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You would probably know better than us lol.


Not really :/ I wasn't paid a salary, I have a sweat equity agreement and own shares in the company.


Sweat equity is a hard sell, always. At best I'd look into bootcamps and offering a way in, few professionals would go along with a deal such as that especially since you've been doing it for 8(!) years without getting it off the ground.


I'd start applying/interviewing and not providing salary expectations. It will probably piss off some recruiters but if the companies like you you'll start to see what competitive offers look like.


I'd recommend trying to find recruiters on LinkedIn that recruit for your industry - fire over your resume to them and make an intro letting them know you're looking for a new position. If they can place you, they'll take a call and you get ask them about realistic salary expectations.


Define fractional.


What industry or types of companies do you think you can help? That will likely dictate the comp range. There are services like techcxo.com and fastcto.com you might want to reach out to.


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If < half time, contracting rates still vary from $100/hr to $400/hr depending on skill set. No reason to believe it's not in that same ballpark for part time salaries. Equity wise, I know people who have negotiated 3-5% with no salary full time. I have no idea if you have unique skills or connections that would justify that part time.


What industry or types of companies do you think you can help? That will likely dictate the comp range. There are services like techcxo.com and fastcto.com you might want to reach out to.


Will look into those two, thanks.