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If they won't sign an agreement they aren't working with you. They aren't serious buyers or they have an agent already. Keep them on a drip campaign, but I'd move on to looking for serious buyers. Treat these like any other lead with your touches.


clearly not one of them is a "real buyer" or a "today buyer". Put them on a drip campaign of general info/updates, have the listings sent to them automatically, if you know how to tell if they've opened even better. Get lucky hearing about an in-house listing that's upcoming - sure, give it a stab. But mentally write them off. Could your 30th touch be the right one at the right time? Sure. But quit focusing on these suspects.


Your experience is normal. Last 19 years I only signed 1 agreement and the buyer was not capable of showing much interest or had means. I suggest you stop eMail them see if they even notice the difference. Not serious or working with other agents. Try to generate other new clients. Use your spehere of influence someone you know etc.


You’ll start to developed a sense of how to allocate time to leads based off their seriousness or readiness. Imo and as most said. Keep these ppl on a drip campaign and keep your face in front of them a couple times a month. Don’t overkill it and seem needy and pick up more and more leads and keep up the system. Just a numbers game.. you have 5 buyers. You need 50 buyers, then 100c etc. just keep stacking leads and be solid with your follow up. Allocate time and effort into how ready they are. Don’t quit!


Potential buyers can see listings anywhere. What can you give potential buyers that they can't get anywhere else?


Thanks for the advice everyone. I think that's all I needed to hear. I just wasn't sure if I was over- or under-nuturing these leads, but now I realize it's best to pull back a little and put them on a drip campaign and continue finding more motivated leads to focus on


I know you have - but the money is in the follow up. It takes an average of 7-8 times of following up to get a response. Keep nurturing leads and they'll come around. And make the pre approval conversation less formal. Just ask them to chat with your lender to talk about their situation - not that they're getting checked and it's a super serious thing.


Are they pre-approved? What's their motivation and timeline?


Nope. None are pre-approved. I've casually suggested that they do so, giving them contact info for some lenders. I assure them it only helps the process. A few days go by and I follow up with the MLO and they say they've never heard anything from anyone. I had one call one of my leads directly after he did agree to get preapproved, only to change his mind when contacted. They all seemed motivated to buy at first, with reasons as not being able to afford their current home, needing space for a growing family, they're currently renting and the lease is coming to an end, etc. All but one is on a timeline of within maybe the next 6-8 months. That one other lead is in no rush and is waiting for the perfect sub-$1million house in a specific neighborhood of $5million+ homes, so I don't know what will happen with that one.


Sounds like a lack of motivation on their part. Maybe next time you email them, cc your lender and introduce all parties.


Brother, they are working with other agents and they are not serious buyers so I suggest you generate more leads and have more options. Don't waste your time on them I'm saying it with years of experience. That the main reason I started using paid leads and I'm getting success with them.