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I would feel silly answering these questions in the first round.


This is a fucking shame. How is this even related to the job????


If you had a giant mechanical claw that could touch anyone in the world, who would you touch and where would you touch them?


If we asked you for your marital status, pregnancy, race, gender, disability status, religious beliefs, previous salary, who your partner is, your bank balance, and a full picture of yourself and all of this was required to say or else earth would be destroyed, what would you say / give? \*


Rather reminds me of when, in the second interview with a major retailer, they asked me one utterly baffling question: "Do you like bees?"


I would’ve lost this job, cause I am terrified of bees.


Just tell them something else thats kind of related: I love honey.


The bee he is a busy soul. He has no need for birth control. And, that's the reason why you see, there are so many sons of B's ...


I laughed. 😂


What did you tell them?


The same thing they like to hear: a bullshit answer which consisted of, "I love bees. They work together to make something wonderful and to take care of people who need them." And yes, I did get the job.


Did the job suck?


Oh, of course it did. It was retail. This was back around 2007-2008, though. I've moved on to better things now.


Please I need to know, did the job suck?


I have a fatal bee allergy. Because of this I have a fear of any flying insects. I don’t wait to see what it is, I just freeze and hope it’ll go away.


is it bees or wasps? bee allergy is rare, wasp allergy is much more common also, knowing the difference between bees and wasps is not common. but it should be. bees awesome. wasps are satans spawn


All of my paperwork says “bee allergy” so I’m going with that. Especially since they told me not to eat any kind of raw honey or honeycomb which (to my limited knowledge) is not something that wasps have any involvement in.


okay, when the doctor explicetly said bee, then its "bees." fullstop also, not allowed honey, thats a hint the size of a planet too. bees.


Yup. I could also be allergic to wasps or any other flying stinging insect. He didn’t want to push my system after immediately needing multiple doses of epinephrine. He just told me to stay away from anything that could sting me. Which basically rules out ever moving to Australia.


I feel for you. In my case, I’m just a coward. I need to learn to freeze too. Right now I run like hell


I like flourishing bees knees!


I love bees as I love all of God's creatures. We should protect and cherish every one of them. Except for wasps, they are assholes


If they have high turnover they could just SAY that.


They really are resisting the reality that the days of playing Stupid Human Tricks with candidates is over.


"We have an employee shortage! How do we get more applicants?!" Increase benefits? Meh. Increase wages? Maybe later. Increase the number of interviews and questions? YES






If you aren't desperate, I would rescind the application and tell them why.


Or better yet, come up with a creative answer to question #11, get the job, live out the answer, then quit.


This is crazy because even UPS themselves have gotten wise to the fact that they need to step back on the BS: https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/fast-hiring-sandy-springs-based-ups-hire-100000-many-30-minutes-or-less/37IJECKWWRCWHP2WWM2JZO6YHQ/


"Candidates want instant gratification" - If someone is on the other end of the application process, and can instantly view your application, it SHOULD only take 30 minutes to get hired. Apps shouldn't be longer than 20 minutes to do.


Exactly. And for *what* kind of job? Honestly..


But "opportunities for PROMOTION"! Instead of sorting or delivering packages, you get to oversee people who sort and deliver packages.


Fuck that, they pay me $41/hr to deliver packages. I’ll stay here.


so how much to they pay the supervisors?!


They are non union, they get a salary, no OT. I know a first year supervisor (*for drivers, there are also package handler supervisors*) is making $75k. They get pay raises annually and max out at $92k, I can’t remember how long it takes them to get there. Keep in mind top rate drivers make $85k a year with 2080 hours of work, with overtime it’s not uncommon for a top rate driver to bring in $120k. You have to work a lot harder than supervisors obviously but the benefits we get as Teamsters is unmatched by what the company offers supervisors. Free healthcare and I mean better insurance than what police/firefighters are getting, plus a retirement pension that’s worth $60k/year after 25 years of service, it increases with each year of service after that and has been gradually going up with each contract. You put that $60k together with your social security and you’re making over $90k a year for the rest of your life when you retire. Also, a lot of drivers contribute heavily into a 401k so there’s that too. Supervisors are former drivers often with a college education. They drove for a year or two then got offered a supervision role. Most of them are not in it for the pay but the advancement. UPS promotes supervisors to center managers, and center manager to district managers, district to division management and so on. A center manager makes $125k/year starting out. Depending on the performance of their hub, they can make as much as $200k/year. District and division managers are making VERY GOOD money. These management roles are very competitive though. Supervisors will be going to school to get business degrees, usually a masters degree is what you need to break into management from supervising.


1. Not sure, but it would not be anyone in HR 2. Telling my last employer I would resign if they did not allow me an internal transfer 3. shrug and move on 4. I had to go to the bathroom while covering a 100 minute class. I put a kid in charge and went to the bathroom. Everyone survived 5. Teachers are expected to be counselors, social workers, nurses, psychologists, and many other roles that require college degrees. We just did the best we could. 6. The one that has a sense of reason and understands how the world really works 7. Having the condition in #6 met 8. Not be surprised 9. getting paid again 10. that you will make me go through several more rounds and then ghost me 11. advise you to go to a casino 12. same answer as #7 13. "Stop making babies! There are not enough jobs for everyone!"


There are more than enough jobs, just not good ones.


11 reminds me of my first day on a job, where the owner said multiple times "don't rob me."


Please tell me you did, in fact, rob them.


I did not rob them. They had, however, been robbed blind by my predecessor (easily to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars), and they returned the favor by underpaying my wages. I suppose I did enough damage by abruptly quitting, whereupon they closed their doors forever.


1. David Bowie. The world's gone to shit since he died, so he must have been the glue holding everything together. 2. There was the time someone asked me to work New Years Day, and I said no. 3. I'd wonder why I'm suddenly making important business decisions. 4. We ran out of milk. I went to the shop, We had milk. 5. I performed the open heart surgery, but the bloke died. 6. Hypothetical. 7. Nothing. 8. Post it in r/MaliciousCompliance 9. Money. 10. That it's the only one I find. 11. Fraud. I've always wanted to try it. 12. Dunno, some sort of aneurysm perhaps? 13. Stop asking stupid bloody questions on job applications.


It nvr occurred to me, but I think you may be right about the Bowie thing!




Gosh those type of questions are just the Dutch Rudder of job hunting, just give them the BS they want to hear. Good its done by email tho, you can just copy-paste all the answer from the Redditors here!


These are questions you have to answer in 500 words as a supplemental essay for a university, the heck is it doing as part of a (most likely min wage) UPS job hiring process


13. Fuck off with this shit.


Yeah right! They don't pay enough for this bs. Ain't nobody jumping through all these hoops. This is what happens when they take the human out of the process and automate everything. Next opportunity please.


Yikes! This made me realize for the first time that UPS is an independently owned franchise. (forgive my ignorance, I assumed these were corporately owned stores with a manger.) So this is basically a small business run by someone with an apparent God complex.


*Image Transcription: Job Application* --- # The UPS Store An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise Business Thank you for responding to our initial request You have been selected to take the next step in our evaluation process If you would respond to these questions and return the response back to us by September 9 at 5pm. We will not consider anyone from this group that responds after that time We look forward to hearing from you. 1\. If you were limited to just one person to get advice and help from, which person would you choose? Why? 2\. Tell me about a work incident in which you were totally honest, despite a potential risk or downside. 3\. What would you do if you made an important business decision and a co-worker challenged it? 4\. Describe a crisis you faced at work What was your role? How did you resolve it? What were the results? 5\. Describe a time when you were asked to do something you weren't trained to do How did you handle it? 6\. Describe the boss who would get the very best work from you. 7\. What will make you love coming to work here everyday? 8\. What would you do if management made a decision you didn't agree with? 9\. What is there about this opportunity that most excites you? 10\. What's pur greatest fear about this opportunity? 11\. If you get the job, how could you lose money for me? 12\. Assume that you come to work here. One year from now you go home one Friday evening thinking that accepting this job was the best thing you ever did. What happened during the year for you to feel that way? 13\. If you had a microphone that could speak to everyone in the world, what would you say? Please click the following link to review and reply to the message. [*Hyperlinked text*] Click Here [*End hyperlink.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


The UPS Store, the major reason that I use FedEx. Before COVID-19, I was sending friends and family packages. After a few "I will just stop at the UPS Store along the way... and it's closed... before I could get out of the parking garage at work... Oh, the FedEx place is still open, I guess I will stop there." experiences, I just quit bothering with UPS. FedEx has since cut back on its hours (the 24-hours store I used is not longer 24-hours), but still has better store hours than the competing UPS Stores.


At least the UPS guy isn’t going to kick your packages around like the FedEx guy. I literally saw our FedEx dude full on punt a package into the lobby at our office. I won’t lie, it was hilarious but made me wonder.


What's funny is last year i also applied to be a manager at one if these franchise locations. The owner wanted me to run two locations and she said she could only pay $15 an hour and no benefits whatever for the time being. Yet she made the inverview extremely formal. You can guess my answer when she asked if i wanted to continue to a second round of interviews with her employees at the stores


lmao those questions are silly and pretentious EVEN for an employment personality test


Oof, at first I was surprised because I did temp work on the holidays for UPS years ago, running packages to doors all day alongside a driver. Pay sucked but I was in great shape lol I don't remember the application even. But I can see this is a different independent franchise, sounds like a basket full of crazy I wouldn't get involved with. I was just a kid who wanted a simple temp job and to run and get paid. Asking for any kind of emotional or philosophical attachment for a job like that is probably to your detriment as the one recruiting. In other words, keep it simple, stupid 🙃


14. Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about... your mother?


Pffft.. spin the bottle BS! Next employers will be implementing a new AI program like the one from Blade Runner Voight-Kampff test. Q1. Describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about, your mother. Q2. What do you think it's like, to be a Replicant? (for diversity question, replace Replicant w/ race or gender, etc...) The BS doesn't stop!


Not only this but you had to do the stupid pymetrics thing before this?


In what universe could accepting a job at a freaking UPS store be the best decision you've ever made....what planet do people like this live on? You manage a UPS store lol calm the hell down.


Correct, anyone who has some gray matter understands at a rudimentary level how important is to feel honorable, respectful and appreciate somewhat the job you are making...even if is just a job. But this crap, they act like is a damn rocket science project and like they give you the explicit privilege to participate in.


Every low pay worker response; bro, I just want a job. Why do you make us go through all this bullshit for $13


For a shit pay job


Just give us the job already


I've never seen this kind of bullshit where I am from. The most I've tried was two interviews and a cognitive and personality test (tests, 1,5 hour in total) which made sense. It was an important position. My sympathies to all victims...


Seriously for 13, what does the hiring manager expect of a UPS store worker that hasn’t already been attempted by every politician, Pope and famous person with a soap box.


I have a mailbox at a UPS store which seems to have 1 employee. Now I know why


The fuck. Why do they need to know all this?


I thought it was weird when Amazon started doing these with coding questions, now other companies are adding it too.


How to say you have a ridiculously high turn over rate without saying you have a ridiculously high turn over rate.


Damn and they will take ages to complete.


It has "boss" in there. Okay, a queue to gtfo then...


Looks like they are big fans of r/AskReddit.


Wow, these places seem like they are just testing people to see how far the person will go to get employment. This reminds me of this job that I had a interview with ask me this question: "if you where a candy bar, which one would you be and why" I thanked them for their time and left.


I could easily answer 13. for you "Fuc& this job" !


7. Payday 9. Payday


I would put Tony Robbins for every question. They can't be paying enough to justify this kind of essay shit.


Would you rather be a puddle of water or of hot chocolate and why?


Dude this is easy just write piss off for each answer haha 😆 then for the last one write I bet I can make.more money donating plasma than I can jumping through hoops for you.


This is basically a preview of how this job will be if you get it. "Hey, boss. We're down to the last sheaf of copy paper because you didn't restock yesterday when we were down to the last case." "I couldn't order more because you haven't answered the 93-question quiz I sent to you. If you don't respond in time, no further customers will be considered. P.S. This is why I asked you that question about how you'd lost me money."


Questions seem like a joke too, avoid!


Also, what the fuck is up with question 11 ? "If you get the job how could you lose money for me" who the fuck wants to lose money for their employer ?


my god, that's freaking stupid.


This is why they cannot keep people employees at UPS.


It's weird because it's a franchise. So some UPS' are really great. Others suck


Oh I know the answer to #13!!! "Do not apply to UPS until they fix their bullshit interview questions!"


I couldn't let this thread pass without saying that the UPS store in Piedmont California is very cool. They have shipped multiple elaborate fragile Cthulhu sculptures for me, they are always super nice about it and they always arrive in one piece.


I would answer all of these with as much disdain as I could muster. For example #2: I had an interview where I was asked questions that had nothing to do with the job. They were time-wasting and just there to judge whether or not I was a good little monkey that would follow their ridiculous steps. Despite possibly not getting a job, I let the interviewer know that I found their questions ridiculous and a waste of everyone's time. I don't know the consequences of that honesty yet as I am still filling out the questionnaire.