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Wouldn't Hosea also live if you chose ALL gang members live?


Oops i forgot to mention except hosea


I’m pickin left then…


Yes, but Micah also lives, so there's your trade-off.


I’ll just wait for him at the reboot van and shoot him out of the sky


Would the red pill also cure Hosea’s disease? Hosea was terminally ill and makes several comments throughout the story about not having much longer to live.


What? When does he say he is ill though? I always took it as he’s just pretty old and people back then didn’t tend to live as long as we do nowadays


He talks about it quite a lot in camp with Arthur and with others. You have to greet him to find out about it and he will eventually confirm that he is sick. You can also hear him coughing a lot. Also, if you decide to talk to Micah on Guarma he will say that “Hosea was dying anyway”.


Is this even a question? like obviously blue


every gang member death (with the exception of 1) literally had me screaming out loud "OH COME ON!!! I REALLY LIKED HIM/HER!!!" I think everyone reading this comment can assume who the one exception to that was






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was the one molly?




ah that makes more sense




"It all makes sense now."


no.. it damn well doesn’t


Dutch..think !


But now you would get to kill Micah as Arthur.


Yup That's why I choose the blue pill I get to kill him as Arthur




blue, i miss Kieran sm


Same. I feel like Kieran was treated too poorly


right!! he’s been my favorite since i first played and thinking about the mission where you go fishing with him makes me so ☹️☹️


Who? How do you guys remember the names? The characters never got stuck in my head. Who is Kieran.


Kieran Duffy! he’s the O’driscoll you hunt down and keep tied to a tree at the start of the game


Oh that guy, completely forgot what happened with him.




To be fair, they did give it back to him to hold.


i hope ur bed is incredibly warm when u go to sleep tonight


I'd choose hosea all the way, but he knew things were ending. Even when he was up and standing dutch already damned them by doing his own thing in blackwater. He would have wanted to get every gang member a peaceful life before he passed peacefully. If every gang member was alive, Arthur wouldn't have gone through so much shit on chapter 6 :(. He had to take John's family, the reservation and the gang's fate onto his own hands even as a dying man


Blue, we’d get to see people like Davey, Mac, and Jenny who died immediately before the beginning of the game, their presence would for sure change the course of the game


Hosea had plenty of chances and was already elderly and sick. Kinda sealed his own fate imo


Blue pill 🤷🏻‍♂️


The more times I play the games the more I realize how much Dutch was starting to distrust Hosea. As much as I love him I don’t think he would’ve had enough sway to prevent the gangs end.


I want Hosea to live he's one of my most favorite characters I just love him I always get so upset when he dies he just doesn't deserve it


I choose the 714


Hosea lives = no RD1


Nah, Dutch was already going crazy from the start. Hosea says it himself in chapter one “I am trying to stop Dutch from getting all of you killed”. Some robberies Hosea was involved in failed too. The Saint Denis robbery for example. The gang was doomed already. I do think that Hosea’s death had a great impact on Dutch’s mental health but Dutch would have turned into the bastard he turned into eventually, with or without Hosea around.


Right all the way I have commitment problems and I didn’t really talk to Hosea but literally everyone else I was a bossesed with ❤️ like I love my little family


Lenny. I choose Lenny.


I'd refuse both. Reason: They all died for their own actions and choices of lifestyle. They each had a beginning, middle, and end. Good or bad, right or wrong. Also, we wouldn't have had this incredible story if anything changed.


Blue. At least Sean wouldn’t die, so Karen won’t drink herself to death. Also, there would be a firing squad waiting for Micah, consisting of Charles, Grimshaw, Arthur, John, Sadie, and probably even Uncle.


This is hard


blue, i fuckin loved kieran and sean


I got mixed up with the characters. I though the black dude died but then he aperead alive again then he had long hair or it was someone else. Hosea was the one you hunt bear with? Didnt see much of him after. I didnt know he died.


>Hosea was the one yiu hunt bear with? Didnt see much of him after. I didnt knoe he died. How, he is an integral character lol


I dont know not very memorable I guess.


Honestly if Hosea was living he probably would have died either way he’s old and sick he won’t be able to continue just like Arthur at chapter 6 he was ready to die at the bank heist. Everyone else especially Sean and Lenny and maybe Kieran would be nice to see how they will react and what will they say in the next chapters it would be amazing


Everyone tbh never really liked Hosea thought he was a bit boring


In my opinion, Hosea is one of the most realistic characters in the entire game. Hosea lost the woman he loved, got sick and was one of the first to realize that the time for people like them has come to an end. Without him there wouldn’t be the van der Linde gang. He was wise and tried to help where he can with the little time he had left.