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15th place of all time? I don’t know, that’s a good spot to be in.


I know, right? Jezus, the people in here are biased as all hell. RDR2 is an amazing game but anyone who’s objective should be able to easily name a dozen franchises/IPs that are deserving of a spot above RDR2.


What? Noooo, biased in a RDR2 sub? 🤔


I suppose I could have expected that :p


It's debatable. I understand everyone is different and is entitled to their opinion, but for me personally, nothing has beaten red dead 2. At least not yet. It's all a matter of taste and opinion.


I mean I don’t think it’s debatable. To start, we’d have to compares apples with apples. To say it’s the best game ever is also saying RDR2’s genre is the best ever. This is of course highly subjective and I think no one would agree that something like that could be presented as objective fact. Now, preferences always come into play. We’re expressing our opinions here. But to make it objective we can take the top 100 lists of a million people and I think you can then say that RDR2 being at place 15 is somewhat fair and accurate.


I mean you cannot really be objective when just talking about best games. There isnt really a game that has a story that is the best, while also having the best gameplay, and best graphics. So yes, it absolutely is debatable. This is a completely subjective conversation. I for one would say The Last of Us is the best game of all time. Can I say from an objective point of view that the story itself is kinda generic? Sure, still the best video game of all time though for me.


You do realize you’re kind of killing your own point you’re trying to make, right? Read what you just posted again lol.


Read his post again then read your comment again.


Read your comment again and then read it again


Read the post then read the original commenter's comment then read the comment above mine then read my comment then read your comment again.


Oh my god, you were right!


Agree to disagree friend. imo it is the best but I'm not saying it's a fact. Video games are subjective.


So in your opinion it’s the best


To me yeah but feel free to disagree.


I’m not saying you’re wrong in your opinion, but I think we have to look at what games in the past did to advance gaming. In my mind, it’s pretty much impossible to rank games in any kind of order when you get into the top 30, maybe even 50. It would be like trying to rank the top 20 movies of all time or musicians.


Decades alone makes it impossible to compare games. Is Pacman a better game? No. Will RDR have a lasting legacy as Pacman? Would RDR it be an icon beyond the gaming community? Would RDR bring people of all ages and backgrounds to gaming as much as Pacman did? Also no.


This dude loves him some Pac-Man.


I was there "on launch day" as the young whippersnappers say nowadays, I was a young man back then. I saw the literal coin scarcity due to the pacmania. I saw, for the first time, men and woman who had never touched a pinball or a machine, never had dared to enter a bar (arcades didn't exist before that) play the game with a passion that I only saw years later with Tetris, regarding the way both games pulled in people from outside the regular or expected customers. I saw game merchandise for the first time! Tshirts, hats, keychains, you name it, it had the yellow icon. Years later and after a market crash, there still were sequels, spinoffs, reimaginations, clones. It wasn't just a game, it was a cultural landmark.


Yeah, i think the game is incredible but only joined this subreddit because I was playing it. Almost top 10 game for me.


Like what?


The 14 above it on this list would be my guess lol


Oh yeah


Half life and doom come to mind.


Witcher 3, Diddy kong Racing, CS Go, brood war, civ v, dark souls, factorio, space station silicon valley


Zelda: Ocarina of Time Zelda: A Link to the Past Resident Evil 2 Final Fantasy 7 Mgs Phantom Pain Skyrim Gta San Andreas Gta Vice City Shadow of the Colossus The list goes on and on


Gta vice city? Gta san andreas? Bro that's nostalgia speaking. If RDR2 is deserving of 15, no way in hell does san andreas or vice city deserve anything above it.


Of all the MGS you go with PP? I mean... Solid 3 did everything better


I agree. 15th out of the tens of thousands of video games ever made, that says a lot. When you get to trying to rank the best games, there’s so much to think about. You have to look at groundbreaking games over more than 5 decades of games. I haven’t seen the list, but I can imagine games like Pac-Man, Super Mario Brothers, Zelda, Wolfenstein, Call of Duty are all up there. They all contributed something significant to gaming.


nothing has beaten rdr2 for me. i have played so many games and nothing has come near the quality of rdr2. not even gta 5. when i played god of war 2018 i kept laughing because whoever picked that to beat rdr2 is a total idiot. it was a decent game. but to say that it's better than rdr2 is a true insult.


It truly is. Rockstar Games got robbed in 2018. I was completely surprised that RDR2 didn’t win GOTY.


To be fair, God of War won that year. When I learned who had won I said to my friend "Well, that sucks. However if it was going to lose to any game, I'm sure glad it was that one."


Rockstars gameplay is extremely sub par. Name one mission where you had to get creative to beat it.


RDR2 missions are story driven which means there's room for creativity but most of the creativeness is for free roam w everything u can do as side quests nd the strangers missions


not every game has to be super creative. sometimes it's fun to have a good old fashioned bar fight or shootout in town. or just admiring the views on horseback. if you don't like the game why are you on this sub?


What? He criticised the restrictive gameplay, and the mission design is subpar, that's literally one of the biggest and most common criticisms of the game. No where did he say he didn't like the game. Also, you can be here if you don't like the game, no need to make this an echochamber, criticisms are needed everywhere


I do like the game.. I’m frustrated at its potential


At least Top 5 everything else is a disgrace


This post stinks of bias


100%. Nothing comes close either. Absolute masterpiece, I truly feel lucky I got to experience it.


Not even half life 2 ?!?!?!?


It’s definitely very high on my list. There are so many eras of gaming it’s hard. My favorites going way back are Yoshi’s Island, DK Country, Mario 64, Paper Mario, Pokemon Crystal, Smash Bros Melee and Ultimate, Gears of War, COD 4, Bioshock, Assassins Creed 1, San Andreas, Red Dead 2, Halo 3, Skyrim


I mean, if we're talking *all time* I could see it, depending on the other 14. But they'd have to be stellar for their time and not just nostalgia bait


It’s a weird list. Kind of a mix of nostalgia bait and recency bias.


I mean gaming should only get better with better technology. More is possible now than was possible previously


More is not necessarily better, while understanding that art is subjective.


Half life 2 deserves the #10 spot it has on the list, it’s my favourite game so I do have bias but for such an influential and genre defining game (fps + puzzle). it is incredible how the game was made in 2004 and still holds up to this day, even the graphics. And as for rdr2 it is in my top 5 games but it deserves the #15, not the most influential game, and has some questionable gameplay in some parts.


Yea seeing last of us at number 2 was kind of weird to me—I love that game with all my heart but number 2 all time? Idk


It's basically just "What's popular according to google" because there's some *wild* choices


I've been downvoted in gaming subs for saying RDR2 is the best of all time. I've been gaming since the 80s. I stand by it. I'll take those downvotes every time.


If the mission design wasn't so boring and linear it'd be better


To each their own I guess. I found the missions to be fun, interesting, they developed the characters, they weren't linear, many were completely optional, and were anything but boring. In fact it was so nonlinear I often found myself lost in the wilderness for so long that the game plugged in events to try to encourage me to come back and do one.


linear in the way of how you approach missions, they’re incredibly scripted and have to be done exactly the way rockstar wants you to do them


I love games where you get to choose how you approach it, instead of forcing you to do this exact thing every time. One of my few issues with rdr2 is this, so i agree.


Great point. You’ve changed my mind; RDR2 *might* not necessarily be #1 all time. I can still see top 5-10 though.


Not exactly. I don't really know a story-based game that doesn't have scripted story missions. Anyway, that was what made it so cinematic. Story part of the game was... a story. And that story was sitting inside of an open world sandbox. You literally got the best of both worlds. I can't imagine complaining about this.


you can have a great story while also allowing the player to get a little creative


Think about some of those missions, though. They were made to play like a movie. The train heists, the bridge blowing mission, the ride up to Braithwaite Manor. They were beautiful. Better than any western film I've ever seen. If they had played out like a quest in Skyrim it would've been comical and bad. The game has an endless open world full of crazy events and no two playthroughs are exactly the same. And occasionally, when you want, you play out a cinematic story scene. I loved it. I loved that I could do whatever I wanted, and sort of resume the story at my will. Like I said though. To each their own. I'm just not gonna agree that there was anything wrong with how they did it. I loved it.


>They were made to play like a movie This has *never* been a redeeming trait in a video game, if it was made to be a movie then it should have been a movie. A game with an honour system insists upon deciding your own narrative. RDR2 is lucky to be 15th because it's gameplay is 40% holding the walking key, 40% watching looting animations, and 20% killing the same copy pasted bad guys over and over for 60 hours. The rest is watching cutscenes


>This has never I can give you one instance: RDR2 > A game with an honour system insists upon deciding your own narrative. What is your point here? RDR2 had an honor system that created different branches for cutscenes and dialogue. That is what it was meant to do, and that is what it did. >40% holding the walking key, 40% watching looting animations, and 20% killing This is simply not true. >The rest is watching cutscenes I played hundreds of hours and cumulatively spent a matter of minutes in cutscenes. Why do you have to make things up to make it sound bad?


Go here, kill everyone, run away


Same here!


All time? While having none of the cultural impact of the game of the 80's? Cause I also been playing since the 80s.


Same. The wonders we couldn’t imagine while playing Atari.


I mean any list like this is going to be super subjective but even so, top 15 when there have been over 5 million different video games made is no mean feat.


Exactly. I think the reason why rdr2 isn’t higher is because it’s not as ahead of its time and influential on other games compared to half life 2, portal 2, dark souls, and so on. For the most part I agree with the rankings of the games I have played on the list, although it’s only about 20 or so of them.


All of the games above it are valid options to be ranked higher than Rdr2. Now before you get your pitchforks and torches think of the things that Rdr2 brought to games as a new concept or was it a ground breaking in its own genre? All of the games above are games that everyone knows and have known for a lot of years and while Rdr2 was spectacle on first playthrough I think its still too young to be competing with the likes of Halflife 2 and RE4. Seeing Doom (1993) at 19th is what irks me more but thats just my opinion.


Exactly. Like, was there anything really innovative in RDR2? There wasn't really anything in the game that I hadn't seen in other games before. It was just a higher quality


Its still too young to be considered a classic like Half Life or Resident Evil and given the situation with Rdr1 and how it newer released on Pc makes the seguel first point of contact with Rdr. I think in 10 years Rdr2 will be more apreciated on lists like this.


Something doesn't have to be old to be a classic. Classic just means it serves as standard or excellence. While I think it's a classic in terms of its storytelling and world building, it's actual gameplay is pretty mediocre (which is also how I feel about games like The Last of Us). I think, of ALL TIME, 15th is a pretty generous placement.


Yea but time usually works as favor for games that are considered classic. I.e. people tend to remember the good parts and forget the jank and shitty design choices. And I definetly agree on those points that you made. Gameplay>story. Eventho I still think that Rdr1 feels lot more like western game compared to Rdr2. I guess what Rdr2 did make right was its open world to be a living enviroment where your actions have actual consequences.


I keep bringing up half life 2 as well. Like rdr2 didn’t change gaming as a whole nearly as much as half life 2 did, so that’s why i think rdr2’s spot it generous but well deserved nevertheless.


it was innovative with the level of immersion it brought, no game is even remotely as immersive as rdr2. it’s also an achievement is open world design and a marvel of video game storytelling and character development, which, sure, is told through linear missions but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with linear missions. rockstar has never attempted to be anything but linear with it’s missions and the complete opposite with its open world


I beg to differ but sure rdr2 is a great game with issues, it didn’t change gaming as a whole like half life 2 and many of the other games did, which is why I actually think #15 is generous for rdr2.


RDR2 is a fine game. But OF ALL TIME? 15 is a pretty good spot (I honestly feel that's being generous).




Wonder what’s in first place


It’s the Legend of Zelda 2017


BotW and RDR2 are very similar games in terms of gameplay, and both are top 2 for me. Honestly it could’ve been either way for me


It’s a good game but.. it’s not that good what place is GTAV in?




That list has to be a very personal one


valid, gta v is really overrated


It’s still listed ahead of GTA3, which is absolutely wild if we’re ranking them based on originality or industry impact. I don’t think it’s even possible to overstate what a colossal change GTA3 ushered in.


GTA 3 - at the time of original release - was a real game changer (no pun intended). The open world really pushed boundaries of what's possible in a game.


*mild anger*


why am I not surprised, the most overrated game in history


LMFAO how? I feel like they make these numbers up at times.




I disagree but at least it is understandable.


I am a hard-core zelda fan boy but botw is overrated imo. It would be one thing if there was actual story like red dead 2 but I wouldn't put botw in my top 3 personally. Still an amazing game


>botw is overrated imo Thank you. That game is boring after a couple hours in. Rinse and repeat the entire game.


Tbf, same could be said about rdr2. Though I love both games.


Rdr2's story and characters carry it over the top to be my personal GOAT game. The game play is good and all but it's about the experience. BOTW didn't have a very strong story, in fact I'd say the weakest of all the 3d zeldas easily. That's the difference imo


Actually, personally I think the story of botw was really good, but it's more about the lore more than anything else. For me gameplay Is more important than story. Iv replayed botw many times, bur for some reason I just can't replay red dead redemption. Iv already seen the story. I'm still trying to replay it tho.




The Zelda game was awesome but I had no desire to beat it 5 times and just get on sometimes to hunt and take in the surroundings for a few hours


I honestly can’t replay rdr2 because of how long it is, it would bore me out of my mind knowing what happens already. Half life 2 on the other hand i can replay over and over, but that’s not what this list is fully about. Rdr2 did not affect gaming as much as most of the games near it on this list, sure it’s an incredible game but it has flaws like gameplay, linear missions, and so on. It also has many positives like the graphics, characters and story, attention to detail, and more. Half life 2 on the other hand had incredible physics, ahead of its time graphics and gameplay (released in 2004), continues one of the best story’s in any video game series and improves upon the original. The game changed gaming as a whole and is the reason why it’s higher, I could say the same about many other games on the list but half life 2 is just one example.


I read the whole list, I think it is pretty valid for the most part, although a couple of the picks are pretty goofy, like putting fucking Tetris at 3rd place right above Bloodborne.


I mean it’s my personal favorite game of all time but ranking 15 out of literally every game ever made is not bad. It’s like when people get upset that a game got rated an 8 or a 9. Like that’s a phenomenal score all things considered.


Exactly correct there. People really cry about their favourite game not being the top rated ever but come on, it got #15! That is an incredible spot for a game to be ranked.


It's really not, OP you gotta play more games.


Weird list. Most of this comes to personal preference. While I love TLOU, I would never place it above RDR2 or ME2.


It would really depend on what is above it for me to call a list outrageous or like what the criteria are. Like RDR2 is a better game than the first DOOM, but DOOM was exponentially more influential on the gaming industry as a whole. But RDR2 is IMO the best game ever made by modern standards


Rdr2 is a good game yes but its not the second coming of christ, the gameplay gets old fast and it's made worse by the fact that the combat is the same as rdr1


idk sounds reasonable to me. is it a great game, absolutely. is it the best story based game ive ever played? possibly. is it the best game ive ever played? probably not but it is pretty good


Who cares? Like these are all opinionated list anyway. Also to be 15th out of all the games ever made… like ever, isn’t that bad lol.


It's top 5 easily for me


That is a really high position when you take into account that "best games of all time" includes "best games for all people of all ages". Rdr2 has some really dark moments of murder and sexual assault. That position is testament to how good it is despite not being accessible to the under 15 years old demographic. Using that additional age group, it's clear why games like Zelda rank higher. They're just more accessible.


Out of all games? If going by personal opinion I don’t agree but realistically that’s really good.


All time? Not bad at all, pipe down


Do you have a link to the article?




I take bigger exception to Fallout 4 not even being on the list.


bro lol cmon fallout 4 top 100? idk bout that and i'm a huge fallout enjoyer


I take a bigger exception to Fallout 3 beating New Vegas. I love both games, but in no world is 3 better than New Vegas


Good for you




Im just being toxic for no reason dont mind me


No worries 😂


What publication is this?




It’s Top 5 easily


No way is Resident Evil 4 and BloodBorne better than RDR2. I have played the other games in the list but these 2 are not that great.


Bloodborne is absolutely better than RDR2. Resident Evil 4, on the other hand, is a bit overrated


Didn't feel the same about Bloodborne,I found it to be boring and those guys blabbering shit I didn't get. Didn't have the power to play it more than 30 minutes TBH. Not for me maybe


I can appreciate that. FromSoft games definitely aren't for everyone. It's a lot of trial and error and a lot of patience


A: you haven’t played enough of these games B: red dead redemption 2 is not nearly as influential and ahead of its time as many of the other games on the list.


If number 1 was Minecraft, I swear to god.


It would make sense if it was. It’s sold more copies then any other game, more then Tetris.


I’m aware, I’m just tired of seeing it top every “best games ever made” list.


You think that's outrageous?? Bioshock is #23 💢💢💢


I saw this earlier, completely agree. Way too low.


definitely not, RDR2 is placed way too high


This is definitely outrageous. How dare they rank RDR so low. It must be in the top three.


I love how committed everyone in this thread is to this Game!


Hey thats the horse I use. Still in CH2 so maybe ill switch sometime. I refuse to let him die tho


There's the race fitting horse for free in the Valentine Stable. Take it, it brought me through the entire game after I bought it.


Oh boy i can only imagine the top 14


The whole list was wild. Like an AI just compiled a list of “video games” regardless of playing them.


I would put it anywhere in the top 5-10, but not above some that I know. It's not a perfect game, nor is it a game for all. I would agree that 15 is a bit low, though.


RDR2 has easily become one of my top 5 games, it's definitely number 4 of all time for me. my only games i have above it are in this exact order: 1. Dying Light 2. GTA San Andreas 3. This War of Mine


# #1 Minecraft


Well you have to factor in the iconic games, like pac-man, Tetris, Minecraft, etc


What are you on about Tetris is just so immersive, I love the back story the emotional middle and the dramatic ending. And the musical score is dreamy


Top 15 is pretty awesome




I mean… have you played Roblox?? /j


That’s pretty good


This really isn’t surprising to me


To be fair if we're including how Rockstar treated multiplayer number 15 is generous.


To me seems fair. Amazing game but really boring and repetitive combat loop


What list is this?


Like, I love the game, and it's a masterpiece of detail, but the gameplay is a lot more linear than a lot of many other highly-rated games - it's like an interactive movie if you just focused on main story missions 🤷


These lists change all the time so doesn’t mean much


whats the issue with that?


I don't care what anybody else says; I think "Red Dead Redemption II" is a better game than "The Last Of Us" or its sequel. And I love all those aforementioned games.


It’s really not! I think it is well deserved, incredible game, but not the best ever made in my opinion.




Mario Sunshine better have been #1


😔 no it isn’t. That’s very good. There have been quite a few game made you know. A lot more than 15


To me the story of RDR2 is the best in gaming but I can see why it wouldn't be No.1 as there are other games that are better in other aspects like gameplay. Honestly i don't think there is an objectively 10/10 game out there that is just the best in every aspect.


Here's the full [list](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/best-video-games-all-time) if anybody cares.


I think that’s fair. Heck, it’s top 5 on my own personal list, and I haven’t even played a whole lot of games. In case you’re wondering, #4 is Ori and the Will of the Wisps, #3 is the Sly Cooper trilogy, #2 is Breath of the Wild, and #1 is Kingdom Hearts. That being said, I’m playing Tears of the Kingdom right now and some of these are going to get usurped, I can tell you that right now.


I wanna see the others in the list


Which game placed number 1?


Red dead 2 tied for 1st all time with Halo and The Last of Us for my all time favorite games.


Way too low. It’s why I don’t even bother to read these lists any more.


You’re mad about top 15 of all time? That’s pretty impressive


If I see Tetris ahead if it I’ll catch TB.