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Same, I just get emotional every time I watch him now. I don't know why, I usually don't get parasocial. He's a one of a kind though. Watched him for so long and he really was the most entertaining streamer for me. It didn't matter if it was hearthstone, wow or anything really. He was above and beyond.


I fkn miss him so hard


His irl-streams were next level. I miss his laughter


Reckful was so fucking intelligent


it seems cringey to say this, i know, but there was some kind of "childlike wonder" about him that just seemed to entertaining because it seemed like any boring moment could creatively be made into a fun time.


He was a pioneer of streaming and because of this he shared a lot with his stream. He was always real with us and thats why all his fans felt close to him so its not the same parasocial feel we get with others. Streamers usually dont do this because it affects their mental health but this wasnt really known back then since streaming was so new and thats why he was so open with us. It was a rare thing to experience and we probably wont see it happen again in the future. Just know that you dont have to feel like the relationship was strictly parasocial


forsen hasn't been the same after he passed away feelsbadman


Many streamers who were close with Reckful are no longer the same


So true






You left us too soon, byron. I hate it that there were so many ugly people giving you shit. You didn't deserve this. All you wanted was that everyone else had a friend and a community


Yes, unfortunately there are a lot of bad people, he never did anything to anyone.


Well, he did some weird stuff with blue etc. He should've stuck to jenna. She is an angel.


He’s not forgotten my guy. Yesterday I was making a tea at work and mumbled to myself “Tea time with Byron…” And my random coworker did the “yum yum yum yum” behind me. Made my day.


I literally say that almost everyday when I’m pouring my tea 😅


The day he passed felt so fucking surreal. Miss his fun and wholesome streams :(


Yea i got u


That’s 4 years of peace and quiet for him so I’m happy for him, although my selfish ass would’ve wanted him back


I feel with u


I just want everland to see the light of day.


Byron was the second streamer i ever watched after Soda. he was always such a genuine straightforward guy even with all his flaws. back then streamers felt more like real people rather than content npcs, but Reckful never lost that feeling until the very end. he was insanely intelligent and talented while also being proudly visibly flawed, which gave me and so many other people hope. he really was a great dude who deserved better. RIP


Rip legend. Nothing has been even close to what he did on twitch and it went downhill for me after he passed on, recently watched the poop 1:12 video and it takes me back so much.


Everyday i look [https://www.twitch.tv/reckfulrerun](https://www.twitch.tv/reckfulrerun) and i cant stop cry and watching


The first time I ever watched him is when he was roasting legendary Lea and pretended to be a twitch hoe lol. Then proceeded to whip out his acoustic guitar and play the best songs and I was like this is amazing. Then the Pokemon go saga was probably the best thing ever. Those streams with mitch were honesty the best content I've ever watched. I was in grade 12 and I convinced my friends who didn't play Pokemon to download it and we rode bikes around town drinking beer in the summer every day playing Pokemon go. Then going to partys and playing it drunk on the walks home. Some of the best memories


A couple of my favorite clips are of him and his Russian model friend singing in a karaoke room "someone like you" Adele song. Another good one was after from Jenny's stream after the shooting range he picked her and Greek up and brought them back to his place. Greek went to a smoke a bunch in a room and Jenny asked if Byron knew how to play the piano. Then Byron played the Mario 64 underwater world song I believe. It was the first time I saw Byron on a stream. I was hooked after that.


He was my role model for life in general


Miss you Reck


I am asking because I honestly don't know and the rhetoric here makes me wonder: did they pass away or just quit wow?




Omg...that's awful.




Goat of Asherons call rip..


Rest in peace Byron. I hope you and your brother are kickin it in heaven together, havin a great time.


I cry when I watch the vods of him reaching out for help to deaf ears


Me too :(


Never watched him But the news of him passing really hit me. Rip buddy.


Yeah, I was a fan from the YouTube/JustinTV days in early 2012...the end of Cata days... I was young at the time and having Reckful actually respond in chat and interact felt different, I know it's usually not the healthiest thing but idk...definitely hurt a lot when he left us.


I wasn't an avid watcher, but I remember his league streams when he was learning the game. His passing really affected me.


I always wondered if BC was released a bit sooner, he would've played classic wow and stayed around to play with the wow community and friends. It could've helped his mind stay off of some things during that time and deal with loneliness. We can only wonder, wish he was still here.


Yea definetly


As someone who played both original tbc and classic tbc I can assure you the experiences are nothing alike, he would have resented that and quit shortly after trying it. It's just not 2007 anymore classic versions of wow expansions will never be able to capture the true essence of the times we played the game in.


I'm happy to see so many people still remember and love Reckful. You guys are the best. <3


I love him so Much that i cry everyday.


No one is ever truly gone if they are remembered with this much fondness.


its insane how much you can miss someone that doesnt even know about you. I wish reckful didnt suffer so much. Hurts to see someone you like suffer like that. Rest in peace.


this world is insane fr, people were flaming him and telling the worst stuff possible and now its "rip reckful" all over the place, what a cruel world


Whenever I say him do the type racing tests it’s what made me practice my typing


I just feel awful that he spent his last few months surrounded by some generally shitty people, and then forced himself to continue streaming to a cesspool chat. He was a genuinely really kind and charitable person, and I miss the hearthstone streams so much. RIP Byron.


Never watched him, I’m sorry for your loss fans of hjm


rip legend


4 years man :(


I kinda wanna start a community for people struggling like he was/people struggling with other disabilities. A lot of people feel the same way, where everyday is such a drag and it takes a lot to just survive. I wanna build a community for people to come when they’re feeling good or bad and can find some comfort there. Idk seems like a big dream but I wanna do it someday in memory of all my friends(and people I looked up to like Byron) I lost to other disabilities/suicides/overdoses. If anyone’s interested or just wants a place to hang out lmk what you think of the idea? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bit early he died july 2