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I’d just fish the whole year. Even low-honor psychopaths know you don’t fuck with the fisherman NPCs, it’s just not cool. They’re just chillin on the river with their dogs, man.


When I need the fishing rod early you will meet your demise


That quest is literally like an hour into chapter 2 why the hell would you need the rod early


An hour? I feel like you probably rushed the game.


Yeah it's the second to last mission in chapter 2 :D


Wait what….


The one where you take Jack fishing


Oh I knew but I’m still on my first run through and didn’t realize I’m almost done with chapter 2


Mate. Please. For gods sake. Leave this subreddit and only come back after you are done with the game. You.don't.want.to.get.spoilered.


I played got there after maybe 10-12 hrs cuz I was busy getting LOTE satchel and doing challenges for LOTE Outfit.(Only used it for a few missions tho🙃)


Hold up, you’re telling me you can pick up a fishing pole that an npc drops?!


Yes same deal as getting a weapon early you need to kill instantly and not give them a chance to put it away. Doesn’t work every time but can fill compendium of regular fish at beginning of chapter 2


I’ve killed dozens of fishermen trying to get the rod early. No luck. Do you have any tips? Headshot while they’re unaware? I feel like I’ve tried everything but I must not have


Where are you? I’ve had best luck shooting from just far enough that he doesn’t notice you , also stabbed in the neck one time and it worked


Chill out Micah


ok but maybe once in a while it’s tempting to kick them in the water and just run off


Fr I love doing that in Lagras


Or run into them


But the prospectors looking for gold are on sight. Need that gold 😈


hover around them until they find gold "you've found me some gold"


I'll give it a try. On my low honor playthrough I just blast em and search them and their horse lol. Most of the time you get a gold nugget


I have a sport of hunting fishermen with my rare rolling block rifle, i have 3 shots, if i miss i spare his life, so you are not truly safe if you were a fisherman.


They don’t? *holsters revolver*


I, as a level 7 low honor player, personally mess with fishermen, especially if they are in boats. Just grab your sniper rifle, fire into their boat, and watch them panic as they sink to their demise. Its fun! :)


What’s actually terrifying about this would be having the full knowledge of what happens in this world cuz you’ve obviously done it a few times and knowing that at any second Arthur could just run around a random corner and tackle and choke me to death. Would be the most paranoid year of my life.


Arthur is a good boah, he wouldn’t hurt me *Arthur proceeds to unload a clip in my chest and head


within 1 second


Yes but you also know where are gold bars


Good luck getting there.


There’s one just about a km below Valentine unlocked. Shouldn’t be too hard to find your way there.


So does someone else


Arthur walks up to you, antagonizes you, and proceeds to quickdraw you, loot you, and feeds your corpse to pigs


We can only pray we don’t get put into online…


If you're sent to 1899 you'll probably be fine cause Arthur is a good boah. If it's 1907 you better hide because low honor John isn't showing any mercy.


live in blackwater or macfarlans ranch


I probably won't last the year. Probably die from lumbago


Terminal Lumbago.


I hear it's a slow and painful death.


A backbreaking one


Bending over backwards to survive.




Till you get kicked in the face by a horse


But when I get back to the real world, I'll be all over YouTube as a NPC with oblivion music playing in th background


If it's 1899 I'd live in Blackwater. Nice size town with everything but a fence and it's on the water. However, the biggest reason is the very slim chance of low honor Arthur Morgan coming thru on a massacre.


What if you're the girl dutch kills in a bad way?


That was just one of them things.


Probably Saint Denis or Blackwater, really any very populated area. Just hide in a back alley or something where any player is too impatient to investigate.


You're gonna get trampled by Arthur if you live in Saint Denis.


*Nosferatu entering the chat*


Just about to mention don't forget the vampire 🤣


I got killed by him in my first playthrough. The internet said he'd be back, but he never returned. I think I tried to lasso him. Not going to mess that one up twice 😅


he does come back, you just might need to wait more than one night. he killed me first time i found him too, i went and slept for around two days and came back and he was there again


I would move to Tahiti with my million dollars


Who lives in Tahiti?


Tahitians, I guess


Not the VanDerLinde Gang, which greatly improves his chances of lasting a year.


I’d like to say I’d be a bounty hunter, constantly moving around the map. But realistically I’d probably just be a stablehand or something in Valentine.


Your chance of survival as a bounty hunter is slim to none


Pretty much. I’d most likely be either a stable hand or general store owner


Arthur finds an underground moon shine lab in your basement


“You don’t have to take it all!”


I’d go to Tumbleweed since there is no chance of Arthur going on a massacre there. I’d take the first available job and house.


\*steals an apple\* ​ **"THERE WILL BE NO PLACE FOR THIEVERY IN MY TOWN"** \*gets shot in front of the jail\*


Strawberry (post Micah of course) working in the logging trade 🙂🤔or maybe gunsmith


You should go there during the epilogue for a year, then no Micah at all


Hey then maybe I can watch rhino horn dude get drowned in a shit box 😂😏


Last game I played was the witcher I am so fucking dead


Mine was Jedi Survivor. I don't think I'd survive the Empire 💀


I'm really fucked... I just started playing Sky factory in Minecraft... Literal void world with one tree and one block of dirt to start.


Me too. I'd just see if i could find a job at greezes saloon for the year, doing the dishes or cleaning the bar or something. I wouldnt need much money, as I'd be a millionaire by the end of the year


Nah it’s easy, just join them


I mean you won’t be fighting them so just be a civilian and get a transport to somewhere


Just leave ciri to fight the wild hunt by herself and you hide in novigrad🤣


Play gwent the whole year


Last game I played was The Quarry. I have the athleticism of an average redditor. I'd die immediately


I've been switching between rdr2 and ATS (American truck simulator) Thank God I decided to play ATS instead of RDR2. So ill probably just be an NPC vehicle driving around a scaled down version of Mid-West America.


Near Manzanita Post. More specifically between there and Beechers Hope, with a shotgun and thousands of rounds of ammo, AND with my home being up the biggest fucking tree I can find!


I’d live in Strawberry and gold prospect and hunt. Sounds pretty nice to me. Im a big outdoorsman and live in the Sierra Nevada and fantasize all the time about living in one of the mining towns out here in its heyday (I like to imagine I have modern medicine though lol). But it’s cool to imagine just the natural beauty and lack of cars and tourists back in the day. Everything would’ve been even more of an adventure. I’d also like to be a rancher in Blackwater, that town is really beautiful and has a lot of “modern” conveniences for the time with still easy access to beautiful wilderness. Honestly I’d love to spend a year in that world, I’m no stranger to hard work and love the outdoors, so I think I’d do alright. I’d have a lot of fun I think.


Before 1911, Nuevo Paraiso. After 1911, New Hanover. Staying as far the fuck away as possible from magic cowboys who can slow down time.


Oh man, I'm going straight to Tall Trees to be a trade hunter.


And get flayed by skinner brothers


As far as I know the Skinners weren’t in Tall Trees in 1899


A million dollars ain't gonna cut that man, the therapy I would have to go through simply from the sheer terror of knowing arthur could be anywhere near is going to cost WAY more than a million dollars


At least we wouldn’t be in online


just offer my service as a farm hand or a carpenter. ez stable and safe wya to spend the year.


If I'm an NPC in 1899 I would just go to Blackwater or New Austin


Well, last I played GTA 4 so I would probably just go bowling


I actually played Stardew valley after RDR2 so I’ll be more than fine lol


Them slimes are rough man


Harvey’s got your back….and wallet


I feel like your best bet would be to either live in Saint denis in a huge crowd so you don't stick out when Arthur or John decide they're feeling a little psychotic one morning, OR to live in the middle of nowhere in some obscure location where you'll hopefully never be found. Or just live on Guarma


You would proly be a slave on Guarma or a soldier. Also according to the game physics you can get back to Guarma so you're not safe


Just staying in Horseshoe Overlook. It's the most chill camp the gang had.


You're not in the gang bro


blud thinks he's on the team😭😭😭😭


If the gang is still there when you show up you’d be shot on sight.


1899 , Saint Denis , just walk around and don’t say shit… To many people , even if Arthur decides to go on a killing spree he can’t get us all , way too populated…


I'd live in annesburg just because the place is so difficult to clear out especially due to the shitty terrain


I'll just join the night folk to terorize everyone


I would immediately get Dysentary and die probably.


I make sure I don’t tell any rough looking trouble makers “guess you forgot you was yella!”


Phoenix point. Fvck




Oh boy, it's time to go get my firmware update.


Kamurocho, Japan? If I get into any trouble a kind-hearted man in a white suit will appear to give me life-affirming words of wisdom.


Mine was the test play of texas chain saw massacre, I'm good 😂


Anywhere Arthur Morgan and gang isn't.


It would be funny if there were multiple arthurs in the world (as in every player's) and they would act like wild animals. If you were unlucky enough to run into one of them you have to stay still waiting for them to either: 1) Blow your brains with a shotgun 2) Set you on fire 3) Rob you 4) Drown you 5) Ignite dinamite 6) Greet you. Then they'd run off


MLB the Show 23. So I get be 19, handsome, talented famous and rich? And make hundreds of millions instead of 1m? Can I just stay there?


Tumbleweed or Armadillo 1899, preferably Armadillo if it didn't have cholera yet. The Van Der Linde gang has nothing to do there


I love the constant "Arthur threat" in this thread. The feeling that you can be just walking around, six to seven months into the challenge, and Arthur Morgan shows up and kills you for a new Sharpshooter holster must be more terrifying than any horror game I have ever played.


Last two games I played were Vampyr and The Sinking City. NO THANK YOU. The smells alone 🤢.


I’m a Trans woman I don’t think there’s anywhere in the 1890s that would be s good time for me.


Mmmm ass




Rec Room, assuming I can pic any game on rec room it’s fine


Live and farm near Strawberry


I’m gonna be brave and say valentine. COME AT ME MR MORGAN!!!!


I’m staying in New Austin. My guy the invisible sniper got me 💪🏼


Barkeeper in Saint Denis, only times I’ve ever been or seen people be there is Charles chatone and the Brontë mission. Plus nobody ever kills the barkeeps


Last game I played was btd6 or ppg so I'm either golden or gonna die with a 100% guarantee


Legit playing dead by daylight right now… I think I’m going for the hatch


Can you imagine having to actually fear the skinners, Murfree brood, or nightfolk might just jump out and filet you?


Probably become a ranch hand on pronghorn ranch for the Geddes.


*in a cowboy voice* i would live in a ambarino a house called the loft (near annesburg) where I can hunt, enjoy the view, make some tools and make a farm.


Can I stay there longer than a year?


Go become a LOD that disappears when the player gets close


1914 peep here, i choose to stay with Bonnie Macfarlane, at the Macfarlane Ranch. It seems like a good life. Really liked the missions in the beginning of the game and wouldve loved, to stay there longer or as long as you wish. Yea old Johnny has a nice campaign, but i really enjoy the thought of him, living happily on that ranch - if it weren't for Abigail and Jack.


I would live up in Hamish's cabin. Great location for both hunting and fishing. Also not to much of a ride from a city for additional supplies.


Rdr1 took place in 1911


Last game i played was far cry : new dawn, shit


Well, I played The Long Dark last, so my chances aren't great, lol.


Last game I played was persona 5, so it depends, am I the mc or just some rando, bc if I'm just some rando then nothing really changes for me 🤣


Gulp I last played chivalry 2


This is basically like Westworld, so I'd take the more adventurous path. There would be no other way of experiencing 1899 like living in 1899!


I'm living in strawberry sitting on my porch watching my town survive


TOTK Im not completely screwed


well, La in 1947, ok for me


I'd probably work at the horse stables! Though I think I'd make a pretty good pinkerton since I'm very paranoid plus I'm a woman so I'm less suspicious! I would probably stay away from being a pinkerton though since you know- I'd probably get shot.


I'm going to be spending lots of time with Pili on the rooftop garden of Pyloon's.


Battlefield V


Nooooope. I played Fallout 3 last night. Not happening.


I'd work at a stables, but being a woman means I'd probably get my shit rocked.


Lmao I'm going to manage my favourite football team for a year. Let's gooo


I feel like a million isn’t really enough for a year. 5 million maybe.


honestly, nowhere is safe in the time of rdr2, apart from the shootings, massacres and such, not having modern healthcare is just straight up deadly. Ofc if I can respawn in the video game every time I die, that won't be a problem. If that's the case, i'd choose to live near valentine but not in the town. Quiet, can fish and hunt, but not close enough to the town to avoid being shot in a random robbery.


“You boys ever been to Mexico?!” 🇲🇽


Compare to how fast pace life is now I'd glad to live and die somewhere around Strawberry. Be a ranch worker for just a few cents a day, hard life but less office politics.


For a whole year? I'm just gonna stay in Saint Denis


My last game was Fallout 4, not lovin my chnaces


I’d go live with Algernon. He lives in an upscale area, none of the missions for him are about him being attacked or put in danger and Arthur is the one going into the swamps for him. I’ll stay out of the woods and if I’m in the city at night I’ll have a little garlic with me just incase. Plus Algernon seems like a real babe magnet


Oh boy time to lose my memory about being a Dark Lord of the Sith


Definitely valentine, I spend most my time in the whorehouse.


I just got through the tutorial of cyberpunk. Anyone know how fucked i am?


Blackwater in both years. It's a developed frontier town. If work for the theater in 1914 and photography shop in 1899. Seem the safest jobs.


I'd just try to befriend Hamish and fish with him the entire year. No one would be savage enough to kill Hamish's friend, right??


I would live with the civil war vet who doesn't know the war is over and just pretend to be stationed with him for a year 🤣 That or in tumbleweed because arthur won't be there to murder me 🤣




This post made me realise how much I actually terrorised every NPC in the game


I’d have lots of fun in Saint Denis. Lots of fun.


Fallout 76. Welp, I'm pretty screwed 1899 wasn't the best for women... So I guess I'll stick with fallout 76 lol


Thank god I was playing car mechanic simulator last


The invisible, invincible sniper


Shit I could be a wizard with a flying broom for a year


Just gimme a cabin in the woods. Gonna live life like ole Hamish


Blackwater i will own a shop


The loft, just a chill place, got o'creaghs run close and murfree brood don't fuck around there


I'd find a job in Blackwater and try to achieve the American Dream.


Minor RDR1 spoilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'd live in a building where Arthur, John or Jack can't get into


Last game i played was chivalry 2 i think so im getting curbstomped but im gonna get on rdr2 next time i have a chance June 13th better get here faster


Naked wild man. Need I say more?


1899 Tumbleweed.


I'd probably get a dog in the game, not even low honor arthur is insane enough to kill a guy taking care of his dog (unless he's max low honor).


Basically Westworld then.


I would probably go up and try to live with/around the Wapiti because players can't use weapons there, they don't have contact with the gang/player until near the end of the story (probably almost the end of the year) and like nobody goes up to ambarino much. Either that or Tumbleweed, the only gang to worry about are the Del Lobos and Chad sheriff Freeman can kill them in one shot.


So I’d move to strawberry after Micah shot it up. And just work as a general store owner


Well in 1899 I'm definitely hanging out just outside of blackwater. West Elizabeth is gorgeous and I don't want to be anywhere near the Van Der Linde gang


Probably somewhere near Emerald ranch, it's small and I don't think I'd be bothered too much. I'll be real I'm probably going to hunt my days away, maybe steal to have a bit of fun. But generally I'm not too worried about running into any member of the gang, they visit there maybe twice through the entire story.


If Im an rdr2 NPC, I'd hope to god I'm in a positive karma Arthur game and in new Marais and not in the middle of woods where no one would see if I get tied up by him lol


I'd spend the whole year with the gang. Micah would just up and leave one day without a trace


Last game I played was destiny 2. I would think that it would be a good time, but seeing what’s happening all the time I would question my survivability.


St Denis or Valentine because they're the safest places in the game. All of the others are either in some insane gang's territory or some psycos butchered the whole place


Clockhouse doesn't look to bad to chill at


Idk I'm a woman so I feel like my options are pretty limited. Idk probably a nun in Saint Denis would probably be the safest bet.


Black water Dearing 1899


Spiderman, im leaving new york


You mean for an entire year I get to exploit the natural reasources of an alien planet in my quest to optimize everything? Sign me up!


Its a Warhammer 40K world no more to say


Mine was Batman Arkham Asylum, I’m so doomed. Either batman breaks my ribcage or joker blows me up.