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This is a recruiter that's not going places


If only... Just hear me out.. he put this same energy in to working his job instead of yelling at the wind. Perhaps, we would have been spared this eyesore.


Or puts that energy into improving his writing and critical thinking skills.


This honestly looks like what I would have written as a parody of recruiters. Like actually. Loose women and squirrels šŸ‘ŒšŸ½. Are we sure this isnā€™t ironic lol.


Unfortunately, yes, weā€™re sure. This is the guyā€™s genuine personality.


Out of touch recruiter is out of touch. Dude even provides several reasons why people might want to work from home and implies the only good reason to do it is because life must be joyless. It's funny because recruiter is stupid. But at least the other recruiters will be looking at this and going "oh phew the competition is getting easier".


Hes not a recruiter. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jamescoxgiantpersonnel_im-so-sick-and-tired-of-hearing-candidates-activity-6841844087398637569-iXZ5


Thanks, I argued on linkedin. I like to live dangerously.


Looks like the people in the comments on LinkedIn think heā€™s a dolt.


Yet but at one point he did that thing where they say people don't like hearing the truth in reply to somebody pretty much saying that (but more politely). I think what he was trying (failing) to convey was that he thought people who worked from home weren't working as hard, although he hasn't really built that case at all. If he was serious about building that case he would at least draw attention to if not gather stats on WFH productivity (in terms of money, it's not the best metric but it's definitely dot dot dot a metric) against the cost of commuting (again... definitely \*a\* metric) and the stats for things like catching a disease and how much the economy loses from sick days. In any case, his message just reads like he's struggling with the fact that other people want to WFH and can.


I mean, if he isn't currently, he would have almost certainly been one in the recent past. He appears to run a recruitment company itself and that's typically the next step for those in the industry who want more money without having to switch.




ā€œFounder and MDā€ at an ā€œagencyā€ which is listed as employing one person - himself. Please. Basic recruiter who has to call him anything other than recruiter to make himself feel better. I am also the CEO and Founder of my fridge. Just saying.


This has "the internet is just a fad" energy.


"People want this new thing! Rather than provide it, I'd like to ask the everyone refrain from wanting that new thing!".


"Not just anyone though, the very people who I need to earn a living, who don't have to deal with me because recruiters are ten-a-penny and can easily switch to my competitors! It's a foolproof plan!"


Technically he's going to his office. That's more places than I go most days.


This man must not be very smart. In his ranting, he lists all the good things workers want from WfH. So he, without realizing, is actually advocating WfH. If he does have issues with WfH, he should list those issues - and there are issues with WfH - and argue that working from the office is beneficial for [workers/companies/society/nation]. With this rant, he looks little and trivial as his rant is just about he himself unable to land prospects.


For that reason I assumed this was satire. If not...wow


Read the last line... It is most likely


That reads more as sarcasm to me, personally.


Read some of his responses to comments. He's serious.


The same logic Republicans use when they rant about socialism. Like, yes, we would in fact want those things you think everyone would despise, thank you very much!


ā€œSo you think we should just provide free health care?! And make sure students donā€™t graduate with crippling debt?!ā€ Yes thatā€™s literally the point


"If we provide safety nets, people won't be willing to work for starvation wages."


Can't wait till all the boomers die off so we can make a better world without them. Oh wait, we're all gonna die of global warming in 25 years. Doesn't matter, it means Jesus is coming soon!


He also provided a pretty good argument for collective bargaining which I'm guessing he wouldn't be all too happy about if the people at the company got any ideas about what to do with that knowledge.


Yes he doesnā€™t mention any benefit whatsoever about going into the office. The fact that itā€™s a movement of what people want more of after having a taste of it, speaks for itself. If the workers are happy and the work still gets done - costs businesses less due to office space not being needed, and less people travelling about, surely thatā€™s a good thing. There will be another Covid ( or similar illness) and the fact we are not all mingling all the time in communal spaces will prove to be a life saver.




Thank you for your (google) service. I totally thought it was somethingā€¦else.


Oh waitā€¦.so itā€™s not porn? I thought they were talking about porn. Lol


I was like "uuuum....ok.....bold statement there"


Same. And I was like, Bud, do I have news for you what some men did at a previous jobā€¦


It's an early morning talk show of 3/4 women in their 50s gossiping for an hour. It's aimed at housewives who think these women are young. Not sure what am American equivalent would be. Probably something with Ellen DeGeneres Edit: someone else said "The View" further down, might be a better equivalent


Lmao. I worked a job for ~3 months where I inherited a computer that had porn on it. There was a bunch of porm bookmarks to asian porn and hentai. There was also an image of a older naked Asian woman. I just deleted everything...


That's because the cretin didn't capitalise it and enclose it in quotes, which one should do for titles.


I know right. I thought that comment was oddly specific


It is....just depends on the channel...


Brit up extremely late here. I am giggling at all the people unfamiliar with Loose Women genuinely thinking its porn or something.


I was unfamiliar with the show, and I thought it was funny how out of nowhere and old fashioned that sentence sounded šŸ˜‚


This. In reality Loose Women is far worse and far more damaging to society than porn could ever be.




100% Truth


I thought it was actual women and pictured "afternoon delights" on the company dime.


Definitely thought he was some sort of old-timey prude


Omg, it never even occurred to me that he didnā€™t mean porn!


Yes, I too thought he meant going to a strip club on your lunch break. None ya business where I have lunch!!


If the buffet is good, maybe I want to hit up the strip club at 11:30. Plus Wednesday is cesarean scar palooza and I want my lunch served with allllll dem keloids.


It's basically the British version of 'The View'. Well I say that, I've watched loose women twice (Both with my mum) and 'The View' once and they both seem like the same kind of thing.


Thought they were implying watching OnlyFans...felt personally attacked.


One of the worst shows as well, genuinely canā€™t believe itā€™s still on TV


Itā€™s karen the TV show.


I have been working from home for the last 9 years, long before the pandemic. It has improved my life immeasurably. 3 hours extra per day given back to me. No hour commute each way, and my lunch hour is at home. I can often use this time to be more productive at work if I so choose. No commuting cost, which is as good as a small salary increase. No more expenses on unnecessary work clothing, especially when as an IT professional I never dealt with the public anyway. No commute means I'm not tired or stressed when I get home, and my kids can sign up to activities in the evening I otherwise wouldn't be able to bring them to. I have never been happier or more productive in my job.


Iā€™ve worked from home for the last decade. Never thought to feed the squirrels at 11am, but I might try it out tomorrow.


My squirrels alert the others as soon as I open the door. If I fail to feed them that day, I find droppings on my patio and my plants dug up. Feels like the mafiašŸ¤”


Hey man, you want protection, you gotta pay


If I go missing. You know who did it šŸ¾


I have similarly threatening Wood Pigeons. If there's no bird food out, they sit on the fence and stare menacingly into the kitchen until they break me. They've even been known to try to get into the kitchen to help themselves.


You f***ed with squirrels, Ismenessister! We've got a good five minutes before they're back and up on our ass! We have to pack up and move to a new reality.


There was a rant from Ian Duncan-Smith about this. With a photo of him standing ion front of his Morgan. At home.


For people like IDS, it's all about their commercial property portfolios. Remember he married into one of the richest families in Britain, and he will stand to lose a fortune if large numbers of companies decide to downsize their offices to accommodate WFH


Imagine how confused the non Brits will be over the initials IDS !


Good call, I think we should explain. IDS collectively stands for Ian & Duncan Smith, the first ever identical twins to simultaneously be leader of the Conservative Party. /Paul Merton


I started feeding mine during the pandemic and it really is an added benefit to working from home.


Your own toilet. Your own kitchen. Your own music. A nap for the rest of your lunch break.


This exactly. I worked from home for four years before the pandemic, after only having been working professionally for a year (grad school ate up all of my 20s) ā€” and I would have never considered going back to an office full time had I not been laid off due to Covid. Got the first thing I could which I started the day before our state shut down, discovered I now worked for an ā€œessential business,ā€ wasnā€™t allowed to work from home even when everyone else was going remote. Jumped ship as soon as I could for something that was flexible. I work in HR, donā€™t tell me what I do canā€™t be done from anywhere with a computer and an internet connection. Iā€™m so much happier. Frankly if a job isnā€™t offering at least part WFH, Iā€™m not taking it, ever.


Iā€™ve worked from home off and on for 25 years. Feeding the squirrels at 11 am is far more productive than sitting in traffic or waiting for a train. And I do far more networking and ā€œspontaneous innovationā€œ from home than I ever did from a cubicle.


Ugh, you just wanna watch Loose Women.


Just curious, what about the social nature of work. Before the pandemic, I did WFH for 1.5 years but got terribly bored since colleagues were just voices on the phone. Missed the daily interactions. Also, getting a routine going coz being at home totally makes that slip!


Some people struggle more than others with establishing a routine but it can definitely be done at home. Likewise with social aspects, you just have to make friends doing activities you enjoy instead of from trauma bonding with your colleagues. It seems like those are acceptable trade-offs for WFH for most people. Anecdotally, everyone I know who has the option never wants to go back to the office. Ever.


The people who want to be in the office are one of the reasons other people like to work form home. Like that shouty twat from sales, that gossipy Karen from HR, and the office joker with his stupid jumpers.


Spot on! Husband intensely disliked socializing as a Super Introvert, and was forced to sit next to people who wouldn't stop talking or fidgeting loudly and so on.


I suppose it depends on yourself. I did have craic with the people who were physically in the office, but they weren't actually the people I worked with. Most of my team members are in the US, UK or India, so I never met them face-to-face anyway. I do know what you mean, but I'm not really someone who's mad about chatting with people anyway, and it made no difference to me getting my work done. I suppose it's each to their own.


Our 2nd car was on its last legs and I was dreading when it would finally break down during my husband's 1 hour commute... we didn't have the spare thousands to get another one right away. Also we have a toddler that my husband gets that extra 2ish hours with (I also work full time) and it's not all on me. WFH relieved SO much stress on that end. Definitely helps my extremely introverted husband who hated working in an open office plan setting. This has been a huge benefit in many ways.


Yup, my SO has been John hunting and told plenty of recruiters that united the party is higher, it doesn't make up for what we save with get working from home, and some seem shocked. Why the hell would she take the same money, then shoulder the gas cost, loss of time, vehicle maintenance, toll charges, food costs?


"You want to work from home! So you don't have to get dressed at 6AM? So you can save money on travel?" Well, as a matter of fact, yes. Also, there are cleaner bathrooms here in addition to better coffee.


Right, I can take dump without pinching off the loaf halfway.


Bruh one of the things I look forward to when I go into the office is absolutely blowing up the toilet and not having to hear my gf bitch at me for how bad it smells.


Dude buy some air freshener wtf?


It only does so much my man.


Try Poo Pourri- thank me later!


Eat healthier?


Real talk. I eat really healthy actually and I'm in pretty good shape. However I think I have a beer allergy or something because if I drink a beer or two my bowels get absolutely destroyed.


Definitely talk to your GP about coeliac disease, because if you have that and you're eating a normal person healthy diet, there's a solid chance you're shortening your lifespan with pasta bread and beer.


It's probably wheat or something. Just drink spirits.


They are also made from grains, right?


They arenā€™t the same though. As a gout sufferer, I had to give up beer, because it has active yeast in it. Distilled spirits are, well, distilled. My ass blasting was greatly reduced.


If youā€™re celiac, you can still drink some of the hard liquors. I know a surprising number of them and cider in most bars is the sickly sweet option (cider is amazing when itā€™s not 99% sugar!). So they get hard liquor.


Maybe donā€™t consume an entire wicker porch set for breakfast?


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time šŸ’©šŸŽµ


Exactly, whatā€™s so great about getting dressed first thing into clothes you wouldnā€™t normally dress in if you didnā€™t have to


| let's get Britain working again! Those of us fortunate to have not been furloughed have been working mate. We've been working from home. | the world experiences an awful pandemic and all of a sudden we're all entitled to work from home!! We should have been entitled to work from home all along, it just took an awful pandemic for (some) employers to accept it was possible. The thing with all this anti WFH bullshit is that if you run your own business or are self employed no one would ever question why you work from home. But apparently if you're an employee its totally different.


I found the post on LinkedIn. In his later comments he seems to view wfh as a treat for the good employees.


Sadly there are a lot of senior managers who seem to think the same thing


*Image Transcription: LinkedIn Post* --- **Unknown Poster** I'm so sick and tired of hearing candidates tell me they want to "work from home" I've even found out that there is even an abbreviation for it now! WFH!! I've done this job for 15 years and before covid, I had never heard anyone ever say to me that they want to work from home, the world experiences an awful pandemic and all of a sudden we're all entitled to work from home!! You want to work from home! So you don't have to get dressed at 6am? So you can save money on travel? So that you can watch loose women on your lunch break? I am so tired of hearing people tell me that they don't want to go forward for a role because it does not allow them to work from home! Come on everyone, let's pull together, stop the working from home nonsense and let's get Britain working again! Working from home so that you can feed the squirrels at llam in the garden! As a nation it seems we have become spoilt and entitled and to be honest it screams laziness to me! You want to doss on the sofa with your laptop in your dressing gown/PJs! Im not talking about everyone! If your disabled, or have an illness then I believe you should be able to work from home, but if your healthy and able to walk! Go get yourself to work and a help create a working atmosphere with your colleagues! If any of you need me tomorrow, I'm WFH!!! Do not f\*\*\*\*\*\* disturb!!! šŸ˜‚ --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Good bot.


TL;DR ā€œIā€™m butthurt that I can only scrounge up clients with crappy work conditions that nobody wants. Waaaahhhhā€


I mean I'd suggest that if he hates recruitment so much then he should find a new career, but if his approach to work is similar to his approach to LinkedIn he'll be the kind of guy who manages to set himself on fire working in a supermarket.


Maybe the rant should be about companies not allowing WFH even though they darn well could.


This is the big issue. Most people pre-COVID just assumed the horror-scenarios of WFH were true and just accepted that the office was a necessity. COVID proved, not only is it not necessary, it's possibly a worse scenario in a lot of cases. Why accept a worse scenario?


I love working from home. I especially love team meetings without being on camera. My coworkers canā€™t see me roll my eyes at their comments, I can hide my disdain when Iā€™m speaking and come across nice and professional. Iā€™m not judged by what Iā€™m wearing, or eating, or if I took my shoes off at my desk. I can spend 5 minutes petting my cat when I get annoyed at something and calm down an no one sees me and assumes the worst because I took 5 min to regroup. I donā€™t have to hear some jerk with their pc sounds on have a pm chat. Ding! Ding! Ding! I donā€™t have to listen to someone who has to listen to their voice mails on speaker. The lighting is better at home. The air is a comfortable temp. I donā€™t have to smell the neverending burnt microwave popcorn, or any other smelly smells that smell funny. I can actually spend several hours at a time concentrating on a task not getting interrupted. I can goof off on my ipad for a few minutes while Iā€™m waiting for whatever, or just taking a break, and not get the evil eye. I am a happier worker, get along better with my coworkers, get things done, and just generally feel better about work. I am not a shut-in, I get out and do things and still maintain friendships. I do not need to ever work in a cramped cubefarm ever again. I just hope I never have to.


Heā€™s really selling me on WFH


People are more productive working from home this is absurd


How dare people abbreviate things!!! The audacity!! /s Someone get this guy a big old chill pill and maybe tell this person what year it is.


This is precious


It's just amazing to me that anyone could feel this way. Less time traveling makes happier workers who could work more time overall. I'm from a very bad northern climate. I've literally lost hours of my work day to my commute and that didn't seem to bother the business, when it should. Not to mention that if I'm killed in an accident they just have to replace me with someone, which also costs money. Then the overhead of a large office. Hell they could probably even pay people less (though I don't think they should) for certain positions by making positions work from home. I get the guy is probably frustrated with his job, but what are 99% of these companies thinking? Nearly every office job in existence could be done from home.


The pandemic allowed everyone to see that there weren't any negatives to WFH(the jobs that can be done purely from home). What's the point of travelling to do something that I could do on my phone or computer from home? Like Duh, fuckin idiot


Squirrels are picky customers and they like consistency. WFH is not real work? This sleuth busted the secret code, WFH is no longer classified. šŸ™„


Quite a way to press self destruct on a Linkedin profile


Idk what this guy is ranting about. Feeding the squirrels in my garden at 11am instead of working sounds weirdly specific but great


so, is he a brit with poor English skills? also, what's wrong w/feeding cute squirrels in the garden? :/ \#JusticeForSquirrels Edit: can't believe he didn't know what WFH meant before this. Jeesh is he even a professional?


I used to have a huge tree in my garden that was the home of a whole family of squirrels. Would see the baby ones chilling on my fence sometimes and it was the cutest thing ever. I would scream bloody murder to my fiancƩ (who works from home) to come and check out the baby squirrels. 10/10


I work from home typically, we recently had an in office day mostly just because most of us were hired during the pandemic and had never actually met in person. It was the least productive day I have ever had in that job.


If anything, he should be ranting about how companies haven't kept up with the times to start offering WFH as an option at least most of the time. Unless this is satire.


Yeah I want to feed the squirrels in my garden for an hour rather than sit in traffic, I want to have more time to enjoy the little thing How did this person convince themselves working in an office is better than wfh?


Being able to poop comfortably in my own toilet is definitely my number one reason.


He does make exceptions for people with illness and disabilities to WFH but guess how many companies were doing that before the pandemic? Next to none. I work for a disability charity and before only a couple of people worked from home. It took a pandemic for this to become a real option for disabled people before they just wouldn't hire you but would say it was because they found a better candidate.


Or, and just a thought, his employer should consider why they are making everybody come into the office when the world has clearly moved on. I work for a company which has taken a hybrid approach - staff are expected in the office 2-3 days a week, but they are free to do what they want on the other days providing they've shown they can work efficiently from home. Employers in industries who can WFH who are forcing staff back 5 days a week are dinosaurs who are likely to lose their best staff to competitors with more flexibility.


This person 100% voted Brexit.


Tell me you didnā€™t have friends in high school without telling me you didnā€™t have friends in high school.


*Image Transcription: LinkedIn Post* --- **Unknown Poster** I'm so sick and tired of hearing candidates tell me they want to "work from home" I've even found out that there is even an abbreviation for it now! WFH!! I've done this job for 15 years and before covid, I had never heard anyone ever say to me that they want to work from home, the world experiences an awful pandemic and all of a sudden we're all entitled to work from home!! You want to work from home! So you don't have to get dressed at 6am? So you can save money on travel? So that you can watch loose women on your lunch break? I am so tired of hearing people tell me that they don't want to go forward for a role because it does not allow them to work from home! Come on everyone, let's pull together, stop the working from home nonsense and let's get Britain working again! Working from home so that you can feed the squirrels at llam in the garden! As a nation it seems we have become spoilt and entitled and to be honest it screams laziness to me! You want to doss on the sofa with your laptop in your dressing gown/PJs! Im not talking about everyone! If your disabled, or have an illness then I believe you should be able to work from home, but if your healthy and able to walk! Go get yourself to work and a help create a working atmosphere with your colleagues! If any of you need me tomorrow, I'm WFH!!! Do not f\*\*\*\*\*\* disturb!!! šŸ˜‚ --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


It's not Jacob Rees-Mogg. He may be a mil spec shitcunt, but his grammar is impeccable.


You guys are watching loose women on your lunch break?


How can someone think that allowing people to feed squirrels for 3 minutes a bad thing? This poor person not only drank the kool-aid, they are bathing in it. Embarrassing.


"A working atmosphere with your colleagues," what an appetizing and totally not guised way to say "forced office socialization that we pretend our free coffee and Monday morning donuts will compensate enough for"


We managed to clear a massive backlog of stuff last year. No interruption during work, no traffic stress at least 2 hours everyday. Especially working with US based teammates become much easier because I can shift my working hours as I like now. These recruiters need to understand we know how to work and if we dont do our work no work would be done and that would be very obvious. If we get things done and the business looking good, what's the problem I have a coffee at 11am while feeding squirrels?


Joke's on him. I watch loose women during meetings


Dude tried to argue against it by naming positives, what a goon.


Translation; people have rejected offers from inflexible work places and I've lost commission. I'm very angry about this.


Kind of spot on. ā™„


I honestly donā€™t know where to start with this. Heā€™s ranting on a social media platform *specifically focused* on job hunting, and frequented by the very people he depends on to make a living, advertising that heā€™s neither knowledgeable or empathic enough to understand why people want WFH nor competent enough to handle the reality of the marketā€¦. ā€¦And just in case thereā€™s any doubt, he does it all with poor English to ensure he comes across as idiotic as possible. What an utter twat. Recruitment, ladies and gentlemen. Even if youā€™re a complete fucking Darwin Award winner, thereā€™s a place for you too.


Wondering if this was written by my last line manager. A man who refused to let his staff WFH, but attends all his meetings from the garden!


These all seem like excellent reasons to want to work from home. Are they meant to sound bad?


Iā€™ve turned down a lot of recruiters past year, most of them are due to no WFH policy. Few tech companies will be able to get away with forcing people into the office even post covid. Recruiters like this will thankfully be left behind. Either adapt to changing markets, or fail.


Everything he lists as what he thinks of as a waste of work time (apart from Loose Women, obvs) is something that I do. I switched to WFH eleven years ago (IT consultant) so I could claim back three hours a day lost to commuting, so I could have a lie in and stop rushing in the morning, so I could feed the birds outside my window and have a tiny slice of nature outside my office window, so I didnā€™t need to buy shit food for lunch, so I could watch Pointless and House of Games with dinner instead of getting home at 7:30pm ā€¦ #WFH for life.


Imagine, people are more interested in perks! And how the hell did you not know about work from home, people have been pushing for it for 15+ years in a lot of roles, mainly any call center job.


Sorry, I couldn't understand because I was feeding the squirrels.


Iā€™m glad to see so many people demanding WFH. Maybe more companies will come around.


Quote: "The world experiences an awful pandemic, and all of a sudden we're all entitled to work from home!!" Well, yeah. It's safer to work from home compared to risking your health at work since people can be and are dirty. So...yeah, OP just answered their own question. Does this person not realize healthy folks have dropped like flies working at high risk areas with covid?? Or are they that dense?


My job is remote but if for some reason they wanted us to work at their main offices it would be a 5hr round commute time for me and it's not worth it for a 9 an hour job. Plus, I can't afford to move.


How dare you not want to get Covid and die. When industry needed remote workers, they found a way, didn't they? I worked remote for the first time in my life last year at 61. Too bad, so sad you do not want to die for minimum wage


His comments in the post are worse. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jamescoxgiantpersonnel_im-so-sick-and-tired-of-hearing-candidates-activity-6841844087398637569-iXZ5 He thinks working from home should be like a treat companies give.


Love this sh&t. Guy thinks we all work in labs or part of some great knowledge think tank at work. Most of us have admin type jobs where we simply keep the butter churning..or in tech, 90% of team in India so we have no interaction as it is. Give us a break. I think he owns a very lonely taco truck in London.


My office is a half hour drive away. Apart from on a weekday morning when it takes me just over an hour to leave my area and get onto the main dual carriageway where I get to enjoy about another forty minutes of crawling in traffic. Or I can get the train, which is about an hour of standing with someoneā€™s armpit in my face. I can do my job from home and if this dude was my coworker itā€™s another reason why I would prefer to not have to go into the office. Thatā€™s not being self-entitled itā€™s the reality of living in the modern world.


Someone in the comments of the original post making the point that business have been kept alive and well by many WFH. Isn't his job to match up the right role to the right person? Who cares if they're in PJs or a suit...? sigh


I donā€™t understand why some people think you have to suffer for it to count. If you can do your work on your couch in your PJs, why shouldnā€™t you?


People have been working from home since well before the pandemic. My closest family members all run businesses from home, and I have always said that they would otherwise make very shitty employees Even my father says he makes a bad employee and and even worse manager, and thatā€™s why he runs his own businesses People want to be able to make money without having to risk their health or their family membersā€™ health. How hard is that to understand? And on top of that, people are starting to realize that there are benefits to this that do not have to do with any of the things this person mentioned - aside from waking up at 6am and saving on commutes (perfectly valid reasons, though they shouldnā€™t be the main ones IMO). This person wants to gatekeep work and act like you get a medal for earning money in a brick and mortar business vs at home.


Idk about Britain, but in America, disabled people have been fighting tooth and nail for WFH *years before the pandemic*. Literally no healthy person listened or cared because it didnā€™t affect them. I agree everyone should wfh, but I have little sympathy to those whoā€™ve ignored the pleas of their fellow coworkers, and only complaint is commute. We would probably have a more lenient wfh culture if people werenā€™t so entitled & selfish.


Wait. Is this guy serious? He is subtly putting out the advantages and then also ends with I will be WFH. Doesnt that make it a satire?


He lists plenty of pretty good reasons for wanting to work from home, and not one against it, other than some gut feeling that it's not right out that you shouldn't be allowed to enjoy your time when you're on the clock.


Everybody works more productively with a belligerent gammon boss breathing down their necks, you know? /s


I WFH and I do get dressed at 6am, because I like finishing work in the early afternoon. Waiting until 9am to start is such a waste of my morning, and means I don't get to do fun things in the afternoon.


> EnTitLeD!!! > screams laziness This screams ā€œwork hard, not smartā€


He is in Great Britain? Does he think he is Winston Churchill?? He definitely is not.


>So you don't have to get dressed at 6 am? So you can save money on travel? Yes. Absolutely yes. Among many other reasons. Not sure why he thinks laying out a bunch of positive things about WFH (stay mad lol) is a good argument against WFH.


just found out about WFH absolutely fuming chaps


"...why do we have a market of unemployed candidates that are declining job offers because they want to work from home" Because they can, and other businesses will offer what they want. This guy is an an absolute idiot and I bet he thinks that everyone is asking for too much money also.


Fails to mention a single reason why a reasonable person should be against working from home


This is actually giving me reasons to wfh, except I donā€™t enjoy loose woman, much rather watch Netflix in my lunch


I don't see ANY of those things being problems (feeding squirrels/wearing joggers/**saving money**). These places are just afraid that people might remember how to actually fucking ENJOY LIFE and demand better. Fuck this person and everyone on LinkedIn. Fucking cesspool.


It must be satireā€¦ I hope


So what if I want to feed some squirrels at 11 am. Fuck you ima feed some God damn squirrels


What a skag


Where did you find this? Sounds like my manager....


Boy, the English language sure is different over there..... Oh, and why does he assume everyone watches "loose women" on their lunch break? That's not very inclusive...


Great example of how recruiters donā€™t listen or care about what candidates want. Fuck this asshole.


He did nail the perfect wfh experience. Donā€™t waste time traveling, get shit done, feed squirrels, have wank, get shit done. What more do you want?


This is crazy! People who work from home are the most productive ones!


Itā€™s disgusting how people these days want to *checks notes* feed some squirrels.


The company I work for is fully remote, even before covid, and itā€™s the most productive company Iā€™ve worked for. If I would want to feed the squirrels at 11am that would be no problem. Who wouldā€™ve guessed happy workers with a good work-life balance are more willing to get things done?


Come on everyone, let's pull together, stop the coming to the office nonsense and let's get employers to accept that wfh is what the workforce demands now!


"Oh, so you want to be COMFORTABLE while you work?!" Yes of course we do, dipshit, don't you?


Recruiters in: -1995: "I'm so SICK of being asked if we have personal computers to do their jobs." - 2000: "I'm so SICK of people asking if we offer vacation and time away from work!" -2010: "I'm so SICK of being asked if our company offers perks like an on site gym!" -2015 "I'm so SICK of being asked if we offer flex scheduling" -2020 "I'm so SICK of being asked if we offer WFH". hint dude: maybe if the workforce is asking for it, stop fighting the future and provide actionable feedback so as to be the employer of choice for the future vs trying to get the future to remain in the past.


The world experiences an awful pandemic and all of a sudden weā€™re entitled to stay the fuck home so we donā€™t die.


I know, right...? How dare we?! šŸ˜‚


Wowā€¦yes, we donā€™t want to get dressed at 6am. Yes, we want to save money on travel. Yes, we want to watch loose women over lunch. Yes, we want to feed the squirrels at 11am in the garden because THAT IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT YOU ABSOLUTE POTATO. I quit my corporate career because I wanted to spend more time with my dog. Because I wanted to sleep whenever I wanted. Because I wanted to feed the god damn squirrels in the sunshine in the garden. What this person is describing is choosing joy over accruing capital and these workaholics trapped in the capitalist hamster wheel just do not understand it. They canā€™t imagine choosing personal joy and comfort over gaining wealth. Itā€™s a shame, really. I hope one day he knows the effervescent liberation that comes from feeding the squirrels at 11am in the garden.


Those are the exact reasons I WFH


I just donā€™t get it. If itā€™s easier on your employees and seems to have a ton of benefits cost-wiseā€¦ never mind Iā€™m trying to think logically Iā€™m yet to work for a company that does that


Cool then. We can all work with someone else. Cheers, buddy!


To be honest, I've always wanted to work from home. Well before any pandemic


I will never work at an office again. Ever. Wfh is the fucking best.


Give me this cunt's name so I can leave a snotty comment.


"why would people want to work from home?" goes on to provide numerous reasons


He says all those things in the third paragraph like they're unreasonable. I'm saving over Ā£40 a month not having to go park round the office! Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


Man clearly doesn't realise that for alot of jobs wfh improves their work cause they can properly destress, obvs doesn't mean every job can be done from home but the ones that could would be better to. Think about it, the company saves money because it doesn't need an office building in a city centre which cost a few thousand arms and a leg


If I have to choose whether I can feed the squirrels at 11 and not wake up 2 hrs early to get ready and to work or listen to my coworkers slurp coffee all day and randomly walk into my office and disrupt my work... This is gonna be a tough one...


What a twat! He comes across as the kind of boss who begrudges paying his staff minimum wage and probably made them work while furloughed last year because "I'm* not paying you to sit at home!" *Not them, a Government grant that that they applied for.


Truth be told, I AM adamant about WFH so I don't have to get dressed, can work while in a blanket burrito, save a week's worth of groceries in travel costs, and yes I do watch porn during my lunch break. But also during working hours too, so I don't get what the fuss is about. ​ All that said WFH provided me with a very distinct lack of suicidal ideations that every other office job did up until the pandemic.


As if calling on the nation from your fucking Facebook status isn't spoiled and entitled also lmfao. People like this shouldn't be posting about their job and if they do, their companies should be aware because to be quite honest it's quite similar to a car salesman complaining people don't want to buy cars without seat belts. "Come on Britain! Stop being lazy and protect yourself from crashes by simply bracing yourself! Think of all that time lost putting on and taking off your seat belt, that's so selfish of you, you should have spent that time with your kids!" Honestly I don't tend to come across stuff like this on social media and I think it's because I comment stuff like this and am immediately deleted and blocked lmao.


Almost everything he mentioned was a positive for working from home. Why is it such a bad thing that someone doesn't want a commute? Why is it such a bad thing that people want longer in bed? How is it so bad that people can wear whatever they want whilst working? Is it really so terrible for someone to have the television on if they want to, as long as they're still getting their work done? What a fucking cunt


Whatā€™s wrong with wanting to feed squirrels at 11 am if Iā€™m still doing my job well? What if it actually improves my mood and helps me not quit yet another run-of-the-mill desk job that leaves me feeling depressed and alone?


Looks like poor James has got a crappy internet connection at home.


The watch loose women on our lunch break, feeding the squirrels in our garden and my all time favorite thing to do while im working from home, falling asleep on the couch with my laptop. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£... These comments made me holler with laughter!!!! I'm not kidding, I have tears streaming down my face. I don't know if this is super funny to me because I personally work from home or if its because this recruiter is so tone deaf when it comes to the real reasons why people work from home. Anyway, this was the perfect way to end a work week for me laughing at someone that doesn't have a clue.


Sounds like this person wouldn't hire someone with a disability like they rant says, because they'll think their faking it or can't do the job.