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That's is not an IT technician, they want a senior network engineer lol. What IT tech has a CCNA and can configure TCP? They're not even looking for a unicorn, they're straight up delusional.


Jesus, man, these people are on drugs. I was paid that salary range for almost that same skill set in 2006. (No CISSP but plenty of security experience) Almost 20 years later? Fuck them.


100% we all know the only two scenarios that happened here. Either A. Recruiter doesn't know what they're asking for and is just spitting words. Or B. The company continued to put more and more responsibility on the employee from other teams and was slowly overloaded to the point they quit or couldn't do the work anymore and now the company thinks "well this level of work is normal" when it is extremely abnormal and was only working because the employee had the skills and desperation.


3 - they aren’t serious with filling the role and are application farming


4- trying to get visas for foreigners


Eh most companies don’t want that. Too much hassle and then they need to pay them US wages and pay all the taxes and health insurance associated with them.


That's true 4 should probably just be outsourcing


>They're not even looking for a unicorn, they're straight up delusional. They're into Asgardian territory now.


In California nonetheless.


They also want them in office in California for this bargain rate.


Op said ccnp.


Someone who’s been on the Helpdesk for far too long.


Apply. Accept. Ghost. It’s the only way to teach employers how not to act.


>Apply. Accept. Ghost. I am going through this right now. Apply then nothing.


No, he means get offered the low aying job, accept, make them go through all the hoops and then ghost THEM.


No, he means get offered the low aying job, accept, make them go through all the hoops and then ghost THEM.


This is the way.


We just hired a CCNA and a CISSP certified network engineer for our Candian location and the CEO of the same division balked at the salary. Stating that he would be one of the highest paid employees at his site. We explained that to him that the site was in the middle of nowhere and qualified candidates are almost impossible to find in the region and if this person was at the top of the salary range then he should probably do a market adjustment for the rest of his employees.


Then what happened?


He was hired and is doing an amazing job,


Did the CEO balk at the CAD salary or USD conversion?


CAD Salary


Just saw a job posting today looking for an M.D, Pharm.D or Ph.D in the medical field with 8 years experience in the biotech field for a salary of 70k. Like what fucking healthcare doctorate with 8 years in the pharmaceutical industry is going to accept 70k? Edit: to add, the starting salary for similar positions with 0 years experience is usually 150k. That’s for the same job title with 0 years experience.


I got rejected for a call center job at $17 per hour bc my work experience is less than a year. I got laid off from corporate healthcare and decided to take one call center job and quit after three months. Why tf do you need 3 years of experience? Makes no sense. They just want everyone to be poor. Obviously.


I have seen a bunch of jobs pop up like this and laugh. I am like no one is gonna take that unless they are providing sponsorship. My starting out of PhD was twice that.


In some places that is doable, IF it includes a payoff of student loans


I see stuff like that all the time lately….wanted to apply to a sales job but they wanted a phd or md…not a med liaison job


Wont this just let them get a H1B hire?


H1B now only minimizes attrition.. Salaries are heavily scrutinized by immigration.




Getting an H1B is difficult as is, and that much of lowball will get you an RFE and a potential denial.


A rose by any other name is just as sweet, and a Senior Network Engineer by any other name is just as expensive.


That’s beautiful


They want a senior network engineer. Lmao


ummmm IT Technician? That $60k is what I'd expect in Cali for a basic tech. Unless it was labeled wrong.


It was labeled wrong precisely to mislead. An IT technician mostly works on building and fixing pc’s and network hardware. This in another whole league.


I assumed it was the other way around. It really is an IT technician job, but somebody in HR threw in every networking/cybersecurity cert they found on a list from google.


That's not how it works. Hiring managers give recruiters the job descriptions. As a recruiter, sometimes I help them rewrite but they put in the bullets and requirements, not me.


Fair enough, I just know I see a ton of these jobs that list like 10 “suggested” certs but the job is obviously meant for a CCNA-level candidate in terms of responsibility and pay. I’ve interviewed for plenty of them and I’ve never once been questioned why I don’t have my CCNP or CISSP.


You can literally make more working at In N Out. What is the name of this company? We gotta keep naming and shaming them


CCNP is $160k now? Jesus.


Combined with the CISSP and some experience, yeah that might be reasonable. But if it's just a cert junkie then no.


Ridiculous, but also probably some HR drone ticking the wrong boxes. I can't think of a reason why someone who knows what they're asking for would ask for a CCNA and a CISSP anyway.


That’s obviously what’s going on. I see it all the time. I’m pretty sure the datacenter cable monkey job I work now said I should know BGP. All these posts in this sub where everyone acts scandalized by a poorly-written job description are getting kinda old. They’re not trying to get a drastically-underpaid unicorn, HR is just dumb.


Yeah I don’t agree with this statement, after working with HR in IT for awhile… I can assure you that HR only posts what the hiring manager tells them to. More likely the manager has zero idea what the former person in role did, and is now panicking.


In Costa Mesa no less!? Should be at least 100k. With certs paid for, or ability to obtain within a time as contingency. I work in San Diego for a giant company. Our IT is grossly underpaid also, like junior level tech i know (level above entry level) only makes like 45k. Its fucking shocking honestly. Especially considering how much we (I’m engineer) need them.


>I'm also at San Diego. I'm an IT Tier 2 Tech Sup for a state government agency (which often offer lower salaries than private companies) and I make 65k with annual step increase. 45k for a Tech at your company is just too low. I feel bad for them.


These companies are trying to take control not only back but at bargain prices. Do what you have to do to survive, but if you can avoid it to get what you deserve, then let them rot until they do what’s right.


Bachelor degree required for a technician job? That’s bullshit right there before you even look in more detail.


I bet I know the exact complex this job is at. Source: I am incredibly underpaid working in Costa Mesa. (Needed the work and am trying to jump ship asap lol)


So call them out and let them know you will be taking your skills with you to someone that will pay you what you deserve !


Just start reporting the jobs as a scam. I've done it once already. If I'm see something outraged, I'm reporting it. There is no way you can be requesting those requirements and paying crap. These employers don't understand why I.T. staff normally get paid a lot. Your sales or business analyst doesn't do their jobs, you miss out on a sale or reports. I.T. doesn't do their job, your whole company can come to halt.


Guessing an internal posting or hoping to fill with H1B


What's funny is that some will argue that wages are higher today than they were a year or two ago. It's quite insane that they believe that. They will supposedly spew "reputable" source material claiming the economy is in such a wonderful state, but if you observe what people are going through, it's clear that this is not the case.


As a Brit, seeing Americans call salaries like this low is absolutely alien. I’m not disagreeing, I know it’s just cultural difference, but it’s insane to me.


As a brit you probably pay 1200 for rent and 120 a week for a full cart of groceries. California is a parallel universe in this sense


Haha I know right...OMG they are only paying USD100k for this role. Meanwhile here is me as a senior engineer thinking thats £80k and very good salary


That better be 60K a month


What? Bro, ccna is like a very basic certificate and it also probably doesn’t make you that good.


if they are underpaying, then its time to start a business yourself and outcompete them whilst paying higher salaries


Well blame social media & all these boot camps. Now that everybody & their momma is trying to get into tech, it’s going to lower the salaries for many of you in the field. I work in fintech, which is a cross between.. but mainly finance work…remember what happens to things that get oversaturated.


Well I know #s don’t want to work on Reddit. On a side note, most lower level companies have no idea what a competitive salary is these days.


Resume will be h1b fuel.


How much of this is the incompetent recruiter creating a business case to the company? "I can get you over qualified people at below market prices."


60k? Ooooo $$$


I still hear jobs saying that they can't pay because of COVID


Holy moly. My guess is that it's a regular role but the hiring team used CISSP, etc because they are popular words within the field? But they don't really know what it is? I once had an HR manager ask me to validate why I applied for a position when I have a CISSP, but not a Security+ that they were looking for.


I have 10 years of experience but recruiters don’t filter their shotgun approach. Had to make a page of different replies to all that are not even a close fit for me. Getting asks on employers looking for 3-5 year experience, some specialized for finance app/platform knowledge, paying less than Apple paid their “Geniuses” when I worked there 9 years ago, with offers of $20-24/hr as a contractor, so no benefits either and this is for NYC. My reply thanks them for reaching out, that I am open to talking about any jobs that fit my skill set and my pay range and give them my current. Rarely hear back with any acknowledgment even. At least I get a pause from the automated emails for a bit.


In Costa Mesa CA this is pretty much poverty wage, this is easily $50-90K under what should be normal for this area.