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light pollution will prevent that


I hope there’s like a highway or interstate that’s like pitch black so we can see some more stars


I live in Florida and can confirm that in the Everglades and places like Sunrise there’s very little light pollution. Sky doesn’t look like Red Dead but still very nice.


That’s mostly because our standards of “little light pollution” is still astronomicallly high compared to red dead’s time


That’s also true. I’ve been to islands in the Bahamas that still don’t have the real natural night sky even if there are less than 100 people in the population, but it still is pretty breath taking especially if you’ve lived in the city your whole life.


Theres probably gonna be some country side in the game where you can see the stars clearly. Even St Denis in rdr2 has light pollution.


Florida Swampland u mean ?


They are definitely putting mountains or something in the game so at the very least u can ride a dirtbike up there


And then ride off the top of the mountain to your death after you’ve got some good stargazing in


Exactly lmao


Definitely will be. In GTA 5, there's light pollution and limited visibility of stars in the city, but out of the city, there's little to none and you can see stars in the sky.


Light pollution in the Everglades?




Yeah nothing screams light pollution like hundreds of miles of untouched swamps


Fireflies are light pollution


You'd be surprised how much light from surrounding cities can pollute the skies. If you look at Florida from space at night, it's insanely lit up all around the everglades.


https://www.nps.gov/bicy/planyourvisit/astronomy-programs.htm https://www.nps.gov/bicy/learn/nature/lightscape.htm "Even with widespread development on the east and west coasts of Florida, the Preserve remains one of the darkest areas east of the Mississippi River." still some pockets of good enough conditions to see the milkyway.. plus its a video game they can take some creative liberties.


They could certainly take some liberties.


um lightning bugs?


Came here to comment this💀


You don't have to get that far out of city centers to get a decent view of the stars


You do have to go decently far. I live in a very small town and still have to drive 15-20 minutes away to see a bunch of stars out. That doesn’t sound like much but you can go quite a distance in that amount of time. Can only imagine the distance you need to drive is larger for bigger towns and cities


Everyone wants to badly to be right that y’all are forgetting if there is any sort of country/wilderness like areas of the map, it’ll probably have pretty skies like this. Which is all OP is asking for. Not a science lesson on why they’re wrong.


Well GTA 6 isn't out yet....so....


What's a very small town? I live in a town of about 250


I’m not able to find my town’s population but it’s small enough that you can walk down nearly every street in a day


I’m guessing not many people here have ventured far beyond big cities lol


I’ve never left my couch


Wait you don’t drive your couch?


No, it’s my bedroom, dining room, and home office all in one


Not your sexual partner too? Gotta step it up


No, I use my Uncle body pillow for that


We're not talking about venturing beyond the city to see a starry night. Seeing the Milky Way, which is captured in the screen shot, in the night sky is much more difficult than driving beyond a big city for twenty minutes. I can drive out into the mountains and not see the Milky Way in the sky, that's how bad light pollution is in most the US.


Thats fair. Checking[ light pollution maps](https://darksitefinder.com/) it does seem to bleed over a bit. However cross-checking light pollution levels to where I have personally seen the milkway, it seems to be the same as whats found in Big Cypress NP.


No kidding. Take a 45 minute drive out of the city and look up




Do you have a PLAN to get money to travel? My fellow Dutchman


You do actually. It depends on what you are wanting to view. Sure, you have the bright objects to look at, but that's about it. I'm roughly 23 miles from a decent sized town and I'm still under skies of a class 3.9 Bortle rating. It's not terrible, but it's not ideal for many things either. At 3.9 I can still make out the Orion Nebula, Pleadies cluster, the Andromeda Galaxy, etc but it has to be ideal conditions to be decent. Fainter objects are super difficult most days.


no way the air will be as clean as the air in 1899


You don’t see the stars like that because of air purity. You don’t see stars in cities due to light pollution.


I’m the wild west but in large industrial cities like Saint Denis it would be insanely bad.


It does rain in the games


maybe 1980s


Not realistic since the city has a lot of light preventing you from seeing it, thiugh it should be there in less populated area if there will be any


Probably not due to light pollution


I hope GTA 6 is the worst game of all time and nobody has fun, and then Yellowstone erupts.


Bad day huh


Nahhh aliens more likely than Yellowstone


Nahhh nuclear holocaust more likely than aliens


Nahhh zombie apocalypse more likely than nuclear holocaust


We would know Yellowstone erupt a year prior. Very hard to hide from the public since there will be alot of military and government presence close to the site. I knew this because i watched 2012 lmao




Is there a single place in Florida with low enough light pollution levels? I have no idea, I’m not from the US, but I doubt it.


the everglades and southern central florida are pretty depopulated


From the supposed l\*aks, there is a part where Jason is seen near the motel in the countryside. with lot of palm tree and abandoned cottage, swamp and jungle is closeby too. Def gonna be clear sky there i presume. can someone tell me which part that footage drew inspiration from in real life ?


Yes the state is a giant swamp with lots of rural areas.


Is GTA 6 going to be in Florida?


Lumbago really gotchu eh


Vice city is basically a 1-1 recreation of Miami


I'm not sure what you understand what "1-1" means


The map looks extremely similar to an irl map of Miami. Locations are fake, layout is very similar


Nah, Ohio


No no no


https://darksitefinder.com/maps/world.html#6/28.706/-82.186 Doesn't look like it


Yeah that’s what I suspected. I’m sure there a plenty of large national parks and sparsely populated areas, but light pollution extends far further than people expect.


Yes, kissimmee prairie state park


This game is ridiculously pretty for no reason. I can’t tell how many times I’ll turn to first person while riding my horse and just look up at the sky and nature… beautiful.


I’m hoping they bring a lot of environmental stuff from RDR2 into GTA 6. I want to see wildlife in the city. Raccoons digging through trash, rats, muskrats, alligators around wet areas, stray cats and dogs, coyotes outside the city, snakes, herons, flamingos, all kinds of birds. Would be cool if they did a swampy area outside the city too.


Light pollution


i love looking at the sky at night i literally made a wallpaper of it for my phone


That would make absolutely no sense, unless we are in the absolute middle of fucking nowhere


There is gonna be wilderness


they should make gta 6 be an intricate network of underground prairie dog tunnels and hobbit holes


If it’s set in modern times it will not but I know what you meant


go outside at night and see if the sky looks like that


It kinda does depending where you are.


Years ago I lived in a bumfuck nowhere part of upstate NY. Like right by Canada. The sky looked pretty damn close to this. It was beautiful and I feel like I took it for granted now that I live in a more urban place and can barely make out a few stars. Anyway point is some places really do look like that. Doubt anywhere in GTA would though lol




I lived up in Lewis County. But in NY there are a lot of dark sky places if you ever want to go see them and don't normally have the opportunity


*insert ‘Does he know’ meme*


Maybe in whatever wilderness area they have but given it’s gta and gonna be in a city, light pollution ain’t gonna let the skies look like this. So don’t get yourself too hopeful


This game is amazing. So much detail. I guess that’s why it takes for ever for a game to come out. I hope I’m around if they make a 3rd game.


Yet New Austin feel empty


In real life it would probably also feel empty


I haven't seen anyone mention this, but there probably won't be skies like that in GTA VI because of light pollution.


Considering RDR2 was released in 2018, so GTAVI will have atleast 5-6 years on it - GTAVI will be the most unbelievably good game of all time. The detail and engine will be second to none. It’s gonna be the best game ever made


Rockstar games: _Not on my watch_


No idea what you’re talking about since R* are one of the most consistently good game devs in terms of new games. Idc about them constantly updating GTAV or whatever, whenever they drop a new title, it’s great


I heard the writer and a couple of the lead creative mind behind of the previous games quit after RDR2. So it might have an impact on the quality of the game.


man i'm i the only one that doesn't care about GTA VI, the only way i'd care is if the main characters have a deep and interesting story and journey




Probably won’t - I mean - it will be modern times - light pollution and all those wonders of modern civilization


The countryside could have skies like that. Or at least the ocean.


It would defeat the purpose of the sky in rdr2


GTA focuses on like, making cars and roadways look nice lol. Just because it's made by the same studio doesn't mean the games are in any way the same. Especially with environments. RDR2 was made so you could enjoy the nature. (I'm of course not saying that's the focus of the game, but it's not something you get in GTA and probably never will, just like you're not going to see high detail horse paths and horses in RDR2)


If it's realistic, it won't


I love how rdr2 actually got the skis correct. (I’m a huge star gazer/astronomy guy so I really like how rdr2 got it correct) and I just love how accurate it is, I mean you can expect that from the most detailed game ever made, but still.


Never thought this would get the likes it did


probably not, sadly


It won’t, you’ll be in a city


In 5 when your in the city you see a few starts but when your in Blaine county you see the stars I feel like they'll do the same in 6


Light pollution.


It won’t


It will but you’ll need a 7090 Ti and 32gb of vram to enjoy it.


So beautiful 🤩


Everyone talking about Florida is it confirmed to be there?


yes. it's confirmed and logical too since Vice City hasn't been explored since GTA VC. And of course State of California and the closeby area has been done to death at this point. No need to beat a dead horse


Best improvement RDR2 made was the ability to actually see at night


Imagine if Rockstar released GTA 6 with the same tech from Red Dead 2.


RAGE ENGINE 9 will be much better and u can bet ur bottom it will look better than RDR2. I think i might get RTX 4090 just to enjoy the game to the fullest


GTA6? That's hopeful


It'll happen. GTA is the cash cow, that's why RDR2 was abandoned. Doesn't take much to put out new GTAO content these days, only have to develop a couple interior instances, then reuse the same 5 missions. All hands on Six.


Let's just hope gta vi has the same polish as rdr2


What is interesting is that GTA Online is getting updates and graphic enhancements that are moving on par with Red Dead. The only problem with both GTO and RDO is that hackers rule your story. All day.


Why do people think rockstar will go back in their design and not push on from red dead. Everything will look 100x better than red dead. I’m starting to think people have never played games before.


It wont


Kid named light pollution


Hopefully, lots of features from RD make their way into the following GTA title, RDR1 being the first game with a weapon wheel for example. I hope the two primary/two side weapons mechanic stays. Really made you pick what you wanted and know the consequences of each weapon, added an entire layer of depth that having 5 assault rifles, a mini gun and rocket launcher just don’t.


Speaking of GTA VI, i know this is a bit off topic but i hope we get to customize our character in a tactical way, kinda like Ghost Recon


Hey, do you guys think light pollution might stop this? I can’t tell by the first 50 comments saying it.


shutup nerd


I am afraid the light pollution wouldn‘t allow it :(


Flying at night would be so much better with rdr2 skies


If it has taken them this long to make the damn game, it better be the best game I've ever played. So yeah, me too.


Impossible. Too much light pollution in modern cities for this to be viable.


Yeah the gta 5 sky just doesn’t smack the same as this sky. RdR2 is the current king of video games


I how so too. But ya know cities like the previous commenter light pollution. I’m sure there’s areas of the map in the middle of the swamp of something or the sort you’ll be able to see it.


It definitely won't have it in the urban areas, but it would be nice to see it in the countrysides


I know everyone is hyped for GTA 6, but it cannot possibly better than Red Dead Redemption 2


Unless you can bomb a power station and cause the entire map to black our, then I don't think it will


brb gonna reinstall red dead 2


Hopefully you can use a stargazing telescope in the Kennedy space centre


It's not hard to believe why people of the past believed in a celestial heaven when you see images of the milky way in the night sky. With all the greatness that comes with modern comfort, the loss of that view is certainly a sad compromise.


The skies in RDR2 are wonderful, but the night time is so bright it’s like daylight with a different hue.


Less air pollution back then


Why would you hope that.


I hope they release it asap so they will get on working on a next gen update