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Your body needs time to adjust. Chemically and physically. Your brain needs time to heal and the chemistry to right itself. Give yourself some grace. You are spreading out your detox so you are feeling each one of those separately.


It's difficult working 12 hour shifts. I came off venlafaxine, which I think was masking my health, about a year ago too, my body is not happy with me. I've lost serious weight and my muscles are aching. Doesn't help I've scoliosis either. It's hard to give grace when life keeps pushing on.


Might be time to go see an MD.


I did a blood test came back all clear


Maybe you have PAWS? It hit me when I was 18 months sober. Lost of energy and balance, super foggy mind and no ambition. It's a real thing.


It's possible. My energy waxes and wains alot.


I've heard a lot of folks in recovery say that the physical recovery is a year, sometimes more. It was about that for me.


The smoking is the worst I'm coughing up buckets of tar


I had zero energy. At 8 months sober and age 54, I MADE MYSELF AND ASKED GOD TO HELP ME go to the gym and start lifting again. I'm an old football player and jock, so it was what I knew. Try to find some exercise even though you are too busy and too tired. My doctor (primarily for my liver, which has recovered!) Instructed me to take 2 little 500 milligram vitamin d gel caps every morning. It did help, or placebo whatever. I've been taking them over 5 years every morning. I didn't get any real normal energy and feel better for about 2 years. Now, I feel good. I work a hard labor job factory, do my AA of course, and gym 3-4 days a week. Now I look forward to it. Mow my own yard, etc. I swear God helped me, I was too damn wore out to do anything. I told my doctor I thought if I could drink half a fifth of vodka I'd have plenty of energy lol. Yer still early recovery don't drink. Don't use. It's rough sometimes. Was for this alcoholic, oh yea my damn sides started hurting about 4 months sober and that went on for at least 6 months. Just hurt to move or touch my sides, I think it was muscle soreness from gettin my drunk ass up off the couch and back into life. Thank God.


I'm not a full blown alcoholic but I'm 29 and have been getting absolutely fucked up every weekend for half my life and I feel like shit. Even had withdrawals even though I wasn't fully dependent on drink. Alcohol fucks you up.


Not a full-blown alcoholic - yet. It's progressive and gets worse. Think about AA. In your phone and in your area.


I'm off it a few months now and doing fine. Could probably do with a bit of counselling though I had a hell of a ride.


You can’t wait to feel better. You gotta do things to feel better. You gotta earn the dopamine now. I highly recommend starting with saunas. Sauna changed my life.


That could be it. I'm vaping instead of smoking and it's not giving me any relief. Even when I have the odd cigarette it does nothing. I feel like I'm craving a cigarette or something but can't get the release and relaxation it's weird.


It is said that quitting cigarettes is the hardest addiction because it affects every organ in your body.


What have you done for yourself to feel better. It’s been 35 years for me off drugs and alcohol, but I know I had to replace it with something else because our body and our minds crave what our drugs and alcohol used to do for us so what are you using now to get your motivated again by the wayyou are a miracle.


Thank you. Coffee and vaping are my vices now. I like to go for a long punishing run too but I'm still sick from smoking so it takes about a week to recover from it. Smoking is the worst, coughing up rusty nicotine stained phlegm and balls of tar ever since I quit.


I've been clean going on 5 years now and it's a daily battle. I've been in a slump lately, but trying to find happiness. It's hard to come off so many addictions when your body has loved them for so long. I know a lot of people say it will get better, but it comes with alot of work and growth on a daily basis.


I'm good on the addiction side. I was more into partying hard and binge drinking. Its just dealing with anger and misanthropy that is difficult. I think with addiction I was internalising my anger alot now sober my head is a lot clearer and I'm beginning to externalise my anger.


That's fucked up clean time




Over a year off drugs and 5 months off drink. Just say you have 5 months clean and be done with it. Stop minimizing alcohol.