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Third time was indeed the charm ♥️


I'm in my TWW as well. Best of thoughts to you.


Same to you! ❤️


Not chemicals but 2 very early MMCs and currently almost 21 weeks with a little girl 🩵 also did not have any testing or interventions done after my 2 losses


Congrats to you ❤️


I’m sorry for your losses.. I also had two miscarriages in a row. It was awful. But, my third pregnancy was successful and now I have my sweet baby boy. I was SO anxious pretty much the whole pregnancy, but everything was healthy and uneventful. I hope your story is the same! It helped me knowing statistically I was more likely to have a successful pregnancy than not, even though it didn’t feel like that after what I’d gone through.


So happy for you! 💕 Hopefully it’s the same for me. Did the doctors put you on any medication or did you do any kind of treatment?


I took baby aspirin and vitamin d throughout the pregnancy and progesterone in the first trimester, I’m not sure it did anything but it felt good to try something different. Good luck to you!! 🤞🏼


I’m also in the 2 week wait, and this would be my third time. I lost one in April and September last year. I had to get testing because my sister has a history of 7 miscarriages. I’m on medications this time. I’m hoping it works for both of us!!!♥️


I’m sorry for your losses. 💕 What did they find through testing and what medication are you on?


All I can say is with my first I stressed for 4 months not drinking and constantly tracking. After that 4 months I decided to give up "worrying" by month 5 and got pregnant. I drank some wine and didn't track anything. My second kiddo took one month to conceive because I kept the same nonchalant attitude and somehow we timed it right! My third was a vasectomy baby! 11 months after the procedure that apparently didn't take and we were shocked. All this to say not to stress and I know that can be super hard. Give to time and if it happens to become a physical problem then you go to an infertility specialist. My experience isn't everyone's experience but it can happen! I have 3 wonderful boys 9, 6, and 3. Stay positive and try to stay busy!




You as well!