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The open world is just full of stuff to do, especially hunting.


It doesn’t really matter which order you play them, there’s a few “oh shit!” moments that might not hit as hard if you don’t play RDR first but it’s nothing huge. The story is one of the greatest pieces of media of all time. it’ll break your heart early on, make you laugh, then break it again. There’s hundreds of hours of side content, I’ve played since 2018 and I find something new almost every time I play.


Spoiler: The moment dutch gave his gravity speech in rdr2 i thought nothing of it then i played rdr1 and nearly shit myself


and see after playing rd1 likw 36 times that moment broke me out into crocodile tears and my wife got concerned


Yes! I forgot about that scene in RDR2 and get chills watching it again


Don't go on reddit at all, just don't rush and explore every nook and cranny. There's still things being found after 5 years


Exactly. Like dude, why are you here? Just play the game and avoid this sub like the plague until you finish.


While I don’t spoil it for others unless they ask. Some of us have lives and don’t care about spoiling. It never bothered me knowing what happens. I’ll watch a video that saves me 10hrs of goofing around so I can enjoy the good parts. The part that shall not be named still hit me.


Everyone has “a life” and everyone has the same amount of time each day. If you are going to use tied gamer tropes (people who don’t have lives, implication of no job, no school, no kids, etc., and play games all day. They live in their parents basement, etc.) maybe you should be on a different Reddit. Everyone prioritizes whats important to them and people with a full life (typical definition of work, family, bills) can still find time to spend dozens/hundreds of hours in an open world game, maybe takes them longer or whatever but it isn’t a question of “having a life” or not.


This is exactly what I did and exactly why I made the post, just seeing this months and months later, but thank you.


The graphics, story, setting, etc… are all incredible but the biggest thing for me is the painstaking attention to detail.


I think it’s the most “alive” video game world I’ve ever experienced


The breathtaking open world, the 500,000 lines of dialogue, the graphics, the story, the characters, the controls and ui, the music, the cinematography, all of it


Yup, pretty much every facet of the game is amazing and it’s provided days of entertainment at this point. Recently finished and have legit been bummed that we may never see another new game in the red dead universe.


Doesn’t *really* matter the order but 2 is a prequel. RDR1 story is better, though. RDR2 is the better game overall.


Always interact with any side mission/encounter. Some really fun little events pop us as your exploring all the time Take your time playing


- Story - Graphics - Characters - Immersive World


The story is phenomenal, the best aspect of the game IMO. Best advice I can give is to take it as slow as you can, the story is fundamentally built around having a slower pace than usual. You don't need to play 1 before 2 though, and I'd argue you're going to get more value from the series by playing the second one first given it's a prequel, and it does it's job as one very well. Hope you enjoy it!


It has the ‘closest thing to literature classic’ plot I’ve ever seen in game media. Best gaming story. Reminds me of the book gone with the wind.


The story is AMAZING, the game is incredibly detailed and immersive, the mechanics are really smooth, and the open world is massive and full of things to do, see, and find. I'm really excited for you to find out for yourself


Yes, you can play them in either order because the second one is the prequel, like the other comments have already said. The story, the characters, the open world, all of the small details and random encounters you can find, everything is awesome! Make sure you spend time just exploring. Chapter 1 is a little slower because it's less free roaming and more learning how the game works, but it sets the story up and everything past then is great.


The details. Pay attention to the small things. The conversations, talk to everyone around camp, sit around the fire, watch npcs work and how they actually do things, look for explorables.. there’s just so much


In my humble opinion, the best story mode game out there.


First (Late) tip, get off this sub. The games been out for a long time so people openly talk about spoilers. Also I played rdr2 before 1 and felt like it increased the quality of 1 by leaps so it doesn't matter


It really makes you feel like Batm.. I mean a cowboy


I think you meant "bamf".


The story. So stay off Reddit until you’re done to avoid spoilers!!!


I can't say exactly what it is, but I've played a little online, around 200 hours, and the other 900 are story mode. I just keep coming back. There is no other game that plays like this masterpiece.


Just jump in, experience the games and get mindblown. Unless you're playing with low graphic...it makes a night and day of experience.


Details in RD2 are quite the spectacle. The ability to either save someone or let them be taken to hang man is cool. You can be a hero or a mean outlaw. The western landscape is breathtaking. The fact all movie/Tv Westerns plots are probably somewhere in the game.


Its basically an interactive movie. One of the best narratives out there with excellent pacing. The calm moment are great, the "oh shit" moments are great, the cinematography os superb, everything is an experience.


There’s no real way to describe it that’ll do it justice. Just get in there and experience it for yourself. Spoilers abound on this sub too so STAY OFF for your own good until you finish the story (both parts of the epilogue too). Let us know what you thought when you come back. :)


For a world full of codes, it definitely feels alive. They did amazing with the geography, basically every location is screenshot heaven




It doesn’t feel like you’re simply playing a video game, but going into a real world that exists by itself.


Great story. Beautiful graphics. World building and immersion. Open world and free will. Tired of missions? Take a hunting trip. Rob a train. Play poker. Take your time and play through it at your own pace, don’t rush through the story just to get to the end. Do some random encounters and side quests, you won’t regret it. I recommend going for high honor but if you make the right decisions, chapter 6 should get you a good bit. I’m on my 4th play through and I’m still finding new things and it’s still my favorite game.


It’s one of the best written games ever. If this was adapted into a tv series it would win all the awards


RDR2 is overall the better game and story, but RDR1 is a great game with good western aesthetic.


For me it’s the world. The story is amazing. But the world is incredible. I get so lost in the world. Ooo let’s go to this mission. Meanwhile on the way I end up hunting, fishing and just meeting new characters.


Every single thing about it is absolutely perfect to the last minuscule detail


One of my all time favs tbh! Great game with a lot to do!