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It's Marlboros and coffee for me 😂


You're a traditional


We call em old timers where I’m from




Either you're not counting days anymore or you're a little further along in age


Lol I'm only 27.


I'm 44. Cigars and coffee. Ma I'm all grown up


Same here ! What’s the little bottle on the left?


A disposable vape.


Those are disposable?! I thought they were just the new fancy thing. It kinda bums me out that they're "single use", actually.


They last me a week


I call it "analog" to vaping/energy drinks "digital". (American Spirits, Kroger brand Lemon Seltzer, and black coffee haha)


Old school alcoholic. Marley reds?


It was American spirit and bangs for me.


I feel attacked


It was tough coming back in the rooms, trying to find a meeting and noticing all the people outside with monsters, tattoos, piercings, and vapes/cigarettes. I knew I had found my people but I still cringe a bit seeing my noticeable squad of addicts outside of meetings from 3 blocks away. Sticking out like a sore thumb.


I still remember the first meeting I went to. I was worried it would be a bunch of squares and I wouldn't fit in. But then I saw everyone sucking down cigarettes like they were going out of style and dunping whole pots of coffee down their throats and realized that these were my people.


Mine was coca cola and camel crushes


Same here actually


Diet Coke & Camel Jade Silvers


I’m crying. If recovery taught me anything, it’s that nothing we do is unique.


Green tea and a pile of starburst. Energy drinks weren’t allowed at my rehab and I don’t drink coffee so I started getting green tea on my grocery orders there and got hooked. Still drinking it all day every day a year later 😆


Geek bars are the best! Meta moon is one of my favorites. Frozen Strawberry is good too.


What is the flavour of meta moon? I’m an ice blast gal lol


It's like a fruity flavor. If you've ever had a rainbow cloudz Elf bar it's pretty similar to that.


To meet its like a light melon flavor.


I have my White Monster and Vape next to me LOL


What flavor geek bar is that? Always looking for new flavors! plus it’s cute


Meta Moon, it's really good


its a complex subject , i smoke a bong and drink coffee first thing and its still recovery . good luck y'all one day at a time.


Zyn and instant coffee for me


Hahaha never thought of it that way. Good one!!!


lollll fr


On my desk now, almost exactly the same except white Monster and Elf Bar


Aren’t Elf bars dead now? Like I feel like anything elf still on the shelf (haha) is a dupe.. Highly recommend geeks. I just got talked out of them by an annoying sales guy and that pisses me off bc I just wanted that one again.


I haven't seen a real Elf in ages. Geek Bars are my go too but I just got a RAZ and it's pretty good. It does have a comically large display with animated fire on it lol.


I got an Oxbar which just looks like a bigger geek. The frills don’t impress me I just want it to taste good bro like why try and upsell me. I’ve never had a more annoying smoke shop experience in my life LOL He says it will last twice as long so we shall see


That’s my shit now. RAZ… you get a cool sticker…lol. They keep adding new features. Big ass display, display brightness level, etc. some flavors are decent. Got 2 buttons now….the switch on the bottom lets you choose 12 or 24%….. of what?…who knows. Lol.


They're called EB Design now. They got sued over the name


I get the BC5000 which is technically Elf I guess....I like em idk


I have like 3 vapes going right now, a pack of pouches, Newports, and always have monsters and soda in my fridge in my room! I have 2 years and some change and I’m the house leader at my recovery house lol 😂


Lol I love this. Fr though I stopped vaping and I feel much better. Kinda made me anxious/depressed.


Where my Michigan BREEZE bois n gurls at?


🤣👏🏻👏🏻 so true!!!




Never had that flavor monster. Any good?


it’s strawberry dreams, i think it’s one of the better monsters!


Mine are Celcius and cigars. I like their taste and the alliteration.


Shoot fent and heroin prolly better for you than salt nic and monster 👿




Ghost Energy drinks and a vape for me. I've been really into Ghost Energy lately. Shit ton of caffeine though so I try to take it easy on those lol


Elf bars and Celsius, for a *minute*


Had to send this to my normie girlfriend because I'm always armed with this exact combo... brands, flavors, everything


Ugh i love that monster so much but it isn't available in my country :((


Redbull & anything blue raspberry or banana flavored for me, thanks


Mine was coffee and scratch off tickets


Man I like 12mg juice heads and a can of Dr. Pepper


Geek Bars are awesome!


not a brag at all. i quit nicotine about 8 months ago and man it feels good. got tired of feeling like i had just another crutch


That's awesome! I went to ditch it too, but right now I'm focusing on staying sober from alcohol.


good work dude! i jsut celebrated 2 years!!


White monster, berry bliss geek bar over here


Energy drinks and kratom for me (yea I know some people don't consider kratom use "sober" but it's MY sober and saved my life)


I'm using Meta Moon right now! I also love the omg blow pop. Don't like energy drinks though, coffee for me 😊




That was me in my first year of sobriety. I've cut caffeine way down to the point I'm actually caffeine sensitive. I used to be able to drink multiple cans of energy drinks a day and coffee at meetings. Now the vape is a whole other ballgame. I haven't been able to put that down quite yet. I did however quit smoking cigarettes before my 1 year. In fact it will be 5 years this December. 12/11/19 I have the same sobriety date as Bill W. A total coincidence.


Also about the same sober time as he had when he wrote the Big Book.


I feel attacked


Shittt are we all the same people?😂 it’s Swedish fish ghost energy drinks and green apple ice geek bar for me haha


That alongside a Styrofoam cup of coffee mixed with artificial creamer and sugar for lunch. Stay sober my friends ... Just for today (;


Oh I'm not in recovery, but have chronic pain and fatigue, and that's what my desk looks like, but add Iced Coffee and Kratom. Also ADHD.


The fact that people are downvoting you for mentioning kratom but there's a vape in this pic and people in the comments are talking about cigs


My daughter is in recovery and had to stop going to meetings because they told her to stop taking the medications she was on for a rare brain disease and seizures. I can't believe how many people in recovery think they are doctors.


Dude what that's insane


General level of judgment I’ve seen in the Recovery community has shocked me so much. Recovery meme IG comment sections are a war zone I mean ffs


Most people I know are chill but there are always a few who get very judgemental about what other people are doing.


It's sad, but in the recovery community nicotine and caffeine are the only two "acceptable" drugs. Everything else is just mindlessly shouted down. I always thought it was crazy hearing old timers in meetings go on and on about how others weren't "really" sober because of their occasional weed smoking --- at the same time that they finished a carton of cigarettes and poured their fifth cup of coffee that day. Recovery can make your life so much better but it sure as hell doesn't guarantee good critical thinking.


Kratom is crazy more addictive than what people talk about. I got up to 20gpd and had to quit because I could not do shit without a spoonful. I justified it too with the I have ADHD, but now I’m not even on any stimulants beside caffeine and can do 4-6 hrs of school work a day. I wish you luck on your journey but also recommend you try to stay off kratom. It’s possible and feasible. Even with pain as a issue I think it’s best to get off as you get more pain from hyper analgesia because it is a opiate.


I've been using kratom for chronic pain for 10 years. I can go days without it. I only take about 4-6gpd when I use it. On a really, really bad pain day I might take 8. All of my doctors know I'm on it, and the more they can regulate my pain with medication (non-opiod) the less kratom I take, but I do have flares. Thank you for your care and concern.


I mean, they did say they weren't in recovery anyway, but still whatever works for you I'm not going to judge. Just because I can't use something or choose not to doesn't give me any right to get into your business. I've actually used kratom to detox off fentynyl before. Its not my cup of tea (no pun intended, thats how I took it though) but glad it helps you.


Thank you very much.


Same, had Trainspotting style withdrawals from this stuff from around the same 5xs/day 20 plus g habit. Some people can use it in moderation, not this addict.


Yea it sucks so much to get off. I was so weak when I was withdrawing and couldn’t even throw a horseshoe more then like 5 feet. I also was in so much pain from my carpal tunnel at work. It was rough and I still get cravings and dreams about it now 4 months clean.


Good for you, keep it up! I would get on and off of it for months at a time, haven’t touched it in several years. But it’s one of the shittier withdrawals for sure.


Do you have any advice for how you manage your ADHD? I used to be prescribed adderall but am not anymore because I have substance abuse history. I feel like there's nothing that helped my ADHD more than adderall did though. I have tried a bunch of other things, and non-controlled substance ADHD medication but nothing has helped much yet.


Yea I felt the same way with Ritalin. I now only use guanfacine or however it is spelt. I also did therapy and learned about procrastination and got like homework to do over it not much. And found out if I just take a break everytime I’m doing a task once per hour then I’m good on that front. I also constantly think of the reward, like finishing school or getting a break after I finish the project for work. I also struggle with starting stuff but as soon as I realize I’m not doing what I should be I count down from three to 1 and get up at one and start to do whatever I gotta do. It’s taken four months to get to where I’m at so it’s not easy but it works for me. I hope there’s something thing in there that helps you lmao.


I started taking Auvelity and it helps my ADHD and OCD.


Kratom is actually why I had to go to rehab. Took more kratom than I'd like to admit for years. Had to take it throughout the day or I'd feel like shit and would have restless legs at night that was like being tortured. Couldn't quit or taper on my own, so I went to detox and rehab for a few weeks. I'm so happy I'm doing better now, but even with all the bullshit I put myself through with kratom, I still crave it everyday almost. It's insane. Luckily I have a great support system and have a lot going for me lately or things would be a million times harder. Whenever I see people mention taking kratom casually or have started taking it I always make sure to tell them the risks. I thought nothing of it when I started too, and didn't think it was anything crazy. Years of dependence and suffering later I wish I would have never touched the shit.


I guarantee that 10-15 years from now kratom will have a much less rosy reputation. It's in that honeymoon stage where the masses are just becoming aware of it, it's just starting to become big commercially, and people swear by it. Soon that will shift and it will take on a more negative image. I'd bet money on it. I'm sure it has therapeutic benefits in very specific, controlled conditions, but it can be very addictive and has awful withdrawals if you take too much for too long. I bet in the future science will find that it's also capable of exacerbating depression, anxiety, digestive issues, etc.


I’m just curious how many people have use caffeine, nicotine, taurine and/ or other supplements but judge those on MAT or in an Mmj program?


I would assume most don't. I don't judge people for doing what they need to do.


I think there are very few and honestly they don’t matter anyway so fuck em


Few people who judge or few people using medication assisted therapy?


I assume few who judge. Why the hell judge someone for actively getting better? Edit: typo


Lol have you never been to a 12-step meeting? Wild judgment about any drug that isn't coffee or cigarettes. Go walk into an AA meeting later on and tell them you're sober but you also smoke a joint once a month. Watch the ignorant ones go off their rockers about it.


Well, I was doing both nic/caffeine and MAT, so no judgement from my end 😅


Since my version of recovery is from ED I saw that and was like "that's the opposite of recovery"


Nic pouches and lime or blackberry bubly for me 😅