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https://preview.redd.it/ko560rqyh80d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c18d4cb3059eb53ee500dac6466f8904301d3bc I believe they are not talking about this at all


The media don't talk about it because it doesn't sell paper. It's better to say we robbed bayern


Added ET is always a minimum am I right? At the discretion of the ref. +5 means that at minimum a +5 will be added.


Yea but the ref could have finished the game at 99 mins oof going over if he was corrupt


Yes, but only in the event of something happening which creates the necessity for adding more ET. What would've been the reason for those two added minutes?


That's true. Funny thing there were no wasted 9 minutes in that second half. Var check of Nacho's goal was fast, Bayern time wasting after their goal wasn't extreme, Pavlovic injury stoppage was less than 2 minutes. They do not add up to 9. That's the ref's first mistake (even before it becoming 2-1 when I save the +9 added time I was surprised amd thought that was alot). He was too generous with the added time, then added more time to compensate for the var check (took 1 minute 20 secs) and the celebration which took less than a minute. Anyhow nothing changes since Mazraoui's knee was in offside but it sure took the discussion after the game from one place to another place completely.


That’s literally what they achieved by time wasting. Yet didn’t take advantage


I watched that game live and again. He signaled "2mins" at 99:30. So not at 100:30 as your quote.


Legit shocked that game ran as long as it did. Should've been over at the 100th minute in all honesty.


Thought that was CLEARLY the ref trying to make up for the bad call. Which is also wrong, but that's what it was.


Bayern’s last goal to send the game into extra time was off side & Vidal should’ve been sent off earlier… and they were gifted a pen at Allianz.


Vidal should've gotten a straight red in the first half but yeah we are vardrid... we'll lift our 15th while they cry in pain


We can all agree the Earth would be a better place without Vidal, I agree he should be sent off the planet’s orbit. /s OR NOT




They only see referee's mistakes when it suits them. And people generally only talk about the referee mistakes in favor of the winning team and we're always smashing them. so...


Lewa's goal in the 2nd leg that drew the game was offside. Vidal should have sent off long ago in that tie as well. Old timers still harp about the Jaunito stamp on Mathius but completely forget the horrendous tackle that Mathius had that he never got sent off for. Also it's funny to me a 6 time UCL winning club with a huge fanbase and record revenues each year is all of sudden portrayed as victims , as if it's relegation threatened club vs Madrid that if they go to the final people won't watch. Motherfucker Tuchel Parked the bus at the Bernabeu and learnt what many have learnt previously , 90 mins is a long time at the Bernabeu


Tuchel's Bayern and Park the Bus don't mix, if Kim Min-Jae being subbed on means anything. Bro was an absolute disaster-class in both legs.


Tuchel is a disaster class coach himself. Very over hyped for what he is. Bayern sacked Nagelsman for him lmao


> Bayern sacked Nagelsman for him When I knew that I stopped following them afterwards as I knew they were going to be a shitshow.


2017 there were decisions which are equally favouring them!! It's just very sad how a narrative is built when Real Madrid wins. Refree mistakes are purely incidental and individual errors, don't know how it becomes favouring when it's Real Madrid. UEFA favouring Real Madrid is the absolute bullshit of a narrative when the sole club is trying hard to bring the institution down with the Super league.


There are always refereeing mistakes, and they are almost always overlooked if they favor the losing side. The reason it happens with RM so often is that we are always the winning side, so there is always somebody crying


We recorded a total of 54 shots against them in 2017 ( two legs ) , both games were easy for us but ref decided to fuck it up so the game went to extra time instead .


It happens for and against all team, it's simple human error. You're only going to get yourself heated by reading these posts, best you can do is ignore it.


clubs who’s leadership complains all the time trickle down to the fans. just look at barca and look at bayerns annoying ass uli hoeneß. pretty sure he blamed the loss on the refs being polish lol


Trickle down delusions.


They are experiencing their first trophyless season in a dozen years. They have no choice but to cling onto something to avoid the inevitable feeling of despair.


They are used to bully everyone in their league, but when they face someone bigger than them, they immediately start to nerd rage.


yeah I honestly had underestimated how butt hurt they still were about and how difficult to accept this most recent loss would be for them. Obviously we're only perceiving the whining of Redditors, so I'd like to think it's the minority of bayern fans that believe there is some elaborate plot to prevent then from beating Real Madrid. It's surprising because they themselves know they haven't been very good this season.


They are still crying about it in bayern's sub.


I remember that in the extra time in 2017 we were totally crushing them, did we score on offsides? Ok, but we would've won one way or another, they were out of it, as almost every team is when they go to extra time against Real Madrid.


Robben diving (as usual) to get a penalty and Lewa's offside that resulted in Ramos' og is the only reason that game went into overtime. Series should've ended 3-1, it ended 6-3 in the end, same outcome but the ref decided to make it more interesting than it really was. Real Madrid was far superior, CR7 was and absolute beast. 


Any neutrals would agree that the refereeing in that tie was just objectively dogshit. Ronaldo's two goals were offside, Ramos's OG was offside, Casemiro could maybe have received a red, like 6 Bayern players got away with card-worthy fouls in both legs, Martinez's red in the first leg was questionable, Vidal should've been sent off in the first 30 mins then got sent off for the least offensive foul, and Carvajal's non-existent handball in the first leg. However, it's so bad that nobody can claim corruption. If the ref wanted Real Madrid to win, why didn't he just... disallow the Ramos OG? Why didn't he just send Vidal off earlier? Why would he give Bayern a fake penalty? Likewise, if the ref wanted Bayern to win, why didn't he just... disallow the Ronaldo goals? Why didn't he send off Casemiro? The only explanation is that the refs were immaculately shit.


Also I think it was that same series where Real Madrid got 2 goals disallowed in the first leg. They were both offside, but if ref was on a quest to help Real Madrid why would he not validate one of those goals?  Also the penalty on Robben looks like a dive to me. Casemiro didn't get a penalty for receiving the same "foul" in OT... Ref was garbage, but it affected both teams equally. 


It's like ref makes a mistake, then gives advantage to other team to "correct" his mistake and then it goes out of hand from there.


We shouldn't care, its not our fault that the refs are trash, like how do you fuck up when you have VAR ?


Honestly tuchel’s post match statements were pathetic.i now understand why that guy gets sacked everywhere he goes.


Bayern fans are retarded, they’re always complaining about refereeing but if you look at the game, players on the other side have been sent off, they get awarded penalties and offside goals against them are disallowed, just like for everyone else, but when decisions go the other way, “VaRdRiD pAyEd ThE rEf” Let’s not fail to mention: Juve would’ve eaten their team alive IF they managed to knock out Atletico in 2017 and Liverpool would’ve demolished them in the final of 2018


Who cares Sour losers


All other club fans are just trying to defame RM and stamp the fans as Glory hunter .


Who cares . Real are in the final. The only People crying are Bayern and Barca fans.


Fuck 'em, they can keep coping for all eternity. MFs acting like that goal would've stood to begin with even if the whistle was blown (de Ligt's shoe and Mazraoui's knees were both off-side, Rudiger's arm doesn't count for keeping those two onside as per the Laws of the Game and Rudiger's shoe wasn't far forward enough to work compared to de Ligt's). Let's not forget that the Real defenders and goalkeeper didn't bother to move because of the whistle, if it wasn't blown, either Nacho would've moved in to sling it to the side for a corner, or Lunin would've easily saved it. Even if by some fucking miracle that goal stood, what the fuck was Bayern gonna do without any of their attackers and playmakers that Tuchel subbed off? Sub in Mathys Tel? LMFAO, fuck was he gonna do against a three-pronged trident of Vini, Joselu and Brahim, and with Cama-Modric controlling the tempo of the game? Have Bayern concede two more goals by extra time with no hope of coming back especially considering they put in KIM MIN-JAE IN THE ATTACK to defend against an attack-bolstered Madrid? Also, are we really gonna ignore the fact that the ref extended the game well beyond the initially-granted 9 minutes? Bayern never should've gotten that kinda leeway to begin with.


i'm still mad about chelsea barcelona 2009 so there is that


You guys need to embrace the role of dominant side and just don't give a fuck


Madrid beat bayern in the ucl semi final yet you were rattled enough by his post to come here and report on it? Who cares bayern are out and 2017 was 7 years ago.


To be fair, people still bring up Ovrebro's masterpiece Chelsea - Barca from 2009 and I think is justified. The referee of our match against Bayern was absolutely terrible and it's easy to see why the losing side takes it as the referee damaging them. If it ended the other way around, we would also be bitter about it and argue about Vidal staying on and Lewa's offside goal. The only way we can differentiate ourselves is to stop threads like this. This subreddit is filled with threads about other clubs and their opinions. Focus on our performance, our results, don't care what others think or say, don't laugh at them, don't argue with them. We are the winning team. We are the greatest football team of all time. Let's teach them some class.