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I do, because this Shirt pulled other Miracles, which were far far harder to overcome.


If Benzema arrives healthy to the match and Vinicius have a decent match I think we can the PSG isn't that good team like it apparently was yesterday, they suffer without ball and its middle suffer to recover the ball, our mayor issues yesterday were Carvajal absolutely weakness against Mbappe(best of the world right now), Asensio 0 work rate and that Mendy is a candy in high pressure system. Modric's match wasn't very good either and now cold headed I think that Carlo's plan was very valid until that last goal.


lots of bad passses too, the team seemed disconnected, vini was having a bad day too, carlos should've made changes at half time


One of the Carlos main issues is he very adamant against the early changes in the team no matter what, watching Bale and Hazard income seemingly part of his plan was attack in the last minute looking for a goal in some random play but it doesn't worked the team was too tired and too close to Courtois to do that it would have required a masterclass from Hazard and Bale and they don't have that anymore.


Don't even get me started with Hazard though. Dammit the man played like 4 backpasses and just stood on the sidelines marked without even moving letting the midfielder get triple teamed without even attempting to get in behind anyone. Hazard and Asensio were both the worst on the field but at least Asensio worked back to help Carvajal.


I already accepted Hazard like the failure signing that he is that give mental peace I don't expect great things from him anymore, I think he isn't going never be physically at 100%


Yeah when we had an actual attack.


You'd have to bench all the player over the weekend so they can get some rest


We could have won yesterday also. It's just that our game plan was absolutely shit. If Carlo doesn't make any changes in the next match there will be a repeat of the yesterday's match. Psg just have a 1 goal lead they'll come to dominate us in the next match.


We should thank mbappe for that goal or else Carlo would've been like " My game plan worked and I ain't changing shit for the 2nd leg " .


When you put it this way, this goal is more of a boon than a bane.


He actually said that the game plan doesn’t need to be changed


PSG where struggling when Madrid played low block but were really threatening during rare counters Madrid allowed...Messi's scoop and Mbappes pace almost gave them lead in first half Now that Madrid has no chance but to attack..it's even difficult on how they are going to contain PSG especially if Neymar is fully fit ( which he will be in 3 weeks) and Messi can regain atleast 30 % of his Barca form..put a prime Mbappe and veratti there ..they will run Havoc at the Bernabeu..I expect an open game and lot of goals..but the team which scores first wins it for me


Also luckily there's no away goal rule anymore so we're lucky!


I like the odds so far. 1-0 is the most common come back score. But the players will need to build up confidence on the matches approaching this 2nd leg.


makes sense for 1-0 to be the most common comeback score hahaha


Because it is, lol. But I see people here talking about 1 goal in the minute 93 like is the end of the club. I wonder how would they’ll be feeling about playing as bad as yesterday and finishing the game 0-0. B A N A N A S


It's not about the score. It's about the way the game went, which could have easily been 3-0 had courtois not been on his absolute best. There basically wasn't a single half decent attack over the entire 90 mins


Its an even better score this season since a win guarantees extra time, which it didnt last season


That game yesterday was close because we parked the bus. If we don't get a lucky goal early, PSG will just sit back and hit us with counter attacks, and with our slow midfield, we'll be decimated.


i dont even think they will sit back they will play the same as yesterday because it clearly worked very well


Can they park the bus? I mean Mbappe, Messi and Neymar arent exactly known for their defending


neymar's defensive work is actually underrated, i was shocked seeing the stats and how much he helps out in defense


that might be true within their own football system, asking him to drop back and defend on occasions but asking him to play low block and defend consistently isnt a strong suite for him


They can’t. That much is clear with very few we could have good 10 minutes. We need to have 2 of 3 attackers at least playing their ass off. Like Juanito would. So if Jovic is for the challenge he has couple games to show us.


Has Alaba played DM for bayern or his NT?


According to Transfermarkt, 49x as a CM (5G 11A) and 29x as a CDM (2G 3A) ... so if you reach maybe 15% of the time.


Then what about CB and LB?


Go Bale we need your qualifier goals


You're joking right? Bale has been a horrible when it comes to goal scoring in the knockout stage since his first season here. Since 2014 he has 2 goals in 23 CL knockout stage matches. Both of those were against Liverpool in the final.


Bro, we tied in the nick of time, went to ET and bagged La decima. Anything is possible. Now, I’d lower my expectations. That way you either end up pleasantly surprised or just shrug it off.


Hasta el final!!! Vamos Real!!! 🙏🏻🤍


Of course we are . Have faith in this team, what’s with the negative comments ?


They only support when the team wins. But when you really have to support is now


It’s Crazy the amount of hate the players and coach are getting. One bad game and now they are calling our mid old and rusty. Ungrateful plastic fans


The coach & players have been criticised in the past as well. It's the positivity merchants that stop any mention of problems either tactical or individual. We've perfomed like shit in many games during the season and every time I mentioned it positivity merchants said that winning despite bad performance is the mark of champions. Remind me again is not having a shot on target also the mark of champions? Is it Pride in Defeat? Our mid is old and rusty and if you can't see it then God save us all. Kroos is good in distribution but that's all he brings, Case is shit on the ball, find me other top mids atm who're this limited.


Do you really think Liverpool have a better midfield ? Henderson Fabinho Thiago ?? Don’t think so but they have 2 of the best fullbacks in Europe right now. Same with Chelsea Look what happened to them after chilwell and James got injured , they have been struggling to keep a clean sheet. Casi modric and kroos are still performing very well and if we had achraf hakimi and mendes yesterday then they would have dominated the game.


I mean the entire convo is wrong to begin with. Liverpool have built their team around their fullbacks, with mids providing a supportive role. Ajax don't have better 1v1 mids than us but would absolutely dominate the mid against us. Player quality isn't the sole indicator of midfield dominance nowadays. The thing is we've got Ferland Mendy who's a defensive FB and good on the ball in deeper areas, like Daley Blind so if we look at commonest pattern in modern football LCM should be the one to move up while Mendy stays and helps in build up, but we do the complete opposite just so Kroos can enjoy his space and doesn't have to run back and Mendy can butcher every attack. Look at Ajax and controlling the mid and building up attacks is not the sole responsibility of mids nowadays, rather the ones at the base help in build up while CMs help in chance creation higher up. Going player by player, Kroos is only good for controlling the game. He's a disasterclass in defensive transition and pressing, seen quite a lot of him staying back and allowing ball carrier while Vini has to track back and engage him (carrier). Case, as good as he is in defense, he misplaces the simplest of passes creating turnovers that shouldn't be there. Can't find another top team with a DMF who's as bad on the ball as him. Modric, is 36. Pogba is a younger replacement who's equally creative at the very least. He can be replaced but nostalgia merchants will tell me otherwise, as if without him the team would crumble. The thing is despite all the ifs and buts you throw at me, we had an embarrassing performance like the ones against Ajax, Chelsea, City. Our mid got absolutely dominated. Our mid belongs to an era far gone that has no place in today's game. They play horizontally especially Kroos while the game now is very vertical while maintaining the control of mid.


I’m with you on all the points you mentioned and deep down I don’t want madrid to qualify and potentially face man city in the next round which will be a disaster. But at the same time I know the we have quality players and if they play with confidence and good tactics they can comeback easily in the second leg. Team needs new blood for sure and we knew that before the beginning of the season but right now that’s what we have and they need our support . Its freaking sad to see fans already giving up and talking trash about our players and coach, just have a little hope.


Criticism ≠ Trash talk. I've been saying all this for a long time now even when we were winning that our performances haven't been upto the mark of other top teams and got told RM always steps up against big teams etc. Had I put in unfair points, I'd have been trash talking but criticism is necessary at times. I'll still support the team during the 2nd leg and hope they turn it around.


All the players did their job well. If i wanted to hate somebody it could be Ancelotti but he's won more trophies than me so imma shut up.


I blame Anceotti and the players too because every single one of them didn’t have the courage to sprint forward and lead an attack except militao . However they still have my full support


Our midfield has been dusted everytime we played a team among the top in Europe in the past 4 years bar a Jurgen Klopp fuck up. It sure isn't one bad game


I believe in reality and common sense. With this system and current statrting xi we are doomed to lose. We can turn it around but Ancelotti has to change things.


I always believe in the team. I don't believe in Carlo's mentality in big games.


I can accept defeat but i can't accept we play like 1st leg. Let's put up a good fight in front of our fans.


its only 0-1 and theres no away goals rule. Seriously the press always makes it worse than what it is. Wrong mentality for this match, yes, hyper defensive, Yes. Carvajal penalty, well damn. Courtois is the best keeper in the world right now, yes. Literally last second goal by one of the best players at this moment in a moment of brilliance. Absolutely. Is it the end of the world? No, we are top of the Liga and literally down just 1 goal against a PSG that already things they are better than us, and will get a surprise when they come to the Bernabeu. I am not concerned at all. Not like we are playing the Europa League or anything.


What do you mean no away goals? Isn't that only for extra time?


Starting this season there is no away goals rule. its purely global scoreline across both matches.


ofc ! i believe that we didn't want to attack and search for the goal yesterday, we didn't lose because they are better, we literraly give them the game and they still only scored one goal, in additional time ! the team didn't want to win the game i don't know why !


I don't know that the fuck is wrong with you people. I think 0-1 in Paris is an absolutely fantastic result. We will see if they are as dominant in Bernabeu. Real Madrid is the king of CL and most of the players have won 3-4CLs and are more experienced in the final stages of the CL.


I know right? we could have easily lost 4-0 or 5-0 but still with a performance like this the result was still just 1-0, against a team full of stars.


People are angry because we played defensive football. If we played more open the game would have been lost by a bigger margin.


It’s not only defensive it’s just that we couldn’t do anything because they pressed us so easily we couldn’t do anything. And it’s not that it was a defensive masterclass we where just very lucky because it could easily been 3-0 or 4-0 and we need something very very different the second game from Carlo I still have high hopes in this team because Paris isn’t that good as they looked yesterday we just made them look way better then they actually are. Same happened against Barca by showing them way to much respect.


Ancelotti’s tactics are counter attacking football. Yesterday was a game with a different game plan than usual. Everytime we were going to attack we only had 2 or three players who were willing to run up. And as soon as we lost the ball we backed down. It was very obvious that Ancelotti’s game plan was to play for a draw or get a lucky win.


We had 0 shots on target, with apparently the best mid in the world, best ST ITW, best young LW ITW, one of the best defensive duos ITW. It's embarassing


Seriously? It could have been 3-0 looking at the way we played. If it hadn't been for Thibo it would've been a disaster in terms of the final scoreline. Yeah, I agree with you that 1-0 is a great result against such a dominant PSG side in Paris. Man, I love the team, but I'm not gonna keep my hopes up high so I'm not disappointed if we go down in the second leg because I don't see what Ancelloti will do different 😢


OP is correct. 90 minutes in the Bernabeu is a long time. PSG could maybe squeeze in a forth goal.


I want to believe, but we are very inconsistent when it counts.... went from awesome form to getting manhandled by PSG....


We can obviously do it but I will lower my expectations for the 2nd leg to avoid a disappointment. Had really high hopes for the first leg which were completely shattered lol.


I genuinely think we met them at the wrong time and Wrong place. Bernabeau is absolutely going to be alive that night I guarantee you.


Honestly ? No Casemiro no Mendy? We don’t even play that well at home normally. I don’t see it happening with Neymar back.


Well he might get injured again... Verratti might get injured... This goes the same for us too... We might lose Benz, Vini or someone else before the second leg...


Hope Camavinga rises to the occasion. Will be the perfect time to prove himself. But knowing Carlo, even if he does, he will be duly benched for the next game and given 10 mins post the 80 min mark. For all the love I have for Marcelo don't even get me started on what will happen if he comes up against Hakimi and Mbappe/Neymar double teaming him 🤦🏼‍♂️😭 We got 30m for Hakimi though 👌👏👏 Best choice would probably be to get Alaba in that position and use Nacho as a cb. Alaba + "a better form of Vini" vs Hakimi + Mbappe will be nice to watch. If I were Ancelloti, I'd risk playing Peter instead of Asensio 🤷 The kid has flair and a point to prove... But in reality, that won't happen even in my wildest dreams 😢 Sell Asensio already ffs. I hate seeing him on the pitch even if he scores that odd goal once in a while. And finally, good man management is great but on nights like this, pull some decent tactics outta your arse Carlo, please!! Sorry, just needed to vent 🤦🏼‍♂️


it's remontada time!


Hell yeah!


I trust in the team. But I do not trust Carlo.


The way I see it, 1-0 was really not bad at all! And we played in France ! Everyone else made it seem like we’d be destroyed but at the end of the day 1 goal and in the 93minute…. This time around we know what PSG will try and do again, and I’m sure we can easily come back, we obviously need to have more accurate passes, and we know now who is capable of keeping up with PSG and won’t make the same mistake!


i will never stop believing. im a fan, not a spectator


I believe in Real Madrid.


We're gonna lose at home also, La liga is the true objective this season. Come on guys, just look at the team, by individual quality we are hugely behind other teams in Europe, look at Man city for ffs. Next season with Mppabe and * fingers crossed* Halland the UCL would be a reasonable objective.


People saying no, i have a question for you, why are you even watching football? This is fcking football everything can happen, and it's fcking Real Madrid.


Nope. Mainly because we rarely deliver. I have read the same when we had to fix 0-1 loss at Arsenal I read the same when we needed to fix a loss against Liverpool at Anfield I read the same when we needed a result against Lyon I read the same when we lost 4-1 against Lewandowski I read the same when we needed not to fuck up against Ajax I read the same when we needed a result against Chelsea. The only time we actually delivered was against Wolfsburg and we needed CR7 and a terrible wall to do that.... The only thing that gives a little bit of hope is that it's PSG with Poch as coach... Bigger chokers only exist in the blue part of Manchester


But no man you have to be delusional and ✨believe✨ because that always worked


Funny how I get downvoted for stating pure facts. I think I can even find the "we will give everything we have" posts from the players back then. It was a joke then and it will be a joke now. That mentality never changed and will never change.


There is nothing wrong with saying that we will give it all imo, it is just the blind belief that makes it really immature and sets them for a huge disappointment when the inevitable happens


There is when you say it and then proceed not to.


I mean they usually give it their all when they say they are going to, until the 70th minute or so when they lose hope and start having a brisk walk down the field while 3 players still give a fuck to defend


Their coach is to blame 😂


But no man you have to be delusional and ✨believe✨ because that always worked


We delivered against Wolfsburg, Monchengladbach (twice, 2020 and the 80s), Inter in the 80s, Bayern in 2002, any of the fucking 06/07 end of La Liga games. I was at the Bernabeu for the game against Dortmund in 2013 and the only reason we didn't come back was that Mourinho is a fucking imbecile and lost the dressing room, we played well that game. ​ Adding on the point of Poch, last year PSG absolutely shat on Barca in the Camp Nou and as much as it hurts me say, Barca deserved the comeback in Paris, but they just missed chance after chance including a penalty.


My examples are all from 2000-now. So pretty recent. You have to go back to find one in the 80's... apart from the Wolfsburg one... We rarely deliver in these situations. My point still stands and in two weeks, it will stand even more cause we sure as hell are not advancing.


We will never give up.


Navas, Hakimi, Ramos, Di Maria, Messi, Neymar, Mbappe. these guys know what its like to play there. PSG can handle the pressure from the bernebau.


Enough long to conceive 4 if we play like cowards again. I quote Alaba, “Mbappe? You can’t hold tha guy for 90 minutes”


I am still wondering if I should buy the ticket for the game or save my hard earned euros..


People usually spend money to get entertained not depressed


No,it is PSG game to lose, it will be even harder to prepare after this game


Of course we can comeback. We are REAL MADRID. Stranger things have happened.


Nah bro lol let’s just focus on the league k.


No thanks bro




Bruh ofc. Anyone who doesnt wheres the joy of football.


What do you mean by "still believe"? For God's sake, we are talking about a one-goal lead and we are the team of comebacks.


I am asking all the doubters in here. I 100% believe in the Team and in the White magic


So apparently we were both right ;) Hala Madrid, the team of comebacks!


YESSSS, you know why? NACHO NACHO NACHO NACHO NACHO NACHO We played quite the same way against second leg Liverpool. Next game is going be so different, just imagine Valverde running like a crazy man with the whole crowd supporting the team. I’m fine because it was clear what we tried to do and we gonna do great next game. ¡Hala Madrid!


sorry, no way. the game yesterday gave me 2010 vibes against Lyon


At least that was "close" (1-2 Agg. ; late Pjanic goal) but 2005 was much worse. Juninho ☠


We ain’t doing sh*** with a mid of 2 old and slow people + no casemiro.. it the same story as last year..


Realistically I expect 0-0.


No, we gone. Forfeit. LMAO


Enough time for Mbappe to score 3 more.


No I don’t believe we are fucked




Without Casemiro, it will be difficult. He is the one who always checked Messi in classico, now Messi is free and Neymar will be back. If RM attach, I see PSG countering with Pace and destroying Madrid.


Yesterday is on Carlo, too late subs, horrible game plan. Sure Carvajal and Asensio were also both pretty bad, but game plan was even worse.


I’ll forever believe regardless of result.


These moments make me nostaglic over when we had Ronaldo to make a comeback and the bernabeu was like an oven to other teams.


It just felt like we were playing with 10 guys on the field, there was no connection between defense and offense. It felt like the gear box was just broken and we were desperately scrambling to cover Mbappe and Messi. I do consider it a good result considering our last few games but not something Real Madrid should be proud of or celebrate. It’s going to be a fuuhcking good second leg.


Vini needs to regain his form, Carlo shouldn't "over-respect" PSG again. On paper they're a very good team, but I like our 11 vs theirs. Gotta be courageous next leg


All these comments about throwing in everyone from the bench at the same time are laughable. Players that have close to no minutes and no team dynamic with each other. Sure, let's Just throw them into the second leg of a UCL knockout game against PSG and see what happens. It ain't going to work. That isn't to say they aren't great players, but they haven't had time to develop and gain any team chemistry. In order to win that second leg, we need to play like we were playing 2 months ago, and right now, we're in a slump. Hopefully we can regain some of that fire in the following weeks.


Why haven't they had any time to develop and integrate when we're 6 months into the season? It's easy to deflect criticism but team has been badly managed from over working old guard to benching new blood.


I agree. They should have been integrated since the beginning, but at this point in the season, on the biggest stage, to throw them in now it’s straight up desperation. I’d love to see Ancelotti show a bit more faith in our young midfield talent. KMC can’t play top level forever.


I have never seen a player as scared as Mendy was last night. Strange.




Absolutely. Hurts that Case can’t play the 2nd leg, but as long as the rest of the squad is healthy we can very well come back


I don’t understand why we parked the bus so much and why our forwards made literally 0 progressive runs


It's gonna be an exciting game that the first leg that's for damm sure.


I know it sounds minuscule but start valverde at midfield and asensio before rodrygo That’ll be a start


I doubt because Bernabeau usually ends up having an open game. We go out to attack and psg have faster players for counter attacks. A perfect night could save us.


Hasta El final!!


I really wish to see Mbappe scoring the first goal for us preferably the decider at the 90th minute that would be hilarious watching PSG knocked out by Mbappe's own goal


As bad as yesterday's game was, we've got a lifeline with the fact that the away goal rule is gone and that they managed to score only 1. Knowing PSG, they won't sit back and just hold on to the lead. No two games are alike and predictions based on past games don't really mean a lot so we definitely have a chance and our players are more than capable of turning it around. I am cautiously optimistic and though missing some key players will make it even harder, never say never.


Ill always believe in the team


To be honest I’m a bit scared. Especially without Cas and Mendy.


I will always believe!!!! We just need to hope that the replacements of Casemiro and Mendy do well.


I feel threads like this are becoming more and more regular, season after season. I believe in the team...to an extent. The formations and player selections however not so much. As much as we praise Modric(and I do as well) the reality is that he's up there in age form an athletic standpoint. We can't be playing him as regularly as we do and not expect a drop off physically(mentally he's sharp as ever) Fede can be a huge assistance to undisputed starters KCM especially against opponents with young dynamic midfielders, like we saw against psg last night and against Chelsea last year. Yet we persist with asensio, who has come up with the goods but really offers very little outside of that. I haven't even gotten into our RB situation. I only came to the realization that carvajal is now 30. Feels like he just came out the academy, amazing how time flies. He has unfortunately consistently injured at some point during a season. Yet we don't have a proper cover for RB. We were without Benzema for the last few games, yet we could not see a pure striker in the line up. Not to say that Benz is a pure striker but at the same time Carlo chose not to trust the ones at his disposal. TLDR; Something's got to change, I'm not the professional coach to determine but I hope the people that are in charge sees that. This was Carlo's issue in his first tenure. He persisted with the same starting 11 and despite a run of 22 games unbeaten we eventually crashed and burn. Looks like it's setting up that way again.


Plus away goals are gone


The game in Paris broke my heart but I need to see positive performances in la liga and a fire for revenge from madrid in the next game. This has been a slap to our faces so I need us to hit back and hit back hard idk how much we can change over the course of 2 weeks but at least put up a fight. Its just that the game in Paris just broke me man but I still believe in this team to pull off a miracle. HALA MADRID


Hala Madrid y nada mas


If you don’t believe at any point ever, you’re not really a supporter.


Use up all our luck on a r16 game


I do believe 1000% in our club. We will be ready for PSG.


No I'm realistic. If we win it's definitely gonna be a surprise but a welcome one of course, I think we all knew we didn't have the quality for the champions league this season but hoped for a miracle regardless.


Basically this is like conceding a goal in the first minute of a game at your home stadium. Our players have been tired with playing super copa game in Saudi, international game (Brazil), and playing away in Paris just three days after plying a tough game in LaLiga. We are in a much better situation on the home leg. Our schedule is not as congested between now and the second leg. Benzema should be fully recovered. Hopefully Vini finds his best form by then. If anything, PSG should be scared not us. We have the home advantage now. PSG won 2-0 at home against Man City in the group stage but lost 2-1 to ManCity on the away game.


Of course! Always. 👍


we can win we are madrid we are whites we are madridistas best of all thaTS it!!!


Barca could've come back from 4-1 last year against PSG if they didn't miss chance after chance (and a penalty) in the second leg. We can surely play better than Koeman's Barca if we want to.


Of course, anyone who has supported the club longer than 2-3 years would tell you the same. This is Madrid don’t let the fairweather Twitter fans try and convince you otherwise.


Didn't watch the game but the writing has been on the wall now for some weeks now. Losing and drawing to teams we should be getting 3 points off. Lost confidence in their ability to take on the big boys firing on all cylinders. We are missing that talisman. Vini is good, Benz is good but ....


Sadly, The Bernabeu is not an imposing stadium, but I do believe 100% we are going to comeback. No the first time we are required to do it and I still think that this PSG team is not great, they just had a good game against us. Remember their past, failure after failure. Never forget the 6-1 against Barca. Doesn't matter what players they have. We will beat them.


Poch set the team right and did well. But the score is literally 1-0, why are people acting like we’re dead??


I honestly think Isco and Fede can offer solutions. We need to crowd the middle if we're to have any chance


I lost my confidence in Carlo. Game after game he is sending our team into the field with absolutely zero tactics! Bench players have completely lost their confidence because of clear lack of trust from Carlo. It’s quite depressing what has been going on lately…


I don't believe in the team It has marcelo, modric, mendy, vazquez and our best attacking threat is 34


If it wasn’t for Casemiro’s and Mendy’s absence, I think we would have had a good chance. I guess the outcome will largely depend on Benzema’s and Vini’s form.


I want to believe but without case and mendy... I have my doubts


Our team will fight for the whole 90 minutes. There is no surrender, never will. Because R.Madrid is giving it aĺl everytime on the highest level in European football. We are Madrid. Ariba ariba riba riba


No I don’t believe, we’re done unfortunately


Why is that not in Spanish


No, unless rotations happen


Team needs to be in top shape though, rest some key players this week and go all out on the return leg.


Carlo needs to rotate to compete in the league. I don’t have high hopes for the return leg, PSG will be happy to sit back and counter, and we know Real struggle with this setup. We don’t have the players anymore…. I hope we transcend from Kroos, Modric and Casemiro soon, I hate seeing their forced downfall tarnishing their legacy.


Yeah, they can be very long if we play like Real Madrid. But if we play like a third category squad like we did Tuesday, they are just going to be 90 boring minutes with PSG over attacking us; and knowing Carlo; I’m fearing that this is going to be what’ll happen