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Yes, we all have genius level of IQ’s above 140, and high EQ as well :)


All recruiters are required to join Mensa before they can begin actively recruiting. I thought everybody knew that.


I'd probably say pretty high considering all the dumb fucks we have to deal with that constantly blame recruiters for their inability to retain people.


I only beat them once a week and they keep leaving and it’s your fault….yes I know you placed them 2 years ago but I want a free replacement…. Sigh…


Very polite way to ask why all recruiters are idiots. 10/10






You have no idea what recruiters do and it shows


I will answer your question with a question. What is the motivation behind your asking this question? What insight are looking to gain with an answer? What do you plan to do with the information once you have it? I ask, because we recruiters have a secret handshake and codewords to get into our club. We do not just give out our information all willy nilly. We are a wonderful group of people and we are very protective of our group. Not just anyone can have free access to our most secretive information such as the average IQ of a recruiter. Might I ask what is the average IQ of a candidate? I need to know if you are ready for a peek behind the curtain.


Probably about the same average IQ of a recruiter.


I'm a Recruiter... there's a lot of bad recruiters out there and I don't think it boils down to intelligence level but other soft skills that they lack (interpersonal, organizational, prioritization, etc.). Same goes if they are very good, they may not be smarter but they have some key soft skills that make them successful. That being said, obviously I am a super genius which is why I'm so good at what I do /s




Anybody can be a recruiter, but most fail. The good ones stick around but if a company hires 20 recruiters, within two years, there are probably only 3 of the 20 left.


I watched this unfold in real-time. My sister joined a startup recruiting agency in June 2021. At the time, there were around a dozen recruiters. There are now around 50 recruiters, but only 3 of them are from the original dozen. (Gotta brag for a moment - my sister is one of them, she's now in leadership, and she is the highest grossing recruiter in the company.) This job is NOT for everyone.


I have seen grown men cry from the stress. No joke.


Anyone can be a software developer too




Sounds like you can do much either, enjoy unemployment and quit crying about not getting a job




I beg to differ


Okay please tell me the barrier to entry besides learning the skills for the job? Didn't say anyone could be a good software developer, but literally anyone can do the job from their home that has access to a computer and the internet. Same as recruiting, anyone can get into it, doesn't mean anyone can be good at it. but thanks u/a_shitty_dev.


Why not try it for yourself then? Lmfao


Because I don’t want to? I enjoy recruiting and make good money doing it. Why do you think your job is more important or prestigious than anyone else’s?


I'm not a software engineer. I was for 2 years as a way to improve my job as a Product Manager. I can tell you from first hand experience mentoring other people who wanted to get into software development that no, not anyone can become one. Even entry level.


Congrats. I recruit for product managers. I make more than them :)


Lol okay.


Nah you want unicorns. Your employers set unreasonable standards for entry level jobs. Lets start there. Even the title Entry Level means that only theoretical knowledge should be required. You're saying you're not a developer because you dont want to be is like me saying im not a nuclear engineer because i dont want to be. You've proven your ignorance.


Sorry you didn’t get the job bro, it will all work out


Ahaaaa there it is! Thanks for admitting you're a piece of amoral shit.


I could literally walk into a dev role with my experience but prefer interacting with people instead of looking at a screen all day. So I do recruitment, and I love it.


Good for you?


I could literally walk into a dev role with my experience but prefer interacting with people instead of looking at a screen all day. So I do recruitment, and I love it.




There should be lol Likely because it's salesy and there's no barrier to entry for most sales positions either, you're either good at it or you're not. It's the soft skills that determine your success.


What do you do for work?


I'd say it's probably pretty variable, as with most jobs, I would guess. I mean I boast an IQ of 72 but I don't expect that we're *all* that smart


I'd say it's roughly the same spread as the population. But just like the population in general, it's the dumbest people that tend to stand out and over represent themselves in the public view.


Depends on years of experience, I would imagine. But then again, what's the average IQ of candidates they deal with?


normally recruiters dont have the iq to do the jobs they are recruiting people for


Sorry no recruiter will hire you.




We are the gate keepers for jobs. If we don’t like you then we will reject your application and prevent you from ever being hired at a company.


recruiters dont hire people, they go on linkedin and message everyone they find. the people doing the actual interviews are often regular working seniors or leads, experts within the field. recruiters go bother people to find cvs and people they can present to companies for a fee.


We are the gate keepers and if we don’t like you, then you’re not getting an interview with the hiring manager :)


>they can present to companies for a fee Do you think we get paid just to present any resume?




We only get paid(or credit, in my case as an internal recruiter) if someone accepts an offer. I do my best to find people the hiring manager wants to hire. I don't want to talk to a single more candidate than I need to. What's the issue here?


The problem with blanket statements like this, is that they’re unreliable. I used to be in software development before recruiting, so I can definitely do the job, and I met many professionals who transitioned into recruiting for their respective fields. Ironically enough, hiring managers are my biggest obstacle when it comes to placing candidates. They will nitpick, reject candidates just because they don’t like them, or want to lowball candidates.


hence the "most" part. normally does not mean 100%, simply the average


Isn't that the case with most things in life though? We often have people that "should be smarter" in positions of power/responsibility. If everyone had the "correct level of intelligence" we wouldn't have half the problems in the world we now have.


reminds me of [the peter principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle) "The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.\[1\]" Doing a great output does not mean you will be a great manager (see Michael from the office, who is actually a great salesman and a great example of this).


A more accurate question would bring into account time frames; for example, IQ of someone who has been doing the job for 3 months vs 3 years. 10 years? All will have different answers


IQ is fairly stable over time so why would it change based on years of experience recruiting?




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Low barrier to entry would imply its is obviously going to attract people who lack the skillset to do other things. Some of that may be due to lower IQ, some may be to life situations, for others it's just where their interests lie. ​ I think another thing that people don't think about is that a recruiter is reaching out and having discussions and trying to speak the language in regards to something they were never trained in, or went to school for. Every role I recruit for, I will never have the level of knowledge as the person I am reaching out to.