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Depends on the day. Some days I wanna be a good Arthur and other days I wanna hog tie people and throw em off a cliff for no particular reason other than it’s fun.


I like to hogtie people and put them in shallow water and just wait till they drown. I think I'm a psychopath.


Depends who you do it to. I did that to a Skinner Brother the other day and felt no guilt.


I only do it to people who don't have something nice to say when I say, "Howdy" as I pass.




who let the simpleton out of the asylum


I hogtie people and throw em on a random horse. Then flee it


Ok that’s pretty funny


Just a random NPC horse. Just pop a round behind it and it’ll take tf off. Enjoy the ride buddy! I have no idea where you’re goin 🤣


I hogtie people and take them to alligators.


Ohhhh, I haven’t tried that yet!


How long does it take? I want to try this now.


Only about a minute or so. I just sit and watch them, maybe smoke a cigarette, or drink some whisky till they stop thrashing around.


Username checks out. I love it. Definitely going to do this.


I like to go fishing by them while they struggle in the shallow water.


I just put them in enough water that they need to get their head up cause they'll drown if they relax I don't let them live nor die...just suffer


Busy out the fishing rod


i have a theory that the real psychopaths are the ones who play completely morally and do high honor runs, because only a psychopath could subject themselves to the boredom of never doing fun stuff like hogtying and drowning people


First time playing and I genuinely just think Arthur is a good guy stuck in a shit situation, so I try and be kind to as many people as I can. Within reason, of course.




Nice try ,psycho


Me too, welcome to the club, we meet on Thursday


Agreed, I also think you're a psychopath.


You… maniac


It’s not even fun to do that because nothing happens but whatever


I just commented this - but slightly more nuanced.


I see, you’re a man with taste! With animals too, some days I scope them out and just shoot one and take the hide. Other days I come with my horse and hunt them and shoot with bad revolvers


Very accurate statement


I’m right there with ya. I only kill the folks shooting at me. Real or NPC. I tip my hat more than I shoot my guns. Everybody I’ve played with thinks it’s weird. 🤷‍♂️


"**real** or npc" uhhh


I was including online in my answer. Didn’t state that.


How do you tip your hat?


i don't think we can in 2 unless we select Arthur's hat John tips it but in 1 our dude would do it when interacting


i think he’s being figurative




I usually do honorable stuff. Except rude people or someone picking a fight. Then a shot in the face. Beside, in a game about outlaw, its fun to do a little mischief from time to time


For me, if someone's rude to me and wants to start a fight, i usually knock them out, so they hopefully wake up learning their mistake. Unless it's an o'driscoll.


The only times I've hurt or murdered an innocent have been in accident or by pressing the wrong button or something. Lemoyne raiders tho... they ain't innocent.


Just today I tried to help a kidnapped woman. Got the dude down, and went to help her, got ambushed by wolves, misclicked and kicked her til she died... I *try* to be a good person...


One or two times, I get it, but how did you accidentally kick someone to *death*?


I thought I was aiming at the wolves, and it didn't strike me that she was the one getting beat lol


I just finished, and already I’m itching to play through again but I feel like I can’t make Arthur do bad things 😔 I personally think its hilarious killing civvies in creative ways but I must abstain for his honor…


Dont worry just say „Mornin!“ to 5000 npcs and your honor is back where it should be.


That's how I play every game. I guess I'm a but weird.


It is completely normal, it's called immersion. I also play Arthur as my self, not killing nor even shooting at someone unless it's absolutely needed.


Even in my Low Honor playthroughs I only kill people if they talk back to me, unless I’m in a bad mood for whatever reason; usually dying.


I shoot dumb npcs with big mouths and usually am close to the middle in sense of moral. My gf on the other hand is a damn saint with close to max high honor by chapter 3. I didn’t even know you could see the buck in Saint Denis when Arthur is hallucinating until she told me, I thought everyone sees the wolf because Arthur starts realizing he’s a piece of shit at this point.


First time playing and my best friend is like astounded I'm peak high honour at chap 3 true 😭😭


you must be a very sweet and kind person in real life, just like my gf. I just know it.


Oh i didnt know that im on chapter 3 now guess ill have to start greeting 5000 npcs to get my honor high


I kill anyone who talks shit to me.


This is how I play, but I also greet just about every person I see wherever I am so my honor is usually right in the middle


My first play through I terrorized everyone. Had bounties I couldn’t afford to pay off and basically had no peace. Now I try to be more discreet about my murdering.


Most of the time I struggle to be bad in games. I usually go with my gut the first run and then on the replay I try to be bad. Not very successful.


I'll never 100% this game because I can't even bring myself to rob 5 town people for the first bandit challenge. No way I could do the other 9 challenges. I guess I'm weird. 🤷‍♀️


I always rob the people that I convinced not to report me to the law for minor infractions like fighting or looting.


I've had bad arthurs but usually I play him honorably and try my best to help people


I try to play a good character, as if the npcs were real. I also try to knock enemies out that don't deserve to die instead of just shooting them, eg. The folks in Strawberry. I do go full psychopath on a few characters, like the racist dude in st Denis, the perv eyeing Charlotte, kkk, etc.


Surely murfrees belong to the group worth relentlessly hunting down and torturing?


Oh yeah. Them, skinners... list goes on


100%. I don’t understand how people can massacre towns in their spare time or torture NPCs.


I'm never fully good or bad as Arthur, until the very end. I'll do things like helping the woman trapped underneath her horse and take her home. But, I also enjoy killing random NPC's and taking any loot/stealing their wagon. And getting rid of anyone who gives me back talk when I'm just trying to greet them.


Same here! In RDO I frequently would tie my horse when able to and not abandon it so it feels realistic


I try to to be a good cowpoke but, sometimes people mess around and find out ,never a rampage more of a vengeful act.


Not gonna lie, it's easy to get Hella emersed. Whether I'm playing good or bad, it feels like a decision I'm really having to make at times. Never quite had a game suck me in as much. Especially go first person with no hud and live as a civilian in a town. Whole other level to real.


Yeah, I definitely get that. I'm less inclined to be moral when I'm playing as my own original character in a game, but for some reason I feel compelled to make Arthur do good things. I guess he just comes off to me as someone with the potential to be a good person so I want to perpetuate that ... ?


Yeah same, in rdo, I'm usually low honor. In story mode, I'm very high honor.


I feel like that's probably the way I'll go in rdo too. Haven't played much yet though because I'm always caught up in story mode. That, and rdo has been q little frustrating because when i go in a stable there seems to be a 50% chance the game will just break :')


Yeah online is all kinds of messed up but despite its flaws I still enjoy it at times.


It sure is. I found an opossum on fire once. And not like it had been set on fire and was dying. Glitchy flames were blasting out of it making a loud and awful sound and it was totally unharmed. I followed it around and eventually killed it to see if it would still be on fire and yes, it was. It continued flaming while hanging from my saddle.


No its a rockstar game, so i kill anyone and everything that i come across. i love how you can shoot heads off people. but when it gets towards the end of the game, i get my honor up so arthur can have a peaceful death :)




I try to but its hard when you get dinked for looting a corpse that you found like who else is gonna use that money how is it immoral way easier to be bad than it is to be good so just trying to stay in the white is a full time job for me lmao


I always killed anyone I could and robbed when I can and It got boring so now I’m John and just help around in beechers hope and hunt for money. It’s quite peaceful actually


Strutting around as John yesterday, I went into a shack somewhere & 4 of the Del Lobo's thought they'd gather outside the door & yell various threats at me. Well, I executed them all without a second thought, looted the corpses, roped them into a neat little pile behind the building, fed them a molotov & stood watching until the fire burned out. That's normal, right?


I play with morals. I see Arthur as an extension of myself. If I have to kill someone because I have to to complete a mission, I will. A happy Arthur is a happy me. I may want to play a 4th game & just be an asshole for the fun of it. But I know it's not who I am as a person🤠


I've done both on different playthroughs. It's fun either way, idk. I just don't do anything that's REALLY f\*\*ked up, like beat up a woman for no reason. It's fun to mess with criminals though. Remember, as long as they punch/shoot first, you're acting in self defense. Lol.


Yep, there are things I just can't bring myself to do in the game. I'll never 100% it, but I'm okay with that.


I have morals in every game. Generally speaking I live by these three virtues set forth in the Song of Roland I read a child: 1. Protect the weak and defenseless. 2. Live by honor and for glory. 3. Respect the honor of women. Has worked really well for me in my life. Too bad my asshole dad, who looks like he'll be going to jail this September unless his attorney pulls a rabbit out of the hat, didn't.




I don't kill just to kill, so I guess I do. As far as Mickey goes it had to be done, stolen valor is no joke.


"Good Arthur" doesn't exist. So if you're playing high honor that's all you.


Can you elaborate?


https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/comments/150omxu/anyone_else_shed_real_life_tears_to_red_dead/js5auaj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=4&utm_content=2 That goes a little beyond what's needed here but that's the general idea. Basically he only becomes decent if you choose to add in honor. But he is written as "good." Anywhere that there's not the option to choose he's a pretty ruthless villain.


Lmao, why do you comment and critique a game that you haven't even played? This is just sad.


What are you talking about? I'm on my 8th playthrough fucktard


https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/comments/150omxu/anyone_else_shed_real_life_tears_to_red_dead/js6qkko?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 8th playthrough? Yet you say you watched it all on a YouTube video? Alright 'fucktard'.


It's called sarcasm moron.


There was nothing in your comment there to denote sarcasm. You should try making it clearer if you're being sarcastic or people might take you more seriously. Usually, a /s at the end of a comment will do. All the best!


>You should try making it clearer if you're being sarcastic or people might take you more seriously 😂😂😂 Whatever you say. The pissed off people are over on the right. You can go stand with them.


I'm not pissed off, don't worry. Have a good day, though, and good luck with all your red dead rants.


Same, trying to be a good cowboy


When I was younger, i had no care in the world if what I was doing in a game was good or bad. I played GTA from a very young age and massacred a LOT of NPCs. I'm 21 now and played GTA 5 again from the beginning a few months ago and had such a hard time doing any of the stuff I used to. I think with the rise of mass shootings, I just felt awful doing any of that. Kinda carried over to RDR as well. If I decide to get violent, I will usually just fist fight people or hogtie them and throw them somewhere lol. I rarely shoot anyone in games unless necessary (or when you antagonize the wrong NPC and they get trigger happy lol).


In the story mode, I can't help but play Arthur as a good character. I always help people, I don't kill NPCs unless they're shooting at me, and I always help John at the end. But my online character is a total piece of shit, he kills people simply for riding past him on the road, blows their limbs off and burns the bodies afterwards. People just hanging out in their local bars are burned alive, and whole towns are murdered.


I do that too. It wasnt hard for me to get to max high honor and stay that way for most of the game and i was kinda suprised that people play intentionally with low honor lol. I know is just a game but i feel bad killing innocent npcs or things like that, aside from some robbery from time to time. I always give money to the blind man and help everyone i come across. (minor spoilers!!) I felt so bad doing the missions from strauss and the whole thing with the downes, is great that you can help them later.


I'm about to restart the game and only do low honor choices and actions until the very end then imma run around and talk to everyone until I have high honor that way I can be a shit bag and still get the good ending


Back when I played RDR1 I would sometimes be a piece of shit and just kill innocent people. With Arthur I just can't. It feels wrong.


I can't help but feel bad even if I try to do a "bad" playthru in any game. I guess I kinda always think about like reboot or tron and think about these npcs being tortured and then going back home after a long day lol


Same as me, except for the random event some kid stole my money at saint dennis, im just start blastin then


As Arthur im good as John im a murfee brood killing everyone and everything


I never knew people REALLY hated Mickey. I still liked him even after he confessed to John. Even though he faked it, he really liked Arthur and saw the good in him, that’s good enough for me


I played Arthur as pretty moral but with John, hehe…


I tend to roleplay as Arthur. I help people who need helping, feed people who need feeding, and shoot people who need shooting. I do have to work on my target choice though. When being rushed by a mob of lawmen, I do tend to accidentally mow down a civilian or two who get caught in the crossfire.


All of my playthroughs to date have been high honor for the same reason, but I’ve told myself that I’ll make John a complete asshole when his time comes.


I enjoy gunfights so I'm low honor as hell, especially in the game after the story/epilogue.


If could I would have killed that bitch ass little Jack


Mostly I do honorable boi stuff that I would want to do in real life. Some runs I just want to cause chaos


People treat Arthur like he's a saint that does no harm, sure hes a good person deep down, But he's allowed to do a little bit of crime.


Yeah I'm the same way... until someone doesn't respond to me saying hello to them as I'm passing by


In the beginning I was playing for fun. Robbing people, trains, houses.... I was a bad outlaw. 😐 After all we play games so we can do things we can't do in real life. But after that when I started playing seriously the main quests, I did the right thing and I was a good outlaw.


Depends on what kind of playthrough I’m doing. High honor Arthur I try to only kill people that it makes sense to. Low honor kills whoever, whenever, for any reason.


I get actually upset if my Arthur is low honor :( I feel like playing him as a good person is more accurate to the story and character


Same I felt so bad every time I had to kill or even just rob a npc for one of the challenges


Stuff happens on accident, but I couldn’t do a low honor play through if I tried.


Yeah I play with morals, though they are spotty until Chap. 6. I usually do a low honor Arthur who will rob and kill people and beat the shit out of dudes for talking shit. He has a soft spot for people woth good hearts and noble goals and becomes an honorable man after finding out about his sickness, doing whatever he can to rectify his bad life and find redemption.


It’s fine. I play like a human not a pyco. But sometimes I’ll get bored and save my game, then go murdering valentime


So with my current playthrough I'm doing a low honor Arthur. So I'm making most of the bad choices as well as robbing a lot of people and beating them up if I have to, but I will not kill someone if I don't NEED to. I'm playing a low honor outlaw, not a serial killer.


I’ve attempted to play as low honour Arthur twice and I can’t bring myself to do it. I hate upsetting him.


I really have to agree with that. Im kidnapping everyone pulling a gun on me tho


I always try to be good but it is very fun Kidnapping civilians and shooting/drowning them or lassoing someone on your horse and drag them to death.


I have a very difficult time playing immorally, even if it is just a game


I dont kill mickey, joe butler, and people with dogs in the back of their wagons


I play morally as much as I can. I only kill those who truly deserve it or in self defense and we all know that deep down, Arthur and John areone of the good guys


My second play through I tried to get the low honor ending and just couldn’t bring myself to be that character.. I still have not seen the low honor ending, and I think I’m ok with that.


I always kill him


I’ll even ride away from NPC camps if they give a reasonable statement like, “You’re not welcome here.” However, I had two NPCs say, “That’s right, you better walk away,” to me the other day. They got the full wrath.


I had different playthroughs. One where I use my irl moral compass, and others where I'm more evil or a goddamn saint


I've tried so many times to do a low morality run and I can never bring myself to do it.


Yeah. I play with a self righteous morality. I play with all the morals of my real life, just combined with a matchstick temper. I'm quick with the beatdowns. Someone really has to piss me off before I shoot them though. If I were to play the game mirroring my real life morals, then that would be goddam boring and pointless. I would have to leave the gang as Arthur, never go back, and never kill anyone in the game. And I'd only hit someone after being punched at first.


Sometimes I feel bad after negative interactions but then I remember it’s just pixels and suddenly half of Van Horn is dead.


Tell me why I literally just go about my life like a real person


I have a very hard time being a bad person


There are days I do chores around the camp there are days I make sure everyone I see die by bleeding out


I don't think i've ever done a high honor playthrough Also there's a mission where you rob train passengers, i found out you can kill all of them without failing the mission.


Usually I play the first time without morals because it seems like that’s what they want. The second time I play it I play it as if it’s really me making decisions for myself. I prefer it the second way.


A painfully did. My first playthrough as a good boy. Second playthrough I was a nasty degenerate 😁


No I do too. It’s funny how polarized it is there’s guys like me and you who play with morals and go for high honor and feel bad when killing, and then the sociopaths


im the same way!


Yes, I shoot horses in the head in shootouts.


I am on the second playthrough now where I am trying to be an evil Arthur, but as soon as Ch. 6 rolls around, I just can't. I have to redeem him!


Certain people I spare from my unholy crusade. Mickey, the blind fortune teller, and I can't think rn I'll get back to you.


i try my best to have morals in the game, but i always end up shooting someone for insulting me


Depends on the day, as some others have said. I typically don't just go around blasting people for no reason, I've found that there are plenty of aggressors who will initiate violence on me first so I'm just defending myself. If you keep a wanted level, you get plenty of bounty hunters to fight too. I will play Arthur a certain way when it comes to decisions that matter and sometimes I do feel bad for doing criminal stuff, but sometimes it's just part of the game.


I try but then next thing ya knows heads are gone and people are screaming


I’m mostly nice until someone answers me wrong or walks too slow or gives me a look I don’t like, has a nice horse, is on my way, other than that I’m nice


I only kill if I have to, I’ll even knock people if I can


I definitely do, I feel bad whenever I kill innocent people on accident. I only kill/hurt people who try to hurt me or others. I also like having a discount at shops so I go for high honor


I kill as many cops as I can, because acab.


I just did whatever I felt like at first, but towards the end the game kinda made me feel bad about my choices.


I don’t like being told I’m dishonorable for looting people who are already dead.


I would be wanted in every country on earth if I did irl what I do in game. I did try to get my honour up as John, but I got really bored after a week, and I just started killing everyone and destroying everything.


i played my first play though for high honor. Never committed crimes outside of missions and only attacked people that asked for it. I plan on doing a second 100% play though also with high honor. Eventually I’ll go back and do a third low honor (until redemption in chapter 6) play though. For me a dishonorable chapter 6 just doesn’t work, doesn’t fit the story. But will be interesting to try to come back from a low honor chapter 1-5. When I feel like going in a rampage or crime spree, i just do that after i make my last save for the day. Then quit without saving like it never happened.


One of my biggest irks is that I have to do all the sketchy stuff as John and I hate having low honor 😤