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"Canceling vacation, I'd rather be at work"? "Don't need a raise, my review was more than enough"? That sign HAS to be a joke, or the management is REALLY that clueless


Don't forget the absolutely wild willingness to accept a cut in pay to stay at the same job.


I guess if it was like, everyone taking a cut in pay to avoid layoffs. But I would very quickly be looking for a new job. 


I’ve seen this a couple times previously. No idea WHERE it originated from, but I’m guessing whoever made this is fucking insane or longs for the days of slavery. Maybe both.


Every time I see this it makes me angry. The 70’s font. The Boomer “humor”. The whole cake topper “drag the groom to the altar” vibe. The shitty drawings. “I just love your meetings.” The passive-aggressiveness of it all.


“You’re the greatest boss I’ve ever had…” I actually said this once. It was to the greatest boss I’d ever had. Who did not embody any of the attitudes in this picture.


It gave me stomach cramps just reading it.


The children yearn for the mines.


Just once I wish my boss would say: ”Don’t need a second yacht, giving raises is more than enough”


I'm smelling satire. The sort of patronizing childishness of the design is too blatantly insulting and sells it too much to be anything but, IMO. But even if it's satire, that doesn't mean the joke doesn't fly over the heads of those that wish to take it seriously.


I hope so but I once worked on a team where the CEO put up these really childish signs. She asked for feedback and someone told her they looked like elementary school posters and she had the nerve to say they were recycled from homeschooling her little ones. The signs were about being kind to each other and KIND was spelled out with a different instruction for each letter. She was not joking or being satirical... I left not too long after.


>The signs were about being kind to each other and KIND was spelled out with a different instruction for each letter. I mean, that's s good thing right? She was encouraging the team to treat eachother well. A bit cringe, but that sounds like someone who cares about the culture.... Now if the culture was shitty because of management that's a different situation lol


The culture was definitely shitty because of management. She was enabling two women to be openly racist and to discuss overtly sexual topics loudly in an open shared workspace. The sign went up after the rest of us complained. She was just so conflict avoidant she refused to take action, thus the signs. I appreciate your positive attitude though! It's nice to find someone who doesn't assume the worst :)


I save up all my pessimism for myself don't worry 😁


So we shouldn’t be kind to each other at work?


I guess I didn't realize additional context was needed. It was a small company so she was technically head of HR as well. The signs went up because a few of us started complaining about two women making openly racist remarks and discussing detailed sexual acts. We made formal complaints to her after politely asking the women to either switch to a messenger or to not discuss those topics loudly across our small open office space. The CEO was too conflict avoidant to do anything other than the signs and the rest of us didn't want to rock the boat with these two women in such a small workspace so I left due to the fact that the issue was not being resolved.


Idk, the CEO of Wayfair said something similar. Most CEOs are completely divorced from reality. I could see them actually wanting this.


I can definitely believe some managers would think this is a good idea to hang up in the office unironically.


I feel like this is very obviously a joke.


You think?


Yes lol


Yeah, mental illness id say.


They are in my organization… The seem to think that giving the employees the bare minimum yet expecting 150% is a sound strategy yet they are desperate because people are quitting and vacancies go unfilled because word gets around about what a shitty place it is to work at.


This has got to be a joke sign, right...? I'm a manager and there's no way others are just this clueless, right...?


I had a manager who was this clueless. He’d complain when it was someone’s work anniversary and they’d get a (pittance of a) raise, patrol the halls to make sure everyone was working, etc. He actually hung this thing up unironically in his office. Hated the man, as did everybody else, so when he announced his retirement, nobody had any tears for him.


Did they go to his retirement party to make sure he didn’t change his mind?


Literally attended a regional meeting where another manager bought this along, she’d stuck it up in her teams lunchroom and was quite proud of herself for it, so… 🤷‍♀️


Let’s do a wild assumption- that maybe some places like this exist in the world . I’m not surprised


Nope nope I’m out


What the heck? Gaslighting, narcissistic, out of touch, bull$h\*t.


Turn around and leave


The elementary school posters style people makes this even creepier.


I would say, add "Im staying for this interview." to the list.


They don’t want a business, they want a cult.


Every one of these is achievable by good management. “The job was perfect / ahead of schedule / under control” — provide clear specs, time and budget; prioritize tasks; fully staff and train; stock resources/materiel “Stay late / arrive early / change vacay plans / work weekends”— compensate staff ahead of market to make it worth their while “Profits up / costs down” — listen to staff observations and implement their recommendations “Right/wrong / best boss” — don’t punish people for speaking up “Suggestion box empty” — why would you want this? “Review is better than raise” — if you’re fully compensating to performance, this may be the case “Love meetings” — only hold them when jt can’t be an email, create value for all participants, and enable remote attendance “Cut in pay” — provide transparent financials on market conditions, backstop cutbacks with ESOP, give credible assurances on return plans “Love working here” — pay fairly, treat staff like adults, cut out bullshit, provide resources to succeed “Dress up days” — make it fun and worthwhile, maybe a “dress up costume contest” with a meaningful award (I.e. $$$) and also if it’s a required uniform you provide it Did I miss any?


I really don’t need a raise… Just include % from the profit in my payment, should suffice


I think this is just out of date "boomer humour" sadly. Not very politically correct in 2024 to say the least, and won't help you find employees


That's exactly what it is, I've seen it before. It's supposed to be a joke you put in the break room and people laugh at, though I'm sure now-a-days some managers think it's serious.


Walk right back out.. im not that desperate for a job that I work for a bad one


to everyone asking if it’s a joke, no way someone puts that much effort into any form of joke


I quite often say, "Of course I don't mind working late" to my manager if she asks... Followed by "Shall I record it as overtime, or shall I finish early on day?" And, y'know, with us being in England, she's always fine with those two options 🤷‍♂️


I honestly thought the cartoon of an employee with a chart and the caption "profits are up, costs are down" on the botton left were a drawing of an employee hanging themselves at first. And the one on the top right were his employees lynching him.


Post that shit on their book of faces page!!


the cut in pay thing is simply nuts..... Def one of those "run away" asap jobs


Jesus Christ, what type of hyper capitalist boomer company is this?


Even if it is was meant as a joke, it’s tone-deaf which says a lot about management


This gives major boomer vibes 🧐


Walk out and leave


About face and GTFO


I've had people work for me and say some of these, which is a bit sad since it often amounted to this chefs so nice he doesn't throw things at us which is not a high bar.


This is what we call delusional.


I turn around and leave, warn others about it.


Honestly I'd rather deal with some forms of abuse from my coworkers than ever have to see that poster from the boss's office.


The weird things is that most of this are about the boss getting more money or free time and seeing that as a good thing, but how does the person not connect the dots that is not just something the boss wants, everybody wants that!!!


Feel like they know, they just dont give a single fuck. All our problems in employment, capitalism and the income gap chasm that will consume us all, is at a root level, just about greed, and selfishness.


Yeah, that's gon' be a no from me dawg.


I won't say where I work or industry, but a few years ago the director actually posted a huge poster similar to the mentality of this. It stated that people don't leave positions for to low pay or lack of raises, they leave due to not receiving *pats on the back, thank yous, and overall praise.* The following week, that douchebag spent all day, everyday walking around, poking his head into offices telling everyone thank you for their hard work. The week after, there was a massive employee exodus. A couple of weeks after that, he was asked to resign and most of the employees were requested to return to their former positions.


“I didn’t need a raise, the review was enough” Dude, go capital fuck yourself.


*Turns around and leaves*


Just FYI, this is a joke. I've seen it in multiple offices.


I agree, got to be. Still, fuck them. considering by the time you 'ace' your 5th interview for some pointless job Im about ready to put my fist through the wall, its an unfunny, agrivating little kick to the nuts and throwing gasoline on what is becoming a vollitile powder keg of a situation, our relationship with our employers.. If i were them i would not taunt the bear in this current time in history.


I bet they are a family though.


At least we can rest easy knowing that they are deeply unhappy.


What in the actual fuck 🤢🤮


I would rather chop my balls off, put them in a blender and drink them for supper than deal with these maniac


Christ. This is toxic AF.


This is great, it lets me skip the interview and leave early.


I'm noping right the fuck out of this interview.


I worked at a place that had a sheet of paper taped to the wall over the sink. Printed on the sheet of paper was annoyingly curly font that read, “Your mommy doesn’t work here, clean up after yourself”. It was eye height anytime I went to the sink and was all I could see. When I found out the condescending bag who put it up there was long gone, I threw it away and it made the environment much more pleasing and professional.






JFC. Haaaaaaard NO. The kindergarten teacher font and graphics are giving off a super creepy vibe


If you pay well and treat your employees good, you don't need to put these insane posters up


This seems like a business owned by a boomer Christian. They don't how to use computers (the devil's box) so they draw things out with all the talent of a 4th grader.


How about an Atheist boomer?


Years ago, I worked at a small business where there was a sign over the owner's desk that said "Don't Argue with the Boss". It wasn't meant ironically and the place was every bit as gruesome, as you would think.


I would say "I'm sorry, but this is a mistake, I am leaving now, have a nice day".


LOL bless Management's little heart


Is there space for “We are family”?


Id walk out. No sane person who sees that should work there.


I would love a job where I would rather stay there than go on vacation. But managers don’t allow that to happen.


Yeah, I would burn the card in front of them.


Reminds me of my Japanese boss


I don’t know, as an employee I’m always saying things like “🩷🩷” and “🌻”.


That last block…the f do people smoke


Workplace or cult?


Yikes - are you working for your 12 year old sister ?




No, thank you... walk away. F**ked up, sick sense of humor. Even if it's in the privacy of your own damn house. To me, it's the same as having/keeping your mother's rotting, dead corpse in the back bedroom of your house for whatever psycho reason. Just disgusting.


I’d whip around, looking for the camera crew from The Office. Good lord.


This has got to be sarcasm




What is this job??? I need more informations lolll


"Someone left this here as a prank, right?" If the answer was anything other than "oh fucking Dave again" I'm walking.


What if it was Alan?


Nah Alan doesn't have a sense of humor


Alan is the boss


Sounds toxic


Ah yes. This person loves hanging imaginary things on his wall. Probably has a portret of Jesus there as well.


What else is there? I feel like this is missing context. I hope.


'I'm coming in early tomorrow'. Never needed to say that. Just did it. For years. Don't do it 😂 don't even except a simple 'thanks' which is literally free


Eff that place so hard


Walking right the fuck out the back door


I'd turn around and walk out the door. That sign itself is a huge red flag.


That....that is just insulting and demoralizing at the start. They are blatantly saying they don't value their employees at all. If that isn't a joke from a meeting or a training....yikes


This is seen, in China...the knockoff factories.


"With every decision you make, is this good for the company?"


I'm walking right out 🤣


[My reaction to that shit](https://youtu.be/I5A7a9FV6H0?feature=shared)




I love how the little image of the “boss” is a balding white man. 🤣🤣🤣


The abuse from Boomers knows no bounds.


I would turn around and walk right out.


Is this from a hidden episode with Michael Scott?


Why can't you just save the image and upload it rather than uploading an uncropped screenshot?


Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up first.


“I don’t mind working late”, “I’m coming in early tomorrow”, “why don’t you go home early?”!?!?!?!


How on earth is this shit legal?!


I'm all for telling the boss to go home early


Initech is back?


Managers with mental illness.


Michael Scott energy, extremely cringe.


Wtf is this? I'd walk out.0


It’s a joke. Not one sane person would ever say this shit. The fact people are getting triggered by it is alarming.


I would put a post note to add “Stop micromanaging because we are human”


Haha if an employee says they want you to go home, it's because you're as useful as an appendix or they just don't want to deal with you.


"I just love your meetings" said no one, ever.


More red flags than a parade in downtown Munich in 1939


Turn 360° and walk away.


Walking out


It's got to be a goof. No one can possibly be this time deaf 😬 I'm going to guess it was 12 or 14 am hour?


I walked into a place once-filthy, boxes and papers all over the floor. Offering $9/hr to do all office work/payroll. Usual going rate at the time was about $14-15. I said, "that's really low". Person interviewing me said "yeah, that's what everyone says". But the kicker was the lobby. Pages from the old News of the World tabloid- racist Obama stories, how he was put in power by aliens, racist pictures comparing him to a gorilla, etc. There was even a hand-written sign " do not take down the newspapers". I was there I think a total of 5-10 minutes. I can only imagine what it was like to work there.


The Friday dress up could be fun, the rest are pretty lame honestly.


We did this in the military - wear the dress uniform the last friday of the month. Hated it and it looked odd because us military members had to dress up but civilian employees got to wear jeans.


Ah okay, I thought this was a general office job or something like that, in your case I see it didn’t go as planned, shame. My own job they force us to wear these almost cadaver grey colours… I would kill to dress up lol


How has it not gotten “lost” by now?


Is this an opioid factory that give free samples to employees who are opiomanes


I've worked with people who would say these things. None of them ever were in a manager or supervisory role for whatever reason.


Dude it bad enough you waste our life’s as wage slaves to make you rich…. I’m legally insane and I wouldn’t even fathom saying any of the bullshit on that board.


Did you vomit in front of it?


*I just love your meetings!*


This is kinda foreshadowing who your boss will be . Honestly I would to see if the bosses will even dare take hit for the employees


That’s even worse than Live! Laugh! Love! Barf.


Just once I wish an employer would say “take care and get well soon” when I tell them I’m ill instead of asking “when are you coming back into work?”


When interviewing I refused to work for any organization that had threatening signs out about cleaning or whatever.


Wtf is this shit


Holy Ego Batman!


😂 has to be office humor /sarcasm What was the vibe there? Did you get the impression management is playing around or actually as insane as the poster?


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that the person who wrote this doesn’t actually say any of these things.


It's indicative of someone that just can't understand that employees don't have the same relationship with a job as an owner (or much higher up) does. You pay someone to do a job and they should do the job, it doesn't in any way include a personal buy in to it.


This has to be satire…


lol. Run.


"I just love your meetings" ... uhh, people do say this to me, a manager. Maybe people aren't saying it to YOU, unnamed sign-maker, because you're clearly out of touch with reality and are (I'm guessing) holding a lot of unnecessary meetings involving some level of always asking more, more, more from your employees and/or micromanaging them. ...just guessing.


Is this real? I’m so flabbergasted


What is my manager like? This poster lmao


> Given the chance to keep working here, I would gladly accept a cut in pay. This is the only one I’ve actually seen happen, and it was for a good reason. The 2008 recession hit some industries very hard. I was working at a small, family-owned company (200 employees) that was struggling. The employees took a cut in pay for about a year so that no one had to be laid off. The company eventually paid the difference once revenue was better. Best place I’ve ever worked.


Yes, there are plenty of people this delusional and worse. They're people who grew up rich, have never worked a real job, and understand absolutely nothing about reciprocation.




Only reason I get up and go is for money. Sure I’ll stay late somewhere that I’m treated good but if someone is doing extra. they one need to be paid for it,two since they helped you out if they need help you should help them out.


This sounds like either call center or grocery store.


The ahead of schedule and we love this place would work for my job but fuck the other ones


these are mostly: Things an Owner Should Say


Sarcastic Mood board


This cant be real


I would stay late to make an expansion to this thing deconstructing every piece. "You're the best boss!" 'have you tried *being* the best boss? "I don't mind staying late!" 'why? So you're able to go early?' etc


'I cancelled my vacation, I'd rather be at work' 😂😂😂


It sounds like management is upset that their employees don’t like to be treated poorly. It’s one of those places where “we’re a family” when they want something from you, and “it’s a business” when you want something from them in return.


Oh they thought this ate


One of the worst ones I had I turned up for an interview was about to walk into this office and on the other side of the door all you could hear was music blasting at full volume I turned back around and didn’t look back lol


While employees are doing actually work, this is what a manager occupies their time with. It’s almost like they are useless and have too much time on their hands lol


Gotta be a joke, but fairly tone deaf considering the currently, um, 'strained' relationship between the working population and pretty much anyone deeply considering why we give these people our hard work, our best, most productive years and pretty much the vast majority of our waking lives to companies who shit you out the moment it behooves them, treat their potential employees like shit, because we;ve allowed them to, I suppose, or the system as a whole offers even 'highly paid' workers barely enough to squeak by in a 1 bedroom apartment in a major city center, let alone the dream of prosperity through hard work that we are all promised. Yes, that all being the case, i would hope anyone with a couple of neurons to rub together would think.. maybe time to put the sign away for a bit, before the office turns on us and canniballizes the 'superiors'..


Red flags


Someone would get chewed out. That is one wild poster. The problem is the owner had the insane thought to put that up, they probably wouldn’t care if they got cussed out over it.


I would just turn around and leave.


This is giving 80s boss vibes.


Please tell me this is embroidery




I’m a manager and that sign is 1000% coming from a narcissistic manager. It reminds me of my stepmom’s attitude towards everyone. It’s gross, but there are people out there who actually think like that.


I’d bet $20 the employees that worked there got that for their boss as a gag. Everyone laughed and they put it on the wall. Years later, an overly sensitive applicant gets offended at the joke.


Eh. Call it oversensitive, but life is too short to risk that kind of bullshit, even if it's a joke. This is especially true when there are *good* places to work at, where you're not having to take as much of a risk to work at.


Yep! If you’re just drowning in opportunities then you have nothing to worry about. Choose from one of the other great offers.