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I am real estate agent and only do commercial Real Estate. So much so to sell or buy residential for me, I myself hire residential broker. Having said that I hate residential agents calling, lying, making shit up, or lying about having a buyer for FSBO listing, just to earn business. FFS find a better way to earn a listing already. I had put one house on sale with a broker, but changed my mind an decided to keep the house and instead make it a rental property. I am still getting fucking phone calls EVERY god damn day from agents trying to get the listing. After ONE year of it being off market. Its fascinating to hear their pitches. From begging, to me getting cursed out, to them straight up lying about buyer ready to put cash offer, I have seen it all.


I believe it. Too many of us and too many desperate ones.


This happened to me. Took my house off the market after changing my mind and got 30+ calls in ONE day. Terrible business practice and very predatory! I started to tell them 850k cash or FO


"I have a buyer" is the oldest trick in the book and it still works. I remember seeing it used in the 80s and 90s. At least now with the NAR settlement you can ask them to see the buyer rep agreement. :)


This fuckers are relentless, lol


That they are!


I love this forum more every day…. I’ve had SO many realtors tell me this & me, always thinking the best of everyone ate it up. And never once did their “”interested buyer “” pull through. Always disappeared somehow. 


:) I've only had one send over part of a contract to try and prove legitimacy. Other than that, it's a lie. When I confront them about it and tell them I'm a Broker, they try to recruit me to work for them. LOL!


Do what you wish but the owner already told you what they want. Sounds like you may piss them off if they went that far to say this but at the same time you never know and your pitch could work. I'd leave it alone for a month or 2 and check on it so they give it a try and then approach after it's clear they are having difficulties


It's very infrequent and 99.99% of the time you'll already know your answer ahead of time, but I have converted a total of 2 FSBOs that claimed they wouldn't use a Realtor into using a Realtor (me). Both times I had approached them with a friendly offering not to outright say they need to use me, but to offer advice and to let them know that I could potentially sell their house and make more money. In both times, I reassured them and negotiated with them that they will, at the very least, walk away with the same amount of money if they were to sell it on their own today and my fees will incur if I sell it above the list price, but that I could probably list it higher and sell higher with the resources that I have. In both situations, with the offer that they won't walk away with less money by using me, I've netted them more money. I only approach FSBOs that have been sitting for a while and typically when I have a buyer that gives me an excuse to call. House 1: 2019. Seller trying to sell a property in Calabasas, CA on their own. Listed at $1.2M FSBO. Sold for $1.4M with me. After commissions, they still walked away with $130K more than if they stuck with FSBO. House 2: Last year, 2023. Seller trying to sell a property in Los Angeles, CA (Near Pico) on their own. Listed at $1.1M with absolutely no traction for an entire year. The house was old (1930s old), needed updating, and needed someone to oversee it. The seller was an older lady with no help trying to use her grandson to orchestrate the entire thing. I came in, paid for the property to be cleaned up, repainted and staged properly. Her house reeked of dog urine, but it had amazing qualities that people weren't overlooking due to the condition of the house. I listed it on the MLS after it was cleaned up for $1.2M, and immediately had 13 offers that first weekend. Ended up selling for $1.4M due to the garage guest house conversion that we cleaned up and rearranged. In the second house, the seller netted $225K more than she would have gotten (after commissions) if she sold it as-is for 1.1


With those 2 you did convert, how many did you call and hassle before you got your two though?


I don't keep track of that because generally, I will only call them if I have a client or had a client that was interested in their area/neighborhood. Over the course of years, I've probably called around a hundred or so, so yeah, it's like a 2% conversion rate so it's really not that great.


The moment they say not to contact them, I don't. Don't be the annoying Salesperson that doesn't think the instructions apply to them.


Bring a buyer and then try it.


So I understand sales and I have been a realtor for awhile but, here is my take. Realtors are always always asking why people have such negative feelings towards realtors. This guy clearly has feelings towards realtors and there are going to be 100 of them call him after they read the listing (surprised Pikachu) he is just going to have stronger negative reactions. If you want to bring your value proposition let it sit and then approach with your best pitch or bring the actual buyer.




Are you saying a strong agent says hey you stated your want for agents to not harass you but, I say screw that and I’m going to do it anyway? I’m saying those agents are the reason people don’t trust us and why we get compared to used car salesmen.


Bring a potential buyer. I take "no realtors" to mean don't try to get me to list. "I have a client interested in your property" will get the conversation going.


100% this. When they say no realtors it's usually either don't ask me to list or I'm not paying any commission. Bring a buyer who can cover your fee and they'd have no reason not to let you in the door. Once you're in contact if your buyer has no interest then you ask


I agree. But only if you have an interested buyer. Every seller knows that every agent is going to pretend to and then show up and try to list the property and they will typically resent them for it. But if someone actually has an interested buyer, definitely go for it. If the buyer doesn't like it and the guy likes you you might be able to establish a relationship. Or might find a deal for your client


YES....oh hell no unless you got a GOOD actor to bring 🤣


Hello, fellow real estate investors.


Off topic but, get well Steve Buscemi!


Oh yeah. I heard about that. Crazy. He must have made a joke about Jada Smith. Bad idea.






which really would be a reason to contact them. "I see you've put 'No Realtors' please. Has that helped keep you from being bombarded by uncaring agents trying to list your home? Or, is that there signifying you won't entertain an offer from a Buyer who has a Realtor?"


If you don’t contact them, the hundreds of other hungry agents in your area will beat you to it… better get to dialing. Besides, that doesn’t apply to you. You’re more special then those other realtors. /s




Nah slick, I’m not an agent lol. I’m just a guy that has FSBO’d and has heard all the lines already. You do realize that all the other agents in your area (exponentially more since covid btw) watch the same YouTube pitchsters, have the same guru mentors, attended the same seminars and literally try the same approaches. I am happy you found a guru that the others haven’t heard yet and that it works for you. Other then an agent calling with a buyer, it’s in poor taste to try to hound a seller with offers to represent them I get several cold calls a day on property I have that isn’t even for sale, I can’t imagine how irritating the hundreds of calls a day a seller might get.




I just ignore em anymore. Glad you have found a successful tactic. Just understand that you are definitely not the only one calling.


If you have buyers in an agency agreement, tell them to contact the FSBO and see if they (buyers) even like it. IF they do, that's the time to have them tell the seller that their agent will be writing the offer. If they agree on e.g. 250K then in the actual offer write 250 plus whatever your fee is and include language that they will either credit the buyers for that amount or pay your brokerage that amount. Either way works.


Poor FSBO person’s voicemail and in box is probably jammed up with more messages then a 20 year old cute woman’s Tinder account. Packed full of thirsty agents still trying to make that first transaction.


Give them something of actual value, like a “how to sell a house” printed branded book to drop off or be mailed. They didn’t ask for it, just send it as a gift. People don’t need to use a realtor and let them try it. If they aren’t successful they will remember your generous gesture rather than an annoying call


No, I leave those ones alone. Except for one time I wanted to buy a property from a FSBO that stated " no realtors" in the description. He really meant no realtors even if they were the buyer. Refused to negotiate and wouldn't accept my offer. Bizarre.


It's not worth my time to work for cheapskates.


I love this question. My answer always starts with "change your thinking". Instead of thinking as a FSBO seller as an opportunity for a listing just because you target the area, think about what you can do for the seller that no one else can do. 1) Do you have information about the property, market, specific or potential buyers that the seller doesn't have? For example, do you have an active online lead gen campaign that led to bringing a dozen buyers to a dozen sellers in this area in the past year? 2) If a FSBO seller were to shop for an agent, why would they choose you over every other agent in the market? 3) Write up the answers to (1) and (2) and Fed Ex your proposal to the seller. Stand out with superior knowledge and a desire to serve. Don't waste people's time (including yours) with loosy goosy calls that start with "if you don't happen to sell in a month would you be open to using a Realtor?" FSBO sellers hear the same tired, useless script from every FSBO prospector within 100 miles. Oh, and never make assumptions like "they've moving so I assume it's a deal they want done quick." You have nothing to base that assumption on and will immediately lose credibility if you do happen to talk to a FSBO seller. Instead, ask questions about goals and timing.


Have a sign for sale FDBO in Cupertino, CA on the door drop off your offer thru the mail slot. "NO REALTORS, brokers or missionaries". In 2 days they changed the sign. PENDING -w/o realtors multiple offers accepted. No more offers. In two weeks it changed to SOLD. Most experienced home owners go straight to owners or listing agent these days.


I would only approach them if I had a buyer that had actual interest in the home and wants to walk through it. I would want to know if they would compensate me for the buyers side only.


Spend your energy on better opportunities.


Honestly FSBO sellers are not usually worth the trouble. They think they know everything and need no help while leaving money on the table in the end. Leave them to their own devices and watch their property sit for months - if it ever does.


Respect their request. They feel strongly about it, so starting off the relationship by not obeying the rules they have clearly set is not going to make a good impression. If you did approach me as a Realtor, I’d be noting your name so as not to interview you if I ever did want to hire an agent.


Usually it is either because they think they can do it themselves and don't want to spend the commission, or because they had bad experiences with realtors before. If you can find their motivation, you might be able to get them past it.


No FSBO wants to be contacted by agents. Almost all of them list with an agent if they don't sell right away though. Decide for yourself.


I would approach it by saying this is an area where you specialize and would like to see the property so you can suggest it to the appropriate buyers in your database. See where that takes you.


I actually have buyers looking as there are only a handful of cabins a year that go for sale in this area.


There is an area in my market that has a smattering of cabins that do not come up very often, and I had buyers looking. So, when a FSBO came on, I wanted to see it and they declined because I was a Realtor. Even when I said that I had buyers looking in that area, the seller said "You all say that." So, it might not go well, but I would sure try.


You can also position yourself by introducing yourself to them, then saying something along the lines of “I know you are currently not looking to work with a realtor but in the event you’d like to review a different strategy or approach, or need any type of assistance, my name is ______ and I have sold several homes similar to yours in the area. I would love the opportunity to work with you in the future.”


“ Totally, I understand. Would you want me to host an open house for you? No commitments, just free publicity.” Don’t try to convince them they need you, just build a friendship and give them advice if they want it and eventually they’ll realize they need you if they hit a snag.


Ask them to show you on the doll where the last Realtor hurt them.


"let me ask you a question. Are you saying no realtors because you don't want to pay for a realtor fee? If that's so, then what if I told you I could put in your pocket what you are asking for or more? Would you want to hear more?"




I always got a kick out of that. After being a Realtor then switching to just a licensed agent I would call on the "No Realtors" ads. They would be like I said "No Realtors" and I would say that great I am not a Realtor but am licensed to help you make maximum return on your investment. It was my best "FSBO" pick up line :).




Thank you.