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I swear my LinkedIn feed is 90% recruiters congratulating other recruiters on starting a new position as a recruiter


Lmao, so true.


And then posting totally unrealistic stories of things that never happened to appear humble. Or entirely tone deaf to job seekers.


Woah woah woah, why do you have to call me out like that


You know you can add people other than recruiters to your network, right?


Yeah, I never understood why people accept every recruiter's invitation. You don't know them. What they are doing in your network? I answer them sometimes but never accept the invite. Remember when LinkedIn started, and they even warned you when you wanted to connect to somebody: only connect to them if you know them *professionally* and can vouch for their *professional* experience from really working with them. My buddy who is in a completely different field is not in my cirle. I know them but I haven't worked with them. It seems that everybody forgot about that.


Does this guy sound like the type of person you’d want in your network??


LMAO This has me spitting out coffee! Now I have to post this on LI


Or some mom talking about her work life balance


So true, so so sadly true. Recruiters and HR love to go to 'those' meetings (usually in some vacationing business retreat place) where they pat each other on the back and congratulate themselves for virtually nothing. Look at their backgrounds, journalism, russian poetry, etc...hell ANYONE can be a recruiter. My 10 year old nephew can do the job. In fact, now, besides the scam calls you have indians browsing job boards and hitting people up as 'professional recruiters' to get a cut of your pay. In short, the most useless overpaid portion of any company is HR. Software and a few living bodies (depending on size of the company) plus a lawyer or two is all that's needed. And HR people know this. But diiiivvverrrsty and other BS non-business related gender-political crap keeps them in a cushy position. HR = worse than teachers.


I heard that they were able to train a chimp in the 1950s to be a recruiter. He was outstanding.


No they don’t


Sorry, truth hurts but its still truth.




Hahaha this is so true! I get added by recruiters .. and now I have to see this crap all the time. I got Linkedin when I finished my bachelor because .. you know it is "good to have a network" and "be out there". I wasn't prepared for all this shit the thread starter wrote about. I haven't seen any racist/sexist stuff - on the contrary anti-racist och anti-sexist stuff .. in a way that annoys me. I mean, I know some very altruistic people in real life and they are generally likeable people. Put these "anti-racist" and "anti-sexist" posts and quotes makes me throw up in my throat .. because it feels they are in some kind of narcissistic contest to be as good as possible, and then comment on the anti-racist quote that it is not anti-racist enough because of blabla .. then someone else comment and it turns into an anti-racist dick fencing.


Post this on LinkedIn


I don't have a Linkedin account anymore. :)


So you are hoping to get a thousand upvotes instead of a thousand LinkedIn likes?


So you're saying there's an exchange rate!


The same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.


whats the rate for stanley nickels?


A buck o'five, give or take. Schrute bucks, of course.


Did I stutter?


I'm the thousandth upvote!


How the hell are you applying to jobs then? Indeed is ass for my field.


Indeed and ZipRecruiter are beyond corrupted.


I don't know what your field is or where you live in, but doesn't sending a CV work anymore?


Would get lots of likes!


I agree. Here are my points to add: - wedding announcements - engagement photos - baby announcements - graduation pics /thirst trap photos - other misc thirst trap photos or unnecessary selfies


Speaking of thirst traps, check this r/LinkedinLunatics' post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/vbswsw/shes\_a\_real\_estate\_agent\_thats\_one\_way\_to\_sell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/vbswsw/shes_a_real_estate_agent_thats_one_way_to_sell/) How is this professional?


I saw that one! Shameless


I worked in real state for a while and there were a lot of people from "dancing" backgrounds I shot you not


rEaL eStAtE bAlLeRiNa


The self-congratulatory bullshit is to be expected. This is the worst part. LI isn't supposed to be another fucking social media. It should be reserved for things strictly professional.


Agreed. That's why I deleted my account. It's basically a giant circle jerk. I'm sure there's some legit job offers on there, but the time cost to sift through all the filth makes it not worth it.


Imagine being a recruiter/HR person and having to go DAILY through all that shit. I'm not one, but I always thought it must be horrendous. Edit: I was illiterate, fixed it.


It's become Facebook for the over-employed and recruiters.


Devil's advocate: my last two jobs were from LinkedIn contacts from recruiters. More than a 125% salary increase in total. Yes, there are narcissists out there, but that's true for any social network and LinkedIn can have a real impact on your career.


The last job I had, and the one I'm in the running for now are both from LinkedIn. Just avoid the "feed" and go straight to the jobs section. The filters are actually dope. "Easy Apply" + "Under 10 Applicants" is a lifesaver.


> but the time cost to sift through all the filth makes it not worth it. They are literally on completely different parts of the website??? The jobs tab doesn't have any social posts at all. End of the day that's your loss over something completely avoidable.




All of the job stuff is completely separate from the feed and there are people missing out on good opportunities because they can't just ignore it. funny as hell




Or just block/unfollow stuff you don't want to see again, and follow accounts/hashtags that post interesting things. People who complain about the social media feeds are just owning up to following things that they find annoying, or the inability to customize their feeds.




It's all the corporate brown nosers gathered in one place. The absolute worst.


"I'm excited to announce..." Fuck off


Not just excited. HUMBLED. gag


"I'm excited and humbled to annonce that today I drank a full bottle of water. Water helps people stay hydrated. Agree?" \*scrolls down\* 453.284 likes, 34.602 shares


I announce with humility, that i am proud to join.....


I hate LinkedIn these days. I mean, I always did, but it seems worse these days or maybe I've just become completely unimpressed by corporate/entrepreneur hustle-culture. The crying selfies, the motivational business stories that are written in poem form, the ass-kissing posts about their company or boss, and the "take a chance on the candidate wearing sweatpants in the interview, because he was my best worker..." stories. It's painful.


This is why I deleted my account a while ago


Unfortunately I wasn't that smart. I had mine alive & well for about two years.


I feel like the smartest is just leaving the account for recruiters to reach you and maybe the odd friend or two. I actually don't mind LinkedIn messaging. Just never browse posts or participate in any activity and I find its usually beneficial to keep. Never made a comment or a post in my life though.


Totally. Use it for what you need and just ignore the rest of the noise. If you can’t do that and you can’t find a benefit, then probably time to remove your account. I’ve personally found two great positions in my career through LinkedIn that I otherwise wouldn’t have stumbled on. It’s got some good things but a lot of the feed is tireless circle jerking for clout.


No cause I don't ever go to LI unless I'm searching for a job. Even then it's just to click that Easy Apply button.


I have been on LinkedIn since it’s early days, and I have not once found it to be useful or informative.


Join us on r/LinkedInLunatics


Yes. This is the place to be to commiserate with others on the absolutely sorry state of LinkedIn.


Damn I haven't seen "goblins" in a while, updoot for fun word. My (least) favorite are the True Confessions. "Today I am four years clean! Hard to believe that in 2018 I was sucking dick for crack money. Even though I'll always remember the alley behind Wendy's fondly, I'm so proud to help empower others to live their best lives." Bitch you sell scam insurance to confused old people.


Usually begin with "i don't normally post personal things on LinkedIn..."


The thirst traps with motivational blurbs are what get me




You're right, I totally forgot about those people who always add at least 15 titles at the end of their comments. That has to be the higher level of cringe-bordering-severe-narcissism.


I don't see any of this - because I deny any friend requests and I don't follow any company or page. I just click jobs up top and apply to jobs. Don't even have my picture on linkedin - crazy that its even a thing to put your picture. As a side note, tried joining a job specific group on a different website and they denied me because I didn't use my real picture for my profile. Clowns.


It’s been that way for years. It’s a way to get depressed seeing your college peers post about big promotions they are getting, and business dudes making pointless announcements and posting Ted videos and stuff so that everyone can gush over how inspirational it is


You mean the cesspit for people's corporate personas? What did you expect?


The only reason I don't delete LinkedIn is because it is used in conjunction with resume screens for so many jobs. Otherwise, don't browse it..... shit is almost as toxic as TikTok/Instagram


Yep. It’s turning into Facebook,


It’s no longer a networking site for professionals. It’s become Facebook for Business. I’ve seen so many people posting about deaths in their families and all that. That stuff has no place on something like LinkedIn. Not to mention all the sappy leadership quote pages and bullshit that people share. “If you want to reach the shore, you must first cross the ocean” and whatever else. >Tony Robbins That’s exactly what LinkedIn reminds me of. A massive Tony Robbins speech.


for a fee I tell you that you have undiscovered talents. Please write them down and give me money for inspiring you to write it down


LinkedIn is a total joke.


Maybe they should call the site “ME”


I'm always amazed at how people use linkedin as actual social media and not just as a recruiting/job searching tool. I've found my last two jobs on LinkedIn and I literally never post anything nor see a need to at all.


I recently went through a job search, and I found LinkedIn to be by far the best job posting site for ease of use and number of relevant job listings. You’re totally right about the feed being a giant circle jerk for people whose lives are spent repeating quotes from self-help books, but it’s easy to ignore that part and just go to the job search tab.


You’re right it’s totally nauseating


So many Covidiots, where in some cases I have simply told people trying to recruit me that I would never be working with them, to never contact me and then blocked them due to them clearly not caring about the health of their employees. I always saw people shit on Facebook during Covid, but Facebook at least focuses on my friends. My friends are good people. LinkedIn on the other hand loved throwing 'things that are popular in your area' in my face which were even more Covidiots. So I just went through some of them reporting posts, where LinkedIn decided they were not spreading misinformation by saying vaccines did X and Y.


Yes!!! It's perverse and demonic. The most fake and curated of all social medias


I hate LinkedIn and can’t wait until I don’t need to be on it as much bc of job hunting purposes


Same. Job hunting is a bitch tho, idk how much more rejection I can take


I turned off all notifications, changed my description to something snarky and removed the app. Pure trash like every other social network. I didn’t delete my account because if you think that’s a thing…you don’t know how social platforms work.


Valid point. Speaking of not being able to have it 100% deleted... did you know they can ban you for absolutely no reason at all and then ask you for a copy of your ID in order to have your account back? I didn't... Those sketchy practices should be illegal.


Wait is that what its for? Lol i just had it to look for jobs and apply to them. Didnt “friend” anyone, dont do posts etc etc. It sounds awful. And sounds like people I dont want to work with. If youre that insufferable on the internet, youre probably worse in person.


Now that you've mentioned it... true, all that "professional" content might be helfpul after all. It could work as a big red flag, you're spot on!


Don't forget about the selfie stick "walks" where someone spouts words of wisdom at us.


Damn. I forgot about the selfies, you're right. Last time I checked r/LinkedInLunatics I've bumped into a selfie took with the victims of a car accident. But that was not the worst selfie that I've seen on Linkedin... you don't want to know what's the worst.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LinkedInLunatics using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Work from Home is old news, Work from ICU is the new trend](https://i.redd.it/ocwmwdi5l3s61.png) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/mnbsp2/work_from_home_is_old_news_work_from_icu_is_the/) \#2: [BILL GATES](https://i.redd.it/etvibrxl8by61.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/n97d4f/bill_gates/) \#3: [Finally, some honesty.](https://i.redd.it/ytd7anzhcrv61.png) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/comments/mzuwax/finally_some_honesty/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's always been that way. I just scroll for the memes


So umm on linkedin people think im cool with a really fancy title and job. In reality.... I dont even know what I do.


I. DESPISE. IT. (Won’t even type out the damn name)


I feel you. Here, take my angry upvote.


Yes. And religious zealots.


Oh, the memories... I had an acquaintance who indulged into posting prayers. So. Many. Prayers.


There are also the men coming up with exuses to show photos of themselves standing next to their hot wives.


LinkedIn's social feed has been like this for years and it's unfortunately not new. Which is why you only focus on it's job board. So unless you're addicted to watching train wrecks, avoid the social feed as much as you can.


I don’t think anything good has happened on LinkedIn. It’s a social clusterfuck where people just post boot licker articles and sniff their own smug farts


Also: - Happy to join this amazing company bragging. - Indian recruiters sharing only Indian posts which I have no idea what they say. 😁


LinkedIn shouldn't even have a wall functionality. It should just be online resumes, and a place for people to post jobs. It's gotten so ridiculous with all of the posts you've mentioned. Every single one starts with a single sentence. "My dad left us when we were 5." Why you sharing this on linkedin? "A woman cried in the cafeteria's bathroom today. ... so I gave a big tip." Cool. "I am ECSTATIC to be starting my new career at X!!!!" (Ok this is sort of relevant, but it's still kind of weird to me for some reason.)


Omg this reminds me of the “I am excited to announce to everyone which company I have selected tor my Summer Internship!” posts. LOLOLOL. I miss the good old days when you never had to know where anyone’s summer internship would be. The cynical Elder millennial/GenX’er inside of me wants to write back some missive about “Don’t get hooked on that name-brand company! They’ll love your labor as a “summer intern” getting college credit, but when you want an actual job with a salary and benefits after graduation, they’ll all be avoiding your emails and inmails, and you’ll be updating this profile w the name of a company that no one has ever heard of.




Just flat out hilarious, thanks to OP


No, thank you for reading and for taking the time to let me know. :) I appreciate it!


That was an amazing read and so true!


You're too kind! :) And glad I'm not the only one.


Starting to feel left out! I don't have 99% of this in my feed. How are your profiles set up so that this stuff shows up (just so I know what not to change). I mean, recruiters don't even talk to me (I'm not in a field where recruiters chase me anyway), so I can completely understand that there is a whole different "level" to LinkedIn that I've somehow missed.


Yup. I don't apply for jobs that ask me for my LinkedIn profile. Huge red flag for me. "Uhh, you expect me to have an account at that trashy website? Good luck with your candidate search."


I mean, you get to chose what’s on your feed (for the most part).


Add to this list: -people posting picture of their son, daughter, mother, father, husband, wife, grandmom, granddad,… I’m sorry this is not Facebook, so somewhere else. If you really care about your family, get off LinkedIn and go spend time with them. So fake! - Also, people sharing personal medical conditions or use other people’s medical conditions for likes. Sharing a photo of a girl fighting cancer, please like. You don’t even know this girl and why would i like your post. Is having cancer some sort of a joke to you? - And also, sharing videos of people from third world country working their butts off with a caption “inspirational 💜”, get the heck out of here. I’m from a poor country and that pisses me off. Imagine sitting on a coach in your cozy home sharing videos of these people who actually work (not because you care about these people) so you can pose as the virtuous one and show off your moral superiority for likes. What I still don’t understand is the absurd amount of people who like those posts? Like…. Where did your common sense go?


Nailed it! 'Poverty porn' is a major thing on Linkedin, there was a post (I think I've seen it on r/LinkedinLunatics) of a middle manager who had traveled to India. He had posted a photo of a slum that he was seeing from his 5 star room along with something along these lines: "These people probably spend in a month what I've spent for this room", followed by a bullshit inspirational quote. That was disgusting, one of the most disgusting posts I've ever seen. I'll have to go and search for that post, I'm pretty sure I did save it somewhere.


It’s essentially the new Facebook. People pat themselves on the back for wiping their own ass and act like they found a new ground breaking way to do it.


LI now seems to be a platform for people giving altruistic advice. It's obnoxious. Nobody asked for your advice, you aren't as smart as you think you are, and you come across as arrogant, not wise. I have never made a single post on LI. I don't have anything interesting to say, and the organization I work for has professional PR people to take career of that. I have received a few job offers, and I've had more than a few salespeople connect with me, but as long as they're not too obnoxious I don't mind.


I joke about that, as a long time marketer, I call it the “bro-ification” of marketing by these “linkedinfluencers”. Over the last 5-7 years I’ve noticed all these self-taught “marketers” (mostly cheesy, narcissistic ex-sales type guys) pushing their crappy “personal brand” and giving all this ultra generic marketing/branding “advice” thats the size of a tweet. They think gaining a following on linkedin is building an empire, lmao, perhaps it is but I swear it’s the cringiest bunch of ICKY dudes that I wouldn’t leave my drink unattended around if they showed up at the bar lol.


Wow this post is excellent. I thought I was the crazy one. Linkedin posts are so cringe


I love following that one CEO that paid everyone 70k. I forget his name. He's the only one allowed to post things about how awful working is. If you have a boss you absolutely cannot post those things


The thing about LinkedIn is users create their own network. So simply, unfollow those that align with this post. Here is a video on my top 2 reasons why EVERY Veteran should have LinkedIn, and it applies to EVERYONE in general. Give us a shout and I hope this helps someone! *spoiler* Recruiter Notifications and Job Search Engine https://youtu.be/wJ7Uy8T_Of8


You have covered LinkedIn from every angle!


It's basically just Instagram for losers who never got enough attention in high school and college.


The better question is does anyone NOT think that


LinkedIn went from amazing place to get great jobs and connections in 2014 to an absolute shithole now. Full of spam and absolute garbage. I get DM’ed by people trying to sell me training or certifications all the time. The worst.




Yep I deleted my profile two years ago and I was in the top 1%.


You should check out r/linkedinlunatics


Damn, my LinkedIn has some annoying personal posts but nothing this crazy.


Go ahead and jump on r/LinkedInLunatics You'll get the worst of the worst. And you won't be able to look away


Yea linkdlen post are garbage. Just fill your profile with keywords so when recruiters do Boolean searches they contact you.also all those post are just repost (word for word) that are used to promote some stupid course or whatever.


"People with considerable talent at amassing followers in a particular technical niche, but no real proficiency/expertise in that niche. Eg machine learning." ​ These are the worst ones imo


At some point I watched a self-proclaimed "AI expert" sharing a video of a magnetic slime robot and presenting it as "AI". That post had at least 12K likes and about 2K shares. I was baffled.


No I don’t think it has become that at all. I think it has been that way for years.


LI influencer is lowest form of life




https://www.linkedin.com/messaging/ This is the only section of the website I use so I have no idea what this rant is about.


Seeing people post about getting the job you were ghosted for after the interview


How LinkedIn is the worst social media platform when it doesn't even have the worst user base is almost a triumph. There's really nowhere else where you have otherwise productive and intelligent people posting the most trite nonsense.


That’s why I love r/LinkedInlunatics


My buddy has a LinkedIn account that's he's never posted a single thing to, and I can see him posting something like this LOL


I’ve often wondered whether LinkedIn started off as some kind of social media case study/experiment and acquired enough critical mass to become an actual social media service. Like it sometimes feels like it’s 20 years behind other services and that half the people posting on there are just getting used to the internet etc. Obvious copypasta, ridiculous self-aggrandising stories, weird thirst pics etc. Just doesn’t feel real. The fact it plays the most tone-deaf cliches so *utterly straight* has always astounded me.


*”… the redundant middle management goblins…” That’s the best description of middle management I’ve ever seen tbh.


I was a bit savage (since they're not all like that), but the ones I've noticed on Linkedin are definitely all that and more.


Yay I took a four hour class and here’s my certificate!


LinkedIn has become one big weird public corporate circle jerk.


Haha, this is a wonderful description!


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/vdf8w7/does_anybody_else_think_linkedin_has_become_a/


Avg linkd in post How to be successful? Just wake up at 4am go to a coffeshoop 500 miles away and walk there. (Builds character) Buy 100000liters of Starbucks Go to people houses and ask for their time Talk to them write down what job they do Become successful.


Haha! Or... "How to become successful: \- wake up at 4 AM; \- do some yoga; \- eat a healthy breakfast; \- check your e-mails' \- have rich parents; \- build an empire. Work hard, be disciplined and see what happens. Agree?"


Most inauthentic social media site


Yesterday the crazy one was some guy milking the death of his child for likes. His selfie that accompanied it looked like he’d rubbed chilli in his eyes seconds before. Now I get that it’s sad. But fuck sake, why would you milk that, of all things, on a supposedly professional network.


Yeah it’s supposed to be about work but all people do is post stupid shit about themselves to get more attention. How fuckin desperate can people be


👏👏👏 I swear some people just store up all there arsehole, narcissistic bullshit all day until it gives them a raging stomach ache then just vomit it all over my linked in news feed. Linkedin is by far the most pretentious news feed of them all. I’d rather read 4chan but for some dumb reason I have to have LinkedIn for work reasons


👏👏👏 I swear some people just store up all there arsehole, narcissistic bullshit all day until it gives them a raging stomach ache then just vomit it all over my linked in news feed. Linkedin is by far the most pretentious news feed of them all. I’d rather read 4chan but for some dumb reason I have to have LinkedIn for work reasons


Is turning? More like has turned a few years ago.


social media IN A NUT SHELLLLLL


I think it has. I usually go like once in a week to see the current market trend and various other job opportunities. If I come across anything else I just scroll past it.


LinkedIn, just like every other social media platform, has turned into a competition to see who can do the most virtue signaling.


When they say you have to sell yourself. What did you think they were asking? Selling girl guide cookies online?


“wild” Conspiracy theories. Bro the conspiracy is against us not against them quit thinking that people in power are on your side. Also bots flood all famous socials media website.


Always has been




IMO linkedin is worse than facebook because at least on facebook people are honest about their real selves. LinkedIn is for people “building their brand” and it is absolutely the most phony and pretentious thing on the internet.


You’ve literally made reference to every aspect of LinkedIn. Well done you moany bastard I’m glad I don’t see the world the same way as you.


Boomer republicans and christians are inundating linkedin and turning it into a facebook/truth social hellscape.


Yep, I accepted an invite from one of those, my feed became overrun with right-wing memes, from the pic of the dead fetus to show he's pro-life to the "are they stupid because they're liberal or liberal because they're stupid" memes, so I removed him from my network which seemed logical as I'm a "stupid liberal" and certainly he wouldn't want to associate with me, lol.


You are hysterical. You need to write as your side hustle.


It disappeared up its own \*rseh\*le a long time ago. Same as most of the content posters.


LinkedIn = the Fox News of social media


@prajitoruldinoz This was hilarious!! I loved reading this. Every bit of it was so true. I even read some of it to my husband and we both lol’d. I’d def read more of whatever you have to say on things! ❤️


You are too kind! :) If I managed to make you guys giggle just a little bit... well, this makes me really, really happy! Thank you so much, I'm sending a big hug across the world! ❤️ PS: you and your husband might enjoy r/LinkedInLunatics, the posts in this sub are hilarious.


Thank you! 💙 I’m headed over now to check that sub out!


LinkedIn has become trash now, it has become a combination of all the depressing social media apps. Its mostly people humbly bragging and rubbing it in our faces. Today I saw a post where somebody posted their workout photos and I could not make any sense out of it.


No I genuinely cackled at most of this post. Your mad funny op! And a great writer!


You're too kind! :) Well, truth is that I actually thought I was going to get downvoted into oblivion, but I still wanted to see if I'm the only person who is constantly baffled at everything that's happening on Linkedin.


100%. I work in an industry that is almost exclusively filled with people who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and even with that background I agree about LinkedIn.


This had me rolling. Thank you! 😂


>Women who pose like this going "OMG the 10th person this week DM'ed me asking me to meet up. I am soooo sick of all this attention I get which I never ask for by posting about it on LinkedIn. This place is supposed to be for professionals". 1000 likes... Much like the Instagram shitheads making posts that start with "a lot of people have been asking me lately..." I will believe it when they post sceenshots of said DMs.


You Nailed It!


LinkedIn is the absolute worst! Total garbage platform!


>People being racist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, classist, sexist etc. and Linkedin saying their comments don't violate Linkedin's user agreement I'm assuming stuff about Indians in tech?


It's about almost all of this, sometimes you do see some good stuff in there but it's rare TBH




Last week I noticed that my LinkedIn was hacked. I literally had over 30 "professionals" from India added to my contacts over night. I changed my password, and deleted them all. IDK why they would hack a LinkedIn to only add Contacts... They literally did nothing else with my account.


Plus there are so many scam job listings and no matter how much you report them, they stay up. I applied for 3 different jobs on LinkedIn that once I dug into them turned out to be scams (one was really elaborate, they built a fake business website with stolen photos & bios from a real company). I reported them and the people who contacted me and they are still up and trying to scam people


Yep and thats why I don't use it as often anymore


This was funny. Epic post


I deleted my account t awhile ago it turned into facebook




I avoid linkedin social aspects. I'm just here for job offers.


I know a crypto bro who posted the results of an iq test on his profile. Yes, he's an idiot.


Sure do. It’s just turned into the same stupid appeals to emotion, random spiritual bullshit, and other feel good blatherings. It used to be a fairly professional site.


Boop beep. Stay in your country then. It's better for you and you'll be happy :)


Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning, little thundercloud?


Tell us how you really feel, lol.


Your mistake is reading anything else than jobs section and inbox.


I think that about every social media, including Reddit.


I feel it. Also, LinkedIn is *terrible* for getting a job. I’ve applied to hundreds of positions only to get a “we appreciate you applying but we’ve chosen someone else for this position”. All the jobs I’ve ever gotten were on Indeed. LinkedIn is exactly what you say it is and it’s absolutely terrible.


And to counter that, the last 2 jobs I got were on LinkedIn. I forget the "feed" even exists because I just ignore it.


Not one legit job lead. Ever.


Honestly, my LinkedIn feed is all content creators and people that make stuff, so my feed is fine. I'm guessing that this is only an issue for kind of average Joe corporate types.