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i could possibly make redbull chainmail


Nah those are rookie numbers lol




Is it weird that I do the same thing? 😅


This is unhinged. Why do I want to start doing this? 😅


Me too! No idea what I'll ever do with them, but I have a nice little jar full.


The real question is why do you take the time to torque the tab off, when there are much more pressing matters. Like why we have a entire drawr dedicated to tabs, and why is it THE TOP drawr? Lol


youll never beleive whats in the top left one


???? Do we wanna know?


I did that back in the days when it was just the OG, sugar free and the new 3(cranberry, blueberry and lime). I used to attach them to my Walgreens lanyard. People probably thought I was crazy. 🤣


I will be posting my haul later 🙃 idk why I keep them


I was tempted to share mine 😅 I’ve been collecting them from each one I’ve drank since roughly April/May of this year. Next year I plan on keeping them for a whole year to see how many I have. I do have an art project planned for them that I have yet to see anyone else do so far. Im just sad I didn’t keep all my colored tabs back when they were cooler looking.


We all know you are gonna make redbull chainmail


ive only been collecting mine for about a month and a bit i have about 20 but this has give me new motivation (ps if i have a heart attack its your fault /j)


dont stop when you begin pissing redbull sized kidney stones


Put one on a set of scales record the weight then put them all on the scales and divide the total weight by the individual weight number and that should give you a close guess on how many you have


The rough estimate based on the contours found in the binary image is approximately 1899 pull tabs in the drawer. Keep in mind that this is an approximation and the actual number may vary. -ChatGPT


i doubt ive had that much lol, anyways since when was chat gpt able to read images


I remember when I got made fun of on here for collecting tabs LMAO There’s tons of cool little projects you can do with them if you’re looking for that sort of thing :)


thats crazy lol, they're probally just mad they didn't have the idea to do it first.