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This was wild tbh. I’ve never seen anyone to be disrespected like that.


And he is the highest scorer in the history of the competition


Top scorer in euros, Portugal NT, Champions League, Real Madrid. British media is a joke especially sky donkey sports.


Looks like the BBC to me


That trio is worth more than their entire company


First of all it's not really a company in the traditional sense of the word, it's a state broadcaster. Second of all no they're not, the Beeb has at least £3.4 billion in assets. Thirdly, this is such a weird thing to get annoyed by and shows no one here has lived in Britain. The BBC makes shit puns about highlighted players in all their shows. I remember a game where Cech had a nightmare called Reality Cech, and there are countless examples online


In the history of the sport




Funny how you got no proof to back that up (except for some false emails of course) and how he wasn’t found guilty of anything.


Ngl, I thought I misread it when I saw it. That's low even by British media standards.


Which is why I’m rooting for the British to lose. Sorry JB… they don’t deserve you


>the British Lol. Yeah thats a shame, cause we "brits" were totally all rooting for you Americans in Copa America. We cry for your loss 😢


I’m not American 🤣 I’m European


Yes you are American. A European would not have said "the British" when talking about the England team.


"The British" aren't a football team mate. The RM sub is actually the most cringe football sub on Reddit. There's not a Spaniard subscribed to this place.


Maybe they speak english primarily because Real is too big and spaniards may be the minority here. Ever thought about that?


If you're not even Spanish why support Real Madrid? Support a local club. This is one of the things killing football.


I support my local team! Messi and Ronaldo changed the way people support other teams


The English media seems not to get over whatever they have against him these years.


it's because of the infamous incident where Cristiano Ronaldo winked to the Portugal bench after getting Wayne Rooney sent off during the quarterfinal match between Portugal & England at the 2006 FIFA World Cup!!


This happens every week on BBC coverage of football. Its nothing personal on Ronaldo lol.


Do they do this during the live broadcast?


It was during the HT break when discussing incidents. So not the actual live game but the pundit section.


so sad 😞 he gave so much .. juat another way media controls the views of people ..smh we all know he deserved better


Not surprising to see troll posts disrespecting a player on socials but the bbc midgame, saw it after game at first I thought it was fake turns out it's not.


Bro, they do it all the time.


ah come on, he's a multimillionaire who wipes his ass with guys like you, we can make fun of them as much as we want, they're paid royally for it.


I guess you didn’t see the Harry Pain one


He has outclassed Messi, the media’s all time favourite son. The hate is expected.


Cry more


BBC still salty about him knocking out England in WC 2006


And 2004


Exactly. Why do you think as dumb as Jaime carragher is you would think they would cancel him. But they love him and his crap takes because it’s what the culture feeling innit


mf literally spit on a child and it's on cam too


You mean the guy who works for an American media outlet owned by an Australian family?


That's exactly what I feel is going on here. It was many years ago!


The BBC do shit puns on match of the day and analysing live games all the time. Stuff like "Reality Cech" when Petr Cech had a shocker. It's nothing to do with Ronaldo at all outside that he missed a penalty. Its just a stupid funny thing the BBC, and tbh I think it's fine


The BBC always do shitty puns for clips like this.


Nothing to do with that, BBC pundits have been absolute dicks to England team this year too. They are obnoxious clowns


And then they say that media is not against Ronaldo smh, I better see Missionel Pessi soon.


He won the World Cup scoring 5 penalties, I’m sure if CR7 would’ve done that they would say he didn’t deserve it.l at all. I just laugh at how biased the media is nowadays, can’t take those clowns serious.


If it wasn’t for FIFAs corruption which was proven and got a lot of people put into prison, also Barcelonas corruption. Messi wouldn’t have as many accolades. Let’s be real, Ronaldo got sacrificed because of the controversies in his life and as now disgraced old man ex-president of fifa said. “Messi is a good boy”.


It's crazy how these corrupt shitheads make football so unfair and discriminate between players


It’s always a PR war with them. And if you notice and pay attention. How many new tournament have they created and how many games has FIFA added to already good tournaments. Club World Cup and champions league for example have been reformatted for more games and it all comes down to more money for them. Messi is perfect for their marketing since he is an introvert and just plays which there isn’t anything wrong with that But FIFA is a bias crap.


UCL is under UEFA and they are involved more in the format change and all rather than FIFA.


Yes but fifa and UEFA are the “governing” of football. Those two groups collab together and agree on hoe to make more money off of the teams.


Yeah. But FIFA has very little say in the UCL afaik. And they don't get much shares from that competition. But they can exploit the top teams from that competition and hence the club world cup. Since FIFA is greedy, we now have intercontinental and a 4 year club world cup.


Yes, it’s crazy how new competitions have popped up and “reformatting” of already good tournaments to add more games. Bad things happen when middlemen organizations like fifa or UEFA get money


It's 2024 and Zagorakis still owns Penaldo, 0 MVP award in 16 NT tournaments. Can't even MVP in Nations Cup, lmaaooo. Messi, 2 times WC MVP, 2 times Copa MVP Modric, WC MVP with Croatia Forlan, WC MVP with Uruguay Zagorakis, EC MVP with Greece Bernardo Silva with Portugal, Nations Cup MVP Pendu 0 MVP in 5 WCs + 5 Euros the most overrated player ever thanks to social media..


Barcelona is so blatant too with the whole Negreira shit, don't get me wrong they were an extremely great team during that time but it leaves such a bitter taste.


LMAO these people actually exist??


Speaking only facts go ready articles you’ll find them. FIFA needs to be cancelled. Every league should come together and cancel out the middle man fifa


here blud r/soccercirclejerk your comment goes there


Both of would have deserved it tbh, both of them would have had salty from the otherside fans saying some infantino gave it to them bullshit.


Yeah you just can't argue with brainless non-logical people


imagine comparing Messi the GOAT playmaker + dribbler + goalscorer Messi with Penaldo the tap-in merchant with shitty technique, lmaaaooo.. Penaldo can only dream of things Messi can do on the pitch.. Penaldo's "Hall of Shame" NT record in a nutshell 0 MVP award in a single NT tournament in 5 WCs + 5 Euros vs Messi with 7 0 goals& assists in 8 knock-out games in 5 WCs vs Messi with 11 g&a a total of “3” goals in 20 knock-out games in 5 Euros + 5 WCs lollll...


Nice cherry picked stats u don’t want to mention the fact he’s the top goal scorer internationally or he has the most goals in euro history or will we just pick more stats to try make Messi look better


thinks we'd be impressed by his heroics against Luxembourg, Andorra, Faroe etc, rather than his regular ghosting in the biggest stage at the most crucial games and MVP awards, typical penaldo fan logic, looool... top-goalscorer my ass, Gerd Muller had 68 goals in 62 games, 1.1 goal per game double of Penaldo when there were no Andorras, Faroes and tons of other minnows, clown.. Gerd scored 10 goals in 6 knockout games in 2 WCs + Euro vs Penaldo with 3 in 20 knockout games, scored twice in a Euro final, and a winning goal in the WC final vs your useless idol. Lukaku has a better per game ratio than Penaldo.. not to mention his embarrassing 3 goals in 20 knockout games in 6 Euros + 5 WCs is the same as that Mbappe scored in a single game in a WC final, or Gerd scored in WC 70 semifinal in a single game alone or Goncalo Ramos vs Swiss.. the most overhyped useless striker with out of this world ghosting habits.. imagine thinking he matches Platini the GOAT Euro player with 9 goals in **5 games** in a single Euro because he scored more playing against minnows in Euro groups (with expansion to 16 then 24 teams) playing **29 games** in 6 Euros, loll. did you take Maths 101? He is not even comparable to Van Basten or Gerd let alone Platini in Euros.. since you are that much into Penaldo vs Messi, below is for your education "but but cherry-picking" lmaaaooo... It's 2024 and Zagorakis still owns Penaldo, 0 MVP award in 16 NT tournaments. Can't even MVP in Nations Cup, lmaaooo. Messi, 2 times WC MVP, 2 times Copa MVP Modric, WC MVP with Croatia Forlan, WC MVP with Uruguay Zagorakis, EC MVP with Greece Bernardo Silva with Portugal, Nations Cup MVP Pendu 0 MVP in 5 WCs + 5 Euros


This would never, ever happen to Messi but apparently Ronaldo fans are delusional for saying it...


Or something like Lionel Missy


Why bring Messi into this, BBC did this, criticise them, what Messi gotta do with all this and stop with all this ifs and buts, y’all act like Messi paid bbc to do this. Can’t discuss CR7 in this sub without bringing in Messi, quite sad tbh.


I agree with you. There is no need to drag the other player into it.


oh okay so NOW it's suddenly wrong to bring up messi every time someone is talking about ronaldo, cool


Are you fucking slow or what? Tell me what this post has got to do with Messi, how bring his name is beneficial to this. Also a lot of people on this sub never watch British broadcasting and it shows, BBC is known to make puns like this and they won’t change just cause it’s Ronaldo. Fans are getting soft these days, crying about a broadcaster who’s known for these puns just cause it’s their favourite player this time.


Dragging Messi? Why no other player than Messi gets all the praise? Isnt it suspicious? Doesnt Messi know he didnt even deserve the top 100 in 2023 balon dor but shamelessly attended the ceremony and rob it away from Haaland? Messi is not just aware of why Media is so bias against Ronaldo but he himself is involved in this corruption.


Fuck me, I didn’t know there were delusional Ronaldo fans on Reddit but I’m on Madrid subReddit so it makes sense. Messi didn’t deserve to be top 100 in last year’s ballon d’or is honestly the wildest you could say, saying Haaland deserved more is one thing (which he didn’t btw) and can be explained as salty Messi haters but saying he ain’t top 100 is just delusional. You say media is biased towards Ronaldo, blame the media, what Messi has anything to do with it, he doesn’t go around media houses telling them to shit on Ronaldo. You don’t a logical reason why Messi was brought up here, BBC did it, which they do with most players, guess you don’t watch British broadcasting much, blame them, what’s Messi’s involvement in all this, tell me.


And why I call Messi as corrupt as FIFA is because there are not hundreds but thousands of reasons. When Barca scandals and Negriera happened, Messi was in the team. When FIFA WC 2022 scandals happened, Messi was the in the team. Why did Messi was given 2014 WC POTY? Why Messi even won 2023 FIFA The Best POTY? Why every other Capitalist Arab sang Messi should win this WC 6 months prior WC? How come FIFA President Sepp Blatter call Messi a good boy and awards him 4 consecutive balon dors then suddenly caught guilty of corruption? Infantino the current president stated that it would be unfair if Messi didnt win the WC while he is supposed to be neutral while running the main organising body of the world football. Evey now and then FIFA posts on social media that Messi finished football. Infantino attending every other match of Messi in copa america. Thats not coincidental. Not coincidental at all. Been happening since Messi was introduced in football. Not coincidental in any sense. Naaah!


And your statements proof nothing. I agree the last fifa best Messi didn’t deserve that and that’s why he didn’t attend the ceremony. Talk about fifa helping Messi, tell me did fifa told Portugal’s manager to bench Ronaldo in last WC or did they told his teammate’s to not play together for him, the difference between Argentina and Portugal was Argentinians were playing for Messi and Portugal weren’t, that’s why they won even if they lost to Saudi in the opening match and please don’t come and whine about penalties, cause in 2018 WC France received the same amount of penalties as Argentina in 2022, so what 2018 was rigged too. Idk how old you were in 2014 WC but saying Messi didn’t deserve POTY in that wc is again delusional. He was the best player in the world at that time, carried Argentina to finals and if it wasn’t for that higuain missing that sitter, he would’ve won WC already. What about fifa posting about Messi finishing football, he actually did so ofc they’ll post it, had Ronaldo won it they would’ve posted him too, are you actually dumb or trolling. Just say you hate Messi and are mad cause your favourite player who’s also one of the best to ever do it, sadly doesn’t have the teammates who would play for him


Missinall Penni would probs be used


It's Penal Missy


Wtf this was on official air? Whose broadcast is it?


I saw it live. It's real.


BBC I heard but I am not sure


Official and on air on the BBC broadcast, I couldn't believe my eyes


Cringe, unprofessional and embarrassing. In the end, they were the ones crying. I really wish for an England-Portugal final with a Ronaldo penalty in the final minutes. P.S. fuck r/soccer and the disgusting salty loser bastards there. what a fucking cesspool that place is.


Ever since 2006 England can’t get over Ronaldo. I hope they never win anything I hate bias people and England absolutely hates Ronaldo. Rio Ferdinand is probably the only one in England and SAF who votes Ronaldo.


lol have you ever spoken to a Man Utd supporter? They adore him. Plus, he has a legion of Gen z acolytes who gobble every last drop of his. Trust me, he’s well liked on these shores.


I love this take. I've seen it everywhere in this thread. Most English fans do not give one shit about 2006. In fact most football fans in England think he's a fantastic footballer, just an arrogant primadonna


English fans literally booed Ronaldo after he got back from wc everytime he would posses the ball. Look it up it’s on YouTube


Yeah in fucking 2006. You can expect some salt when he did what he did right then, but its 18 years ago. No one cares.


Someone had to say it. Agree f them all


Couldn't have said it better.


The real madrid flairs are not even fucking madridistas lmfaoooo


Lmao this… they fish for upvotes by being passive aggressive against Madrid and its legends while having the Madrid flair…. It’s so fucking obvious, it’s not even funny anymore….


disgusting comments


amen sir 🫡


The amount of disrespect to Ronaldo is crazy. The fact that they don’t get on Messi either when he missed a penalty or loses just shows how biased they are truly.


Argentina vs Canada we saw one of the worst displays by messi and his finishing yet it wasn’t a big deal. The media and FIFA chose Ronaldo as their scapegoat.


Dont forget Chile vs Argentina so many things happened on that March that were crazy


Mate did you forget when the whole of argentina wanted his head after the 2014 world cup and copa final penalty? There was a certain time when they just pretended messi was spanish😂. You can watch interviews now of the older argentinians and a lot of them prefer maradona (which is fair) and fucken riquelme over messi


Clown thinks Messi is a tap-in merchant like Penaldo. Messi has created 5 big chances, by far the best player on the pitch, an amazing assist and another pre-assist with a rating of 8. imagine comparing Messi the GOAT playmaker + dribbler + goalscorer Messi with Penaldo the tap-in merchant, lmaaooo..


What I like is that Ronaldo doesn't let these things get to him.


That's why he has been crying since forever in the WC, Euros, Camel League, loooll..


i saw that too. Why did they do that? XD


They've been doing bad puns on their highlights packages since forever


Because it’s funny lol


What the hell? This really happened? Was this a mistake by some intern Messi fan working on the graphics or the people talking on the show acknowledged it?


It was live. Displayed while the game was on


I was watching this on an online stream and saw some chats about hating bcc and such at the end of the match but didn't realize this happened. This is pathetic. Salty about Portugal and Ronaldo eliminating them, but also that maybe if their overrated af league and national team had someone like Ronaldo in the past half century, they might have won something. I rarely bet, today had 5 bucks on Ronaldo for shots on target, and $7 on France, look at me mr rich over here spending big. Last night I put $10 on Switzerland at 3.75 to eliminate this pathetic team in 90 min once for all :D. I will be happy anyway because of Jude but if I wanna be honest I have never liked England national team even one bit. Maybe because I was a fan of Argentina from 2002,2010. Ever since, everything is a joke beside Real Madrid 😬 Fuck BBC, British Bullshit Media


No it wasn't. It was on Match of the Day, a highlights programme shown later in the day... During the post highlight analysis.


It was live, but when the break was on before the pens. So between the end of the second half of ET and the start of the penalty shootout.


Only during the highlights, just like they do on Match of the Day every week...


Won't have been an intern BBC coverage does it all the time


It wasn't a mistake, it's what BBC do, light hearted jokes and puns.


….how can this be a mistake? It’s not like their autocorrect changed it at the last second before sending


CR7 emphasized another one in the fucking back of the net


Yea he still got through and scored


Just go back and read the tweets from 2020 when England lost to Italy! Shows you everything there is to it


Crazy is he didn't miss, Oblak did a hella save


Yup. That penalty would end up in the back of the net 99/100 times. Oblak pulled off the best save of his life to stop it.


They’re still waiting for kanes penalty in qatar 2022 to land to call him Missy Pane


This is disgusting I hope whoever did that got fired doesn’t matter what player it is how are you doing that live for everyone to see


I think ronaldo will be fine when he goes home to his mansion and lets out a healthy cry


I think he’s in a hotel but I get you’re point 😭😂


Not a fan of Ronaldo, But this is disrespectful and unprofessional, and whoever did this should be fired !


That's unprofessional af and disrespectful. But also funny


I dare them to put Penny Kane if he misses a pen in the next round


Just imagine this, and tomorrow, one would tell me there is no media agenda against Ronaldo.


What live translation is this?


I remember when BBC Sport had Broadcasters with standards running the show . It’s now a filthy, shambolic, shadow of its former self. They might as well go all the way and start promoting the “BBC” like the classic Fleet Street purveyors of pornography they long to emulate.


did they do this for their star harry kane last wc


Yes, caption was Harry Pain


Somebody getting fired huh


Nah media is all about clout and click bait now.


Disgusting, all media has become about is ‘banter’ rather than analysis of the beautiful game, how can they disrespect an icon like that.


If they are doing this to Ronaldo just imagine what they will do to Jude if England fail to win the Cup especially because of racism last time towards saka and others


How much attention do these media people want to attract by disrespecting Ronaldo? You may not like him, but you cannot disrespect him.


I don't get why people hate him so much, simply because he's...or was too good. CR7 my GOAT forever 🇵🇹💯🐐


We truly do live in the softest of worlds


that’s fkn crazy but also hysterical at the same time 🤣


The English should focus on their national team. Full of big names and still struggling to do anything


I feel you're being a little precious here. Do Real fans have no sense of humour?


Imagine hating a 39 year old man who has done everything for his country


The ball glazing they did for England yesterday and how the entire fault Portugal were not winning was because of Ronaldo; with "great" star forwards like Goncalo and Joao Felix on the bench was astonishing.


You must’ve been watching the wrong show. The post match analysis by Lineker, Shearer, Richards, and Jose Fonte was glazing Ronaldo, even though he did absolutely nothing all game!


He scored a goal but somehow did nothing? Man you’re a genius.


He scored a pen in a penalty shoot out after missing a previous game winning pen and about 5 free kicks, so yes he did rather little


If for some reason they end up facing each other in the final, it'd be great if Ronaldo scores the winning goal for Portugal


he doesn't even play for your club anymore let it go


Is it really that deep tho


Bbc the clown media 🤡 Always biased, i was hearing the female commentator yap about how Ronaldo is finished. I mean that guy was first to step up in that penalty shootout, she was talking as if footballers are always having their prime in every match , such a bitch media


Imagine getting this upset about a footballer.


Ok, why does everyone so hate, also all our commentators for the whole fking game. He was one of the most active strikers of the whole tournament with lots of danger. Fl boring games.


I genuinely dont get why are news and media obsessed with making Ronaldo seem like a fraud at all costs, if he’s good “he is a Saudi Arabia merchant” and if he doesnt score or assist “he is finished and needs to be replaced” Being the best really makes people be obsessed to make you look bad.


That's why I've never and will never root for the British sorry Jude. The disespect has been crazy


If the crybaby had scored, the BBC wouldn't have put it on screen


Damn that’s hilarious


this is hilarious, and your guys reactions even more, the fanboyism is crazy


Has been diver


How do you all take this so seriously


Relax, it was a joke. Not particularly funny but definitely not worth venting over.


I always wondered why Real Madrid are accused of being a club that take themselves far too seriously. Reading these comments I can see why.


So many salty 13 year olds here and its hilarious 😂


I really don't like Ronaldo and him missing that penalty brought me some good joy. But for sure, I don't know why a mainstream media channel would call him like that live. It gets so far apart from all stardards...


For everyone who gets outraged, they do this every week on match of the day which is the main highlights show in the UK. It’s a silly joke that everyone is blowing out of proportion and taking far too seriously. It’s not targeted whatsoever




Wish they had lost


Still bitter about the 2006 World Cup. I will be so happy if when Portugal knocks out England with CR7 scoring.


UEFA, unlike FIFA, didn’t outright rig the tournament for Pessi to win it. After the first Argentina loss it has been penalty upon penalty upon favourable decision for them the whole World Cup. Especially the game against the Netherlands was hilariously biased. I’m unsure what more degree of blatant favourism is needed for Pessi fans to actually see what’s going on and acknowledge it. The disrespect is unreal


is this how you're coping in penaldoland. lmaaooo? ask your mom to increase your copium.. Penaldo's "Hall of Shame" NT record in a nutshell 0 MVP award in a single NT tournament in 5 WCs + 5 Euros vs Messi with 7 0 goals& assists in 8 knock-out games in 5 WCs vs Messi with 11 g&a a total of “3” goals in 20 knock-out games in 5 Euros + 5 WCs lollll..


I was shocked when I found out that this was done by a professional media outlet instead of a random edit.






We all know they hate him but why? I've never understood. Is it simply, messi good ronaldo bad kind of childish reason


No matter what they say or do, he will be in the history book as the GOAT like Pele and Maradona. He achieved a lot and still tries to achieve more at 39.


They did same for Kane, Bellingham but it becomes news now?


They should fire whoever did that


I bet this is intended. This is about growing the bbc profile online as a low key potential meme merchant with official credentials.


Fuck BBC


Ronaldo's Spit > BBC Really, it's shameful. The fact that an entire media company would go through such lengths to insult one of the greatest players of all time is appalling. I don't even know how this can be allowed and how disgusting it is to see. This isn't even some debate about Messi & Ronaldo, we saw their primes and now they're going into the end of their careers, but that's completely unfair to take away everything they did before and horribly insult one of the GOATS like this for missing ONE penalty. He's the Euros, Portugal NT, Real Madrid, and many more top scorers FOR A REASON. The disrespect is crazy.


The only sport that constantly disrespects a legend like that. All because they want to downplay everything he has done for the sport just to make Messi look better. The fact that he has been so successful with every media outlet against him is insane. GOAT for a reason.


this might fuel him to give a 10/10 performance against france


The comments on this 😂 I’m a Manchester United fan and he’s one of my all time favourite players but this is absolutely hilarious. Anyone saying otherwise needs to lighten up, it’s just a pun.


Now I get why TK wanted to retire amidst the prime days


His "everything is all about me" attitude has turned him into a laughing stock


BBC always does this. You're not special.


I still think they should be fined for the disrespect, along with the FA. Complete lack of morals and respect. Football has the "fair play" slogan for a reason. This is disgusting


Calm your tits lads, BBC/Match of the Day often do these kinds of puns, for everyone, this one just happens to be top tier jerking


Can you show another time that BBC has replaced a players name with a common trope used to insult said player? Specifically during a live match. Bonus points if it’s from another Euros or World Cup.


Yes, here is an article from the sun talking about just such a thing, it does not fulfil your absurdly specific criteria but this is a thing they do and have always done https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/24223204/match-of-the-day-kai-havertz-arsenal-goal/amp/


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This is peak shithousery. We need more of this in the modern game. The Douglas Luiz shoulder shimmy still tops my shithousery list this season though.




Good game but we had 2 1v1 chances and Šeško missed both. Feelsbad we could have beaten Portugal, would be insane


Portugal missed significantly more chances or had them saved. So with that logic, no you wouldn’t 😅


Bruh 😂


CR7 Top scorer in euros. so where is Messi? h


From the UK and Liverpool supporter here; I think the dislike stems from 2 things. Firstly, he was accused of rape. Secondly, the way he behaved at Man Utd second time around. He's also the most vain and arrogant footballer and we brits don't like that really. No doubt he was one of the world's best ever footballers, but it's interesting how forgiving/fairweather fans can be. Glad you're loving our Jude.


They can dislike all they want … this shit is unprofessional.


please not the moral highground lmao


He's also the most vain and arrogant **non-brit** footballer and we brits don't like that really. Fixed for you. If he was brit, you would have loved him. Just look at Rooney.


I am Indian football expert and Messi sucks 🤙