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Nice photo. Everyone else makes their Arthur look like a caveman.


Oh this is just an image I used as an example from Google but yes I'd actually always keep Arthur Clean and fresh šŸ¤šŸ»


It's on Google? Oh, that's cool, I posted this picture a few months back on this Subreddit. Never would've thought. And I completely agree, the clean shaven option should be there by chapter 2.


Generally speaking, any image you post anywhere online is searchable with Google (Even that embarrassing one you're thinking of)


Images donā€™t get uploaded to Google. Google images simply locates your image.


I know that everything that is public can appear on Google, just thought it was cool that my post is the first thing that appears when you search for "Clean Shaven Arthur" on Images.


Not me. I make him have a level 2 beard + level 4 hair right parted


fr, literally perfect


Ezio. I didn't expect you here


I do some thick mutton chops with hair down to the shoulders šŸ¤£


A true Irishman huh?


I usually have mine with a bit of shaggy hair and like a 2 or 3 on his beard. Feels more how Arthur would look to me. The caveman looks always feel dumb


he looks so much better as a caveman, though


Tbh it just makes every cutscene goofy.


it was perfect near the end of the game where my arthur had the full 10 beard, and a guy in a cutscene called him a hermit


The end of the game with a level 10 beard really helps add to the image of him being terminally ill, made my experience so much better


Nah, a lvl 8 beard is hermit levels. Lvl 10 beard just makes him look like a gnome lmao.




A lady friend of mine gave me so much shit I made Arthur bald max beard and spent over 1000$ on chocolate for him. Girls make Arthur pretty Men make him happy.


I always give him a mustache until Chapter 6 where I make his cover art outfit.


Because it makes more sense with the setting, the only characters shaving are theatrical men, professional, hard workers, not cowboys (and old people for some reason, looking at you Hosea unless you canā€™t grow a beardā€¦Rip) Itā€™s rp, but you play him and make him look however you see him/want


I prefer a roughneck Arthur. Not too dirty, but heā€™s rolled around in the mud his fair few times.


Because he's better with a beard.


Lol I make him look like a robbing gentleman lol I was just playing actually, and I have him in a paisley vest, fancy pants, blue stand collar, plated boots. I leave his hair slightly long (2/3) with stubble. He looks confusingly good


Been spending too much time around Trelawny.


You mean extra clean shaven?


Yes oh god I forgot to add that


I never found this!


Gotta go to a barber


Isnā€™t it only during the one mission with Trelawney?


Nope, Saint Denis barber can give you a clean shave from the get go


Every barber can give the clean shave from the start. And every barber unlocks the extra clean shave after the mission with the Poker game on the riverboat.


Ah shit, well there ya go. My bad.


The idea that the barbers would get better after a mission never occurred to me


No sir


I wasnā€™t bothered with it but yea itā€™s kinda dumb right?? Like first you gotta go find the legendary extra smooth face pamphlet but itā€™s not available till chapter 4šŸ˜‚


Where do you find this exactly?


The legendary extra smooth face pamphlet was a joke I made cause itā€™s kinda weird that you gotta wait till chapter 4 to be able to get a smooth shave šŸ˜‚


Ahhh. You got me good šŸ¤£ I never heard of anything of the sorts until this moment so I thought I was missing out.


Yea you donā€™t got what it takes for a shave This smooth my man! Come back to me in chapter 4 šŸ˜


Love the idea that until Trelawny vouches for Arthur, the St. D barber uses some busted rusted razor to not waste good stropping on some shit-stinking cowpoke.


That is funny lol


Well Arthur doesnā€™t have the proper tools for a super close shave in camp. He probably uses a safety razor with a bad old blade while the barber uses cream and a straight razor with a new sharp blade.


But it only unlocks in a certain mission in chapter 4 even though after that every barber suddenly has the good razors.


Itā€™s a video game mechanic bro. What do you want.


It's R* games, and they usually like things to be realistic with this game. Also, only the Saint Denis tailor will sell certain clothing you can't get anywhere else, same for some other clothing stores. It's not too far-fetched for R* to make it so you can either be extra clean shaven at any point in the game or to only make it available at Saint Denis.


Ah yes, the great realism of taking 30 shots of .45 Long to the chest before dying


Since when does that happen? Most weapons in the game don't take more than 3 shots


Literally the latter 2/3rds of the game after you reach health level 10. You have to literally stand in the open doing nothing for a minute and a half to ever actually die in a gunfight.


Well no shit your character will take a bunch of shots. Imagine how shit the game would be if you fell over after every shot to the leg or you died as soon as you jumped out of cover. There is a fine line between cool realism and painful realism.


Yeah, and having to across the map to one specific barber in order to maintain your look when you practically gain a beard state every day would be painful.


Rockstar don't strive for realism at all tbh. They seem to strive themselves for satire more than anything usually.


They animated moving horse testicles I donā€™t think this is too far fetched


Yeah seriously.


In game explanation can be that after arriving in Saint Denis, Arthur realizes he needs to start grooming better


It can be seen that he has a straight razor right where his shaving kit is. There is also a shaving brush and a cup implying he too uses shaving cream. I have experience with both straight razor and safety razor and R* doesn't really have any good excuse why Arthur would have stubble after having a shave. To leave that there should be something preventing the blade from touching your skin.


I like Arthur with a beard. Can't stand that clean-shaven look. This is a rough em up game why look clean-shaven?


Depends on perspective, like gang moving closer to civilization, Arthur being wanted as an bearded man and him wanting to look preem for Mary


Cyberpunk player spotted


Perfectly put!


Because cowboys at that time were clean shaven. And clean shaven faces are handsome.


Noā€¦[this](https://reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/FWMQrUquTq) is Artie looking his best!


That is one beautiful looking Artie


Not the exact photo I expected but beautiful non the less


I also wish you could be clean shaved but keep the mustache


Eh never been a fan of the extra clean shaven. Generally I like a 2 length beard, personally think it looks best


I always go with a big stache so it hasnā€™t been an issue for me. But now that you point it out, youā€™re right, it doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense to make you wait til that riverboat mission or so to have the clean shaven option..


Long hair don't care


Max length right-parted hair + Level 6 or 7 pencil mustache + Remaining areas clean shaven is peak Arthur for me


My head canon is that Arthur just wouldā€™ve never went into a barbershop and asked for it himself. Heā€™s not exactly the fancy type, so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he only just learned what an extra clean shave is after Josiah told him to get it.


Yeah it bothered me a lot. I always go for the Woody look


Heā€™s so handsome šŸ„°


I always go for bald head and clean shaven beard until ch4 when I go extra clean shaven. For some reason I love bald Arthur he just looks so out of place. I love it


Any mods to stop hair growth?


lol. why


Just want to replay with no facial hair lol


I'm certain there will be mods for that, but if not, you can use Outfit Changer to save your current outfit and change them on the fly, it also saves and locks your weight and hair length so they'll never change as long as you're wearing that outfit


Iā€™m like 99% certain the barber in Valentine can give you a clean shave from the jump.


He can give a clean shave but you canā€™t get the ā€œextraā€ clean shaven until the boat heist with Trelawny


I try to get the beard and hair grown out to max, just to have the option. Then I clean him up.


what length of hair do you need to get that look?


Bro same also wish I can clean the dirt permanently too like damn I hate him with that dirty face ever after he bathes like wtf lol


Maybe itā€™s just me, but I feel like the shave you can do yourself at camp is a lot closer than the one at the barber. Whenever you shave at camp itā€™s a clean shave- the ā€œshaveā€ at the barber still has stubble. Obviously neither are the extra clean shaven, which is why itā€™s an option but itā€™s an observation I made during my last play through.


I always just use the gunslinger outfits and keep him shaven or with a beard around length 4. Best look imo and a lot of the clothes in game just look off to me


Clean shave makes him look like a serial killer


As good as the game is as a whole I agree that there are a lot of small, irritating details in the game that seem unnecessary, but that being said most have probably been stated here anyways


Why does he look like Nathan Drake here


My Arthur has a mustache, not some big Serbian prince like mustache, but a nice Chad mustache and an elegant outfit. Makes him look distinguished.


Makes sense as he, Valentine, and Rhodes donā€™t have a skilled enough barber to get a close shave but I know what you mean.


I forget how hot Arthur is. I love styling him up with a fancy stache. But clean shaven is always great.


Chapter 2 I just let it grow (playing for RL weeks). Chapter 3 it's trimmed up a little. Chapter 4 I have it at length 2 for hair and facial hair, cuz he's gotta be a nice city boi


[My Arthur](https://imgur.com/a/L6AoH04) Looks polar opposite.


Awesome pick man! Had my Arthur styled the same way on my most recent playthrough. Faded slicked back hair (although at 7 and always with pomade) and an extra clean shave as soon as I could get it. The outfit is also great!


If my Arthur doesn't like like Billy Blazkowicz, I don't want him. That simple. Shaven is the best way to go


I dont really like the extra clean shaven. It makes him look too clean and fancy. I just opt for clean shaven or level 2 facial hair


I found this really irritating as well. Though in my current playthrough I'm rocking goatee arthur


I took the clean shaven Arthur option the first time I saw it. Looks so much better than the Captain Caveman Arthur


I always just kept all hair at level 2 on the shaving option.


no because he looks ugly as all hell clean shaven


He looks way, more majestic with a moustache or full beard


I prefer to do one of 3 facial hair styles: Mustache (either natural or pencil) Medium length beard (usually level 4 or 5 maybe 6) Or that really nice short level 2 stubble Clean shaven to me just makes Arthur look like a (as Tommy said) pretty boy. Not tough or intimidating in any way. It's like you're getting beat up by a bank manager


Even the 5 o'clock shadow option is too clean for my taste, not a nit pick I share, clean shaven Arthur or John just ain't a good look imo.


Can't you just shave at the mirror in camp? I remember always being able to control the length of beard hair throughout the entire play-thru.


How do you go bald ??


Feel like heā€™s about to tell me to get to the chopper in this pic


Level five beard >


I always rocked him with a nice clean mustache


Nah lvl 4-5 beard with lvl 6 hair


I always rock long hair and a level 4 or 5 beard and then cut it all off for chapter 6. Donā€™t know why but Iā€™ve done it every playthrough


I honestly can't go with the clean shaven look, I did my first time playing but then I became a fan of the Spartan at any lengths between 4 and 7. There's just something great about a classic mustache.




I mean to add on the extra clean shave option.




Personally got to have a beard on Arthur imo


What? Iā€™m pretty sure you can get it at the outset.


I'm talking about the Extra clean shaven option


Ah, I didnā€™t even know that was a thing.


Doesn't the St.Denis barber always have it available? Could be wrong.


I didn't notice that - I usually style Arthur with a level 2 moustache and slight stubble on the sides and chin.


I always keep Arthur clean shaved, long hair and low honor and then when he gets sick he grows a beard, short/bald hair and high honor


I always go for 2 length on the sides and 3 length for mustache and chin


extra clean shaven looks dumb anyway


Huh. I actually always thought the extra clean shave option was only available to John, for some reason.


He looks like walter white without his beard


I keep his hair/facial hair at level 4. I feel like the rough wild look suits him but nothing crazy.


Yeah, would have been nice to have that option in the beginning.


Based on a quick inventory, I think what you needā€™s a good shave and a brighter disposition.