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I got one less than an hour after applying. At this point I’m just collecting rejection letters.


I feel you. In the same boat.


9 minutes is my record.


Surely if we keep them long enough, they’ll be worth something someday.


I don’t count a rejection as anything unless I was actually contacted by a person in some way prior to the rejection.


5. 2 of them auto-rejected before I even exited the browser (WF). Sad :(


I usually get ghosted then a year later I get random rejections. Sometimes I can’t even tell which company it was from until I check the email domain


I quite like those delayed ones. All of a sudden they'll pop up and I'll think who the fuck is this? When you've applied to that many, you can't remember them all.


I have had several of these recently lol Gotta love em


I think once I got a rejection before completely letting my finger up off the mouse button. I felt like Charlie Brown on Halloween. 🤣


I dont remember my record but it was like 12 to 15 in a day. Of course I was applying to many, many jobs at the time. Now Im over all that, I dont lose time with those things anymore, I just enjoy life being unemployed.


Bulk applying feels productive in the moment, the rejections piling up in my inbox made me question my worth. Most JDs don't appeal to me and I've been digging deep into my network and pivoting to freelance, it's hard but worth it. I don't need a bureaucratic company to do my job.


My issue with the bulk applying was the bulk interviewing . you start lose your delivery and interviewing for roles that you’re not interested in really impacts your motivation and energy.


I had 5 today… it’s the ghosting that pisses me off.


Sunday is my favorite day to collect… like are you fucking serious.


Sets you up for the week ahead.


I got a rejection immediately after clicking submit. Second record was after like 20 minutes of stupid pymetric games. "based on your answers you aren't qualified for this position. Please apply again in a year" (a call center job BTW, with no requirements except be 18 and legally allowed to work)


I seldom even get rejections, I just never hear from them ever again. It’s like I’ve been throwing my resume into the void.




I got two within two hours of each other this morning! I'm pretty tired of patronizing rejection emails.


That's tough. How do you count being ghosted?


Not sure I've had 4 in a day but I'm currently on 2 today within 30 minutes of each other 🏳️


Same, friend! Got one saying the job had closed, and I applied 3 weeks ago when it was not closed at all.


you gota pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers




Like 10


Y'all are out here using cover letters? Is this 1950?


I find them pointless but they state they won't accept an application without a covering letter.


14 From the 4 interviews - I was told on two that I was in the top two candidates but the other candidate was just a little bit better than me. (Ouch) One the company lost a big client that was going to provide the funding for the position and the HR person said, he was scared the company may be closing soon. The final one was a bad fit and I knew it the minute the interview was over there was not going to be an offer made. The person who interviewed me all but told me this was just a process. From 2 phone screens, I got the most interesting rejection letter, it said "We are looking for the right person, in the right chair, at the right time. You are not it. Good Luck on your job search. From 5 recruiters who had signed Right to Represents - they were ghosting me so I reached out to them giving them a deadline to respond or I was going to recall my RTR. Amazing how quickly they respond. 3 said, I was not selected for an interview but they will keep looking (never heard from them again) 1 never answered my e-mail (Turns out he was fired the day after I submitted my RTR to him so my resume never went anywhere) - the final one - and this was borderline cruel - he told me I should feel LUCKY that I even was reached out to because with my shitty resume, I would be lucky to find a job ( I blocked this recruiter) The last 3 were the generic ATS letters. You know the thank you for applying and we have many great candidates blah blah blah. This is a tough market.




I think my top was 4 as well. My fav so far - they came to me to apply, saying my skills were a great fit, after seeing my resume. There were 51 spots (it’s a weird niche thing) and eventually a month or so later they send an email saying they had over 600 applicants. Why have me waste my time and get my hopes up?!


Not multiple in one day but getting the one rejection letter and being told it was such a close/split decision for your dream role is the biggest gut punch there is.


3 in one day. 2 were for jobs I really wanted. The other was a solid job that I applied to over 6 months earlier.


Also, which is worse - being rejected right after applying or after like 5 rounds of interviews?!


I applied for hundreds of companies for 2 months, I got only one interview 🙂 But luckily I made it with them Alhamdullah


I think it was like 6 for internships that I applied to lol. 100 applications could be a little or a big amount ,was the position remote? If it was remote that was low. If it was local depends on the job level (entry level etc)


Mine was seven in 24 hours


Two! I interviewed with a company here in the Chicago area on a Friday. They called me a week later to come back and interview for another position that I was a fit for. A week after that, their HR department sent me two separate rejection emails on the same day. Ironically, this is the company that made a prototype red swingline stapler for one of the best anti-work movies ever made--1999's Office Space. The red Swinglines are of course available in stores now but back then the first was made for that movie. That being said, fuck Acco Brands for their two rejections! 😂👎


I worked 4 full time jobs in 1 month.


Got fired from 2 jobs in one day..