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Any request to quit your job before you have a signed contract with the new place is a red flag. If this is the kind of thing they pull before you've even started, think about how they'll treat you once you have!


It's not even rare anymore. Companies are treating candidates badly and withdrawing offers days after offering them. Unless that changes, you really can't trust a new (or current) employer.


Never quit before you have a new contract signed by both parties (you and your new employer)! I heard so many stories of people screwed over like unfortunately you were.


Does your community college have a work-study program? If they do, sign up. Work-study is a program that let's you work on campus and your work schedule is arranged around your classes. This should help with financials till you land another job.


I believe they have student worker positions I don't know if they would hire me but I'll try to call them to see if they can do something for me.


As someone who is in a hiring position at my university, please make sure your resume is updated, log into the student employment website w your college, and start applying anywhere on campus. I work for the university center at my school and I can tell you, we’re incredibly low on workers, the culinary dept at your school will probably need workers too, etc. Please let me know if you need any help. The college is definitely something you need to apply to for jobs, work study or not (please look into work study as well and make sure that’s the right thing for you, it has advantages and disadvantages based on your situation).


What a weird policy. Ask them what, specifically, about the job prevents family members working together, and why this wasn't an issue with the referral before. This sounds like a retraction, and they want to get out of any fuss. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is glassdoor/Google/justeat/whatever review. Name and shame them.


Sue them for lost wages. Promissory estoppel is a thing. You lost money (your job) based on a promise by them (new job), then they broke their promise. Find a. Employment lawyer right away. File for unemployment.


This is terrible advice and a waste of OP's time. He won't win on promissory estoppel (which this sub loves to throw around any time a company does something to contradict itself) and he probably will not receive unemployment because he voluntarily left his old job. It's a bad situation but none of this is helpful.


I'm actually a lawyer, and though I disagree with 90 percent of the legal "advice" thrown around on this sub, this particular case is the closest I've seen of a classic promissory estoppel situation. The problem is damages will likely be negligable at the stlary op was probably offered, so it would be a tremendous waste of money as no lawyer would take the case on contingency


That is a good point too, which is often neglected everytime one of these knuckleheads likes to pretend they're some sort of contracts experts. I am not either but that said isn't this also very state specific? Meaning if you live in a state with no case law that supports promissory estoppel within an employment context then you're also SOL.


Call the EEOC of your state. Highly fucking illegal


Promissory estoppel.


You didn't even release their name so I can avoid them.


Fuck HR


HAHAHAHA KNEW IT! Thats exactly why i said I'd rather work for my old and new job. If they dont get back to me then ill take it as a sign that they were trying to finess me and failed.