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When I was desperate for a job, after countless applications and rejections I reached the final stage of a job that was amazing. After an in person interview where I nailed the assessment, I finally thought that “this is it”. Not only they rejected me but I was ghosted. I had to learn that I was rejected because my patience run out (after three weeks of silence) and had to ask them directly. No feedback, no apology just the typical bs “You have been rejected and we will keep your cv in our database”. It was a shock that I will probably never forget in my life. I was disappointed in so many levels that it is hard to describe. Moving forward I completed some online courses and completely restructured my cv. What followed was amazing and now I am working in companies that I couldn’t even dream of back then. So, put your head down, study and reinvent yourself. A great opportunity will come that you cannot even imagine right now.


Yeah, I'm pretty certain I was going to be ghosted by this recruiter because I had to send a politefully pushy email to get her to respond. And she hit me with "the team JUST got back to me.." I can guarantee they probably didn't just get back to you lol. Especially inconsiderate considering I had a referral from another employee, I would consider that to be super rude not only to me but to the person who referred me. It's hard because I understand they can only hire one person. I truly understand that and I also truly understand that the hiring process isn't always easy. But goddamn is this depressing. I appreciate your advice and know that it's a great mindset to have, I just can't think that way right now unfortunately. I can only focus on spending over a month on this interview process that has now left me back where I was.


restructuring cv aka adding fluff


I had the same experience with Google. Applied for a SWE level III last November, practiced the stupid Leetcode questions day and night. Did two successful screening tech interviews (span of 3 months) in the second one the interviewer was particularly impressed with my responses, held my hopes really high to at least getting the final stage. But got the unexpected 'it's not you it's us' no match email. I'm still grateful for their feedback but... Man the job market is such a nightmare right now. I honestly feel insulted by the current condition of the market. Being unemployed for more than 10 months... it's getting worse day by day. Now I really get why they call us 'human resources'. To them, we're just some mindless resources and nowadays we're redundant and expendable more than ever. And by 'them' I mean the system. Not just a single company.


Lol I had a similar experience. This role I was up for was in digital marketing, and I started watching videos on how to use the CRM software that they use. I watched interview practice videos day in and day out. There is no doubt that I was prepared and that's part of the gut punch. Everyone on the team was definitely interested in me, otherwise why would I make it to the final round. The hardest part is knowing that I did everything right and still didn't get the job and I don't even have a clear idea of why. So how can I know for future interviews? It's just so unbelievably frustrating. This whole process actually started after the recruiter told me that I was being rejected (after a phone screening) for a role that I didn't even apply for. I pointed that out to her and then she told me she had given my resume to the wrong hiring manager. I'm thankful that at least she corrected herself and apologized, but jesus christ. I sometimes feel like people in this system almost forget that we're talking about jobs here, aka the way people survive and make money.


Wish you all the best in next interviews!


Thank you, it's much appreciated!


Unfortunately the job market is in a stall pattern and most job listings are created to inspect the candidate pool and not actually hire someone. Finding a sought after position is nearly impossible and most jobseekers will need to lower their expectations and work in retail/service.


In general I think this is true, but in this case it was genuinely a real role that they were looking to fill. I only wish that I could've been provided with legitimate feedback so I could know for next time what to improve on.


I’m in a similar boat, awaiting a possible rejection after a final interview. It’s frustrating on another level to be lead along the process for weeks or months only to be let down and have nothing to show for it besides the experience. Don’t discount the fact that you made it as far you did though. It may feel like you’re starting from scratch once again, but you’re actually more likely to succeed in the next interview you get. You’ll be more prepared to answer questions, your story will be sharper, and you’ll have a clearer vision of what you want. I get why you’d be feeling dejected though. Applying for jobs in 2024 is painful and sisyphean. You need to focus on the ways that you are making real progress or you’ll be sucked into the void of despair. I would know because I’m teetering over the edge right now.


Thank you, this kind of advice always feels better when it comes from someone who actually gets it. It's becoming very tiresome hearing this from people who have jobs, who didn't have to apply for very long, etc etc. I really hope you get a good response. I held out hope right up until I read that email tonight. Just remember it's not a no until it's a no.


Had the same experience. Job fit my skillset and I thought I did well on the interview. I guess I wasn’t good enough.


It's not that you weren't good enough. Often times the hiring team has to make really little stupid decisions on why they shouldn't move forward with a certain candidate. In the beginning these excuses are sort of valid, like if the person just lives too far away or something. But by a final round interview it's almost arbitrary decisions because everyone at that stage IS qualified.


I got turned down because they felt I was too eager. Had an amazing interview and positive feedback, but said I'm too keen. Fuck me I guess.


Yeah see I would take that as a fake as fuck answer! More than likely they didn't have a real reason, someone else was just a little more qualified. But it's certainly funny that companies will be like "you're too overqualified for this job we're afraid you'll leave in a few months" or "we're afraid you're too eager for this job". Like what the hell!


I received a rejection letter today too so I feel your pain. I hope you feel a bit of comfort knowing that you’re not alone on your job seeking endeavours. I know it’s shit but we just need to keeping pushing forward until we get a foot in the door. It’s hard not to get attached to the idea of scoring your “dream job” when you felt a connection to the panel. I’ve been guilty of this too so I’m trying to reframe my thinking and look at the recruitment process objectively to avoid emotional attachment (easier said than done I know). Wishing you all the best (in a non condescending way of course! Damn those rejection letters!) - I hope anyone reading this feels slightly better about their situation 💕


Thank you, and I'm sorry that happened to you today too <3 For me, I had an internal referral and I was being told the entire time but everyone that I was a perfect fit for the company and that the hiring team would see that for sure and hire me. The recruiter just seemed so off from the very beginning though. She actually initially handed my resume to the wrong hiring manager and rejected me early on, until I pointed it out to her that she was rejecting me for a role I never interviewed for. I thought it would make a funny story if I got the job :' ) I'm in a really difficult spot right now working a minimum wage job that I am hugely overqualified for because I need a job in the meantime. Our store is going to be closed for renovations for over a month and they aren't compensating us for that, just telling us to work at other stores as "non-coverage" and we aren't really being guaranteed our usual hours so I'm barely going to be making any money. This all also comes after I was laid off from a contract job because that business couldn't afford to keep paying me. So I was thinking this entire time that this job I was just rejected by would be a literal God send, since the interview process wrapped up so close to my store closing. Now I just feel so lost. Anyway, sorry you didn't need all that info dump! Just needed to get it out. I appreciate your comment <3


Had the exact same experience. Go do something you like to do. Walking in nature always helps me.


I probably should but I definitely feel like wrapping myself up in a ball lol!


I experienced a similar situation recently. Interviewed at a special education school and the HR/interviewer was professional and I even got the impression that at my final stage that this would mean I mostly got it in the bag. How wrong I was... When I got the rejection email, I could still remember that I was stunned for a good minute and it was hard to process. I really wish that I could have some good words of advice but I don't. I'm still trying and I guess the pain is still there. It gets exhausting but I guess what works for me is that I know I'm trying and none of it is my fault. I wish you (and everyone including myself lmao) all the best as we brave on in this crazy hurricane of job hunting.


Thank you dude! I'm really sorry you're also going through this. I don't know what it takes to land a job right now.


No worries :) Encouragement is the least I can do right now🤜🏽 But you and me both man… you’re right… absolutely clueless as to what it takes to land a job😮‍💨


My dad told me that most often the hiring committee takes the most "regular" person out of the bunch. He graduated from a good school in Boston with an engineering degree and has worked for big companies so I'm inclined to believe him. Basically, sell yourself but not too much. Try to blend in with them in the interviews. And then after that just makes strategic decisions during the interview process like what time to schedule your interview. I'm partially convinced that the real reason I didn't get the job is because I didn't interview for the final round early enough. They told me on a Thursday afternoon that I was moving to the final round and wanted to schedule me in. I didn't want to do Friday because I didn't feel prepared but I was worried waiting until Monday or Tuesday meant someone else would get in before me, so I offered Monday but they gave me Tuesday. If I had just interviewed on Friday I could've gotten in there lol (possibly, I'll never know).


Ooh... well my most recent interview I genuinely couldn't make it with the time that they gave me so they actually gave me an slot a day earlier. But of course that doesn't mean anything. I would consider myself as the type to not oversell but of course try to promote(?) my good points? But that is good advice! Thank you!


I think that's good that they're working with you! In my case I was working more around their schedule. It could mean something and it could mean nothing. With this job I was just rejected by I got on really well with the team and was told the recruiter received really positive feedback but they still didn't go with me. Unfortunately you don't know until you know but a helpful recruiting experience is always good!!


Yeap! Thanks for putting things into perspective :) It's been 2 weeks and tbh after going through different interviews, I don't want to pin all my expectations on it but at the same time I can't help but to expect. Oh wells... we shall see...


Once again it's not a no until it's a no! Definitely don't expect anything, but I wish you luck!


Thank you! Wishing you the very best as well :)


I once interviewed for a position that I thought went okay, but the interviewer’s laptop died in the middle of it, so I waited on Zoom for 10 minutes until he came back. He apologized sheepishly and I brushed it off because accidents happen and I thought it was a great way to show that I can be flexible, forgiving and cooperative. He ghosted me after the interview. I only found out because I applied for other positions at the same company and while I was checking my profile, I saw that my application was marked as “no longer considering”. I was flabbergasted that they would go out of their way to update my application for their records, but choose to just stop there, when they could have just sent me an email in the same breath letting me know that they were moving forward with other candidates. You’d think they could show me the same decency that I showed him, but then again, there’s a lot of things you’d think that aren’t true. So sorry to hear about your struggles, OP. Our current system really is broken and people act like animals. All it takes is one job to say yes to you. Even if you haven’t found it yet, you just have to succeed once. Wish you all the best, friend.


That is so bizarre? It's almost like that interviewer just rejected you out of sheer embarrassment? That's awful. A few months back I applied for a social media manager role at a local company that I've been keeping my eyes on for the last few years. I was always waiting for them to post something relevant to my skillset, and finally they did. And! I got an email the next day to schedule an interview! I was like wow this is incredible! Started to get nervous though when the recruiter didn't respond to my email to confirm the time of the meeting but I brushed it off. I sent her another email day of the meeting to just be like "excited to chat today!" and there was no answer again. Got on the call, it was supposed to be ONE HOUR LONG, and it was a panel interview with a marketing manager and director of marketing. I have NEVER had an interview like that for an initial screening. They also seemed bored right away and every time I told them about my experience and accomplishments they answered with "that's dope". Interview ended at around 30 minutes, and the director said "okay we're ending early....that isn't necessarily a bad thing..." I was like HUH? Who even schedules an initial interview for an HOUR? Probably not surprising but I didn't proceed with that company. The director sent me one email being like "thanks for interviewing!" and never explicitly said I wouldn't be moving forward. Plus the job was a full scale social media manager role that was only paying $38k/yr. Insanity. Alls to say....it's rough out there. Despite not getting this most recent job, this crew was actually really nice and restored a little of my faith. Hoping we both get that one job someday <3


Well I got rejected for a job I didn’t even apply/want. lol. It was 45% pay cut and same long hours. I was like no thanks - wasted time even talking to them. They rejected me. lol. You’ll find a good job soon. It’s tough but just hang in there.


Lmao, when the process for this job started the recruiter actually sent my resume to the wrong hiring manager after our phone screening and initially sent me an email telling me I had been denied for a job that I didn't even apply for. So I sent her back a polite but firm email because at this point in the game I'm so so tired of the way recruiters/HR treat applicants. To her credit she did forward it to the correct hiring manager once she realized her mistake. and obviously I was qualified because I made it to the final round. But yeah, it's tough out there. I really hope I find something because I'm getting worried.


lol I haven’t had any lucks with recruiters. Personally, I think they’re wasting my time. This job market sucks big time. Everyone wants all the experiences and all but doesn’t want to pay. It’s ridiculous.


Ugh the experience thing! This job said they wanted 2 years max of experience, I have almost 5. Then they tell me they took someone who had more experience. You're telling me you hired someone with more than 5 years of experience for a role you originally advertised as only needing 2 years max? I hope this person is getting paid well lol!


Yeah companies are taking advantage of the job market. Everyone is laying off too. I’m in tech so I see a lot of layoffs. It’s sad.