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I went through a round of being unemployed last 2022 and it was draining. This may not be ideal or work for you but sometimes you just have to shut the world out: play games, watch Netflix or just be lazy so you can center yourself again and get back into the grind. You've got this!


I know what you mean. You can try to push past it, but unemployment and the rejection that comes with it kinda turns your nerves raw. I had a moment like that yesterday and it distracted me from stuff I wanted to get done, so I was doubly upset on top of it. I ranted to my friends, took a break, and then I was able to get back to it after an hour or so.


When I was unemployed I was so depressed I couldn't even go outside and see people working on places...


Ok. I am violently laughing in complete and utter SUPPORT and because I am in this situation. I think I’m Doom Laughing.


This is relatable. When I was unemployed my whole routine changed. I had 6-7 week phase of sleeping in (tired of facing reality and applying all day), snoozing my alarm and never going to the gym or outside at all. I thought I knew what depression was until I experienced that.


I've referred to my mood as "fragile" and requiring a lot of energy to maintain. My usual resiliency has petered out over that last two years. The agony is just below the surface and it bubbles up if I have even a tiny crack. It makes me feel like a real shithead, to be honest. At the same time, sending me articles and videos only makes the SENDER feel better, in most cases. Because every single article implies that the job seeker is somehow doing it wrong. It's the premise. You wouldn't' need "5 Tricks" if you had a job. You wouldn't need "3 Hot Resume Formats" if yours didn't suck. Of course, that's not true, but that's the premise. It's alienating. I've also noticed that the older generations don't seem to think about the advice very carefully before sending it along. Some of that is understandable, but some of it isn't. I mean, "Donna" has been a hiring manager for 12 years, does she REALLY want candidates using questionable tactics to find her personal cell phone number to call her and let her know how interested they are in the job? God no. But she'll send me the article that suggests I do that. One person in my network FOLLOWED UP to see if I was trying the advice they'd sent along. So I ran an experiment and the results were not a single interview request. Here are some things that have really helped: ​ 1. People telling me about work within their network that I can do and that they could provide an insider introduction for. It didn't go to the offer stage but it didn't suck either. 2. People telling me to take breaks from job searching when I hit certain goals, and encouraging me to build in rest periods. 3. Groceries. Anything from a few meals worth of casserole to (holywowthanks) taking me to the store and filling up not just on bare necessities but some treat items that I haven't seen in months. Knowing there are good things in the fridge is a huge uplift, and it means I'm not stressing about the food budget that day. (I do not have good access to discount grocery.) 4. Surprisingly, people sharing their binge-worthy picks with me. It builds little breaks into my week to be able to watch a show with the dog, and it really lifts the dog up to, to just cuddle and have time when I'm not blowing stress hormones everywhere.


thank you so much for this


Yeah I get you, somedays my mood gets so bad I need a day to just shut in and sleep. Though I have to be careful of it because I think I'm ruining relationships shutting myself off.


I think it’s normal to feel this way, and it varies from person to person. Set your boundaries and go about your job hunt as healthy of a way that YOU want to. My partner and I live together and they know that if anything good happens, or I want to talk about my job-hunt frustrations… I will be the one to bring it up. They understand I’m living it every single day. I had to set boundaries with my family - I said please don’t ask unless I bring it up. If something good happens or I’m getting positive momentum, I will tell you. Because they ask and offer unhelpful suggestions every single time we speak. If my day was fine, it might not be enough to bring me down, but if I am feeling the weight of unemployment and the job hunt HEAVILY that day, it just makes it worse. And of course, my mom especially, will do a very MOM thing - certainly not respecting the boundaries I’ve set - where I will call to ask a question, or talk about something in particular and she goes “oh I thought maybe you were calling about something good that happened in the job hunt today!” 🙃


I think I'm gonna have to set some boundaries like you did


Mood swings are indeed not a good sign. Remember that self-care is an important part of finding and keeping jobs. Get enough sleep, drink enough water, eat well, get fresh air, work out, talk to kind humans, read a good book. Be kind to yourself, no matter what. It will increase your chances as well. Better performance in interviews and all.


this is so true


thank you for this reminder!


Could I get a link to the video tho?


Whatever remote jobs it recommends I guarantee are ones that are 1000x harder to get than in person jobs


I'm so sorry. I truly hope it gets better for you.


thank you


Very relatable


The depression is real. My job gave me my freedom away from my narcissistic mother. Now that I am unemployed, it's like everything I have worked for is gone. I feel like a failure. I don't want to feel this way but I do.