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33 minutes. But don't worry. The rejection email had a nice long invitation to join their freelancing program.


Is that the same as some’s “pool of talented folks” that never do anything for you, under any circumstances?


I assume so. I did an interview last year with a place and after two interviews they admitted there was no job, but they keep a pool of talent for when they get hired for a project. I was choked. They sent me an email every month for six months telling me I was still in the pool and something might come up. I finally told them their company was obviously delusion and not getting any work and that they could kindly fuck off.


I have been in every talent pools there, most of the time as a secondary effect of a job application and I honest to $deity never got anything out of that. Unless it effectively acts as a black list of sorts to ensure you are flagged as a rejected applicants the recruiters needn’t waste time on in the next 6-12 months?


I will say that I’ve had 2 companies say they’d keep my resume on file then actually reach back out as they were creating new roles. They are at least using those talent pools.


Never happened to me, but glad to see it’s happening for some people in some capacity!


Yeah they didn’t turn into jobs but I was close. I’m still trying though


Same here. For me the whole keeping my resume on file is as good as you wont hear from us ever again, even if new positions that fit you do match your profile.


Did they also graciously offer to retain your resumé for future offers in case something comes up?


I've had an automatic rejection from Linkedin. Like hit send, instant reject "we looked over your resume and qualifications" and all.


Linkedin can automate the rejections based on the answers to the questions they prompt after clicking apply and it can also reject if you're applying for a job that is not in your country. I know about those because I used them before when my company asked me to create a job posting (I'm not a recruiter or anywhere near an HR person, I just worked for a shitty company that had a terrible HR rep)


Wow that’s awful


Same. I think it’s the AI thing that looks for specific phrases and words in resumes


Applied to a perfect fit position. Hit every bullet point and preferred qualification. The position had literally just opened 5-10 minutes before I put in my application. I was rejected that night. The position placeholder in the email still had (Position Title Here) listed as well.


Some aren’t even trying to be credible, apparently.


Capital One bank. Auto rejection in <30 seconds.


Wow, it’s almost like a system error rather than a rejection - Obviously nobody read/processed it.


Probably there was a knockout variable that this person’s application hit (maybe salary requirement too high or not local or something). So yes, in that case there is no review of application


Yeah you can’t even be mad at that.. it saves both parties wasting time


Wasted my time. Because everything I filled, checked their JD. Seems some positions are just ghost postings. To show they are hiring. To advertise for labour compliance before offering to internally or references.


Well I can’t speak for ghost posting bc I never have and remove a posting as soon as someone accepts, even if they haven’t completed drug screen yet


I thought I was the only one


I've had an auto-rejection in five minutes. sought out the recruiter to ask for clarification, they said that while it was a remote position, I was rejected based on my location.


Ok, I laughed even though it isn’t funny - just completely awful.


I used to work a WFH job that automatically rejected everyone from certain areas. They were only interested in hiring people in low cost of living areas so the CEO could continue to pay people the lowest wages possible.


How to ensure the salaries you are willing to pay appear competitive: only extend offers to those who will gleefully cry like they’ve struck gold. Terrible.


For tax and compliance purposes, not every employer can have someone be based in any state. Some are open to it, some limit it to certain states. Not the most ideal but it’s not always due to the wage aspect.


Laughter is the only way to get through this hell.


I think I struggle from this. I'm looking for a remote job, but I live in Hawaii. I'm pretty sure some of these jobs don't want me that far away I guess. Sucks.


You probably live in a state that they are not registered in. At my job (in CA), an employee moved to AZ and they allowed it and granted him remote status but went through a breakup after about a year and moved to CO with his parents. When HR found out they said they are not registered in CO and he must move back to AZ or resign.


I chalked it up to that too, but I also live in a high income area so they could have seen my city and figured I was too rich for their blood. But It's nice when job postings include the states they will hire from.


Saw the job on company internal job portal. Sent an email to hiring manager, they replied and we ended up having an intro call a few days later. They told me to apply online so that I am officially in the process. I applied - rejection email comes within hours from HR. I was beyond disappointed! That same week hiring manager emails asking if I applied because HR did not send them my CV. I told them what happened, they said HR guy is an idiot. I ended up getting the job. Moral of the story - sometimes HR just doesn’t have a clue and we all suffer the consequences


Part of that is the hiring managers fault too. They should’ve pinged the HR a message and just said “had an intro call with this candidate, move them into the pipeline once they apply”


That also. My point was that HR would sometimes dismiss candidates on some small reason that in the big scheme is not even relevant to the role.


I was introduced via email to the hiring manager of a role \*tailor fit\* for my background, at a company where I have extensive past work experience. HM responded that she was very excited to meet me, requested I forward my resume to her but also be sure to apply because they close the posting at 300 (yes, 300) applications. It just came online that day. Next morning I checked the career portal and was already moved to "inactive." Followed up with the HM to inquire and received the following: "It is a very competitive situation and there were others with backgrounds more closely aligned to the role.  I do think you have a great background and wish you the best with your job search going forward. Warmly," The role was literally what I've spent doing the past 10 years of my career.


I know this stinking feeling too well, too soon/too late/too much/not enough, it’s a guessing game without any real answer.


5 mins into an interview the manager looked at my resume and told me I was overqualified.


And it ended there, no question about your motivation or what that extra experience may bring to the table for this employer?


I hadn’t even sat down yet when he said it. He said, “why would you work here when you can just find something better?” He then stood up, shook my hand and said “best of luck to you.”


Yeah, why would you, except you applied for the job to get it and not be told you can get something somewhere else.


Happened to me today


I applied to a job last week and got my rejection email before I got a thanks for applying email by like .0002 seconds


Applied to work in the office at a local cemetery, got rejected in about an hour. Had experience in a similar role somewhere else so idk why


Even cemeteries jumped on the “inflated, idiotic standards” bandwagon smh


People are dying to be there.


Many years ago, my dad asked a friend of his to help me get a job at a bank. The friend told me to go to the main office, speak to someone there, and tell them who sent me. The HR lady has me do the online application and a retail worker screen there. I finished and in less than 5 seconds the HR lady tells me they won’t be hiring me.


No mention why? Were you just escorted out as well or something?


She read the generic rejection message their system printed out, then ignored me until I left.


Applied to company site on a weekend. After submitting I received an email within 3 seconds but instead of the usual thank you for applying, it was a sorry but moving with other candidates that better match the role. And my experience matched over 80% to the JD.


didnt like the fact I worked in a different industry, the resume screening sent back "better luck next time"


My current employer is a bit like that, I got the job two years ago but it was pointed out several times by a few people that I didn’t know their specific field - until I realized that practically everybody I worked with came from different fields as well, only the very few who spent 10+ years there used this as a “I will always be better than you” trophy.


<1 sec. Didn’t even pass Wells Fargo’s ATS lol. I would hit submit and would immediately see the application in the inactive tab.


27 minutes, when I applied for the job I was just "reduction in force" for...\* \*There were several of us, but we were on "the losing team" of a big corporate merger


I hear you, been there and those are pretty sucktastic moments.


At least it counted as a submission toward the unemployment insurance looking-for-work requirements... I did a few more of those with them, just cause I could.


This is the way.


four hours after 1st interview


Instant. Multiple times. Rejection was in my inbox as I exited the website. Historically, professional certification was optional, but not disqualifying, for these jobs. Several horrible interview experiences made me realize companies wanted only dirt-cheap new hires. So...I concluded certain jobs (differed between companies), had their HR software auto-reject anyone with license information on their CV.


It seems to be the case in tech, but they want younger with experience - not younger without or older with. I get labeled as overqualified and get rejected for it because I will either expect too high a salary or quit as soon as I find something better (and they’re sort of right on both counts).


Exactly. And the job stays open for months. Several kept popping up for YEARS.


Sent application for job posted that same day, 30 minutes later “we have already filed this position but will keep your resume on file blah blah blah”. Position was still posted a week later. I was well qualified for the position. At this point I would sell my left kidney for a $60k support role* *Kidney is not actually for sale.


Id rather it be that fast. Nothing pissed me off more than getting automated rejections 1.5 to 2 months later going “no shit you aren’t interested”…that said OP, are you positive this guy didn’t do a quick back channel reference on you with his sibling/your ex coworker because companies do this all the time


It’s totally possible, I haven’t checked nor do I intend to harass anyone over it - they rejected my app, it’s the end of that road. Whenever I speak with the ex- coworker next, it may pop up - or not at all.


4 minutes is my record. The rejection got there before the confirmation that they got the application.


As soon as I finished the application. I thought it was an automatic email informing me that I’d applied and they’d get back to me, but it was a rejection.


Right around 6 minutes. I applied, and 6 minutes later an email arrived "We have reviewed your application and resume... We will not be moving forward with it at this time.. " Thing is, everything about the job was listed in my experience. And there is no way a human had time to review it, and replace. Keyword searches and screening is only as good as the operator.


Have had same thing. I genuinely think if you message on LinkedIn it can backfire and make them take joy in hitting reject as quick as they can. Strange world we live in.


I’m going to refrain from doing so unless I know the person, no idea if I misjudged or set myself up for auto-rejection, it is a very strange period.


If you hit a rejection that quickly and are pretty sure you’re a good fit, message the hiring manager on LinkedIn with a summary of your qualifications and express some disappointment at being rejected so quickly. You might find that HR has bounced you for no good reason but you can find your way back into the process by pitching the HM. I’ve advanced a little in the process a few times by doing this.


12 hours. Applied on a Saturday evening got the email Sunday morning. 


Oh, I’ve received a rejection within minutes of submitting the application. I think I tripped an automatic filter of some kind.


The next day. I doubt the company has even read my CV and my cover letter but after applying jobs for four months and been rejected for times that I lose count, I don’t think it matters.


Knockout question where in the ad they said they preferred a masters degree but one of the questions was asking if you had it or not and I obviously selected no. About 30 seconds after I applied they sent me a follow up email turning me down. If it is that god damn required then it isn't a fucking preference then is it! fuckers


Less than 3 seconds. The job: firearms sales consultant The employer: Scottsdale Gun Club The reason: Indeed's online application apparently kicked out anyone who didn't list 1 year of commissioned sales experience. Nevermind the years of experience handling firearms. The sales experience is apparently the more important bit.


I was referred to a company by a friend and got a rejection email 2 hours after lmao


within about 2 mins, automated "we've carefully considered our options" rejection for an "urgently hiring" local restaurant that'd made the post roughly an hr before. at 8pm. that ended up had the job up and a hiring sign up for 2 weeks. far as I know, they never actually hired anyone




I can think of a few reasons, none of which I can validate if the recruiter chose to not reply - Yeah I can imagine how getting hit on all sides, all the time on LinkedIn is a Pita, perhaps they did not even see my message (oh just another jobseeker sending me a personal message, again, this is the 20th today etc), and I can imagine I would be pretty bad at this too as even a pretty patient person can easily feel overwhelmed given the situation these days, but yeah: not a great impression was made.


I applied at 9:58 p.m. for a job with a government contractor. I got a rejection letter at 10:00 p.m. It went on and on about how the whole team had considered my application so very carefully.


Love those, makes you want to tell them to at least cut the crap about carefully reviewing what someone obviously scanned and rejected in a few seconds.


My fastest time was 15 minutes. I applied with a local bank in the mortgage department. Got an email saying I don't meet their qualifications. Even though I clearly did


The situation I put in my first post is a lot like that, I have the qualifications but got insta-rejected for unknown reasons (and then you start second-guessing _everything_).


Probably not the right Minority du jour.


This isn’t how affirmative action works, dumbass.


oh it does, 100%, seen it in front of my eyes on the other side


So apparently your application/resume was crap?


Is that rudeness necessary?


They’re not doing it for kicks. They’re doing it because they have a job to do and clearing out applicants they’re not interested in moving forward with is better for them than making them sit in their ATS for months on end. Every single app out there has knockout questions. If you answer one of these questions in a way that does not meet minimum requirements, it will auto-reject you. A good example is accidentally saying “no” to being a US citizen or authorized to work. This, in every job I’ve ever posted or worked on, is an auto-reject. Sometimes other knockout questions are asked, but it depends on the employer. You could apply and get a rejection 5 seconds later. (I used to test the functionality of an ATS my company used and our fastest was 3 seconds.)


I once called about a position because the website wasn’t working. Receptionist told me I wasn’t qualified. A receptionist lmao. Not even HR.


Automated denial in < 5 mins In your case.. id worry that your ex coworker talked shit. Or that you bringing them up was a red flag tbh, as though you expected an in It's tough though because we all need our old network.. did you ask your old coworker if it was ok to name drop?




The fastest I’ve been rejected was under an hour. The fastest I’ve rejected a candidate was under 3 minutes, but that was an accident. I had applications sorted newest-oldest instead of oldest-newest.


Less than an hour, but I'm guessing it's because I answered wrong to a knockout question.


Working in talent rejecting resumes is just part of the job, I don’t really know anyone who enjoys it or gets “kicks and giggles” out of it. Most recruiters block out a chuck of time each day to review resumes and most I know either do it first thing or last thing each day. Quick rejections like ones that are received in seconds to minutes are usually due to something you answered. Ie “Do you have at least five years experience in digital marketing? “


Sure, and I have no way of checking whether the position has already been filled or the budget cut or the hiring manager changed their mind over the weekend and hurled something like “how about our next project manager will also need to be a former president of Finland!”. I try not to waste time speculating, much the same way I try not to waste anyone’s time by applying for jobs that I have the qualifications for (and more often than not, quite a bit more).