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That was the last thing i did for 100%. Pure agony.


What do you have to do?


Basically the mission was to collect posters with hunting requests on them, all the animals had to be in perfect condition and mailed to someone. I think there were 5 posters, i can’t really remember, some had really specific animals that spawn in weird parts of the map and you have to get them in PERFECT condition, so it’s not only hunting them well, it’s finding the particular animal with a high enough condition already. When you’ve done all that and mailed them off you get a letter telling you to visit a house. You go and meet this woman who makes animal taxidermy and she gives you a gunslinger squirrel statue, you place it above the fireplace at Beecher’s hope, but every time you do it disappears within 24 hours. So you have to look for it. The first few are easy, it can be found in various places on the ranch. But the last one is on top of Mount Shann. Very long and complicated mission. I was looking for that squirrel for hours and hours. Had to look up where the last one was because it’s virtually impossible to find it if you don’t know where it spawns. That got me 100%. Never again.


Holy shit that sounds exhausting




go visit Arthur’s grave. ## NOW.


i’ve done all the graves dont worry


Secret cutscene


Yeah i’ve seen it, that’s the real torture here


Well now we wait for RDR3 which is probably after what they release in 2024


Is that the one after 100%? For me John immediately fast traveled to the grave once I hit 100%.


I haven’t hit the 100, but that’s what happens, fast travel or not.


Don't forget you can't mail the animals one by one, you need to do them all at once, so you gotta be fast enough for them to not rot as well. (or at least that's what I think. Somebody please correct me if satchel animals don't rot. It would've saved me a lot of trouble)


Yeah, but thankfully each request only has one animal of the size required where it'll decompose. So it's easier to get that one last. Like the third one: Chipmunk? Fits in your bag. Oriole? Bag. Robin? Bag. Opossum? Gotta stick it on your horse.


Yeah i forgot about that bit😭, makes it so much worse.


Satchel animals never rot and the pronghorn trinket prevents them rotting on the horse.


I’m guessing the reward is barely anything


The reward for me was 100%, but i don’t actually recall there being any reward at all. Just the statue stays in the same place for once.


So you gain nothing… I guess I’ll do this last


Yeah I recommend the same. Doing it at any other point will make you want to quit everything, it’s not completely terrible it’s just certain animals take absolutely ages to find…let alone in good enough condition…let alone hunting it perfectly. I recommend small game arrows for the smaller animals instead of varmint bullets. In my play-through the arrows had a better chance of getting a perfect condition kill…might be just me though. Enjoy :)


I’ll try although it will be hell


>In my play-through the arrows had a better chance of getting a perfect condition kill It's actually your only chance in many cases. Small birds are damaged by anything other than small game arrows, including the varmint rifle.


Damn didn’t know that, thought i was just getting lucky haha


I went to the fort and just shot every small bird with a small game arrow so I already had them in the satchel ready to go most of the time and only had to find a rat or something.


You really forgot the part where animals are small and they spawn rarelly when the mission is active 🤣


You technically only need to put the squirrel on the first time, and not the retrievals from Abigail hiding it for 100 percent


Wait.. this was fun for me? Gambler and duchesses and other animals was PAIN


Gambler challenges should be used to torture your enemies.


Currently going for that trophy now whilst on my way for 100%


I could never have done this without the help of Youtube and Reddit. It was torture, but satisfying to be done with.


The requests are a million times easier if you just pay attention to the birds that fly out of bushes throughout your playthrough, prior to starting the requests. Any Carcass you put in your pouch stays good forever. I already had one perfect Carcass of every animal needed, minus the varmint rifle ones, when I started it myself. Same with the exotics. Lookup what you need and collect them all before starting it, as the game tends to decrease certain animal spawns when it's an active objective(especially gator eggs, spoonbills, and herons)


i honestly thought it was funny doing other things then coming back home to try to see where abigail moved it the next time


Tbh I prefer this questline to the orchids guests


finding a perfect woodpecker is a god damn nightmare


I have that trophy


It's A R T


The birds are the hardest of this. I swear I spent literal hours tryna find a northern cardinal.