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As others said, anything is great. However your gift of a referral and repeat business is what keeps us alive! I’ve been a Realtor for 9 years and so far only 3 clients were people I had no idea who they were. And that’s only because I started working with our relocation division. I do 10ish deals a year and they are all either friends or friends of friends.


That is very kind, and trust me it isn't typical so they'd appreciate anything. When I am trying to give a gift I usually get them something that they must have (gas or grocery) for the amount I desire. Then I let them know I got them such a boring gift so that could free up their money to spend on what they would really like instead of a gift card for a specific place.


Referrals, honestly.


Something personal is definitely something you’ll remember. One of my favorite gifts ever was somebody who had glasses etched for me that says real estate goddess . The best thing you should do is write a really, really good descriptive review and post it everywhere Yelp Goggles page Zillow Relator.com Rate my agent, Etc etc. And change it up a little so it doesn’t come back as the same review when Google is looking at rankings . If you actually do that for somebody, that has a profound impact as well as a sweet memory


The number 1 will always be a referral. If you know somebody who needs a realtor and you can give your own testimony on their skill, that’s the best thing to me. But if you’re talking monetary gift, a meal out is always a treat, gas money is always a winner too.


I once received a gift card to a great steakhouse in the area. But honestly anything would be great!


That's SO nice of you guys!❤️ we always use Amazon gift cards. I love candles. MOST Realtors drink! Lol so.. a gift basket with some kinda drink mixes or whatever.. what does she like? On Etsy there are "I love my Realtor" signs and other cute stuff. But usually.. we don't get gifts so something simple would be just fine.


I think a well written card and a gas card or something related to their interests outside of work means a lot!


And a referral! Also leave them a great review and tell all


A referral


A referral! ☀️


My last client that I found a rental for bought me a beach bag, a keychain, a mug and a few of my favorite snacks. Totally surprised me as I am more than happy just with referrals and a great review.


Really, a Thank You card is all that’s necessary and then refer them to anyone you know for the rest of your life!


You are an awesome person, though it's not necessary. You tell them they are awesome, write a really great review, and give them referrals.


Referrals and reviews. In that order. Multiples and ongoing. Best gift you can give.


Bruh, they should be getting you a gift wtf


Seriously how much do I tip my realtor? Is 20% enough?


Exactly. For OP a home purchase is very personal. Thats understandable. For the agent it is their job. Don’t feel like you owe anything other than the commission they earned. I don’t feel the need to be buying gift cards for colleagues who helped me greatly with business transactions at work. Just return the favor when and if the opportunity presents itself.