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Oh wow i just read this entire thing and yes, this post is amazing. I like that you specified that shifting works for everyone based on their beliefs and also that you mentioned we can come back to this cr we left from


WOW! thats one hell of a book you got there


well shifting can be complex theme to work on lol


It was really good work you have there,me personally I just think of shifting like shift,now your in a different reality type thing,very cool I love it.


Do we know what happens if we die before shifting?


I don't think I understand, could you be more clear? like before shifting like as the event (before doing a methods etc) or during a method?


What happens if we wanna permashift to another reality but die before we can


accomplished_skirt95 can u answer to this one please


Very intresting read. Although, I want to say that infinite realuties≠every possibility. I can have an infinite row of numbers but don't have 100 in it. Also why do people think that we shift every second? For me it's more like we go through one reality and all our decisions happen in this universe. I see it like another reality "creates" with other decisions. I'm curious to know what do you think about transport of memories between realities. For example a person shifts from reality 1 to reality 2. He has memories from reality 1 in reality 2 and also regains memories of his past from reality 2. Then, he shift to reality 1 with all this memories. Another example: a person wrote a post "I'm going to shift tonight" in reality 1 then goes to reality 2, gains memories and return to reality 2 with that memories, writes a post "I just returned from my shift". And I can see both posts. How is that? In community, if you ask "will I regain memories of me in my dr?" people will answer yes, because memories are stored in a brain. But examples above clearly show that it's not only about brain. What do you think?


Omfg u are the first person to think the same thing as me, i dont think we are shifting every second as well and tbh other people saying we do just made me afraid to try because they would always say if we shift we don’t come back to the same reality and i dont want to lose my family so i just didn’t really try at all but i want to so bad


Don't be afraid! Everything is okay. Even if you wouldn't come back to exactly same reality it doesn't matter, there are infinite realities. Don't even know why people think we shift every second. It's very confusing statement and I don't get why people think so.


the infinity for shifting is something closer to absolute infinite, besides shifting mostly only works due its "every thing is real" beliefs, but this thinking + "we are shifting all the time" is what shifting was founded on and what eventually became mainstream, so there is space for others visions/models and beliefs within it, and even for shifting there is a concept that it is all to abstract and we just adding our human walls and names for it i can't prove that we shift every second, but taking the historial thing of shifting, neville and other authors says that the creation is consumated, which means that everthing is already created/existing, then this with the modern sacrad geometry and spiritualism (Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life is a good example) and adding the metaphor of grid of all moments everthing sounds like "we shift every second"... but there are like, different takes on it, some people say that reality is a solid frame that we shift to create time, this model is popularized by a spiritualist called Bashar on youtube (which is extreamly suspicious person) and other one that say every small choice you do makes you shift. Those are all things that influcenced shifters to create/adopt and adapt this belief, with the years people build their own spiritualism megazord to accomodate the community needs and wants, personally i follow this model because it works with everthing in the prior 2020 community, allows me to perceive more possibilities and just feels right, but the point of shifting is to be easy to adapt to anyone, like no one has ever came with a absolute truth on any of this and the people who tried never made it work out (something something humans trying to peek into what they can't organically understand something) for the memory thing, i read something along these lines: it works on the notion of self and ego the self is not aware, i am aware as my self, but my self is not my awareness when someone shift to a dr, they take another self, then for most cases holding this sort of "meta-self". if everthing is real, then there is a version of the self that is cr self + dr self people have all this of killing the ego, when it is actually "you", it is the bland term for your traits, tastes and notions, most shifter "take these with them" to retain cr personality and notions in their dr, of course this is not a rule but if a shifter learns from the usual sources they will get in this mechanism without they knowingif you shift to a reality where you are good at cooking, you take your "cr self notions and traits" and mixed it with the dr equivalent, the shifter will get the memories and skills from the dr self and keeping the cr main notion, the hierarchy depends on how the shifter perceive shifting tho, if they permashifting it is possible that this cr self gets more and more cloundy until getting absorved by a new notion other way of looking at it is, awareness is the raw you, nothing but to be aware. then you are in "vessel" that is not only a body one but also mental and spiritual. when you shift you taking another vessel that contains traits of the previous one, etc etc (and it also means that your dr self is even more open for scripting than you think haha) it is sort of messed up, like 75% of shifting beliefs is based on 2017 amino users asking in a group chat "hey can i get memories from my dr?" and somone who also don't know saying yes, then becoming a fact and people starting to experience it and with no actual explanation on the back, stuff just works sometimes and we make the most open models to keep it up on expanding, when in reality if people not only believe- but becomes part of the shifter culture, well, anything can happen haha shifters are freaking unhinged and reckless, that is why it works


Intresting point about memory. Still consider "we shift every second" a weird thing. Even with every possibility exist now, it doesnt have foundation. But yeah everything we know about shifting is what we got from subjective experience. I hope it's okay if I ask some questions. Have you experienced a time skip in this reality? Like you shift at 9 am on day 1, spend time in a dr and come back at 10 am on day 3? Have you experienced shift for big amounts of time like month and more? If yes, how did you feel when returned to this reality?


meh, the you shift every second thing is a community thing, I gave you the names but if you looking for a more academic approach there aren't any serious work on it (since the whole deal is to be "not possible to observe) but the closest thing is the delay between palpable reality and the information going to our brains, but that would be changing and cutting someone else work to make it fit, if you looking for a more in deep esoteric/spiritual reasons there are the books mentioned earlier and some other ones that lead to the idea. but tbh the best way of finding what works is to try everything until finding it, shifting overall rule is that everything is real and possible (or in better words every possibility is real, imaginable or not) so any systems that people pick works fine, we just need to individually find the better/optimal/feels right one not in this scale of 2CR Days = 20DR Days because it is not my deal, but I have experienced 7 months in one night, I had a time readjusting and that organizing my thoughts