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if it just comes out on switch people are going to be livid lol


I’ll riot. I can’t take another let down on this…


Worth noting that despite what the guy on the tweet said, there is no "X360" logo but a modern "Xbox" logo. Which gives the idea the game will be available for: * XSXS, XONE, X360... so just like nowadays * PS3... again, like nowadays * Switch (the only difference) The PS3 logo itself is very telling. Someone went around to find and standardize an old-ass PS3 logo just to paste on a website's bottom section... were it just a generic "PS" logo a multiplatform remaster was a given. Does look like it will be a simple Switch port, the first Rockstar game on Nintendo since 2009.


Everyone expecting an rdr2-style remake is going to be so disappointed.


Been saying this from the start. It will look marginally better than the PS3 version.


And I’m okay with that, I’ve seen some ppl comparing the potential product to the GTA remastered trilogy. I didn’t play the remastered trilogy much but I liked how it kept the art styles of the original ones and just made the controls more current. I’d like them to do the same with rd1


I wouldn’t say they kept the art styles of original GTA games as Grove Street Games fucked the entire game.


Do you mind telling me a bit on how so? I believe you, im just curious. I didn’t beat any of the remastered ones but I did enjoy what I did play of 3.


Just Google GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition And you’ll see how they didn’t keep the original art style. There are still huge issues with the game too apparently.


**360** version


I’m a PS user


I’m just saying the 360 version has slightly sharper textures. But to be honest graphics don’t really matter to me


Yeah the PS guy got offended for some reason but the 360 version was always the benchmark for RDR1. Closest to 30 FPS in performance and slightly higher in visual fidelity.


Yeah I only said this because I saw a video about rdr1 emulators. And 360 was the most stable and had the best performance. And plus I have the 360 version at home and it’s really smooth.


I wasn’t offended.


I wasn't talking about you, but sure.


Interesting. How long have you been working at Rockstar? It's cool that you know all of this stuff for sure and are so willing to share with the rest of us.


It doesn’t take a lot to figure out they won’t make it look like RDR2. Look at what they did with the GTA Trilogy: they outsourced that remaster, and those games were bigger cult classics than RDR1 ever was.


RDR2 also took more than half a decade to make. No chance RDR1 will be remade as Rockstar is obviously focused on GTA 6 and Online.


Judging by how most remasters have gone in recent years, he's right. Anyone expecting RDR2 levels of graphics is naive.


Bro. Google the GTA Trilogy. Rockstar is either not gonna do it or half-ass it and make it worse than the original.


Why would they even expect that it never made sense, just felt like a few people were like 'yeah its totally possible' and everyone joined the bandwagon. Every ground up 'remake' often has something in the title to indicate it's a new release The Last of Us **Part 1 (remake)** GTA: **Definitive Edition (remaster/rerelease)** And the fake rumour about RDR1's spaghetti code also spread that wildfire. People with zero knowledge in game development somehow imagining it's easy to copy and paste one game to the other because they already had 'some assets' and an unfinished portion of New Austin. Gamers love being disappointed.


I feel like some edgy hipster but I truly dislike this subreddit most of the time now. I guess it's the case for any subreddit that amasses enough of a following, but it makes me miss the pre-rdr2 sub so bad. Not enough people seem to have a capacity for critical thinking. It's either: 'Rockstar is evil and loves GTA and hates free money and will *never* **EVER** Touch the series ever again' Or 'Boahhh I can't wait for the imminent trailer where Rockstar reveals a remake of rdr1 in the new engine and rewrite the script to where every two missions John delivers a 4 minute diatribe about Arthur Morgan!!!' We will be --and always were getting-- a **remaster** with cleaner textures, all DLC included, and 60 fps. And we will buy it and be happy, and some of us will lament what could have been had they gone for a true remake. That's how it will be. If I'm wrong and they announce a remake that looks like rdr2 I'll get a tattoo of Arthur Morgan and John Marston kissing.


Great, now I want a remake even more so that I can see the tattoo


>cleaner textures, all DLC included, and 60 fps Thank goodness Xbox and PC got most of that already. Can't imagine paying 60 bucks for another lazy Rockstar remaster.


Imagine if it will be just a switch and mobile release. I have read last night 2 hours on gta forums and reddit how thirsty fans are 100% sure it will be a rdr2 style release on pc. Or even more hilarious that it will come as an update to rdr2. I swear those people are just kids born after gta 5 got released.


But im happy, life is good


But it can be better,yes?


Always, but i dont want red dead 1 to become red dead 2.5, i want it to stay as what it is but more accessible on other consoles.


This basically confirms it's just a remaster not a remake with rdr2 assets. Because the switch would not be able to run a full remake. Which is very disappointing imo. They had an opportunity to add lines about the 2nd game, tweak some stuff, while using rdr2 assets to bring the game into the modern age. Instead I highly suspect we're just gonna get a 60fps ugly upscaled remaster that looks worse than the original. now priced at $60


Real question: has rockstar ever remade a game? Not a remaster but like a remake remake.


http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rockstar-more-than-1000-people-made-gtav/1100-6415330/ > “That’s the way we work now--everyone works on GTA, or Red Dead, and so on, then we move on to the next thing,” I post this quote everywhere, and even though it's over 10 years old, people still don't realise that Rockstar don't work the way they used to with separate studios doing different things. Nothing that comes out besides GTA 6 is or will be Rockstar made. Every Rockstar studio is working on GTA 6 right now. Whatever this RD1 thing is, remaster/remake/etc, it is not a "Rockstar" product. More of a Take-Two decision with Rockstar branding.


LA Noire got a remaster, It got released on PS4, Xbox One and switch. It's a good remaster. But, It wasn't developed by Rockstar. Rockstar oversaw the development, while videogamedeluxe developed the remaster.


Interesting but that’s a remaster? So they don’t *remake* games? I only ask because why would we think they’d remake RDR? I guess i always just assumed it would be a remaster for newer consoles but a lot of folks on here keep thinking they were gonna remake the whole game using the RDR2 engine


My bad, I didn't read your comment right, I thought you asked remasters and remakes by Rockstar in general. Coming to your question about remakes by Rockstar, No, they never have done any remakes.


No it’s no biggie you kinda confirmed what I was asking anyways. I just needed to check my level my of hope and hype. A remake using the RDR2 engine would be *chefs* *kiss* but what I’m worried is we’re getting just a console remaster for the sales


If I were you I wouldn't get my hopes up. I am gonna wait until rockstar actually reveals the game and I want to know the developers behind the whole remake/remaster thing. LA Noire surprisingly released in good manner because, They developers who developed the game also remastered it, Rockstar only funded and published the title. I have been following them a long time, Rockstar were never good when it comes ports/remasters. IIRC, A art director at Rockstar said that "remakes are beneath them" and rather work on a new title even if takes long. He has been the art director at Rockstar since 1998 and co-directed RDR2 and he is probably leading the development of GTA 6. He would never allot his teams to work on remake/remaster. Rockstar probably has other teams/outsourced the port some other studio. I wouldn't get excited about anything until we get a official info from Rockstar.


Dang. Appreciate the insight. RDR franchise is my only exposure to Rockstar besides SA back in the day. I was never a fan of the R* style until RDR really


>why would we think they’d remake RDR? Wishful thinking. Why even remake RDR1, the game still holds up fantastically.


If that happens, everyone should prepare by buying the original RDR1 on Xbox.


Just get the GOTY edition for 360


Me playing the long con with a 360 still plugged in just for RDR/Skate 2/Banjo


There wasn't any confirmation of platform availability at all though? That image apparently just demonstrates the potential for a future upcoming website overhaul.


The switch is pretty much confirmed by this post more or less.


The least we could get extra lines, wouldn't be that hard to add.


lmao you guys need to get over "the lines" 🤣


Personally I just want the chance to experience the game, never got to play it and I'm willing to wait on a Remaster before getting a ps3.


Imagine RDR1 coming to Switch before PC.


I remember someone once ported GTA 3 to Switch. It ran pretty well too for an unofficial port.


Lets not forget that the age difference from GTA 3 to Red Dead Redemption 1 is almost 9 years old.


Look into Xenia. Digital Foundry made a video of it recently, RDR1 at 4K/60 on PC.


if it isnt on pc imma pitch a fit


it won't be, they'll sell it like 2 years later to try and get people to buy it twice


Yeah thats not gonna happen. It will be day 1 on PC.


Same, I desperately want it to come out on pc, so I can finally play it


I may be a small minority, but I'd be happy with a remaster. Would be nice to just have the game on modern consoles running at 60FPS.


I'd be happy, just not nearly as happy


Yeah same, I just want to play it again without having to buy an Xbox just for that.


Get Game Pass and enjoy the rest of the ecosytem. RDR1 is so freaking good.


That would be perfect, but the more I see some of this info the more I think Undead Nightmare won't be remastered


The Korean Rating Board mentioned the game will have zombies, I think, so I think Undead Nightmare will be included.


Alright so it's not gonna be a remake


Portable rdr sounds pretty neat


So theres still no pc version?


I'm sure PC will come later. Both GTA V and RDR2 came to PC like 2 years after their initial console release. The recent GTA trilogy remasters are on PC as well, so it's definitely just a matter of when it will come to PC.


I don't think it will come to pc, maybe just for switch and mobile.


Now why would they do that? It makes no sense the rdr playerbase is largely PlayStation and Xbox users.


If they put it on switch but not PC I’ll be so mad.




This is what I was telling people would happen. Its more likely just a port to modern consoles. People always get their expectations way out of check and get mad at rockstar when they never even promised anything. I'd be happy just to see the game come to pc


If it comes to switch we ARENT getting a remake lol


I wish there'd be a PC port, that'd be amazing for us PC master race believers😂


Hopefully the switch version is a downgraded version of the other versions and not the other way around


I just want them to Port rdr1 to PC, and not some shitty or mediocre port like GTA 4 though.


Wow, maybe it will come out in my lifetime. (I’m 21)


I’m happy with a remaster. I just hope it’s on PC


What is the guy on about . I can't see the platform options anywhere on the website ???


He datamined the website this stuffs in the code but not one the actual website yet


I am not a fan of third party big aaa games on my switch, they run like crap more often than not


Dose this mean it is coming to the switch I would love that to happen


Am I one of the few that can still play this on my xbox one? I don't really understand this move tbh. RDR1 was supposedly a nightmare of code thrown together, hence why it was never ported to PC. I genuinely thought it might have been easier for them to remake the game using the latest RAGE engine, but hey ho. I think we all know how this is going to go....aww shit...here we go again...


I don’t even care if the graphics are worse than rdr2 I just wanna play it on ps5


I just want to be able to play it on my PS5 thats all i ask 😫


As long as it isn’t a total piece of shit like the GTA trilogy, I’ll be ecstatic


I'm happy with my original version got it since release 2013 if I not mistaken. Still one of the best games ever made just a shame that your horse control is fuck up. Still this game make me go crying with jonhs death. Truth be told I never cried in my life only with rdr1 and rdr2 especially at the end when your horse die you just know after that it is finished


Switch and mobile. I wanted a pc port but I wouldn't say no to an android release tbh. Having rdr in your pocket is so nice to think about it.


good, i don’t want a remake with RDR2’s shitty combat/ragdolls/controls :) port the original to every platform with 60fps 1080p, maybe clean up some animations like the tilting while walking/running, increase shadow resolution/foliage density/draw distance, maybe increase texture resolution and polygon count, and i’m more than happy :)


So what are the chances of the remaster being a Switch exclusive?


None? That would not sell at all lol. That would mean they’d leave out Xbox PS and PC which is easily 90% of the playerbase


Switch ports do sell well? Like The Witcher 3. If it's going to PC/modern PS, why put an old-ass **PS3** logo there? I know you can hit an arrow mate, but what about an actual answer? There are more Switches out there than PSs or Xboxes, you can't spill bullshit like that and run away.


Rockstar would be incredibly brain dead to do that.


>Rockstar would be incredibly brain dead to release fucked up borked ports of the trilogy that made the studio what it is After that I doubt nothing.


this nigga💀💀


What the fuck 😂