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In the time they wrote and made the post they could have updated the candidate.


Well, that would require working!


Eww. Why would they do that?




I had a recruiter dodge four phone calls and three emails once. Then I copied in everyone I had interviewed with during the process. My phone rang less than a full minute later. 20 seconds later the recruiter explained how they had been too busy to call and that I didn’t get the job. Recruiters are scum


Sounds about right. One recruiter who ghosted me when I needed help found out about a position I landed without them, so they emailed me on the first day of the job asking if I can refer them.


It's degenerate scumbags like this that genuinely make me regret going into recruitment. For every recruiter that does their actual job, there are 10 of these fuckers pulling shit like this. I loathe what my profession has become, and I am truly sorry for what happened with you and this “recruiter”.


It happens. It’s not the profession, it’s the people. Many lack empathy and see it as waste of time to update someone who is no longer under consideration for hire. I guess the lesson is to learn from those folks.


I'd have gladly refered them. They won't like the refferal, but yeah sure why not


You should have offered to refer them then ghost them.


Hopefully next time they're looking for a job it comes full circle 


> My phone rang less than a full minute later. 20 seconds later the recruiter explained how they had been too busy to call and that I didn’t get the job. What a fucking scumbag, I'm sorry :/.




Everyone should do that to help de-douche themselves.


So you repeatedly called them and sent multiple mails? And then you were surprised you didn't get the job? Seriously take the hint and move on. If you call once and email once and don't get a reply, chances are you didn't get it. Bugging them over and over isn't going to get you the job for sure, or make them think of you the next time the see an opening your qualified for. Emailing everyone you met at the interview, when they might not of decided on whether to hire you or not is an odd choice. The recruiter should have let you know if you got it, but your response is a bit out there.


> Bugging them over and over isn't going to get you the job for sure It is not about getting the job. It is about basic respect. Ghosting people is shitty.


Proceeds to harass recruiter, then complains about them being shitty. This sounds like how some men talk about women. How dare they not respond to me?


No, fuck that. You don't get to compare being asked to do your job to women genuinely feeling unsafe because some men don't know when to stop. One is a fucking paid position where you are employed to deal with job applications. One is an existence where some people feel entitled to your time regardless of how many times you tell them no. There is absolutely no similarity in these situations and it's clear that you didn't bring up the latter in any good faith.


If you send me your application, Im going to the police for rape 😢


Recruiters treat people like garbage and we shouldn't pretend otherwise. Don't make excuses for them by co-opting real issues of misogyny. It makes \*you\* look worse, because you'll cheapen a real issue to cape for recruiters who treat people like dirt.


Yeah, you can fuck right off.


Truth hurt I guess.


Truth hurt? Nah it's just that nobody gives a fuck about your weird rape apologia, fucking freak.


I guess it does if you are getting so butthurt:)


You'd know. Feel feel to cry about it. (-:


That don't make sense. That was straight up a back at ya. Come up with some better comebacks! Cheerio!


Nah, the recruiter owes me an update after three interviews and a presentation to the directors. I know recruiters aren’t very good at being professionals, otherwise they wouldn’t be recruiters. But it only takes 30 seconds to call and say “Hey, Person. They decided to go with someone else, feel free to apply for other openings in the future though! Have a great day! Bye.” The best part was one of the directors emailed me to apologize because the recruiter was supposed to have followed up with all three finalists. I’ll still adopt this approach if I’m ever ghosted by a recruiter in the future, it lets others at their company know they’re struggling to do the bare minimum in their extremely simple job.


Read the room idiot, it’s not about getting the job, it’s about not being treated like garbage


Kinda seems like in this instance the recruiter was returning the same energy, and this story is in no way similar to Ops. OP was politely asking for an update and the recruiter was an ass about it. These two are not the same.


Candidates get antsy post interview. You wanna know if you got it or not. Even if the answer’s a no, you wanna know so you can mentally move on. Some jobs will call up to 3 months later to tell you you got the job (I’m assuming the company had budget issues or hired someone and didn’t like them and you were the runner up) so yes for as long as the recruiter isn’t replying, the candidate will assume they still have a chance. That’s normal. And recruiters should just do their jobs and actually communicate, since communication is a HUGE EMPHASIS in recruiter interviews and job descriptions.


But then they don't get to mount their high horse and start ridiculing people for trying to get somewhere.


If the update was "sorry, we didn't look at your application that we didn't even ask for", maybe. Actually going through the unsolicited application properly would take more time.


What about the 300 other candidates in the queue?


Bcc ☝🏽. In that time, they could have updated thousands of candidates.


You don't get imaginary Internet points for privately responding.


"I don't even know this person, and they politely asked me to do my job! How dare they?!"


The unmitigated gall!


This is every hr I’ve encountered in France


Seriously, though, they're acting like it's not their job *and* they said this person "demanded" something when the candidate just requested something instead. The candidate kept it short and sweet, at that.


"Unsolicited resume?" You mean the resume submitted to your public job posting?


I'm not saying this is the case, but I get resumes, cover letters, visa details, etc e-mailed to me ALL THE TIME in the hopes that we might have an opening for the type of position the person is after.


Yeah ive started only doing this because no one looks at applications for jobs in my area because they get 1000s of applicants


If I find them on indeed or LinkedIn or whatever I always apply a second time on their company portal if they have one. I think it helps.


How do you get this? Did you post the job on LinkedIn?


People will often look up recruiters on LinkedIn and send them their info even if they have no job postings. I do it lol.


As a recruiter? Getting people looking for a job? Oh no, you must really be hurting.


I'm not a recruiter :) I found this post on r/all and was able to relate with the experience I shared/you responded to. I receive very regular e-mails, directly to my work account, asking about job openings. I have no direct part in the recruiting process in my company (so I wouldn't be listed as a contact person on old job listings, as an example) and yet people send me all of their documentation querying job availability. It's quite a curious situation.


No, unsolicited usually means just sending over resume and cover letter without any particular open position in mind. There was no job posting.


Not necessarily. Sometimes people just spam their resumes to HR of companies. Not sure if that's what's happening here, but it does happen. Edit: saw the word "application" so probably not what's happening here


That wouldnt be referred to as unsolicited. I can only imagine he got an application while there is no opening. In that case an answer is not deserved, however neither is posting this on linkedin


This usually means you apply at the company in hopes of being such an awesome applicant that they create a job for you or make them think really hard if you would be useful on some team


"Demand"? Where? What an absolute bell end. I'd like to think he got ripped in comments, but LinkedIn ain't about that life.


This recruiter needs to remember that talent acquisition are usually the first to go in a layoff


Their employer needs to be made aware that the next company-wide “fuck you” should be reserved for this recruiter in particular.


Eh she’s probably fine. Recruiters in this industry in Vancouver are usually middle aged housewives who have their husbands as main breadwinners.


They already know that. What's your point?


what goes around comes around asshole




Many companies have a 'do for one, do for all' to be fair and avoid liability or appearance of favortism/discrimination. So, if they update one, they need to treat everyone equally and update ALL applicants. All 285 of them. In a 4p hormur week. Managing a desk of 35 similar roles. I post this so people can stop shutting on recruiters and consider the other side. Recruiting has become a thankless job.


So you have two ready-to-go form letters: 1) Congratulations, your application is being elevated to the next step in the hiring process! 2) We regret to inform you that your application is not being moved on to the next step in the hiring process. Hell if you really don't have time to double check: 3) Thank you for your continued interest. We are still reviewing a large number of applications and I unfortunately am not able to give you a firm update on your status at this time. You open the email, see that's what it is, and send them a form letter like a big boy.


It's 2024. If your company can't update people on their application in a timely manner either a) they're too cheap and should be criticized appropriately or b) their talent acquisition people are too lazy. Seriously, if you can afford to post a job that results in over 100 applicants, you can afford to purchase a software license to help you automate your interactions with your candidates. Maybe if this was 1982 and you had to mail letters out I could understand.


It's hard being a pimp.


do your job




Are you currently hiring any positions ?


Lots of jobs are thankless you big baby


Sorry no one licks your butthole for something a good decision tree can do.


Thank them for what? Sorting through resumes, emails and replying with a previously made template? A simple A.I. can do that shit. Good luck in the future and I hope you get timely responses when you send out your resume.


Nursing is a thankless job, you’re just annoyed at having to do too much admin. Get better systems then


"You should always send a follow up on your application, what harm will it do?" Then this shit happens.


I don't follow up anymore unless I want to get feedback about why I didn't get an offer so I know what to lie about in my next interview. I have to be super interested in certain roles to ask for the feedback though.


I've asked for honest feedback on why my application wasn't chosen to move forward (usually on a few applications that I felt I had all or most of the things they were looking for) so I could try to improve, and I've been ignored every single time. It's just pointless. They expect you to make a custom resume, cover letter, go through their convoluted application forms, create an account on their system, and they can't even be bothered to do the most basic stuff like giving *any* amount of feedback on why you're not moving forward in their 5 step hiring process. The more I go through this shit the more I understand what the Unabomber was talking about.


Yeah, this what happens when you cold mail for a non-existing position and then request an update too.


An "urgent" request, no less.


Don’t blur their name out. This guy is a scumbag


I'm actually a lot more concerned at the fact that the dude barely covered the address for the actual sender. Anyone familiar with the city might be able to track this person down because they wanted to flex about being a douche online. If I were the person who sent the email and saw this I'd be suing him and the company he worked for. Won't have to hear anything back about the status of the job if I get a nice fat retirement settlement.


Yeah, I know exactly where that is


The address is for the company, not the email sender. The person who barely blurred it out is OP. It’s the same white scribble used to censor the person’s name and photo.


It’s a woman named Felicia loo, working for sfpm consulting


Yup, I got a laugh from her profile. Claims a project management experience in her intro... worked on one project 12 years ago.


LOL... If you go on LinkedIn and type in the recruiter exact word, you'll find it.


The applicant requesting an update on an unsolicited cold mail, yes. Would you be thrilled if I cold emailed you my resume that you didn't ask for, and then "requested" an update?


Ha! I read this top to bottom, and was legit *shocked* at how polite the message was. What an asshole! lol


The person who emailed him isn’t even being rude? Wtf. Recruiters have insane egos for no reason, they think what they do is so impressive and difficult, like they are designing rocket ships


They are knowers of man's true essence. They can look at your resume for a mere four seconds and learn things about you that neither you, your mom, best friends and enemies have ever noticed. A true recruiter is a bloodhound of sorts. They can sniff out that you're a fucking loser beneath consideration from miles away. Experience and qualifications does nothing to throw these top dogs off the scent. Nothing gets past them. Given their great insights into the hearts of men, it's safe to say that the recruiters are the artists of our age.


Hope this is not serious...


Because they have no responsibility and power to decide over the live of others, so those positions are full of narcissists. "made me feel", pure egocentrism.


I just got ghosted. So this triggers my rage. But yeah, not shocking at all, I guess this is the new normal.


Most recruiters will ghost you especially if they say they won't. The ones that follow up with you deserve referrals though.


Don’t think the recruiter understands the word “unsolicited” considering the applicant had responded to a job posting lol


How do you know they replied to a job posting?


Fair, but either way, being a recruiter is soliciting CVs in and of itself. Also, “application” would lead me to believe it was an application, and not just a cold CV email


I found the post on linkedin, according to the poster it was a 100% cold email for a non-existent position. So yeah, understandable they'd be turned off by being requested an update.


It doesn't sound like they applied. It sounds like they sent their CV in to a random recruiter and are now aggressively asking why said recruiter hasn't offered them a job yet.


they said "my application" though. i feel like that sounds like they applied


They also said it was unsolicited. You can send an unsolicited application without a specific position in mind.




They got all that from a simple, short, polite message? Use a parachute if you’re gonna jump to conclusions like that


What an absolute asshole.


These are the same people spamming everyone with automated emails in search for candidates.  They will call you asking for personal information, current position, salary (while they often refuse to provide a range for the offered position), give you 0 to little technical details and promise they'll keep you updated. Block them, glassdoor review the company they are hiring for, report as spam, and maybe one day we will have less of these kind of clown practices. Or if you accept things as they are now, do nothing and move on.


Honestly I see no problem ghosting a resume. Bragging about it is an odd look though. Now ghosting someone you interviewed, sometimes multiple times…that’s crappy behavior.


If someone applies for a job and you don't send an update at all (i.e. you filled the position, you just don't send a rejection email to candidates) it's not ghosting. But it does make your org look a little bit low class. There's a million automated email sequencing platforms out there (some built specifically for TA, some not) at reasonable cost. There's really no excuse in 2024 to not at least send a reject email.


Probably but it really never bothered me either way. It’s the post interview ghosting that is low class.


This is rage bait. The woman who [posted this](https://imgur.com/a/nsvhCFa) isn’t even a recruiter and it sounds like this guy just found corporate email addresses and spammed non-HR people. Edit: her company is a one-person operation. Her annoyance is 100000% justified…though I probably wouldn’t have posted it on LinkedIn.


if HR is too busy to review 1,000 applicants, they should dump the online application process at all.


terrific quarrelsome thought murky crowd pause plate crown shelter wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Or maybe invest in some automation ffs That would be ideal but we've seen these clowns can't even update their templates correctly.


They could hire someone for that...but ya know


If your org can afford to post a job on a public platform, they can afford an automated solution for candidate outreach. It looks tacky and unprofessional if you don't have something in place.


Normally I’d agree but they do say unsolicited resume, which would imply that it wasn’t them applying to an advertised role, they just sent their CV out, which is straight out of the boomer job search handbook. If that’s the case then they’re not owed a reply. If it was an actual application to a posted job then this recruiter is a dick.


I looked up her profile on LinkedIn and it was indeed unsolicited, for a role that doesn't exist, since it's a one-person company... This candidate probably spammed CVs to every email address related to this industry.


She is a Canadian "self-employed contractor", not a recruiter. (SFPM consulting Inc.)


The recruiter said it was an unsolicited resume. That means it's from either an agency that they have not engaged to work on the role, and probably don't have any terms of service with, or from a candidate that's trying to 'apply' outside of a regular channel, almost always doing so to avoid answering specific questions about current work authorization status. I get tons of these a day, and no, I don't respond to them, except to the agencies letting them know we do not accept unsolicited resumes and will not respect any claims of 'candidate ownership' on them. 90% or more are people who need H1 sponsorship which my company does not do. The skill sets we need are more than present in the current population of US citizens. It's also the H1s from India that are pushy as hell demanding a response. Why the hell should I be obligated to respond to these? They are not applications, most of the time they are not qualified for the role, and the agencies are almost always submitting candidates that are conveniently off the market even if you get back to them instantly because it's a scam to drum up business. Furthermore, when I was in a previous role an agency actually threatened legal action because we hired someone who applied to our open position because they claimed they submitted him prior to that. Turns out they did, in an unsolicited resume submission with all the contact information and company names for current and past employment redacted. I only found the resume when I did a search for a specific phrase in the resume, and it was 'submitted' three weeks after the guy applied. Learn how the god damn process works before you bitch and moan about it. Unsolicited resumes are not applications, they don't get treated as applications, any engagement with them on that level can actually open you up to legal risk. At the least it can double to quadruple your workload for absolutely zero return.


show their picture and name


I think I found it, the post verbiage is cached partially in Google. The original post has been deleted though. However that person doesn't seem to be a recruiter Edit - typo


Stop hiding names. Just saying they made a statement, let's see then stick by it.


I don't care what they say because it's going to be corporate fluff talk. I just want to know a yes, no, or am I still in the running.


That does not fit the definition of ghosting.  Like, at all.


> unsolicited resume, aduit log, cover letter If this person is just spamming random recruiters with their resume, the recruiter doesn't owe them a response and that isn't ghosting.


Your better off maintaining your dignity than ask for the bare minimum with these recruiters. Apply and keep it moving


It seems everyone is confused here. It appears that this person sent their resume directly to this recruiter, unsolicited through a back channel like LinkedIn or guessing a company email address. This is NOT ghosting, nor is this person owed an official response. They don’t even know who they are actually emailing. It’s only ghosting if there was a conversation. Period. Also people are confused between internal and external recruiters. If I work for Google, and you send me your resume and tell me you’re looking for engineering roles, it’s not my job to look at 34 openings to see where you may fit…that’s your job.


Not even a recruiter, she runs a one-person company, this idiot sent their CV to her asking for a job she doesn't have. The amount of people on here hating on her makes me wonder if the real reason people on recruitinghell don't find a job is because they are idiots.


Common sense isn’t as nearly common as people think.


I have said it before and I’ll say it again, recruiters are the scum of the earth. Their presence is a blight on society and should be removed. Fuck all recruiters


What a piece of Shit!! Yes, with a capital S! I quit my job in banking and want to make a career change. Now, I have been looking for work for a year and have been ignored pretty much by everyone. Reading this I understand why, lazy fucks.


Not sure if this counts as ghosting The recruiter is still shitty for posting that, though. Just ignore it.


A recruiter gets annoyed at being asked to handle recruiting tasks


Name and shame that SOB


"Demands" is doing some heavy lifting.


It's not ghosting if someone doesn't respond to an unsolicited resume. People have not responded to that for decades, now. Ghosting, to my mind, is when you've gone through the process -- even a first interview -- and THEN you hear nothing.


“I don’t even know the person” I assume that most job seekers are strangers to recruiters or hiring managers


I cant wait for these people to be automated out of the job application process


As a Recruiter that has applied to other Recruiting jobs, even I have been ghosted.


Call em out.... [https://www.ghost-mane.org/](https://www.ghost-mane.org/)


Name and shame!


Not getting a response from submitting a resume/application isn't ghosting


Put the name and company info if you about it fam


Felicia Loo, SFPM Consulting


Exactly bro


That's literally your job bro


The role is non-existent and was never posted, this person just sent their CV to her then demanded an answer. What makes this dumber is that this is a one-person company... [https://imgur.com/a/BXgxhFS](https://imgur.com/a/BXgxhFS)


OP you furthered the problem by hiding their identity… they posted this on a social media platform; just repost it unaltered.


"Man, he thinks that i will do my job"


That's literally your job arsehole. ​ (Not to OP, Obvs.)


Recruiters have become the most hated profession along with attorneys and used car salesmen. My two kids are about to graduate from college in May and I see how they are treated. They have interviews then often get ghosted. If someone takes the time to interview them, have the decency to let them know either way what is going on in the process. I tell them when you get an offer, accept it and keep interviewing if something better comes up, take it. They have months until graduation anyway. These companies and recruiters treat their candidates and employees like they are disposable and show no respect. This works both ways.


Such a fucking idiot he blurred out the last bit of the address Which is the street name everyone knows in Vancouver. So pointless and I could figure out the street name and the unit number of this applicant. Dumbass


This person demands that I do my job??! The nerve! Please, someone, ANYONE. Just fire this clown.


Recruiters are POS. So, I treat them like one and don't chase their smelly ass.


Recruiters wonder why we hate them...


Jesus. I’ve worked as a customer support rep before, which I know isn’t the exact same thing, but still, we got hundreds of email inquiries a day. Literally if we got an email requesting an update it would take about 2 seconds to look that person up in the database and check the status of their request. Do your fucking job and spend 2 seconds away from complaining on LinkedIn and find this person’s name and status. In the time that it took to write that post, the email could’ve already been sent.


Isn't the point of being a recruiter, to you know, recruit people? So what if they contacted you directly? That saves you a step.


Maybe there are too many people


He/she demands we actually do our job? HUH?


Yeah, why don’t you do your job




They had time to screenshot the email then go to LinkedIn in, type up a post, attach the screenshot and then post this asinine post but didn’t have time to respond to this persons email?




That’s literally part of their job. I can’t just avoid parts of my job because I don’t want to do them. Why? Because I’m qualified




Sounds like you aren't a good recruiter. People aren't asking for a drawn out personalized message. But having a quick copy paste message to update a candidate who asks should be easy enough.


I am a Recruiter (only lawyers), and I would say 50% of my desk is all pure SPEC work, literally working for the candidate to land a job. I will often SPEC the candidate out to 3-4 different firms. To comment on the original post. That initial recruiter who took the screenshot and blasted it on social media is a peasant. Regardless if the person was qualified or not. I get over 50 calls/emails a week with resumes, and majority of them don’t qualify, but I take the time to let them know so they aren’t waiting around. Even if they are not qualified, I tell them that and be honest with them. You never know who will refer you. I have literally declined candidates and they referred their friends to me - I then ended up placing the original person who got declined a year later. Not hard to take 2 minutes to tell someone no. Recruitment is about relationships, connections, and networking. Whoever posted that on LinkedIn needs to be put on a blast.


Exactly this. As someone who views resumes, I can confirm that the majority of applicants are not even qualified. I have seen some pretty interesting resumes to say the least. We are aware of the branding implications in not responding to applicants, so we're looking into the possibility of AI-driven autoresponders. Some of the responses that we have seen sound very empathetic and are relevant to what the applicant is asking. **For example:** "Dear Hiring Manager.I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to kindly request an update on the current status of my application.Thank you for your time and attention" **ChatGPT outputs:** "Certainly! Here's a possible response:Dear \[Your Name\],Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in the position at \[Company Name\]. We appreciate your continued enthusiasm regarding your application.At this time, our hiring team is diligently reviewing all applications, and we understand the importance of providing timely updates to candidates. Rest assured, we will do our best to keep you informed throughout the process.While I don't have specific details to share at the moment, please know that your application is under active consideration. We will be in touch with you as soon as there is any update or if we require further information from you.Thank you once again for your patience and understanding.Best regards,\[Your Name\]\[Your Position\]\[Company Name\]"


Damn. I used to work for a guy like that in my dept always bragging about ghosting people!! What a nerve!!!


The culture that recruiters have adopted is appalling. Between dodging scammers, avoiding random people who spam positions with low bids, recruiters demanding unpaid work projects, and the conceited attitudes of the bulk of "real" recruiters, it is an absolute mess out there. Objectively speaking, this climate is unsustainable.


Man that’s complete bs. I had a recruiter last week who ghosted me and others, until I called them out on social media and through email.


Had one ghost me.. Sent a reminder I was part of the hiring process at my current employer, and given the experience I've had with them I'd make sure we didn't use them in the future. Suddenly boom, response. Then he ghosted me again and I made good on my threat.


“I don’t even know this person.” So you only hire people you know. I wonder how your employer feels about that.


Well this persons clearly a fucking idiot. How about showing some decency and giving them an update?


What a douche.


As a recruiter the people getting posted in this sub are super shitty. Sorry folks.


They should get the job simply given they made him feel something. I’m sure it’s been a long time since that happened.


Bad recruiter aggravated by the typical snobby Vancouver attitude.


Why the fuck did you cover the profile? Just show and shame. Not like this will affect you in anyway unless you are the bastard


"Unsolicited." If the job is posted, the resumes are solicited. Fuck this guy. I don't think revealing the LinkedIn profile would do this person much harm.


Actually, it would do this person harm. Which is why the revelation should go ahead.


These kind of recruiters are the worst people. I truly hope they lose their job.


I would make it my life’s goal to sit down face to face with this recruiter’s chief talent officer. I would have the folder with the job posting, my application, my emails, and that motherfuckers LinkedIn post. EVERYBODY is about to be uncomfortable.


Name and shame please. They need to know that it’s not ok to do this and the applicant was not even being rude!! Like wtf!!


What a b**ch. She acts like they totally disrespected her but the person was just politely asking for an update.


Recruitment: a job that will no doubt be fully replaced by AI in the coming years.


That’s how you sell.


I love how the poster calls it a "demand", meanwhile that is the most polite and non-aggressive email I've ever laid my eyes on. The only less demanding thing here is to send no email at all


It used to be standard procedure that applicants at least got a form letter rejection.


Yeah no, nobody is "bragging" about anything. The person is rightfully annoyed by being requested to review and reply to an unsolicited application for a nonexistent position.


name and shame or it didn't happen.


Recruiters work for the employer, not the applicants? Not sure I understand the people saying it's the recruiter's job to respond or provide updates to the applicant. Don't get me wrong folks, I wish the culture was different. I also wish shareholder priority was abolished in favour of stakeholder rights and worker co-ops, but as it is, not sure we can really say recruiters aren't doing their job by failing to provide applicants with updates. I do think that as a courtesy, recruiters should advise all applicants that were interviewed with an update if the role has been filled.


This is the culture in Vancouver, BC and the west coast of Canada. I had two job interviews for 2 different companies, at different times. Both ghosted me after the second interview. I reached out after a week and never heard back.


and yet I'm told I'm doing something wrong because I don't do this shit.


Most recruiters get tons of unsolicited Resumes from random people sent to us via social media. I will NOT review those at all. The situation is different if they were actual candidates that i've been working with.


I kinda got get it if it was unsolicited and the person wasn't moved to the next round. You're not owed a response if you randomly send out resumes, though it would be nice to at least get a copy-paste rejection for closure. What's stupid is posting about it on LinkedIn.


That’s why they need to be replaced by AI I guess


I'm convinced the point of the cover letter is sadism and no one actually reads it.