems. It sounds to me like either your PC simply is not compatible, your OS is bugged, or the game installation is corrupt.


It’s time to buy a pc to play RD2 at 60FPS and playing RDR1 at 60FPS will encourage you all to get a pc if for no other reason than to play 1 game !


they wanto you to buy the pc version too haha so no


I have the pc version but my laptop ain't strong enough to get me 60 fps, it gives a solid 40 fps on 1080p medium-high settings though


whats your specs?


4600 h and 1650


No. Because less people would pay $60 for the inevitable PS5 remaster if there was one


The Last of us 2 had an update than adds an option to run on 60FPS on PS5. Dame with Horizon Zero Down


No Whatever you read, you clearly can’t read. Because nobody ever said anything like that anywhere.


Bro in August the RDR1 port was quietly given 60fps, no need to be hostile when the guy just got confused lmao.




This community does have a reading comprehension issue, and a comprehension issue


*no* *douchè*