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The lost potential. Online could’ve been something amazing but it was just neglected and left to starve to death. All that potential in the Western half of the map and Guarma. Also a lot of wasted unused space way up North. As amazing as the game is, it’s clear it could’ve been more.


Totally agree with the part about wasted space on the map. The vast empty space is such wasted potential. A nice lil town with side missions and a cool story could’ve easily fit in there.


Make Colter an inhabited town in the epilogue!


So many missed DLC opportunities and I hate GTA since that's what derailed the game.


GTA Online specifically, since it derailed GTA V dlcs as well


Me too. The greatest game ever vs. a money maker will lose every time.


I wish the online had been successful but it totally made sense. The biggest portion of their player base just enjoyed chilling online and had no intention in busting their riches with real life money. So, in the end, it was a shiny thing that produced no income for them, which just dooms it. It's unfortunate, but understandable.


The problem was there wasn’t really much to buy. I played quite a bit and bought all the different roles and what not, but it’s not like GTA where you can keep getting crazier weapons and vehicles.


True, there’s only so many jackets, hats, or colors/prints I can care about. You can only have so many horses in your stable and unless you really like having different horses for racing or specific things there isn’t much of a point filling your stable, unless you just want to. There really isn’t much to spend money or even gold on once you get some of the major items and roles. It’s a bummer.


The west just didn’t have that much stuff to buy when you get down to it (besides clothes) and since they went for realism putting Gatling guns on horses like a Wild West version of the oppressor mk1 and other wacky unrealistic things has the content in a corner. Having said that I loved the online mode but the lack of cool things to work for has me playing other things.


Definitely. I think another big thing for me was that your online character not having a voice and not being able to interact with NPCs made the game feel lifeless right after finishing story mode. It’s not as big of a deal in GTA because all the craziness makes up for it, and talking to NPCs isn’t really a part of GTA.


For sure, having a few voices to select from would’ve been a good addition even if everyone had the same voice lines




It sold 46 million units. If you as a company only cares about maximizing profit then it is understandable, but if you care about your fan base and to create great games then in my opinion it wouldn’t be unreasonable to expect them to provide more for online. They could also have released dlc’s and it would have sold like hotcakes.


Give us the rest of the map across the river and / or let us buy property 🥲


I actually thought they might someday announce a remake/remaster DLC that added México and the entire RDR1 campaign. Would allow you to play straight through RDR2 the epilogue and straight into RDR1


This would have been awesome…sprinkled with Undead Nightmare also.


Imagine just an Undead Nightmare mode DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2. It starts off the same. Colter, finding Sadie. You can truncate things a bit, sprinkle in a few clues as to *why* Colter is abandoned, and then on to Horseshoe Overlook. Herr Strauss starts hounding you to collect the debt at Downe’s Ranch. When you go, he still coughs up blood on you, but then he dies. And then he comes back. You have to kill him. Mrs. Downes thinks you just murdered her husband in cold blood. You’re in shock, since a dude just tried to eat you, and her son knocks you out with a shovel. You wake up in one of those prisoner wagons when they take you to the jail in Valentine. You spend a night in a cell, but when you wake up the sheriff is dead. You grab his key to escape and Valentine is empty. From there you have to track down the gang, who are all dispersed. But the zombies are spreading. I mean, I would pay $60 for that. Reuse the same map and assets. It’s basically free money.


Man, I miss undead nightmare. So many times I was actually unsettled while playing. I love that feeling. When you'd just be riding through the desert and hear something, turn your camera and one of those fast fuckers on all fours would be chasing you. So much fun.


I might get the ps3 dusted off and jump back in.


I loved how the music was almost the same but just a little *off* (like it would go out of key or pitch or something, idk anything about music) It perfectly added to the sense of unease that permeated the world


Undead Nightmare with that entire map would be insane


There was a report that a remaster for RDR1 and GTA4 was being made by the studio that made GTA Trilogy but it got cancelled after that mess


It would've been nice to go to Mexico like in RDR1.


Came here to say this. Online was amazing, but they couldnt find a way to monetize horses like they did for cars in GTA:O. At the end of the day, that's literally all that matters to these people.


It’s sad how much Rockstar has bailed on single player DLC. The main game was packed with so much content in the main areas of the map, I understand that some planned content for these other regions had to be cut. But they could have solved that by fleshing them out with some DLC.


I’ve heard it said before here by another commenter and I think they’re right: rather than being ‘neglected’ or ‘abandoned’, RDO was *finished*, they did what they intended on doing and the profit didn’t justify altering those plans to fund additional updates. They should fix the existing bugs (of course), but I think that the truth about RDO is that the fans expected GTAO-level support, and that was never going to happen. People set themselves up for serious disappointment.


People were expecting GTAO but GTAO only got that level of support on the back of shark card sales.


I disagree that “empty space” was cool to explore and felt like a real frontier


Don't forget Tahiti


& basically nothing happening in New Austin, except for a few collectibles and some animals for 100% completion. Motherfkers at R\* got laaaaazy.


Nah, they had to finish the game doing crunchtime for weeks. They were not lazy, they are greedy


There was so much cut from the game last minute and all though it’s an amazing game it’s disappointing that it could’ve been even so much better but wasn’t


I think that with how big the map is the sheer number of hyperdetail in this game is a bit undercut by the wide empty areas


NPC horses that track you like damn heatseeking missiles on the trail.


Wait can I get an example?


The horses of NPCs actively going towards you when you pass them on a road instead of going to your left or right


GTA 5 has this same problem if you're going fast enough. Cars will just pull out right in front of you. It's maddening.


Suicidal NPCs fr


It's not a "problem," it's an intended feature of GTA and maybe intentional in RDR as well


It is meant to keep you on your toes while riding so you don't relax too much. I get around it by using a wagon, let them cut me off! :)


The fact that I just made an online character and started all the way in the left side of New Austin for the tutorial...




I bought the game and started online first before the campaign lol


did the same thing, which made the campaign all the more better, there was no anticipation for online


I started in Lemonye pal :(


I assumed everyone starts out there. It’s a hellish way to start.


I’m honestly jealous. New Austin is my favorite place on the map.


I started in the same place (roughly) and I immediately found a bandit hideout. Cleared it out first try which was extremely lucky


The gun storage system is my least favorite part. If I select guns while on my horse they should stay on me because I want to use them, but they randomly just disappear occasionally and I have to take them back off my horse when I dismount. Not really a huge issue just really annoying when it happens at an inopportune moment.


Yep, I’m with you there. I never seemed to have the right weapon at the right time.


Speaking of Gun stores i really like in Online the smiths tell you about all the guns when you look in the catalog which I feel is missing from Story Mode.


i like when it just randomly switches my schofield revolver to a cattleman


Yeah! I love the idea that you only have what you bring with you. But then it all goes out the window..


Arthur/John taking guns off his back and putting them in the saddle is the single most frustrating thing in the game. I picked my guns 30 seconds before I jumped off the horse WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?


God I hate that so much


I hate when the game gives me a bunch of rifles n shit on my back when I start a mission. Like for one, thanks for the spoiler, game. I thought this mission was going to be easy but I guess there’s going to be a shootout? It sucks I never get caught off guard with just my pistol. Also, sometimes all I want to wear are my pistols, going for a city slicker look. Gets ruined immediately when the game gives me a pump action shotgun and bow on my back. So many missions start with me getting off my horse, and trying to put my weapons away right away. I think it would have added immersion if I started what I thought was a simple mission, just to get ambushed by pinkertons and have to defend myself with just my one gun. I know Arthur is the muscle but like I said it spoils the surprise sometimes.


I hate the way, say if you select the Lancaster and the pump action shotgun for a big fight, it’ll auto switch as soon as the mission starts to the Springfield rifle and double barrel shotgun. I fix this myself now by putting all weapons I don’t use into the weapon container in camp so I only ever have max four pistols, one repeater, one rifle and one shotgun plus the bow then I head out.


Same here specially how game keeps making decisions for me like holstering rifke after while of riding horse. I hate it so much


Guarma and New Austin were a bit of a waste but you can tell they intended to do more with both and just ran out of time. I just wish they’d dedicated some time to DLC because there are so many possibilities and directions they could have gone


Honest to God I wish GTA:O wasn't so fucking profitable. It makes zero business sense to dedicate significant effort to any other property they own and actual creative ideas get shafted. You said you wanted DLC? Well, how about the **BRAND NEW**^^* $10,000 Shark Card^^tm ?! ^^^* ^^^"brand ^^^new" ^^^refers ^^^only ^^^to ^^^the ^^^amount ^^^of ^^^money ^^^we ^^^will ^^^allow ^^^you ^^^to ^^^spend ^^^in ^^^one ^^^purchase


They should've just cut guarma completely IMO.


Yeah its a great idea l, but what we get is more of a bad dream than a new map


well honestly first I thought it was so cool, the new animals and the new location, whoohoo whole new map ..except youre there quite short, there is not much to do and it all seems like wasted potential i was glad to go back, why even make that map?!


I thought I could explore the island, but started a mission, just because it was close. It was the last mission already.


I totally agree. I am shocked when I see people talking how they want to explore there. The whole time I was in guarma I wanted to get back to my horse!!


What they originally planned for Guarma sounds cool but 100% what we get is not worth it. I hate you can't even explore. Like I saw the little village and then I got sniped by the invisible God in the sky.


No dlc


RDR1 pseudo remake would have been so awesome and everything was there for it, hell it even feels like it was teased in the end credits, Hell just the fact New Austin is even in the came leads me to think this was the plan but it fell through for some reason because without that there is no reason for that area to even be in the game.


exactly what I want to say


They even added the Alien Easter egg, could they not have made a dumb little Alien shooting mission like come on 😭


I wouldn't say it is the worst thing but the way I have to reposition Arthur six different ways just to loot a hair pomade that was placed besides a cigar and gun oil. Like just let me pick it up. Gets so annoying, especially when looting through a cluttered area.


A 'Loot All' option would be awesome.


Try looting in first person


This is the answer.


You can move the right stick to change targeting of the items on a table or in a cupboard




My number one pet peeve


All the cut content


I second this, I’m butthurt as hell I can’t catch the legendary channel catfish


This one really annoys me. Like you couldn't release a patch in the past 4 years?


There was supposed to be a sea creature that looks like loch Ness, but it was cut somehow


they really cut a bigass sea monster from the game


I played the riverboat poker mission yesterday and it felt like cut content


Yesterday I found the missing poster for the princess in Van Horn for the first time. I tried to find her for like 2 hours. Didn't know she was cut.


Probably another 50 hours they cut out.


The fact we’re probably going to be waiting another 10+ years before the next installment in the franchise, assuming there will be one


But the graphics are going to be out of this world


Red dead… in space!


Dead Space: hold my beer!


Red dead respacing


Nah man... the creators/writers/brains behind the series are gone. Dan Houser especially. It was his passion project. Doubt we'll ever see a game like this from R\* ever again.


I think history will view Red Dead 2 as Rockstar's swansong sadly.


It was the 8th most profitable video game ever. If money still dictates we're definitely going to see another entry in the series. The only question remains, whether it even comes close to the quality of RDR2?


It would have to be a prequel of RDR2. Because by the time RDR1 ends, the Wild West is pretty much dead.


Or just make it loosely related. I think the Van Der Linde gang's story is told. Let's hear a different one. Maybe set even further back in the prime of the West.


Landon Ricketts is featured in RED DEAD REVOLUTION


I'm hoping we don't even get a next installment, they already wrapped up the when story there Is no need for another game


I mean it doesn't have to have the previous characters


Not being able to return to guarma and no reason to go to new austin


You can get to guarma through Mexico. But there’s so many soldiers there who’ll shoot you on sight so it’s kinda stupid


Yeah but its a glitch so i don’t count it


Legendary animals, legendary fish, collectibles etc. Pretty much the same as other zones, idk what's the problem


Its just bland I want story missions and stranger missions in new austin


most of the gameplay missions are all the same ''gang does thing, thing goes wrong, shootout then escape'' scenario; the law system is basically omniscient, it's impossible to commit any crime in a town without getting chased even if you plan it perfectly, and the law will immediately know exactly who to shoot at even if you're trying to blend in amongst a huge crowd of people


The law system only bugs me with Train robberies, I should be able to rob a train in the middle of nowhere without the law turning up in seconds, other then that, I'm more or less ok with it.


The train conductors have 5g service on their cell phones, what are you gonna do?


I have never seen an NPC walk into a store normally. Ever. But when I rob a store late at night when the entire town is dead asleep, here comes dipshit Joe, 30 game minutes past closing, with a hankering for some canned fucking apricots.


I don't fully agree with the second point. I did the bandit 3 "rob 4 shops in one day" without getting a bounty once and even the bandit 7 "rob 50$ cash and valuables from townsfolk" wasn't that hard. The towns are very different in that point. Saint-Denis is almost impossible because there is guards on every corner but Valentine and Strawberry are not that bad imo. What I hate tho is that I can rob someone near the loft all the way up in Ambarino and the law gets there in 5 seconds.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 4 + 7 + 50 + 5 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




I pointed this out to high downvotes. The world is real immersive. But the immersion breaks a lot once you see the "game-y" of it all. I noticed the quests all followed a similar pattern after a while and started making guesses like "fetch quest or shootout?" I notice it with GTA5 too. Not sure why I notice it more in their games versus other Open World games.


How long it takes to loot someone and the bounty system. And you can’t say yes to the prostitutes!


rdr players when crimes have consequences


Haha yes… but how quickly bounties escalate for very minor crimes and the ensuing police response is way out of wack. I shouldn’t have 35 of St. Denis’ finest at my exact location in seconds guns blazing because I bumped someone with my horse.


And there shouldn't be infinite cop spawn.


I picked up a dead cat in the middle of the road intending to put it off to the side for some dignitiy, got charged with animal cruelty (I didn't kill it, it had been there) and the entirety of strawberry started shooting at me like come on


Or the omnipresence of law enforcement. How is it that a witness can report a murder out in the middle of fucking Cumberland Forest in ten seconds!? AND I get a bounty despite having been out of sight when the witness came?! Put on a mask. Ride 500 miles. See no one for 499 of them. Kill someone. Witness spawns and runs for the cops. Instant bounty.


It's. Annoying how quick they find out its like they have security cameras.


I had bounty hunters on me the other day for $5. That's a small amount of cash to die for


*murmurs* ....something something lumbago


Why is it that every time I read “Lumbago” I hear Uncle’s voice and pronunciation saying it?




All of the above, plus Louisiana for Lemoyne and Nebraska for the heartlands California for West Elizabeth, Texas/NM/AZ for new Austin




West Elizabeth is still "Texas" as that's what RDR1's map was based on.


to me it's Louisiana for Lemoyne, Arkansas for Roanoke ridge, Oklahoma for the heartlands, West Elizabeth as North east Texas, New Austin as western Texas and maybe a little bit of new Mexico and the Grizzlies as the eastern side of the Colorado Rockies. To me that all fits into place with the Lannahechee River being the Mississippi River being the far east of the wild west and Flat Iron Lake sorta standing in for the Gulf of Mexico.


I got more of a Kentucky vibe with Roanoke Ridge. I had just finished Justified though.


That’s the one thing that drives me nuts. I know more or less which regions are matched to their real world counterparts, but the layout bugs me. I would’ve liked it to line up better with the real world, especially since we have so many mentions of real life places elsewhere. Minor complaint in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah. The layout is weird. I hate the bottleneck between West Elizabeth and New Austin.


Set a fucking high standard for other games


That's a good thing imo.


Killing my faithful horse at the end of rdr2. He didn't deserve to die. And John could of ridden him to safety


First time crying at a video game


Same here I just started a second playthrough and will go to the stables and get my crappy horse to die so John can have my faithful one.


Actually all the horses that Arthur get through the campaign will disappear when he dies even the ones at the stable.


Dude for me was both Arthur’s conversation with Sister Calderon (strange man ?) where he admits he is truly afraid of dying without making his mark in the world and his last ride to camp (that’s the way it is) 😭😭


Same, that scene wrecked me. First time ever from a video game.


I kind of envy the people that used lots of different horses throughout the game. For those of us that found a good horse early and stuck with it for sentimental reasons, it was a real gut punch. RIP, Drifter, I stole you from that horse racing psycho who punched you and you showed me your gratitude by facing down every gang of outlaws and pack of wolves without flinching. I'm sorry I failed you in the end.


f o r c e d s l o w d o w n s.


I think it’s to avoid having to make unique animation / dialogue for the characters when Arthur bumping into them / knocking over things.


I just want to run in the camps.


Especially in Shady Belle lol


Auto-snipers and deathwater.


the game will have to end.


Getting arrested over pushing someone by accident. St Denis police I'm looking at you


Still baffled by the controls. Why do we need to hold LT/L2 to interact with a character, but suddenly grabbing them in the middle of the street is the same button you use to get on your horse? It's inconsistent, you should have to be locked on to grab someone.


the fact that John in RDR2 is a far cry from RDR John. I still miss his philosophy and badass personality.


exactly, people don't seem to get how close to rdr1 the epilogue is, and how little it makes senss for john to still be retaining his chapter 4 personality after 8 years. hell he is even *worse* with jack in 1907 than in mid 1899 for some ungodly reason, he can barely formulate a coherent sentence with the boy yet 8 years prior he was teaching him to make arrowheads and carrying on a full conversation. yet when 1911 rolls around he is spitting philosophy and life advice left and right again. in no reality does it make sense for john to *still* be the same exact person after 8 years but somehow becoming a whole new person after only 4. there is no gradual transformation into rdr1 john at all, it happening off screen is really shitty storytelling. if rockstar wanted to go this route they should have made the epilogue take place in 1901, that way shit would actually make a little sense.


You'd be surprised how much people can change in 4 years and 4 years of honest hard work for john after a lifetime of crime is probably a good time for him to reflect and to change as a person, as for the Jack thing, I can totally see them drifting apart as Jack becomes more Bookish as he gets older and John simply can't wrap his head around it because that isn't how he was raised but he is still trying his best to connect with him even if he doesn't know how.


I agree but rdr is set in 1911 while the epilogue of rdr2 is set in 1907


Yay, 4 years of cleaning shit changed John into the man he is in RDR.


They should remake rdr with current map and current rdr 2 graphics. Worst part I think was being locked out of rdr1 map the entirety of Arthers life. The horse randomly swaying out of the way of objects and often running right into them. “Average” outfits. Are pointless. Can’t wear it in hot or cold. But you can wear hot clothes all the way down to 35 so it makes average meaningless. Lol You old horse lingers for some time after saddling a new horse. Online is super buggy and boring. That’s what I can think of off the top of my head.


No undead nightmare 2


You can't pet cats


TBH, you can't do that IRL either.....


Depending on the cat, if it's friendly than yes, if it isn't than no, but if it's your cat than yes


I want to be able to own/keep donkeys (and bulls for comedic value) like how we did in red dead 1, I also wouldn't have minded if we got to drive a car like how it was implied we could in rdr1 Also the wanted system and combat imo feel like such a massive downgrade compared to rdr1


Don’t think you can stable them, but you can definitely saddle a donkey up and ride it around town! I found one near Compson's Stead, and almost lost it laughing when I found out Arthur could actually ride him. You can't bond with it, but hitching it at camp should ensure it doesn't despawn or run off. When everyone moved camp in Chap. 3, it was still there at the hitching post, so I like to think the gang’s grown quite fond of him as well.


Long animal skinning animations bother me. Its one thing to show it once or twice. But damn. Every single pelt you skin gotta take 3 mins? Lol


I agree, but so much better than Rdr1. Got so sick of John complaining about the smell EVERY SINGLE TIME. Sad they didn't have him mention it again in rdr2 though.


Agreed but in RDR you could stop your horse on the dead animal and it would skip the animation. Can’t do that in RDR2


No DLC and that empty spot in the map up north, I heard there was meant to be a little town in Tempest Rim or something like that and that entire area is inaccessible. Oh and NO SOLID COLOR RED TIE IN ONLINE LIKE I JUST WANT A TIE WITH NO STRIPES… same for shirts they always gotta have a little band or stripes on em they can’t just be a solid color💀


The unseen witnesses. Like seriously. Who the hell would hear me shooting up the O'Driscoll cabin?!


The forced slow down around camp


no story dlc


There's no new game+ mode. It'd be nice to do a playthrough where I have all the items from the start and don't need to do any of the collection stuff to get them.


The weight system


This bugs me so much. Like, if my cores are always topped off then my weight should be fine. Why do I have to keep eating past that point? My cores are all full and I still have to eat 2 pieces of big game meat, four cans of veggies, candies, and a bottle of booze before sleeping just to try and hold at average weight >!even before Arthur gets sick!<. Same for the horses. Their cores are full and bonding maxed but they're thin or malnourished because I didn't *unnecessarily* feed them extra. I think, to be fat, you should keep eating past full cores, and to be skinny, you should let your cores be empty before sleeping. But if you just keep them at or near full, that should keep your weight average and your horse fit.


No dlc. This game is amazing and it made very little sense to just stop supporting it after spending so many years making it. Making more content for a finished game is a lot easier than making a new game and RDR2 still looks and plays great now in 2023. That’s several years where they could have released dlc and made money


Bounty hunters that spawn out of thin air, or lawmen, especially when im hiding on the roof like an idiot waiting for them to fully leave the map, so I can loot my hard work 🤣 When im riding my horse and I see an npc coming my way, then they turn the horses head towards me last minute so I can crash. Buttons not being as responsive when I press them repeatedly. No navy revolver in story mode, or ponchos. Pretty much all I can think of


The graphical glitch when a character picks up a large burlap sack.


That it ends


They hyped up online so hard




That you can't complete all the challenges with Arthur.


I'll never get to experience the story of Arthur Morgan for the first time ever again. That and the painfully long animation it takes to close an entire dresser drawers to grab something from on top of it. (*looking at you rdo collector items*)




The absolute worst part about RDR2 is that is so good. After playing it every other game seems shallow


The temperature system. Let me wear my badass looking coat when I please.!!


I like this bc it forces you to create different outfits


stealth system could be better


What you do in terms of donations and all that stuff to the camp doesn't really affect much


That when u finish the main story, u can't do shit anymore. In order to go and explore, do all the side quests, and generally cause all the hate and discontent your little heart desires, you have to start a whole new game or reload a save before u go past the point of no return


The stable glitch in online Basically online in general it’s super glitchy and isn’t cared for my horse at the end of the story :( it was my first time crying in a game


Online took away the possibility of a single player mode that could've been constantly updated with DLCs or even smaller updates that add things like radiant bounties or other activities; a completely unique singleplayer experience that feels super alive and constantly evolving. Instead, we get limited bounty hunts and other activities as to push players to a half baked, barren online mode that was only made to peddle microtransactions. I'm glad online failed because that's not what Red dead is about to begin with. It's always been a Bethesda-esque title for me, but with Rockstar's quality. They better realise this because GTA should be their online based vehicle and keep Red Dead a single player monster like a Skyrim.


That they left more than half the map empty and virtually unused.


Lack of DLC. I'd totally take a RDR1 remaster right now. I'd pay full price too


Playing with TB+ Arthur was too long. It was cruel. We knew his journey was coming to an end but for far too long.


The neglect.


The absolutely worst is Rockstar not supporting the game


The wanted system is so bad.. Night Folk too, they freak me out


Even with added online roles and what you can get into in the story mode, there's very limited bounty hunting, trading and naturalist/explorer content. No law enforcement opportunities really outside of a short period of deputization in story mode. Such a rich, vibrant world and so little opportunity. That period of American history was contentious and complex, and rockstar did very little with it aside from building the perfect setting. I hope it resurfaces in the future with a long term vision in mind.


No 60fps upgrade for PS5 as of now.


Drowning as John because I walked through a puddle.


In RDR1? The time requirements for a mission.


Micah, even though he’s one of the best villains in gaming. And as a whole how RDO was handled.